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PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2023/06/12 Packet PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2023 – 5:30 P.M. CITY HALL – UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER ARA GOSHGARIAN, CHAIRMAN EILEEN LOOBY WEBER TED NOTZ II. NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEMS 1. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 1, 2023 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE ELAWA PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT – BYRON KUTZ 3. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2022 LAKE COUNTY ALL-NATURAL HAZARDS MITIGATION PLAN – BYRON KUTZ 4. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF BID FOR THE WATER PLANT GENERATOR RADIATOR REPAIR PROJECT – DAN MARTIN 5. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROJECT – DAN MARTIN 6. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF A ONE-YEAR PROFESSIONAL CITY FACILITIES JANITORIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT EXTENSION – JIM LOCKEFEER 7. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF A THE ANNUAL THERMOPLASTIC LANE MARKING BID – JIM LOCKEFEER 8. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL WAIVER OF THE BID PROCESS AND AWARD OF PURCHASE FOR THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SECTION MOBILE WORK VAN REPLACEMENT – JIM LOCKEFEER 9. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF A REPLACEMENT PARKS SECTION PICK-UP TRUCK APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER – JIM LOCKEFEER III. FY ’24 CIP PROJECT SUMMARY CHART IV. ASSET, INFRASTRUCTURE, & SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS 1. MEET THE FLEET EVENT V. BUDGET / HIRING / INNOVATION UPDATES VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. NEXT MEETING – TBD VIII. ADJOURNMENT NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF THE MAY 1, 2023, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023 – 4:30 P.M. DEERPATH AND ROUTE 41 PUMP STATION SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AHWAHNEE LANE AND DEERPATH ROAD MINUTES I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Preschlack called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. Aldermen Nancy Novit and Ted Notz were in attendance. Staff attending the meeting included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry; Bernard Pondexter, Engineering Assistant and Jim Lockefeer, Assistant Director of Public Works. Also in attendance was Hugh Gilgunn, CivilTech Engineering, IDOT Pump Station Project Engineer. All meeting members participated in a brief tour of the Deerpath and Route 41 Pump Station Project. II. NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEMS 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 17, 2023 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Novit moved to approve the April 17, 2023 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF BID FOR THE ROCKEFELLER-MCCORMICK-LOCH RAVINE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Assistant Director Lockefeer reviewed the below summary presentation slide on the topic. 2 The Committee and City staff discussed project communications, construction access, and the bid process. Alderman Notz moved to recommend to City Council finding that Misfits Construction Company is not a responsible bidder for this sized Rockefeller- McCormick-Loch Ravine Improvement Project and award of Bid to V3 Construction Group as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in the amount of $693,500, to include a 10% contingency in the amount of $69,350, for a grand total amount of $762,850. Alderman Novit seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL PURCHASE OF FACILITY HVAC REPLACEMENT UNITS Assistant Director Lockefeer reviewed the below summary presentation slide on the topic. Alderman Novit moved to recommend to City Council award four City facility HVAC unit replacements to JNL Climate Control in the amount of $45,638. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF BID FOR THE ANNUAL CONCRETE STREET, CURB, AND SIDEWALK PROJECT AND DEERPATH/WESTMORELAND SIDEWALK CONNECTIVITY PROJECT Director Thomas reviewed the below summary presentation slides on the topic. 3 The Committee and City staff discussed project communications, the location of the Deerpath/ Westmoreland Sidewalk Connectivity Project, and the potential for a crosswalk installation as part of the Deerpath/ Westmoreland Sidewalk Connectivity Project. Alderman Novit moved to recommend to City Council award of the low bid for the Annual Concrete Street, Curb, and Sidewalk Project, and the Deerpath/Westmoreland Sidewalk Connectivity Project to Schroeder & Schroeder, Inc., and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement in an 4 amount not to exceed $185,000. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. III. FY ’24 CIP PROJECT SCHEDULE The Committee and City staff reviewed and discussed the below presentation slides. 5 IV. ASSET, INFRASTRUCTURE, & SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS There were no discussions on the Asset, Infrastructure, & Service Highlights. V. BUDGET / HIRING / INNOVATION UPDATES There were no discussions on Budget / Hiring / Innovation Updates. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. VII. NEXT MEETING Director Thomas explained that the next meeting will be held at a future, to be determined date. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Novit moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 5:28 P.M. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Assistant Director of Public Works NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE ELAWA PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ELAWA PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES •Parking lot (80 spaces) often over capacity and overflows into the adjacent neighborhood •80 spaces include 40 spaces that need to be available for Lake County Forest Preserve at any time (1999 IGA) •Existing LCFP lot not included in scope –staff contacted LCFP to see if they are interested •A 2016 Landscape Concept created by Craig Bergmann Landscape Design accounted for improved sidewalk circulation, bike-racks, and additional landscape screening, which are all included in the scope of the proposed design •Community Development met with HOA in early May (meeting again potentially in July) •Project will resurface existing parking lot, expand the lot to the north, drainage improvements including a bioswale, improve sidewalk accessibility, EV charging stations, light-pole relocations as needed, landscape screening, and site layout will accommodate future bathrooms •Scope includes project design and specifications, preliminary and final cost estimates, and development of construction documents ELAWA PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES •Staff initiated RFP process; four proposals received •Bleck designed gravel parking lot expansion in 2016 and assisted with 2016 landscape concept •FY2024 Budget: $34,816 •Final cost estimates due in early October prior to FY25 budget submittal •Action requested: PW Committee recommends City Council Award Design Engineering Services for the Elawa Parking Lot Improvements to Bleck Engineering Company, Inc., and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement in the Amount of $29,400 to Include a Contingency in the Amount of $5,416 for a Total Cost of $34,816 Consultant Firm Proposal Amount Bleck Engineering Company, Inc.$29,400 Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. $35,200 Larson Engineering $57,655 Primera Engineers, Ltd. $96,400 NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2022 LAKE COUNTY ALL- NATURAL HAZARDS MITIGATION PLAN ADOPTION OF 2022 LAKE COUNTY ALL-NATURAL HAZARDS MITIGATION PLAN •Addresses natural hazards that may impact Lake County and identifies activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to potential hazards (e.g., earthquakes, tornados, floods, snow, wind, hail, ice). •Mitigation means anything that can be done to reduce the impact of a natural hazard. Mitigation is needed due to increasing number of flood events, escalated costs for response and recovery, and repetitive loss from events •Adoption every 5 years maintains municipality eligibility for federal disaster mitigation grants (update of the 2017 plan) •No cost to City –Parts of ANHMP that cannot be implemented (either because municipality chooses not to or due to lack of resources), then there is no penalty or loss of FEMA eligibility •Lake County SMC update process included three (3) meetings with participating municipalities in January, February, March, and April,2022 •Action requested: PW Committee Requests City Council Approval of a Resolution to Adopt the 2022 Lake County All- Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF BID FOR THE WATER PLANT GENERATOR RADIATOR REPAIR PROJECT WATER PLANT GENERATOR RADIATOR REPAIR PROJECT •Water Plant has two (2) Emergency back up generators installed in 2004; have capacity to operate the plant at 80% •West generator radiator was rebuilt in 2020 •Last winter a small coolant leak was discovered on the east generator radiator •Radiator rebuild is labor intensive due to its size and confined area •Public bid process with a mandatory onsite pre-bid meeting –only one contractor attended •Midwest Power currently holds Preventative Maintenance Contract for all City generators as part of the Municipal Partnering Initiative •Midwest Power completed the west generator radiator was rebuilt in 2020 •Non-budgeted; project to be funded from the fund balance reserves •If necessary, a supplemental appropriation would be requested at fiscal year-end •If approved, work will begin in May 2023 •Action Requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Award of Bid in the Amount of $99,500 with a 5% or $4,975 Contingency to Midwest Power for the Lake Forest Water Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Radiator Rebuild Project Firm Name Cost Midwest Power Industry, Inc.