6:30PM at
Please be advised that all of the Parks and Recreation Board members will be remotely attending this
Parks and Recreation Board meeting by electronic means, in compliance with the recent amendments
to the Open Meetings Act. The Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board has determined that it is
not prudent or practical to conduct an in-person meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that it
is not feasible to have the Board members or members of the public physically present at the meeting
due to the pandemic disaster.
The Parks and Recreation Board will be providing members of the public the opportunity to watch and
listen to the meeting remotely, as well as provide public comment at the meeting, by following the
public audience link and dial-in number which will provide both video and audio means to attend the
Public audience link:
Webinar ID: 867 9112 6921
Passcode: 1861
Public Comment: 847-810-3544
Paul Best, Chairman ______Patrick Marshall
______Kevin Carden Marc Silver
Nancy Duffy ______Kaci Spirito
II.*APPROVAL OF MINUTESi.Approval of minutes of the July 20, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board
IV.FITNESS CENTER FEES DISCUSSION- Presented by Jason Busdeker, Facilities Manager
V.LAKEFRONT FEES DISCUSSION- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager
VII.GOLF COURSE FEES DISCUSSION- Presented by Patrick O’Donoghue, KemperSports
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2021
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The
following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Paul Best
Ms. Nancy Dufy
Mr. Marc Silver
Ms. Kaci Spirito
Mr. Patrick Marshall
Mr. Kevin Carden
Staff: Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation
Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities
Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics
Mr. Ken Pierini, Program Supervisor, Athletics
Mr. Jason Olson, Program Supervisor, Athletics
Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
Public Attendees: Ara Goshgarian, Alderman
II. Resolution for Board Member Jared Rhoads
Chairman Best read a Resolution of Appreciation for former Board member Jared Rhoads.
III. Welcome New Board Members
Chairman Best welcomed new Board members Kevin Carden and Patrick Marshall.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the April 20, 2021 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and
Board member Silver motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Spirito seconded.
The Board meeting minutes of April 20, 2021 were then unanimously approved by roll call with 4
ayes and 0 nays.
V. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
VI. Approval of FY22 Board Meeting Dates
Director Sally Swarthout presented the FY22 Board meeting dates. Due to a conflict with City Council
meeting dates in January and February, the adjusted Park Board meeting dates will be January 11,
2022 and February 15, 2022. Short discussion followed on changing the original meeting day of the
third Tuesday of the month to a different day.
A motion was made by Board member Marshall to approve the FY22 Board Meeting Dates. Board
member Duffy seconded. The motion was passed with 6 ayes and 0 nays.
VII. Approval of Athletic Field Usage Rental Fee Changes
Program Manager, Anthony Anaszewicz presented the proposed changes to the Athletic Field Usage
Rental Fees. Mr. Anaszewicz went over the current athletic field usage policy fee structure. The
current policy has two major fee components, a maintenance fee scale and a rental fee scale and
separates users into two classes. Short discussion followed on the two tiers of users along with the
fee scales.
Staff conducted research from surrounding communities of Vernon Hills Park District, Glencoe Park
District, and Park District of Highland Park. Staff found it is more common practice to charge per
hour rather than per event.
Staff is proposing a new hourly rental fee structure for Baseball Diamonds and Grid Fields for Class II
users. In addition to the fee changes, Staff is proposing to remove existing fees of Diamond prep
practice, Grid fields and Goal anchoring. Discussion followed on the existing and proposed fee
Requested Action: Approval of Athletic Field Usage Policy rental fee structure
A motion was made by Board member Silver to approve the Athletic Field Usage Policy rental fee
structure. Board member Spirito seconded. The motion was passed with 6 ayes and 0 nays.
VIII. Synthetic Turf Update
Superintendent Joe Mobile gave an update on the topic of adding a synthetic turf sports complex.
Mr. Mobile went over the purpose and background research. Resident survey was conducted with
61% of responses showed that synthetic turf was an important issue. An Athletic field assessment
was done in 2020 and reinforced the need to improve field conditions.
