PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2021/10/19 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2021 6:30PM REMOTE ACCESS MEETING AGENDA Please be advised that all of the Parks and Recreation Board members will be remotely attending this Parks and Recreation Board meeting by electronic means, in compliance with the recent amendments to the Open Meetings Act. The Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board has determined that it is not prudent or practical to conduct an in-person meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that it is not feasible to have the Board members or members of the public physically present at the meeting due to the pandemic disaster. The Parks and Recreation Board will be providing members of the public the opportunity to watch and listen to the meeting remotely, as well as provide public comment at the meeting, by following the public audience link and dial-in number which will provide both video and audio means to attend the meeting. Public audience link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89363019070?pwd=OUFIeGtGZDl6VC9YZ3lWRjFyVU93dz09 Webinar ID: 893 6301 9070 Passcode: 1861 Public Comment: 847-810-3544 I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Paul Best, Chairman ______Patrick Marshall ______Kevin Carden Marc Silver Nancy Duffy ______Kaci Spirito II. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the September 28, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting III. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON- AGENDA ITEMS IV. *FITNESS CENTER FEES APPROVAL- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation V. *LAKEFRONT FEES APPROVAL- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager VI. *PAVILION RENTAL PERMIT FEES APPROVAL- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager VII. *GOLF COURSE FEES APPROVAL- Presented by Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports Management VIII. CIP DISCUSSION- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry, Cemetery and Special Facilities & Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation IX. SPORTS COMPLEX AT DEERPATH PARK UPDATE- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation X. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR XI. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBER XII. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes September 28, 2021 Zoom Remote Meeting I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:31p.m. The following were present via Zoom meeting: Board Members: Mr. Paul Best Mr. Marc Silver Ms. Kaci Spirito Mr. Patrick Marshall Mr. Kevin Carden Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities Mr. Jason Busdeker, Facilities Manager Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager Mr. Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports Management Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the July 20, 2021 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Marshall motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Silver seconded. The Board meeting minutes of July 20, 2021 were then unanimously approved by roll call with 5 ayes and 0 nays. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda None IV. Fitness Center Fees Discussion Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, brought to the Board for discussion, the Staff recommended FY23 fees with an increase of 3%. This revenue projection increase is based on current memberships. The numbers increased slightly over the summer, however, some members are still not comfortable to return. Board member Marshall inquired about freezing memberships. Jason Busdeker responded requested memberships have been placed on hold. Any members that cancelled have unused credit placed on their account to use towards a future membership. To help cut down on labor costs, fitness supervisors have been helping by filling in at the front desk and floor supervisor shifts. Mr. Busdeker talked about the promotions currently running. One is Silver Sneakers, and the renewing of senior active memberships in the insurance based program. Currently, there are about 75 members between these programs. The fitness center is continuing to offer one, two and three month membership options. Members seem more comfortable with these short term options. Drop in child care is still available with a limited number of children allowed due to staff/child ratio. Discussion followed on the 3% fee increase and the factors behind it. Mr. Busdeker talked about ideas staff will be using to promote memberships in January. A letter is scheduled to go out in January as a membership drive to past members highlighting new pieces of equipment and changes to the fitness center. Board member Carden asked how the fitness center rates are compared to local competitive centers. Mr. Busdeker replied our rates are lower in most levels and compared to private sectors our rates are quite a bit lower. V. Lakefront Fees Discussion Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager, presented