CITY COUNCIL 2015/01/20 PacketThe City of Lake Forest CITY COUNCIL Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 City Council Meeting - City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Mayor Schoenheider called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm, and Deputy City Clerk Margaret Boyer called the roll of Council members. Present: Honorable Mayor Schoenheider, Alderman Waldeck, Alderman Beidler, Alderman Pandaleon, Alderman Tack, Alderman Reisenberg, Alderman Adelman and Alderman Moreno. Absent: Alderman Moore. Also present were: Bob Kiely, City Manager, Betsy Gates, City Attorney; Carina Walters, Assistant City Manager; Susan Banks, Communications Manager; Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development; Elizabeth Holleb, Director of Finance and Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works, James Held, Chief of Police, Craig Lepkowski, Commander. There were approximately 60 present in the audience. Mayor Schoenheider introduced the Color Guard and asked the audience to “please stand at the presentation of the colors by the Lake Forest Police Department Honor Guard.” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS COMMENTS BY MAYOR A. Announcement of the Fifth Recipient of The Lawrence R. Temple Distinguished Public Service Award: -Edward “Tim” Christie Mayor Schoenheider stated that he was honored to be associated with an award that is reflective of the community on his anniversary of being seated in the Mayors chair. He added that there are many residents that are ready to give back to the community when asked, and mentioned that however, there are certain people that seek out ways to give back, get involved and be an enveloped part of The City of Lake Forest. He stated that Tim Christie is this kind of community volunteer and is the fifth recipient of the Lawrence R Temple Award. Mayor Schoenheider thanked the Temple Award Committee Members: Scott Helton, Gail Hodges and Roger Mohr, noting that the Chair Jim Cowhey was unable to attend. Mayor Schoenheider stated that the Award is presented in memory of Lawrence R. Temple, who was serving the City as Alderman representing the Third Ward when he suddenly died on August 12, 2000. A twenty-four year resident, Temple previously had served as a member of the Plan Commission and the Building Review Board. Temple chaired the Building Review Board from 1993 until 1998. At the time the Award was established, at the urging of several of Temple’s colleagues, then-Mayor Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting Howard J. Kerr observed: “He loved Lake Forest and worked hard to protect its character and quality of life. He had the capacity to relate to and work with people to bring understanding, comprise, and solution to difficult issues.” Mayor Schoenheider then introduced Scott Helton, member of the Temple Award Committee. Mr. Helton, a former president of the Lake Forest Caucus, asked all residents and members to take note of the location of the Larry Temple Award Plaque. It is at the top of the stairs at City Hall, and, all those who enter the City Council Chamber either as a member of a Board or Commission or a resident are reminded of the quality of the individuals that came before and those that are listed on the Award. Mr. Helton added that Tim Christie’s name has been engraved and is on the plaque, and that Mr. Christie has left a legacy. Member Roger Mohr read the Award Resolution to the City Council and member Gail Hodges presented the award to Tim Christie. Mayor Schoenheider thanked Mr. Christie for all that he has done for the community. Mr. Christie accepted the award and said that he is humbled by it, and that he was privileged to serve on the Building Review Board with Larry Temple. He thanked everyone for the honor of the Award. B. Resolution of Appreciation for retiring Police Sergeant, Brian R. Verbeke The Mayor read the Resolution, and Sergeant Verbeke stated that he was honored to be a part of The City of Lake Forest Police Department. Alderman Pandaleon made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Moreno. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. C. Promotion of Officer Kevin Zelk to Sergeant Police Chief James Held stated that in 2006 Officer Zelk started for the Police Department and was recognized very quickly as being an exceptional police officer. He soon he become an evidence technician and was then made a detective in the Police Department. Chief Held then asked Officer Zelk’s wife to pin the Sergeant Star on her husband. D. Storm Water Commission Award Presentation - Ralph Gesualdo, President Forest Park Project Board Mayor Schoenheider introduced the President of the Forest Park Board, Ralph Gesualdo. Mr. Gesualdo reported that recently the Forest Park Project Board was awarded the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission 2014 Development of the Year. Mr. Guesaldo stated that the Forest Park Project is being commended for addressing infrastructure needs, solving drainage issues, promoting sustainability, maintaining natural site amenities, and encouraging ravine education as part of the Forest Park Master Plan. The project provides a system