PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2022/01/11 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022 6:30PM REMOTE ACCESS MEETING AGENDA Please be advised that all of the Parks and Recreation Board members will be remotely attending this Parks and Recreation Board meeting by electronic means, in compliance with the recent amendments to the Open Meetings Act. The Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board has determined that it is not prudent or practical to conduct an in-person meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that it is not feasible to have the Board members or members of the public physically present at the meeting due to the pandemic disaster. The Parks and Recreation Board will be providing members of the public the opportunity to watch and listen to the meeting remotely, as well as provide public comment at the meeting, by following the public audience link and dial-in number which will provide both video and audio means to attend the meeting. Public audience link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81552952574?pwd=VXFsZlR3TWxZb1JOZnQ2cytjUUJiZz09 Webinar ID: 815 5295 2574 Passcode: 1861 Public Comment: 847-810-3544 I.CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Paul Best, Chairman ______Patrick Marshall ______Kevin Carden Marc Silver Nancy Duffy ______Kaci Spirito II.*APPROVAL OF MINUTESi.Approval of minutes of the October 19, 2021, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting III.OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON- AGENDA ITEMS IV.SPOTLIGHT ON RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENTS- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager and John Eldridge, Program Manager of Early Childhood Education, Cultural Arts and Special Events V.*APPROVAL OF FY2023 FOREST PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VI.*APPROVAL OF FY2023 CITY-WIDE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VII.VETERANS PARK UPDATE- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation and Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VIII.COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR IX.COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS X. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2021 Zoom Remote Meeting I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The following were present via Zoom meeting: Board Members: Mr. Paul Best Mr. Marc Silver Ms. Kaci Spirito Mr. Patrick Marshall Mr. Kevin Carden Ms. Nancy Duffy Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager Mr. Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports Management Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant Public Attendees: Marion Cartwright Lori Thuente Wiebke Droege Katie Andersen II. Agenda Item Change Chairman Best noted a change to the Agenda. Item #9, Sports Complex at Deerpath Park will be moved to the November meeting. Short discussion followed on the process of this item. Director Swarthout explained the process has slowed down and will include further discussion and Community input. III. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the September 28, 2021 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Marshall motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Silver seconded. The Board meeting minutes of September 28, 2021 were then unanimously approved by roll call with 6 ayes and 0 nays. IV. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda Citizen Marion Cartwright inquired about Agenda Item #9 being moved to November and the process of determining the outcome. Director Swarthout explained there has been a schematic design created and it will be discussed at the November 8th City Council Budget Workshop. Natural turf will continue to be a topic in this discussion. Citizen Wiebke Droege inquired about the City Council budget meeting in November. Director Swarthout explained the purpose of the City Council budget workshop meeting and the process including community engagement meetings and approval process by the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council. V. FY23 Fitness Center Fees Approval Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation, presented on behalf of Jason Busdeker, Facilities Manager, the Staff recommended FY23 Fitness Center fees to the Board for approval. Staff is recommending an adjusted 3% increase to the majority of membership fees. Requested Action: Approval of the proposed FY23 Fitness Center Fees and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. A motion was made by Board member Silver to approve the Proposed FY23 Fitness Center Fees and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Duffy. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yeas and 0 nays. VI. FY23 Lakefront Permit Fees Approval Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager, presented the Staff recommended FY23 Lakefront fees to the Board for approval. Staff recommends a 3% increase in the majority of resident and non-resident permit fee categories. Staff recommends the fees remain constant for FY23 in the following categories: Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass, Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass, Non-resident Beach Access Fee, and the Non-resident Daily Boat Launch. Requested Action: Approval of the proposed FY23 Lakefront Permit Fees and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. A motion was made by Board member Spirito to approve the Proposed FY23 Lakefront Permit Fees and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Marshall. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yeas and 0 nays. VII. FY23 Park/Lakefront Pavilion Rental Permit Fees Approval Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager presented on behalf of Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager, the Staff recommended FY23 Park Pavilion Permit Fees to the Board for approval. Staff is recommending fees remain the same for FY23 Park Pavilion Permits. Requested Action: Approval of the proposed FY23 Park Pavilion Rental Fees to remain the same and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. A motion was made by Board member Spirito to approve the Proposed FY23 Park Pavilion Rental Permit Fees to remain the same and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Carden. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yeas and 0 nays. Mr. Dalzot presented the Staff recommended Lakefront Pavilion Rental Permit fees to remain at $100, but to include a limited number of parking passes to six (6), with the option to purchase 4 additional parking passes for the bottom south lot. Requested Action: Approval of the proposed FY23 Lakefront Pavilion Rental Fees and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. A motion was made by Board member Marshall to approve the Proposed FY23 Lakefront Pavilion Rental Permit Fees to remain the same but change to six (6) parking passes and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Silver. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yeas and 0 nays. VIII. FY23 Golf Course Fees Approval Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports Management, presented the Staff recommended FY23 Golf Course Fees to the Board for approval. Staff is recommending a 1% increase on Annual Passes, increasing the rate for weekday and weekend fees and a slight increase to the 9-hole cart fee and the small and large bucket balls. Mr. O’Donoghue talked about the opening of holes 17 and 18 next spring and the Short Game Lawn is scheduled to open on Memorial Day. Requested Action: Approval of the proposed FY23 Golf Course Fees and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. A motion was made by Board member Carden to approve the Proposed FY23 Golf Course Fees and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Spirito. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yeas and 0 nays. IX. CIP Discussion Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities, and Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation went over the Capital Improvement Program and projects they would be involved in and desired changes. The priority ranking and funding source was discussed. The three funding sources for the projects are Capital Fund, Park & Public Land Fund, and Special Recreation Fund. Mr. Myers talked about the Townline Park Splash Pad project. Members mentioned communities with similar amenities. This project is in the early planning stages. Other projects and their level of priority was discussed. Superintendent Mobile talked about the Capital Fund and Special Recreation Fund projects. These projects included the Recreation office reconfiguration, South Beach compound, 420 sailboat replacement and athletic field improvements. Discussion followed on how projects are determined from the Masterplan. X. Sports Complex at Deerpath Park Update As noted above, Item #9, Sports Complex at Deerpath Park Update, was moved to the November meeting. XI. Comments by Director Director Swarthout informed the Board of the upcoming local events. • Go Lake Forest- Forest Park Nature Walk, October 27th at 10am at Forest Park • Halloween Tricks & Treats, October 29th from 5pm – 7pm at Lake Forest Recreation Ctr Gym XII. Board Member Comments Chairman Best thanked everyone for their patience with the progress of the process with the Sports Complex. XIII. Adjournment Board member Duffy motioned for adjournment and Board member Carden seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mariani Landscape for Grounds Maintenance Services at Forest Park in the Parks FY2023 Budget, for an Amount Not to Exceed $51,958. STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City Staff requests approval to award a one year contract with Mariani Landscape to provide mowing and grounds maintenance services at Forest Park for FY2023. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Forest Park is one of the oldest and most celebrated parks on the North Shore and a treasure for the residents of Lake Forest. After the completion of the highly successful rehabilitation project in 2015, the City’s Parks Section resumed its maintenance responsibilities and was charged with keeping the park in its pristine condition. Since 2011, the City has been outsourcing mowing on other City-owned properties and it has proven to be a beneficial fiscal approach by reducing labor expenses and long-term capital equipment replacement costs. Given the Parks Sections current workload, City Staff recognized the need to outsource Forest Park in order to ensure that the park is maintained at the highest level possible. For the FY2023 season, staff conducted