Mr. Mobile talked about the reasons for choosing Deerpath Park as a candidate for the synthetic
turf fields. Deerpath Park has ample parking, large in size and has lights already installed. A lengthy
discussion followed with thoughts on using Deerpath Park vs Townline Park for synthetic turf fields.
Mr. Mobile went over some of the health and safety advantages of adding synthetic turf fields to
Deerpath Park. Overdue repairs for Deerpath Park will be made, the synthetic turf will allow a safer,
more shock absorbing material for players with a more level playing surface.
Superintendent Mobile presented the economic impacts of the addition of turf fields. An estimated
project cost would be $10,000,000, including bathrooms and other amenities. This location could
generate potential new revenue along with public/private partnership and grants. Benefits to City of
Lake Forest and to the Central Business District was talked about. Mr. Mobile presented some
sustainability components with the addition of turf fields and went over the synthetic turf infill
Superintendent Mobile went over the next step of having Gewalt-Hamilton develop a schematic
design. This design will cost $21,300. The project timeline was presented with an anticipated
construction date in May of 2023. Alderman Ara Goshgarian talked about the timing of the project
and the process.
IX. Approval of Veterans Park Improvement Project
Superintendent Joe Mobile went over the background and design for Veterans Park. The American
Legion will be raising funds to have a monument built for a location in the park. A local artist will be
designing the monument. Mr. Mobile presented the updated entrance to the park. As much work as
possible will be done in-house.
Superintendent Chuck Myers went over the bid process and the bid opening that was held on June
30, 2021. Two bids were received, from Mag Construction and Clauss Brothers, Inc.
Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED
Company Name Dollar Amount Bid
Mag Construction $306,245
Clauss Brothers, Inc. $481,278
City Staff is recommending to proceed with Mag Construction with the lowest bid of $306,245. Staff
is hoping for a start date in August, after City Council approval on August 2nd. The projected
completion date of the project is Memorial Day 2022. There has not been any groundbreaking
information yet.
Requested Action: Award a contract to Mag Construction for the Veterans Park Improvement
A motion was made by Board member Silver to approve to award a contract to Mag Construction
for the Veterans Park Improvement Project, in the Amount of $306,245 plus 10% Contingency in
the Amount of $30,625 for a total of $336,870. Board member Carden seconded. The motion was
passed with 6 ayes and 0 nays.
X. Comments by Director
Athletics Program Supervisor Jason Olson and Athletics Program Supervisor Ken Pierini presented a
spotlight on the Athletics Football program. Mr. Olson went over the Missions and Goals of the
program. They offer three football programs, Flag Football, 7 on 7 Friday Night Lights and Tackle
Mr. Pierini talked about the Flag Football program. A new Preschool Flag Football program was
started. The Flag Football program is for ages Pre-School thru 4th Grade. Girls’ Flag Football was
offered as well.
Mr. Olson talked about the new 7 on 7 football program. The program was very successful with 110
participants. Mr. Olson talked about the Tackle Football program. The Tackle Football program is
playing in The Chicagoland Youth Football League (TCYFL). The current participation numbers are
Director Swarthout stated the Fall Registration opened today and it was very successful.
Director Swarthout went over upcoming events in July and August. The Lake Forest Music Festival
on August 21st is a fundraiser sponsored by the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation
Foundation. Chairman Best inquired if the Foundation will need any volunteers. Director Swarthout
answered they will probably need help. Board member Duffy offered to help.
XI. Board Member Comments
Board member Duffy voiced her safety concerns about dance students leaving the night dance
programs. Board member Marshall announced there will be a ground breaking on August 21st at the
Deerpath Golf Course for a large putting complex, ready for use in 2022.
XII. Adjournment
Board member Silver motioned for adjournment and Board member Marshall seconded. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:20p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Discussion of Lake Forest Fitness Center Recommended Fees for FY23
PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3934)
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for discussion the Fitness
Center’s fees for Fiscal Year 2023. Staff is looking for feedback regarding the fee
increases so we can come before the Park and Recreation Board at the October
meeting for final approval. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to
prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center
membership types for FY2023. Staff is recommending an adjusted 3% increase to the
majority of our membership fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and
personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive in the local fitness market.
Membership fees were adjusted by 3% then rounded accordingly to the nearest dollar
to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a
conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain
the same throughout the year based on membership totals in August.