$99,500 Steiner No Response Lion Heart Bond Requirement Concerns Altorfer Cat No Response NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROJECT ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES •City’s current water meter system was installed in 2004 •Approximately 6,532 residential meters, 45 multi-family meters, and 136 commercial meters •Water meters are equipped with a radio read transceiver; Water & Sewer conducts reads via a vehicle to gather usage information for water billing •Meters are approaching the standard 20-year EUL and some meter replacements have begun due to failing meter batteries •In 2020 Strand and Associates completed a preliminary study outlining available meter technology options and their approximate costs ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES •The preliminary study recommended a full City water meter replacement implementing either Radio Frequency (RF) or Cellular Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) •AMI has numerous innovative benefits to both City Operations and property owners •FY24 CIP Water Fund Budget: $80,000 •Public RFP process; four proposals received •RFP Committee comprised of City staff reviewed and ranked each proposal based on the cost, experience and qualifications of the firm, the firms’ experience with municipal government projects completed in the Midwest region, and references / results achieved with similar prior projects •RFP Committee unanimously recommends Strand & Associates •City has a great deal of positive experiences working with Strand Associates for the previous eleven years (Water Plant Improvement Project) •Demonstrated strongest experience providing AMI consulting services and has completed similar local projects for the municipalities of Highland Park, Lake Bluff, and Deerfield •Professional Engineers to develop technical specifications and drawings to design an AMI system •Action Requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Award of an Agreement with Strand Associates for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Professional Consulting Services for the Water Meter Replacement Project in the Amount of $72,460 to include a 5% Contingency in the amount of $3,623 for a Total Cost of $76,083 Firm Name Cost Contingency Total The Shipigler Group (Incomplete Submittal)$38,000 $1,900 $39,900 Meter SYS $58,072 $2,904 $60,976 Strand and Associates $72,460 $3,623 $76,083 E Source $83,420 $4,171 $87,591 NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF A ONE- YEAR PROFESSIONAL CITY FACILITIES JANITORIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT EXTENSION CITY FACILITIES JANITORIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT EXTENSION •Agreement includes all general (nightly) facility janitorial duties at 14 City facilities and twice/year floor care treatments •Originally bid three-year agreement with Multisystem Management Company (MMC) ended July 2022; agreement allows for two, one-year extensions based on performance / price increase •Public Works Committee and City Council approved first one-year extension in June of 2022; 3% price increase •Proposed final one-year extension price increase of 3% •Nightly facility janitorial services -$199,444 •Twice/year floor care treatments -$31,736 •Total:-$231,180 •All janitorial services are funded via building operating budget accounts •City staff Building Coordinator Group has met quarterly over the course of original three-year agreement and one-year extension to discuss MMC performance; coordinators support extending MMC for another year •Action requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Award Multisystem Management Company a One-Year Professional Services Agreement Extension to Multisystem Management Company to Provide Janitorial Services at City Facilities in the Amount of $231,180 NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF A THE ANNUAL THERMOPLASTIC LANE MARKING BID ANNUAL THERMOPLASTIC LANE MARKING BID •FY24 Program Budget -$93,000 •Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) joint bid •The 2023 SPC/IDOT thermoplastic lane marking contract was awarded to Superior Road Striping, Inc. of Melrose Park •Lane marking specifications meet Illinois IDOT standards •City’s Long Line Striping Program is split into 4 zones (includes all streets, parking lots and crosswalks) •Zone 4 completed in 2022 •Zone 1 to be completed in 2023 •Action Requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Award