an expansive bid process that includes mowing and extensive grounds maintenance services for Forest Park. In addition, staff included a three year option in the bid process that provided the City with the right to extend the contract after the first season or rebid the contract for FY2024 and FY2025. For FY2020, Mariani Landscape began a new program that encompassed a number of sustainable practices. They deployed fully electric mowers, blowers and line trimmers in all service operations at Forest Park. This equipment delivers low noise, zero emissions and zero use of fossil fuels in the operation of this machinery. The reduction in noise pollution with electric mowers is significant and an important aspect of this program. For FY2021, Mariani introduced a new environmentally sustainable innovation to their lawn care services at Forest Park – Auto Mowers. They are clean, ecofriendly electric powered mowers with no operators that run quietly and provide a healthy and well- maintained appearance. Seasonally, there still may be times when conventional electric equipment is used but after the auto mowers learn the site, weekly mowing would be done by five auto mowers. There are also areas of the park where auto mowers will not work and they will need to use conventional mowers weekly. All of the above activities and procedures combine to provide the City of Lake Forest with a responsible and environmentally beneficial program in the execution of the significant grounds maintenance services they provide. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Forest Park grounds maintenance contract is budgeted in the Parks Fund 220 operating budget. On November 10, 2021 City staff released an invitation to bid for Forest Park Grounds Maintenance Services. The bid 2 opening was on December 1, 2021 and one sealed bid was received, as detailed below. Has competitive pricing been obtained for proposed goods/services? Yes Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Mariani Landscape Inc. $51,958 City staff is satisfied with the services performed by Mariani Landscape in past contracts at Forest Park and are recommending the award of a contract with them for Forest Park Maintenance Services. Mariani Landscape will continue to include all the sustainability components that were incorporated into the maintenance practices over the past few years, including the auto mowers. Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: FY2023 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 220-5775-435.35-10 Parks Operating Budget $51,958 $51,958 Y PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mariani Landscape for Grounds Maintenance Services at Forest Park in the Parks FY2023 Budget, for an Amount Not to Exceed $51,958. SUBJECT: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape Concepts Management for City-Wide Grounds Maintenance Services, for an Amount Not to Exceed $177,846. STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City Staff requests approval to award a one year contract with Landscape Concepts Management, for $177,846 to provide mowing and grounds maintenance services city-wide. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Annually, the Parks and Recreation Department researches opportunities to improve operational efficiencies and deliver services in the most cost effective manner. In 2011, the Parks section began outsourcing the mowing of many of our passive parks and miscellaneous parcels. We chose not to bid out all other park properties, such as the neighborhood parks, lakefront and community parks, due to the significant need to coordinate with ever-changing public use and athletic field schedules. The outsourcing of mowing has proven to be a beneficial fiscal approach by reducing labor expenses and long-term capital equipment replacement costs. In FY2022, staff conducted an expansive bid request that included the mowing on fifteen City property areas, 167 cul-de-sacs and the mowing only of twenty City right-of-ways. Additional grounds maintenance includes lawn care, weed control, and bed maintenance. Similar to the selection rationale for outsourcing areas in 2011, the right-of-ways and cul-de-sacs are also desirable to outsource because they involve routine scheduling requirements. In addition, the Parks Section included 3-year bids with the bid process and has the ability to extend the contract after the first season or rebid the contract for FY2023 and FY2024. Staff is recommending that the contract with Landscape Concepts Management Inc. be extended to FY2023. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the FY2023 City-Wide Grounds Maintenance contract is budgeted in the Parks Fund 220 operating budget. City staff is satisfied with the services performed by Landscape Concepts Management in FY2022 and are recommending the continuation of their services for FY2023. Has competitive pricing been obtained for proposed goods/services? Yes (Bid out in FY2022, with the ability to extend for FY2023 and FY2024) Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: FY2023 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 220-5775-435.35-10 Parks Operating Budget $177,846 $177,846 Y PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape Concepts Management for City-Wide Grounds Maintenance Services, for an Amount Not to Exceed $177,846.