To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non-
resident fee to the 20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for
program fees.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3,221 over
FY2022 with this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective
May 1, 2022.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Discussion of Lake Forest Fitness Center
Recommended Fees for FY23.
FY21 FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 FY22 FY23 FY23 FY23
Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue
Individual resident rate - annual $444 126 $55,944 $456 60 $27,360 $468 $39 $28,080
Individual resident rate - monthly $45 11 $495 $46 5 $230 $47 $235
Individual non-resident rate - annual $552 4 $2,208 $564 1 $564 $588 $49 $588
Individual non-resident rate - monthly $55 0 $0 $57 0 $0 $59 $0
Couple resident rate - annual $780 57 $44,460 $792 21 $16,632 $816 $68 $17,136
Couple resident rate - monthly $78 4 $312 $79 2 $158 $82 $164
Couple non-resident rate - annual $936 0 $0 $948 0 $0 $984 $82 $0
Couple non-resident rate - monthly $93 0 $0 $95 0 $0 $99 $0
Family resident rate - annual $1,020 21 $21,420 $1,044 15 $15,660 $1,080 $90 $16,200
Family resident rate - monthly $102 2 $204 $104 2 $208 $108 $216
Family non-resident rate - annual $1,224 0 $0 $1,248 0 $0 $1,296 $108 $0
Family non-resident rate - monthly $123 0 $0 $125 0 $0 $130 $0
Senior resident rate - annual $336 56 $18,816 $348 33 $11,484 $360 $30 $11,880
Senior resident rate - monthly $34 5 $170 $35 3 $105 $36 $108
Senior non-resident rate - annual $408 1 $408 $420 1 $420 $432 $36 $432
Senior non-resident rate - monthly $41 0 $0 $42 0 $0 $44 $0
Senior couple resident rate - annual $564 24 $13,536 $576 16 $9,216 $588 $49 $9,408
Senior couple resident rate - monthly $57 1 $57 $58 2 $116 $59 $118
Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $684 0 $0 $696 0 $0 $720 $60 $0
Senior couple non-resident - monthly $66 1 $66 $70 0 $0 $72 $0
Student resident rate - annual $336 11 $3,696 $348 10 $3,480 $360 $30 $3,600
Student resident rate - monthly $34 16 $544 $35 5 $175 $36 $180
Student non-resident rate - annual $408 0 $0 $420 0 $0 $432 $36 $0
Student non-resident rate - monthly $41 0 $0 $42 0 $0 $44 $0
*Matinee resident rate - annual $240 60 $14,400 $252 31 $7,812 $264 $22 $8,184
Matinee resident rate - monthly $24 4 $96 $26 1 $26 $26 $26
Matinee non-resident rate - annual $288 4 $1,152 $300 1 $300 $312 $26 $312
Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $28 1 $28 $30 0 $0 $32 $0
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$337 44 $14,828 $348 25 $8,700 $360 $30 $9,000
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$749 0 $0 $768 0 $0 $792 $0
*as of 8/31/2021 453 $192,840 234 $102,646 $105,867
Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT. $3,221
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY23
3% increase
SUBJECT: Lakefront Recommended Fees for FY2023
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward the first draft of the Lakefront
Permit Fees for Fiscal Year 2023 for discussion purposes only. This annual Park and
Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront
operations as staff begin to develop our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for lakefront permit
fees for FY2023. Staff is recommending an increase of 3% to the majority of permit fees
to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses for the annual operations
of Forest Park Beach.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3380 over
FY2022 with this nominal increase in fees based on actual FY22 participation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the following changes to the current
fee structure:
A 3% increase in resident and non-resident permit fee categories with the
following exceptions.
o The following fees are approved at the City Council level and therefore
Staff recommends the below fees remain constant for FY23.
The Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass ($85)
The Resident Guest Daily Parking ($15)
The Non-resident Beach Access Fees ($25).
The Non-resident Daily Boat Launch ($65)
Staff requests keeping non-resident daily pass use restrictions
in place to protect the heaviest used boating times for Lake
Forest residents.