the Thermoplastic Lane Marking Bid to Superior Road Striping, Inc. in the Amount of $93,000 Description UOM 2022 Cost per Unit 2023 Cost per Unit 4” Line LF $0.73 $0.73 6” Line LF $1.19 $1.19 12” Line LF $2.11 $2.11 24” Line LF $5.25 $5.25 Letters & Symbols SF $5.25 $5.25 NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL WAIVER OF THE BID PROCESS AND AWARD OF PURCHASE FOR THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SECTION MOBILE WORK VAN REPLACEMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE SECTION MOBILE WORK VAN REPLACEMENT •Replacement purchase of Building Maintenance Section mobile work van •Current van to be replaced has been in service since 2002; van is at the end of its estimated useful life •FY24 Capital Equipment Replacement Budget –$115,000 •Initial FY2023 budget = $70,000; additional $45,000 allocated in FY24 •Entire FY24 Capital Replacement Program reviewed and approved by Finance Committee and PW Committee in November 2022 •Due to significant challenges in acquiring a work van replacement staff is seeking waiver of the bid process to award a direct purchase •Due to extremely high demand and low supply, there have been no opportunities to purchase via a joint bid process •No other competitive purchase opportunities as direct lot purchases have been occurring on a first come, first served basis •Fyda Freightliner has agreed to hold their quoted $78,937 price through August 1, 2023 •Staff is very comfortable moving at this price; additional funding allocated for FY24 was recommended in anticipation that the ongoing high demand and low supply trends would result in a much higher purchase price •Item to appear on July 17th City Council agenda; requires 2/3 vote •Action Requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Waive the Bid Process and Award Purchase for the Building Maintenance Section Mobile Work Van Replacement to Fyda Freightliner of Cincinnati in the Amount of $78,937 NEW BUSINESS / ACTION ITEM: REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF A REPLACEMENT PARKS SECTION PICK-UP TRUCK APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER RATIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY PURCHASE -PARKS SECTION PICK-UP TRUCK REPLACEMENT •Ratification of an emergency purchase to replace Parks Section pick-up truck approved by the City Manager on May 31. •Current truck to be replaced to transfer to the Parks and Recreation Sailing Program to serve as their needed towing vehicle; sailing program vehicle to transfer to golf course •Golf course has been without a needed pick-up truck since the Fall of 2022 after their existing pick-up truck had to be removed from service due to significant frame rust and rot •FY24 Capital Equipment Replacement Budget –$75,000 •Entire FY24 Capital Replacement Program reviewed and approved by Finance Committee and PW Committee in November 2022 •Due to significant challenges in acquiring a replacement pick-up truck staff pursued emergency purchase directly off dealership lot •Due to extremely high demand and low supply, there have been no opportunities to purchase via a joint bid process •No other competitive purchase opportunities as direct lot purchases have been occurring on a first come, first served basis •When these trucks have become available, subject to dealer market adjustments that have ranged from $5,000 to $15,000 over MSRP •Castle Motors had one truck on their lot that met City replacement purchase specifications at a purchase price of $58,944 •Price quoted was $2,500 over MSRP; truck was anticipated to be sold the day it became available •Action Requested: PW Committee Recommends City Council Approve the Ratification of an Emergency Purchase of a Replacement Parks Section Pick-Up Truck Approved by the City Manager, to Castle Motors of McHenry in the Amount of $58,944 FY ’24 CIP PROJECT SUMMARY CHART CIP PROJECT SUMMARY CHART –CAPITAL FUND Project Asset Category % Complete Project Timeline Notes Annual Pavement Resurfacing & Patching Program Road 5%Mid June –Mid October 4/3 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 4/17 CC approval. First phase anticipated to begin in mid-June. Crack Sealing Program Road 5%Early Fall 4/3 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 5/1 CC approval. Concrete Streets Repair Road 5%July –August 5/1 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 5/15 seeking CC approval. Annual Longline Striping Program Road 0%August 6/12 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 6/20 seeking CC approval. Waukegan & Everett Intersection (Land Acquisition)Road 5%2023 –2024 Applied for STP-Shared grant for land-acquisition, award notification is Fall 2023. Dates for PWC and CC is to be determined pending potential award of grant. Waukegan & Westleigh Intersection (Land Acquisition)Road 5%2023 –2024 Dates for PWC