CITY COUNCIL 2015/01/05 PacketThe City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
City Council Meeting - City Council Chambers
City Manager Robert Kiely asked the Council for a motion to appoint Alderman Pandaleon as
acting Mayor. Alderman Waldeck made a motion, seconded by Alderman Beidler to appoint
Alderman Pandaleon as acting Mayor. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Acting Mayor Pandaleon called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm,
and Deputy City Clerk Margaret Boyer called the roll of Council members.
Present: Alderman Waldeck, Alderman Beidler, Alderman Pandaleon, Alderman Tack, Alderman
Adelman and Alderman Moreno.
Absent: Honorable Mayor Schoenheider, Alderman Reisenberg and Alderman Moore.
Also present were: Bob Kiely, City Manager, Victor Filippini, City Attorney; Carina Walters,
Assistant City Manager; Susan Banks, Communications Manager; Catherine Czerniak, Director of
Community Development; Elizabeth Holleb, Director of Finance and Michael Thomas, Director of
Public Works.
There were approximately 20 present in the audience.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon reported that the City Council had just returned from a construction tour
at the Gorton Community Center. He stated that the work to date was impressive and encouraged
residents to participate in events at the Center when the construction is complete. Alderman
Beidler added that fundraising opportunities still exist and any donation would be appreciated.
A. 2014-2015 New Board and Commission Appointments/Reappointments
Library Board
Carrie Travers Appoint 2
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
Regular City Council Meeting
COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Mayors Appointment
Alderman Moreno made a motion to approve the Mayors Appointment, seconded by Alderman
Waldeck. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
A. Online Water Billing Demonstration
-Finance Director, Elizabeth Holleb
City Manager Robert Kiely introduced Finance Director Elizabeth Holleb , who demonstrated a
step-by-step of how the new on-line water billing system works. Options for online water bill
payments include: one time only, reoccurring, credit card or electronic check. Residents will also
have the option of electronic notification only or both electronic notification and a paper bill. All
residents will be notified via the City web site, press release, water billing and the spring Dialogue.
Ms. Holleb also gave credit and thanked Diane Horn and Laronda Haines who handled the project.
Paul Haman of 511 Beverley, offered his opinion on impact fees to the City Council.
1. Approval of the December 1, 2014 City Council meeting Minutes
2. Approval of the December 10, 2014 Special City Council meeting Minutes
3. Check Register for period November 22- December 19, 2014
4. Approval of Golf Course Operating Bank Account and a Resolution Establishing
Authorized Signers for the Account
5. Ratification of the Adoption of Ordinances Terminating Special Services Areas
15, 33, 34, 35 and 36
Steve Goldman Appoint 3
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
Regular City Council Meeting
6. Consideration of a Resolution Ratifying the Execution of a Contract for the
Purchase of Certain Real Property (Approval by motion)
7. Consideration of Ordinances Approving Recommendations from the Building
Review Board. (First Reading and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval)
8. Consideration of Ordinances Approving Recommendations from the Historic
Preservation Commission. (First Reading and if Desired by the City Council, Final
9. Consideration of Recommendations from the Zoning Board of Appeals in
Support of Ordinances Granting Zoning Variances. (First Reading, and if Desired
by the City Council, Final Approval)
10. Approval of a Lease Agreement Between the Elawa Farm Foundation and the
Parks and Recreation Department for the Elawa Cottage.
11. Consideration of a Request to Waive Building Permit Fees for Improvements at
Gorton Community Center, a City Owned Building. (Approve by Motion)
COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon asked the Council if they would like any item removed or be taken
separately. Alderman Adelman noted that he had a conflict with respect to two ordinances
involving 111 W. Westminster that are included under Items 8 and 9 of the Omnibus
Agenda. Accordingly, Acting Mayor Pandaleon stated that those two items would be removed
from the Omnibus Agenda and considered separately, at which point he asked for a motion to
approve the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented, except for the two ordinances involving 111