Staff is presenting the first draft of the proposed FY2023 Lakefront Permit fee structure to
the Park & Recreation Board to foster a discussion and provide direction to move
forward with approval at the October board meeting.
Exhibit #2
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $430 66 $28,380 $517 53 $27,401 $533 $16
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $344 4 $1,376 $413 22 $9,086 $425 $12
Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $861 5 $4,305 $1,034 6 $6,204 $1,065 $31
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $216 14 $3,024 $259 18 $4,662 $267 $8
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $174 2 $348 $208 1 $208 $214 $6
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $430 1 $430 $517 0 $0 $533 $16
Year Round Compound Storage Resident $1,909 6 $11,454 $2,291 7 $16,037 $2,340 $69
Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,526 5 $7,630 $1,832 5 $9,160 $1,887 $55
Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,862 0 $0 $3,437 0 $0 $3,540 $103
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,163 3 $3,489 $1,551 0 $0 $1,598 $47
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $931 5 $4,655 $1,241 0 $0 $1,278 $37
Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $1,743 1 $1,743 $2,324 0 $0 $2,394 $70
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $521 4 $2,084 $626 6 $3,756 $645 $19
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $418 5 $2,090 $502 2 $1,004 $517 $15
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $521 0 $0 $751 0 $0 $774 $23
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $274 21 $5,754 $366 30 $10,980 $377 $11
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $219 7 $1,533 $292 10 $2,920 $301 $9
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $274 0 $0 $439 3 $1,317 $452 $13
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $646 1 $646 $775 1 $775 $798 $23
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $516 0 $0 $620 0 $0 $639 $19
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $968 0 $0 $1,162 0 $0 $1,197 $35
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $356 2 $712 $475 0 $0 $489 $14
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $285 1 $285 $380 1 $380 $391 $11
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $535 0 $0 $713 0 $0 $734 $21
South Beach Parking Permit Resident $126 90 $16,872 $151 89 $13,439 $156 $5
South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $99 46 $4,050 $119 58 $6,902 $123 $4
South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $758 10 $7,580 $910 15 $13,650 $910 $0
South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $100 0 $0 $100 0 $0 $100 $0
Daily Boat Launch $40 45 $1,800 $65 22 $1,430 $65 $0
Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 0 $0 $80 0 $0 $80 $0
5 Punch Pass $200 0 $0 $325 0 $0 $325 $125
5 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 0 $0 $400 0 $0 $400 $75
Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 194 $1,940 $15 308 $4,620 $15 $0
Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 14 $1,190 $85 28 $2,380 $85 $0
Non-Resident Beach Fee $25 3597 $89,925 $25 1468 $36,700 $25 $0
$203,295 $173,011
Permits Sold IncreaseFY2023
RevenueFY2022FY2021 * prorated due to
covid Permits SoldFY21
Lakefront Permit Fees Revenue Growth
SUBJECT: Recommended Lake Forest Lakefront Pavilion Rental Fees for FY2023
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Lakefront
Pavilion Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2023. This annual Park and Recreation Board
approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff
begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: As one of our programs at the lakefront, residents can rent
the pavilions for their private use. The facilities that are available for rent at the lakefront
are as follows, The South Pavilion, Boat Pavilion and Fire Circle. Currently, the rental fee
is $100 for a 4 hour time block. Each rental receives 10 parking passes included with the
fee. Essentially, a resident receives parking passes in the south lot for $10 apiece. The
problem that staff are seeing is that people are renting a pavilion to receive the 10
parking passes, instead of purchasing the guest passes for $15 each. The residents are
now renting the pavilions just for the parking passes because it is a $50 cost savings over
the guest pass sale. Staff are currently turning away potential rentals because the
pavilions are reserved, but not being used. The last time fees have been raised was in
2019 so staff are providing two options for consideration to allow for the pavilions to be
properly used in the future.
Option A: Staff are recommending that we raise the pavilion rental fee to $150 dollars
for a 4 hour block, and each pavilion will continue to receive 10 parking passes
included with the fee. Currently, a resident can buy guest passes for $15 dollars for their
guest without renting a pavilion. Renting a pavilion under this structure would give the
guest the same number of passes for the same price possibly opening up additional
rental time. Currently, pavilion renters are also able to purchase additional top south
parking passes for $15 dollars each for additional guests.