and CC is to be determined pending initial coordination with the School District. Concrete Sidewalk/Curb Replacement Road / Sidewalk 5%July –August 5/1 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 5/15 CC approval. Deerpath Sidewalk Connectivity (41-Westmoreland)Sidewalk 5%September –October 5/1 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 5/15 CC approval. Coordinating with the hospital regarding easements. Whispering Oaks Sidewalk Connections (SRTS) Design PH 2 Sidewalks 5%Spring –Fall In-house staff performing phase I design, schedule for consulting out Phase II design is being determined. McLennon-Reed Bridge Repairs –MFT Resolution Bridge 0%Spring 2024 11/20/23 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 12/4/23 seeking CC approval. McLennon-Reed Bridge Repairs –Construction Bridge 0%Spring 2024 1/16/24 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 2/5/24 seeking CC approval. Lake-Woodbine Bridge Reconstruction Design PH 2 Bridge 5%Summer 2023 –Fall 2024 4/3 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 4/17 CC approval. Elawa Parking Lot Resurfacing and Expansion –Design Parking Lot 5%Summer –Fall Onsite meeting with stakeholders on 5/6. 6/12 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 6/20 seeking CC approval. Elawa Parking Lot Resurfacing and Expansion –Construction Parking Lot 0%Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 Dates TBD pending design completion CIP PROJECT SUMMARY CHART –CAPITAL FUND Project Asset Category % Complete Project Timeline Notes Gorton Community Center Patio & Drop in Center Facility 5%TBD Staff presented project to HPC 1/25; project needs to return to HPC; Com Dev leading special use permit review. Public Safety Water Cooled Chiller Replacement Facility 5%Fall 9/18 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 10/2 seeking CC approval. Preliminary project design efforts underway. Volwiler Carpet & Flooring Replacement Facility 0%Fall 9/18 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 10/2 seeking CC approval. Police Department Break Room Renovation Facility 25%May –June 2/21 CC approved. Preconstruction meeting held 3/16. Demo work complete. ADA Transition Plan Facilities / Right of Way / Parks 5%May –September Approved by City Council 4/17. Project kickoff meeting to soon be scheduled. Rockefeller/McCormick/Loch Ravine Construction Ravine 5%September –November 5/15 CC approved. Project construction to begin in September. Washington Road Ravine Construction Ravine 0%TBD Reevaluation of project scope needed. Annual Storm Sewer Lining Program Storm Sewer 10%August –September 3/20 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 4/3 CC approval. Ahwahnee Road Storm Sewer Upgrade Construction Storm Sewer 0%December 2023 – Summer 2024 11/20 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 12/4 seeking CC approval. Awaiting grant announcement. Beach Crane Replacements Beach 10%October Crane replacements to occur in October. Deerpath Community Park Improvement Project Park 25%Fall 6/1 95% of mass grading is complete & focus is now on storm sewer, concrete and foundations. Townline Park Splash Pad Park 100%Spring Slip resistant surfacing installed over the concrete on the splash pad. Completed work and opened splash pad for the season on May 23. Forest Park Bluff Slope Stabilization Forest Park 10%September 18, 2023 – March 2024 3/20 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 4/3 CC approval. Construction to begin post labor day 2023 (Preparation and tree removal will start 2 weeks in advance) and will be completed prior to 2024 beach opening CIP PROJECT SUMMARY CHART –WATER FUND Project Asset Category % Complete Project Timeline Notes Sir William Lane Watermain Replacement (Lawrence-Everett)Water 10%Mid June –End August 3/6 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 3/20 seeking CC approval. Membrane Module Replacement Water 5%May –June 2/6 PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 2/21 CC approval. Anticipate delivery & installation to begin in June. Water Meter Replacement Project Design Water 5%June –December 6/12 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 6/20 seeking CC approval. Annual Sanitary Sewer Lining Program Sanitary 10%August –September 3/20 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 4/3 seeking CC approval. Manhole Lining and I&I Repairs Design Sanitary 5%Spring –Summer 4/17 seeking PWC review and recommended approval to CC; 5/1 seeking CC approval. Pump VFD Upgrade (2 Year)Water 10%May –January CC approved two year contract on 3/7/21. First year contract completed; second year VFDs ordered with expected fall delivery. ASSET, INFRASTRUCTURE, & SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS: MEET THE FLEET EVENT BUDGET / HIRING / INNOVATION UPDATES PUBLIC COMMENT NEXT MEETING: TBD ADJOURNMENT