ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 2012/11/26 Agenda AGENDA The City of Lake Forest Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Monday, November 26, 2012 City Hall – 220 E. Deerpath 6:30 p.m. Rosemary Kehr, Chairman Richard Christoff Stewart Dixon Sam M. Ciccarelli Lloyd Culbertson Jay Kennedy Robert Franksen The Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are broadcast live on Cable TV 1. Introduction of Board members and staff, overview of meeting procedures – Chairman Kehr 2. Approval of the minutes from the August 30, 2012 and October 22, 2012 meetings. NEW PETITION 3. Consideration of a request for approval of a variance from the lot-in-depth zoning setback requirements to allow construction of an addition and alterations at 301 E. Vine Avenue. Owners: Herbert and Marianne Stride Representative: Scott Streightiff, architect OTHER ITEMS 4. Opportunity for the public to address the Zoning Board of Appeals on matters not on the agenda. 5. Additional information from staff. MEETING PROCEDURES Zoning Board of Appeals’ meetings follow the procedures outlined below. In the spirit of fairness to all parties, any of these procedures may be modified for a particular item at the discretion of the Chairman. 1. Introduction of the Item by the Chairman 2. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest and Ex Parte Contacts 3. Swearing in of Parties Intending to Testify 4. Presentation by the Petitioner – not to exceed 20 minutes. 5. Identification of Issues by Staff - not to exceed 5 minutes. 6. Questions and requests for clarification from Board to Petitioner or Staff. 7. Public Testimony - not to exceed 5 minutes per speaker. 8. Opportunity for cross examination. Requires submittal of request to cross examine prior to meeting. 9. Final Questions from Board to Petitioner or Staff, or direction to Petitioner and Staff to provide additional information. 10. Petitioner Rebuttal - not to exceed 10 minutes. 11. Staff Response to Public Testimony - not to exceed 5 min. 12. Board Discussion and Comment 13. Board Action Mandatory Adjournment Time 11:00 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are required to contact the Community Development Department at (847)810-3503 promptly to allow the City to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.