for discussion the staff recommendations of a 3% increase in the majority of resident and non-resident permit fee categories. Staff recommends the fees remain constant for FY23 in the following categories: Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass, Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass, Non-resident Beach Access Fee, and the Non-resident Daily Boat Launch. Discussion followed on the fee increase and attendance numbers. VI. Pavilion Rental Permit Fees Discussion Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager presented for discussion the Park and Lakefront Pavilion Permit Fees for FY23. Staff is recommending fees remain the same for FY23 Park Pavilion Permits. Mr. Dalzot went over the recommended fee changes for the Lakefront Pavilion Permits. Staff is recommending two options for renting a lakefront pavilion. Option A: Raising the pavilion rental fee to $150.00 for a 4 hour block and including 10 parking passes. Option B: Pavilion rental fee remains the same of $100.00, but allowing only 6 parking passes. Because parking at the beach is in high demand, Staff hopes this will alleviate the current issue of people renting a pavilion in order to get the 10 parking passes for $100.00, instead of paying the fee of $15.00 for an individual guest parking pass. Option A will generate an increase in revenue by $1350.00 while Option B would not have a fiscal impact. Discussion followed on the two options presented. VII. Golf Course Fees Discussion Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports Management, presented to the Board the recommended FY23 fees. Mr. O’Donoghue talked briefly about the current construction at the Golf Course and the 30,000 square foot putting facility that is expected to be completed around Memorial Day next year. Mr. O’Donoghue went over the FY23 fees and explained how staff analyzed several factors, including utilization and surrounding course fees when determining the new fees. Staff is recommending a 1% increase for all the classifications and memberships. A discount is offered for adult single members to all residents of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff. Staff is expecting a slight decrease in play as more people are returning back to work. Mr. O’Donoghue went over some line items and the slight increases. A Loyalty program was started with 160 members over the last year. Discussion followed on the increase in the range ball bucket fees. VIII. Comments by Director Director Swarthout informed the Board of the upcoming local events.  Haunted Trail Walk, October 9th at 7pm at Northcroft Park  Croctoberfest, October 17th from 10am – 3pm at the Wildlife Discovery Center  Go Lake Forest- Forest Park Nature Walk, October 27th at 10am at Forest Park  Halloween Tricks & Treats, October 29th from 5pm – 7pm at Lake Forest Recreation Ctr Gym IX. Board Member Comments Board member Silver brought up the topic of a meeting at Gorton regarding funding for the turf fields at Deerpath Park. Board member Marshall commented it was a community sponsored event held to generate interest and excitement for the Masterplan and what’s coming up. It was a nice event to get the community excited and generate support. There will be a turf field update by Superintendent Joe Mobile at the next meeting. There is a link to the Feasibility Study on the website for anyone to access. X. Adjournment Board member Spirito motioned for adjournment and Board member Silver seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:000p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Approval of the Recommended Lake Forest Fitness Center Fees for FY23 PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3934) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lake Forest Fitness Center fees for Fiscal Year 2023. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Fitness Center fees are part of the City Council fee approval process and therefore staff are seeking your approval and request to move the fees forward to City Council later this year. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023. Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center membership types for FY2023. Staff is recommending an adjusted 3% increase to the majority of our membership fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive in the local fitness market. Membership fees were adjusted by 3% then rounded accordingly to the nearest dollar to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain the same throughout the year based on membership totals in August. To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non- resident fee to the 20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for program fees. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3,221 over FY2022 with this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective May 1, 2022. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are seeking the approval of the proposed FY2023 Lake Forest Fitness Center fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. FY21 FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 FY22 FY23 FY23 FY23 Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue Individual resident rate - annual $444 126 $55,944 $456 60 $27,360 $468 $39 $28,080 Individual resident rate - monthly $45 11 $495 $46 5 $230 $47 $235 Individual non-resident rate - annual $552 4 $2,208 $564 1 $564 $588 $49 $588 Individual non-resident rate - monthly $55 0 $0 $57 0 $0 $59 $0 Couple resident rate - annual $780 57 $44,460 $792 21 $16,632 $816 $68 $17,136 Couple resident rate - monthly $78 4 $312 $79 2 $158 $82 $164 Couple non-resident rate - annual $936 0 $0 $948 0 $0 $984 $82 $0 Couple non-resident rate - monthly $93 0 $0 $95 0 $0 $99 $0 Family resident rate - annual $1,020 21 $21,420 $1,044 15 $15,660 $1,080 $90 $16,200 Family resident rate - monthly $102 2 $204 $104 2 $208 $108 $216 Family non-resident rate - annual $1,224 0 $0 $1,248 0 $0 $1,296 $108 $0 Family non-resident rate - monthly $123 0 $0 $125 0 $0 $130 $0 Senior resident rate - annual $336 56 $18,816 $348 33 $11,484 $360 $30 $11,880 Senior resident rate - monthly $34 5 $170 $35 3 $105 $36 $108 Senior non-resident rate - annual $408 1 $408 $420 1 $420 $432 $36 $432 Senior non-resident rate - monthly $41 0 $0 $42 0 $0 $44 $0 Senior couple resident rate - annual $564 24 $13,536 $576 16 $9,216 $588 $49 $9,408 Senior couple resident rate - monthly $57 1 $57 $58 2 $116 $59 $118 Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $684 0 $0 $696 0 $0 $720 $60 $0 Senior couple non-resident - monthly $66 1 $66 $70 0 $0 $72 $0 Student resident rate - annual $336 11 $3,696 $348 10 $3,480 $360 $30 $3,600 Student resident rate - monthly $34 16 $544 $35 5 $175 $36 $180 Student non-resident rate - annual $408 0 $0 $420 0 $0 $432 $36 $0 Student non-resident rate - monthly $41 0 $0 $42 0 $0 $44 $0 *Matinee resident rate - annual $240 60 $14,400 $252 31 $7,812 $264 $22 $8,184 Matinee resident rate - monthly $24 4 $96 $26 1 $26 $26 $26 Matinee non-resident rate - annual $288 4 $1,152 $300 1 $300 $312 $26 $312 Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $28 1 $28 $30 0 $0 $32 $0 All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$337 44 $14,828 $348 25 $8,700 $360 $30 $9,000 All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$749 0 $0 $768 0 $0 $792 $0 *as of 8/31/2021 453 $192,840 234 $102,646 $105,867 3.1% Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT. $3,221 Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate. Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%. LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fitness Center Membership Fees FY23 3% increase SUBJECT: Approval of the Recommended Lakefront Permit Fees for FY2023 PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront, 847-810-3930 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lakefront Permit Fees for Fiscal Year 2023. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Lakefront Permit fees are part of the City Council fee approval process and therefore staff are seeking your approval and request to move the fees forward to City Council later this year. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to develop our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023. Attached is the proposed fee structure for lakefront permit fees for FY2023. Staff is recommending an increase of 3% to the majority of permit fees to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses for the annual operations of Forest Park Beach. The fees that are to remain unchanged from FY22 are listed below. The following fees are approved at the City Council level and therefore Staff recommends the below fees remain constant for FY23.  The Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass ($85)  The Resident Guest Daily Parking ($15)  The Non-resident Beach Access Fees ($25).  The Non-resident Daily Boat Launch ($65) BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3,380 over FY2022 with this nominal increase in fees based on actual FY22 participation. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are seeking the approval of the proposed FY2023 Lakefront permit fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. Exhibit #2 Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $430 66 $28,380 $517 53 $27,401 $533 $16 Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $344 4 $1,376 $413 22 $9,086 $425 $12 Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $861 5 $4,305 $1,034 6 $6,204 $1,065 $31 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $216 14 $3,024 $259 18 $4,662 $267 $8 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $174 2 $348 $208 1 $208 $214 $6 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $430 1 $430 $517 0 $0 $533 $16 Year Round Compound Storage Resident $1,909 6 $11,454 $2,291 7 $16,037 $2,340 $69 Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,526 5 $7,630 $1,832 5 $9,160 $1,887 $55 Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,862 0 $0 $3,437 0 $0 $3,540 $103 Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,163 