W. Westminster that are included under Items 8 and 9 of the Omnibus Agenda.
Alderman Waldeck made a motion approving all eleven (11) Omnibus items (including waivers of
first reading) with the exception of the two ordinances involving 111 W. Westminster that are
included under Items 8 and 9 of the Omnibus Agenda, seconded by Alderman Moreno. The
following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Tack, Adelman, Moreno, and Acting Mayor
Pandaleon. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon then asked for the Council’s consideration of waiver of first reading on
the ordinance regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Historic
Preservation Commission, which item was removed from Item 8 of the Omnibus Agenda. City
Attorney Filippini noted that, because the consideration of a waiver of first reading is a procedural
vote and not a vote on the substance of the ordinance, Alderman Adelman was eligible to vote
without implicating his conflict on the substance of the proposed ordinance. Alderman Waldeck
then moved to waive first reading on the ordinance regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon
the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission, which item had been included
under Item 8 of the Omnibus Agenda, seconded by Alderman Beidler. The following voted “Yea”:
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
Regular City Council Meeting
Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Tack, Adelman, Moreno, and Acting Mayor Pandaleon. The following
voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon asked if there was any further discussion on the proposed ordinance
regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Historic Preservation
Commission. There being none, Alderman Waldeck then moved to approve the ordinance
regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Historic Preservation
Commission, which item had been removed from Item 8 of the Omnibus Agenda, seconded by
Alderman Moreno. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Tack, Moreno, and
Acting Mayor Pandaleon. The following voted “Nay”: None. The following abstained: Alderman
Adelman. 5 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 abstention, motion carried.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon then asked for the Council’s consideration of waiver of first reading on
the ordinance regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Zoning
Board of Appeals, which item was removed from Item 9 of the Omnibus Agenda. Alderman
Moreno moved to waive first reading on the ordinance regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon
the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, which item had been included under Item 9
of the Omnibus Agenda, seconded by Alderman Beidler. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen
Waldeck, Beidler, Tack, Adelman, Moreno, and Acting Mayor Pandaleon. The following voted
“Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon asked if there was any further discussion on the proposed ordinance
regarding 111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Zoning Board of
Appeals. There being none, Alderman Waldeck then moved to approve the ordinance regarding
111 W. Westminster based upon the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, which item
had been removed from Item 9 of the Omnibus Agenda, seconded by Alderman Moreno. The
following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Tack, Moreno, and Acting Mayor Pandaleon.
The following voted “Nay”: None. The following abstained: Alderman Adelman. 5 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1
abstention, motion carried.
Information such as Purpose and Action Requested, Background/Discussion, Budget/Fiscal Impact,
Recommended Action and a Staff Contact as it relates to the Omnibus items can be found on the agenda.
1. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Plan Commission in Support of
the Approval of Ordinances Pertaining to the Establishment of a Tax Increment
Financing District on a 10-Acre Site Located on the Northwest Corner of Laurel
and Western Avenues. (First Reading)
Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development reported on a recommendation from the
Plan Commission in support of the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF). She
added that the Plan Commission recognized the conditions on the site to be obsolete, saw the
need for remediation to address existing conditions and the need for public improvements in the
vicinity of the site. It is unlikely that the site will develop in a manner consistent with the needs,
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
Regular City Council Meeting
desires and character of the community without the support offered by a Tax Increment Financing
Ms. Czerniak stated that the Plan Commission acknowledged that the detailed financial aspects of
the TIF District are under the purview of the City Council and urged appropriate due diligence on
the part of the Council. Ms. Czerniak then introduced Consultant Lee Brown of Teska Associates,
Inc. Mr. Brown gave an overview of the boundaries included in the proposed TIF district, and
stated that in accordance with State law, the approval of three Ordinances is required to establish
a TIF District.
1. An Ordinance approving the redevelopment plan and project for the Laurel and Western
Avenues redevelopment project area.
2. An Ordinance designating the Laurel and Western Avenues Redevelopment Project Area
pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act.
3. An Ordinance adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Laurel and Western Avenues
redevelopment project area.
Mr. Brown added that the creation of a TIF District will result in incremental tax revenues being
received by the City as improvements occur on the site. The revenues received will be deposited
into a Special Tax Allocation Fund and expended as approved by the City Council to cover TIF
eligible expenses. Any associated expenditures recorded in Fiscal Year 2015 in the Special Tax
Allocation Fund will require review and approval through a Supplemental Appropriation
Ordinance in April 2015.
Acting Mayor Pandaleon asked if there was anyone from the public who wanted to comment on
the topic. Paul Haman of 511 Beverly offered his opinion to the City Council .
COUNCIL ACTION: Approve first reading of each of the three Ordinances noted above.
Alderman Moreno made a motion to approve first reading of each of the three Ordinances noted
above, seconded by Alderman Beidler. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler,
Pandaleon, Tack, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion
2. Approval of an Ordinance that allows for the revising, amending, restating,
codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances. (First Reading)
Victor Filippini, City Attorney stated that there is an Ordinance before the City Council that allows
for the revising, amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances within the
City of Lake Forest. It also contains a saving clause that allows for missing or non-updated
Proceedings of the January 5, 2015
Regular City Council Meeting
Mr. Filippini added that per the agreement with American Legal Publishing, The City of Lake Forest
will send updates to the Code of Ordinance twice a year. Additionally, the substantive changes
that were recommended by Staff will be seen by the City Council in the coming months,with the
next update coming in February 2015.
COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of first reading of an Ordinance that allows for the revising,
amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances.
Alderman Moreno made a motion to approve first reading of an Ordinance that allows for the
revising, amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances, seconded by
Alderman Beidler. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Pandaleon, Tack,
Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.
There being no further business. Alderman Adelman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by
Alderman Waldeck. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret Boyer
Deputy City Clerk
A video of the City Council meeting is available for viewing at the Lake Forest Library and on file in
the Clerk’s office at City Hall. You can also view it on the website by visiting Click on I Want To, then click on View, then choose Archived Meetings