of bioswales and rain gardens, impervious surface reduction, permeable paving, and native landscaping that provide on-site stormwater storage, filtration and infiltration, sustainable landscaping, and water quality benefits for Lake Michigan. In addition, the project restored flatwoods wetlands for habitat and education purposes along with ravine educational signage at Seminary Ravine. Equally impressive is the Forest Park Board, a private-public partnership established to finance and construct the project, and to maintain the historical 30-acre park, one of the last green open Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting spaces along Lake Michigan. He and the other members of the Forest Park Board felt that the award belonged with the City for the efforts of staff including City Manager Robert Kiely, Cathy Czerniak, Michael Thomas, Chuck Myers and Bob Ells. The Award was presented to The City of Lake Forest on behalf of the Forest Park Board. E. Resolution of Sympathy for Former City Attorney Murray Conzelman Mayor Schoenheider read the Resolution of Sympathy. Alderman Waldeck offered additional words of support to the family. Alderman Waldeck made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Pandaleon. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. The Mayor added that the City recently learned of the passing of Marilyn Alaimo, who served on the Cemetery Commission form 1992-2001 and was the Chairman for part of her tenure. . Mayor Schoenheider added that longtime employee Shelley Walker will be leaving the City of Lake Forest; on behalf of the City Council he wished her all the best. Mayor Schoenheider thanked the Lake Forest Color Guard and asked all those present to please stand for the retiring of the colors by the Lake Forest Police Department Honor Guard. The Color Guard was then dismissed. COMMENTS BY CITY MANAGER A. Community Spotlight -Lake Forest Lake Bluff Recreation Joint Task Force Report Co-Chairs, Tighe Magnuson and Chris Mofbarger 1. Lake Bluff/Lake Forest Park and Recreation Joint Task Force Timeline This item was seen during the Finance portion of the meeting. For details, please see the Jan 20, 2015 Finance Committee meeting minutes. This was for informational purposes and no action was taken. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Approval of Parks and Recreation Joint Task Force Initiative -Waiver of Lake Bluff Non-Resident Fees Sally Swarthout, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation stated that she was happy to present one of the items recommended by the task force. Ms. Swarthout reviewed the summary of suggestions offered by the Joint Task Force earlier in the evening, which included: • Issuing Joint Community Press Release • Development of Golf Joint Task Force Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting • Review Common Capital Improvement Expenses • Remove Non-Resident Fees for collaborative communities • Create survey to measure reciprocity and cost-sharing opportunities • Research and offer additional joint programming opportunities • Institute Fitness Super Pass • Cross Market non-duplicated programs • Track Beach Usage in both communities • Offer Joint Training of Beach Lifeguards Interim Director Swarthout gave an overview of the timeline, expectations and items already implemented by the City. Staff requests approval to waive the non-resident programming fees for Lake Bluff residents per the recommendation of the Lake Bluff/Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Joint Task Force, and dependent on the reciprocal approval by the Lake Bluff Park District. A breakdown of the 9 selected Lake Forest programming areas and its registration revenues, non- resident fees and surcharges as related to registrations taken from Lake Bluff residents, and additional resident registrations needed to make up the deficiencies follows: Program Area Total Fees Collected NR Fees from Lake Bluff Lake Bluff NR Registrations Surcharge Amount (Lake Bluff only) Registrations needed to make up surcharge Camps 310,346.33 10,199.25 25 1,679.05 2.36 Dance Academy 244,126.53 47,448.04 132 10,220.20 25.30 WDC 3,212.00 210.00 4 34.00 10.50 Athletics 458,934.48 9,677.71 71 1,610.71 9.06 Stirling Hall 69,610.32 5,981.70 18 996.10 4.03 Sailing 197,053.95 15,915.00 20 2,720.00 4.10 ECE 43,711.59 1,297.00 15 221.00 2.66 Kinderhaven 215,113.79 2,633.00 1 409.00 0.18 Fitness Memberships 268,114 6,134 15 1,017 6.00 Totals 1,810,222.99 99,495.70 301.00 18,907.06 64.19 Ms. Swarthout answered a question relating to the dance program and offered an explanation of the surcharge and the effects of it being waived. She added that the registration schedule would remain the same, with Lake Forest residents registering first, followed by Lake Bluff residents. COUNCIL ACTION: Approval to waive the non-resident programming fees for Lake Bluff residents per the recommendation of the Lake Bluff/Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Joint Task Force and dependent on the reciprocal approval by the Lake Bluff Park District. Alderman Beidler made a motion to approve to waive the non-resident programming fees for Lake Bluff residents per the recommendation of the Lake Bluff/Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Joint Task Force and dependent on the reciprocal approval by the Lake Bluff Park District, seconded by Alderman Reisenberg. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Pandaleon, Tack, Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 7 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried. Chairman of the Public Works Committee, Alderman Waldeck stated that The City of Lake Forest will begin phase 2 of its Sensible Salting Policy. Phase 2 began on January 15 and will run through February 16 when Phase 3 will take effect. Ms. Waldeck added that Mother Nature has cooperated with the City this year. Alderman Waldeck stated that she and Alderman Moreno and Tack toured the Water Treatment Plant and would like to extend thanks to Staff for information shared and patience. Alderman Beidler stated that she and Alderman Waldeck recently attended the Lake County Leaders Summit, where former Mayor Mike Rummel was present. The summit offered additional ways communities can become involve with collaborative Lake County efforts. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. ITEMS FOR OMNIBUS VOTE CONSIDERATION 1. Approval of the January 5, 2015 City Council meeting Minutes 2. Award of Bid for the Replacement of Marked Police Cars Included in the FY2016 Capital Equipment Budget 3. Award of Bid for the Replacement of an Administrative Vehicle for the Fire Department Included in the FY2016 Capital Equipment Budget 4. Award of Bid for the Replacement of the CROYA Vehicle COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the four (4) Omnibus items as presented. Alderman Moreno made a motion to the Omnibus items as presented, seconded by Alderman Tack. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Pandaleon, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 7 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried. Information such as Purpose and Action Requested, Background/Discussion, Budget/Fiscal Impact, Recommended Action and a Staff Contact as it relates to the Omnibus items can be found on the agenda. ORDINANCES 1. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Plan Commission in Support of the Approval of Ordinances Pertaining to the Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District on a 10-Acre Site Located on the Northwest Corner of Laurel and Western Avenues. (Final Approval) Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting This item was briefed by Director of Community Development Catherine Czerniak during the Finance portion of the meeting. Mayor Schoenheider asked if there were any members of the Council that would like to discuss this further. Seeing none he asked of there were any members of the audience who would like to address the City Council. Seeing none, he asked for a motion. COUNCIL ACTION: Grant final approval of each of the three Ordinances noted above. Alderman Pandaleon made a motion to grant final approval of the three Ordinances as noted in the City Council packet, seconded by Alderman Reisenberg. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Pandaleon, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 7 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried. 2. Approval of an Ordinance that allows for the revising, amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances. (Final Reading) This item was also seen during the Finance portion of the meeting Mayor Schoenheider asked if there were any members of the Council that would like to discuss this further and seeing none, he asked of there were any members of the audience who would like to address the City Council. Seeing none, he asked for a motion. COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the final reading of an Ordinance that allows for the revising, amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances. Alderman Beidler made a motion to grant approval of the final reading of an Ordinance that allows for the revising, amending, restating, codifying and compiling of existing Ordinances, seconded by Alderman Reisenberg. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Waldeck, Beidler, Pandaleon, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 7 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. Community Goals and Priorities -City Manager, Robert Kiely, Jr. This item was seen during the Finance portion of the meeting. For details, please see the Jan 20, 2015 Finance Committee meeting minutes. This was for informational purposes and no action was taken. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION None. ADJOURNMENT Proceedings of the January 20, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting There being no further business. Alderman Reisenberg made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Tack. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Margaret Boyer Deputy City Clerk A video of the City Council meeting is available for viewing at the Lake Forest Library and on file in the Clerk’s office at City Hall. You can also view it on the website by visiting www.cityoflakeforest.com. Click on I Want To, then click on View, then choose Archived Meetings Videos.