3 $3,489 $1,551 0 $0 $1,598 $47 Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $931 5 $4,655 $1,241 0 $0 $1,278 $37 Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $1,743 1 $1,743 $2,324 0 $0 $2,394 $70 Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $521 4 $2,084 $626 6 $3,756 $645 $19 Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $418 5 $2,090 $502 2 $1,004 $517 $15 Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $521 0 $0 $751 0 $0 $774 $23 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $274 21 $5,754 $366 30 $10,980 $377 $11 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $219 7 $1,533 $292 10 $2,920 $301 $9 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $274 0 $0 $439 3 $1,317 $452 $13 Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $646 1 $646 $775 1 $775 $798 $23 Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $516 0 $0 $620 0 $0 $639 $19 Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $968 0 $0 $1,162 0 $0 $1,197 $35 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $356 2 $712 $475 0 $0 $489 $14 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $285 1 $285 $380 1 $380 $391 $11 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $535 0 $0 $713 0 $0 $734 $21 South Beach Parking Permit Resident $126 90 $16,872 $151 89 $13,439 $156 $5 South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $99 46 $4,050 $119 58 $6,902 $123 $4 South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $758 10 $7,580 $910 15 $13,650 $910 $0 South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $100 0 $0 $100 0 $0 $100 $0 Daily Boat Launch $40 45 $1,800 $65 22 $1,430 $65 $0 Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 0 $0 $80 0 $0 $80 $0 5 Punch Pass $200 0 $0 $325 0 $0 $325 $0 5 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 0 $0 $400 0 $0 $400 $0 Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 194 $1,940 $15 308 $4,620 $15 $0 Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 14 $1,190 $85 28 $2,380 $85 $0 Non-Resident Beach Fee $25 3597 $89,925 $25 1468 $36,700 $25 $0 $203,295 $173,011 FY22 RevenueFY2022FY2021 * prorated due to covid Permits SoldFY21 Revenue Lakefront Permit Fees Revenue Growth LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Permits Sold IncreaseFY2023 Proposed SUBJECT: Approval of the Recommended Lakefront Pavilion Rental Fees for FY2023 PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront (847)-810-3930 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lakefront Pavilion Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2023. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Lakefront Pavilion Rental fees are part of the City Council fee approval process and therefore staff are seeking your approval and request to move the fees forward to City Council later this year. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023. Our facilities that are available for rent at the Lakefront are as follows, The South Pavilion, Boat Pavilion and Fire Circle. Currently they are $100 for a 4 hour block. Each rental receives 10 parking passes. The problem that we are seeing is, that people are renting a pavilion to receive the 10 parking passes, instead of purchasing the guest pass for $15.00. Which means that guest are renting a pavilion and not using it just for the parking passes. The last time fees have been raised was in 2019. Staff are recommending changes to the current fee structure for the Lakefront Pavilion Rental program. It is recommended that the fee of the pavilion remain at $100 and we limit the number of included passes to six (6). Under this structure 6 parking passes alone would cost $90, and then charge $10 for the pavilion rental. Guests would then be able to purchase an additional 4 parking passes for $15 each for the bottom south lot to reach the former limit of 10 passes. Residents would still have the option to purchase an additional 5 passes for the top south lot at $15 as is the current policy. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: We would see a slight increase in revenue due to the fact that renters would have to purchase four (4) additional passes if needed to receive 10 total passes for their rental as in the past. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are seeking the approval of the proposed FY2023 Lakefront Pavilion Rental fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. SUBJECT: Approval of the Recommended Park Pavilion Rental Fees for FY23 PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program Manager (847) 810-3930 STAFF CONTACT: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Park Pavilion Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2023. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: In 2018, Staff presented a proposed increase of Fees associated with renting Lake Forest Park Pavilions, converting Park Pavilion Rental mentality of providing service to a revenue generating stream. At the same time, Staff presented a plan that described revisiting these fees every 3 years with a potential increase. This was approved in 2018. In 2020, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Staff did not accept any Park Pavilion Rental applications in adherence to CDC Guidelines describing suggested safe group sizes. No funds were gained in 2020. In October of 2020 Staff presented a recommendation of keeping the fee schedule the same as presented in 2018 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. This was approved in October of 2020. The Park Pavilion Rental program did open in June of 2021. To date, Staff has seen 114 Park Pavilion reservations, generating roughly $12,125 in revenue. Staff is recommending the fee schedule remain the same in FY2023 as it did in FY2022. Staff is also recommending to readdress fee increases in 2022 for FY2024. The chart below shows the current fee schedule. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: The budget impact will be driven by the demand for pavilion rentals since the fees are being held constant with FY22 fees. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are seeking the approval of the proposed FY2023 Park Pavilion Rental fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. CURRENT - 2021 Park Capacity Reg. Fee NFP Fee Deposit Elawa 50 100$ 75$ 150.00$ 6 Hour *Additional hours = $25/hr Everett 100 100$ 75$ South 100 100$ 75$ West 100 100$ 75$ Northcroft 150 150$ 125$ Townline 200 150$ 125$ Time Block SUBJECT: Deerpath Golf Course FY2023 Proposed Fee Changes PRESENTED BY: Patrick O’Donoghue, General Manager, 847-810-3889 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City staff and KemperSports staff is bringing forward the Deerpath Golf Course fees for fiscal year 2023. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for golf course operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023. KemperSports and city staff is requesting the Park Board to approve and direct staff and KemperSports to bring the proposed FY2023 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure forward to City Council for approval as presented. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Deerpath Golf Course for FY2023. We analyzed several factors including utilization and surrounding facilities fees while putting together the fees schedule. KemperSports and city staff are recommending the following: Membership Fees: Increase Annual Pass fee average of 1% per classification which provides an increased revenue for memberships while taking into consideration inflation, and wage increases. Greens Fees: Increase the “ceiling” rate for weekday and weekend fees. Allow the dynamic pricing model to set prices based off of the utilization of the course. This will allow the green fee prices to fluctuate and take advantage of times of increased demand. Golf rates will be adjusted during the season based on marketplace demands. Other Fees: Increase the 9-hole cart fee $1.00 to remain competitive and drive revenue. The fee list attached shows the 18-hole cart fee, which remains $20.00 per player. Range bucket pricing increases $1.00 on large and small baskets as driving range business continues to grow. We also propose raising the popular loyalty program from $65.00 to $70.00. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: We are projecting that with people likely returning to work in FY2023, a drop in rounds played. These price increases will help by increasing revenue and the per player average round price in FY2023. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City staff and KemperSports are requesting the approval of the proposed FY2023 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Deerpath Golf Course Fees FY23 FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 FY23 FY23 FY23 Fees Actual Fees Actual Fees Projected Proposed Fees Projection Increase Seasonal Fees: Resident Adult Single $1,475 $48,200 $1,480 $50,490 $1,485 $50,000 $1,500 $51,000 2% Adult Combo $2,500 $7,000 $2,500 $7,650 $2,550 $7,300 $2,800 $7,600 4% Junior $675 $1,400 $675 $1,400 $700 $1,500 $700 $1,800 20% Team Membership $215 $4,850 $220 $4,950 $225 $4,900 $250 $5,200 6% Senior Citizen $875 $69,000 $880 $70,800 $885 $70,000 $1,000 $71,000 1% DiscoverGolf Membership $350 $0 $375 $0 $375 $0 $400 $0 Seasonal Fees: Non-Resident Adult Single $1,850 $3,500 $1,850 $3,800 $1,900 $3,600 $2,000 $3,700 3% Adult Combo $2,500 $5,000 $2,500 $5,100 $2,550 $5,000 $2,800 $5,300 6% Junior $675 $3,360 $675 $3,503 $700 $3,500 $700 $3,700 6% Senior Citizen $1,100 $19,800 $1,100 $20,000 $1,150 $20,000 $1,200 $21,150 6% Daily Fees Weekday Rack Rate $65 $285,000 $59 $372,732 $67 $343,059 $71 $304,497 -11% Weekday Twilight Rack Rate $55 $41,346 $39 $52,075 $57 $45,100 $60 $50,000 11% Weekend Rack Rate $79 $80,000 $63 $95,450 $81 $83,000 $85 $90,000 8% Weekend Twilight Rack Rate $50 $45,000 $41 $62,108 $52 $55,000 $55 $60,000 9% Junior 18 Holes $26 $3,100 $27 $7,431 $28 $5,000 $28 $6,000 20% Junior 9 Holes $21 $6,200 $21 $14,500 $23 $9,100 $23 $10,000 10% Electric Golf Carts/Misc. 9 Holes $13 $31,010 $14 $75,000 $14 $65,000 $15 $49,978 -23% 18 Holes $20 $107,477 $20 $202,829 $20 $160,120 $20 $150,000 -6% Range Balls Small Bucket $6 $10,200 $6 $15,483 $7 $13,080 $8 $13,900 6% Medium Bucket $8 $13,000 $8 $18,336 $10 $14,100 $10 $15,000 6% Large Bucket $15 $31,612 $16 $57,175 $17 $46,650 $18 $43,734 -6% Pull cart - 9 holes $6 $2,410 $6 $2,611 $6 $2,310 $6 $2,600 13% Pull cart - 18 holes $8 $1,869 $8 $2,017 $8 $2,090 $8 $2,000 -4% USGA Handicap Fees - Members $39 $4,000 $40 $5,700 $40 $4,200 $45 $5,000 19% Permanent Tee Time - Weekend $300 $7,325 $300 $9,600 $300 $8,000 $400 $9,000 13% Loyalty Card - Resident $60 $3,000 $65 $4,690 $65 $3,200 $70 $3,500 9% Loyalty Card - Non-Resident $70 $850 $75 $1,020 $80 $1,000 $85 $1,050 5% Locker - 18 inch (Open Air)$130 $4,400 $140 $3,480 $145 $3,700 $145 $4,000 8% Locker - 12 inch (Open Air)$120 $1,274 $120 $898 $125 $1,000 $125 $1,000 0% Lockers - Locker Room $100 $0 $100 $0 $100 $0 $100 $0 Total $841,183 $1,170,828 $1,030,509 $991,709 -4% FY23-27 Capital Improvement Program City of Lake Forest, Illinois PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE FY '23 Source Project #Priority 1-Year Total Capital Fund PK-PRK-01-21 90,000Deerpath Landscaping: Bridge Abutment & Ramp Areas 4 PK-PRK-01-23 325,000Forest Park Beach Restoration 4 PK-PRK-02-13 146,000Waveland Park: W Parking Lot Resurface & Expansion 4 PK-PRK-02-23 77,000Forest Park Beach Native Vegetation Planting 5 PK-REC-01-22 159,875Recreation Office Reconfiguration 4 PK-REC-01-27 60,000Sailboat Compound Expansion 4 PK-REC-01-28 60,000420 Sailboat Replacement 1 PK-REC-04-22 120,000Beach Crane Replacement 4 PK-REC-10-02 464,000Turf Field Sports Complex 1 1,501,875Capital Fund Total Park & Public Land Fund PK-PRK-02-19 65,000Deerpath Park Tennis Surface Maintenance 1 PK-PRK-03-23 250,000Townline Park Splash Pad 1 PK-PRK-04-20 950,000Forest Park Trail Addition/Boardwalk 5 1,265,000Park & Public Land Fund Total Special Recreation Fund PK-PRK-03-23 50,000Townline Park Splash Pad 1 PK-REC-01-22 40,000Recreation Office Reconfiguration 4 PW-BLD-01-14 70,000* Multiple Buildings: ADA Compliance 1 160,000Special Recreation Fund Total 2,926,875GRAND TOTAL Page 1FY23 Budget DRAFT SUBJECT: Sports Complex at Deerpath Park Update PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (847-810-3941) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking a rating of criteria for evaluating options for athletic field improvements at Deerpath Park BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The record rainfall the past few years and requests from the community athletic associations has put the condition of our athletic fields and the need for field improvements as a priority. In order to look at the athletic fields, Staff had once again partnered with the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation to hire Hitchcock Design Group to undertake an Athletic Field Assessment. The goal of this Athletic Field Assessment was to gain a better understanding of the field conditions across all City parks, how the fields are used, options for improvements, and consideration of priorities. Through the use of the data provided by the Field Assessment, staff have provided information to the Park Board and City Council in regards to a sports complex option at Deerpath Park. The original presentation in July was focused on synthetic turf playing fields replacing the current surface at Deerpath Park. From the presentation, questions have arisen, seeking answers staff hired Gewalt Hamilton Associates to conduct a schematic design evaluation for the project. Through this process information has been provided answering the questions from the July presentation including; costs, environmental concerns and safety concerns. Additionally, staff was instructed to gather information on a natural turf surface option measuring similar criteria. The sports complex study has expanded to include either natural grass or synthetic turf as options for field improvements and staff will be asking City Council to assign money to a field improvement project to be designed in FY23. Prior to the City Council approval, the staff will engage the community in an engagement process providing several opportunities from November – February for input on both options. City Staff are also currently developing a survey to send to residents asking them for their top three criteria for evaluating options for athletic field improvements at Deerpath Park. Staff is asking the Park Board to rate the following criteria in order of importance. from the Boards perspective to pass on to City Council. The criteria are listed below: Amenities Economic Opportunity Environmental Impacts Financial Costs Health & Safety Maximize Field Playability Parking Availability and Traffic Impacts The Board’s rating will be passed forward to City Council as a tool for their discussion at the November 2021 Budget Workshop. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff is seeking a rating of criteria for evaluating options for athletic field improvements at Deerpath Park