Option B: Staff are recommending that the fee of the pavilion rental remain at $100
dollars and that staff limit the number of included parking passes to 6. Under this new
structure 6 parking passes alone would cost 90 dollars, and then 10 dollars for the
pavilion rental.
Parking is always a premium at the beach, and with the raise of pavilion fees it would
justify the cost of the parking passes alone.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Option A would be an increase of revenue by $1,350 dollars
while Option B would not have a fiscal impact.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff is recommending the Park Board to discuss
the proposed FY2023 Lakefront Pavilion Rental fee structure.
SUBJECT: Park Pavilion Rental Fee Increase Discussion
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program Manager (847) 810-3930
STAFF CONTACT: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion and input on potential Park Permit Rental
fee increase.
In 2018, Staff presented a proposed increase of Fees associated with renting Lake Forest
Park Pavilions, converting Park Pavilion Rental mentality of providing service to a
revenue generating stream. At the same time, Staff presented a plan that described
revisiting these fees every 3 years with a potential increase. This was approved in 2018.
In 2020, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Staff did not accept any Park Pavilion Rental
applications in adherence to CDC Guidelines describing suggested safe group sizes.
No funds were gained in 2020. In October of 2020 Staff presented the recommendation
to keep the fee schedule the same as presented in 2018 due to the Covid-19
Pandemic. This was approved in October of 2020.
The Park Pavilion Rental program did open in June of 2021. To date, Staff has seen 114
Park Pavilion reservations, generating roughly $12,125 in revenue.
Staff is recommending the fee schedule remain the same in FY2023 as it did in FY2022.
Staff will reexamine fee increases for FY2024.
The chart below shows the current fee schedule.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: See chart above.
BOARD ACTION: Discussion of Staff recommendation.
CURRENT - 2021
Park Capacity Reg. Fee NFP Fee Deposit
Elawa 50 100$ 75$ 150.00$ 6 Hour *Additional hours = $25/hr
Everett 100 100$ 75$
South 100 100$ 75$
West 100 100$ 75$
Northcroft 150 150$ 125$
Townline 200 150$ 125$
Time Block
SUBJECT: Deerpath Golf Course FY2023 Proposed Fee Changes
PRESENTED BY: Patrick O’Donoghue, General Manager, 847-810-3889
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City staff and KemperSports staff is bringing forward
the Deerpath Golf Course fees for fiscal year 2023. This annual Park and Recreation
Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for golf course operations as
staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2023. KemperSports and city
staff is requesting the Park Board to approve and direct staff and KemperSports to bring
the proposed FY2023 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure forward to City Council for
approval as presented.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Deerpath Golf
Course for FY2023. We analyzed several factors including utilization and surrounding
facilities fees while putting together the fees schedule. KemperSports and city staff are
recommending the following:
Membership Fees: Increase Annual Pass fee average of 1% per classification
which provides an increased revenue for memberships while taking into
consideration inflation, and wage increases.
Greens Fees: Increase the “ceiling” rate for weekday and weekend fees. Allow
the dynamic pricing model to set prices based off of the utilization of the course.
This will allow the green fee prices to fluctuate and take advantage of times of
increased demand. Golf rates will be adjusted during the season based on
marketplace demands.
Other Fees: Increase the 9-hole cart fee $1.00 to remain competitive and drive
revenue. The fee list attached shows the 18-hole cart fee, which remains $20.00
per player. Range bucket pricing increases $1.00 on large and small baskets as
driving range business continues to grow. We also propose raising the popular
loyalty program from $65.00 to $70.00.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: We are projecting that with people likely returning to work in
FY2023, a drop in rounds played. These price increases will help by increasing revenue
and the per player average round price in FY2023.
City staff and KemperSports are requesting the approval of the proposed FY2023
Deerpath Golf Course fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their
Deerpath Golf Course Fees FY23
FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 FY23 FY23 FY23
Fees Actual Fees Actual Fees Projected
Fees Projection Increase
Seasonal Fees: Resident
Adult Single $1,475 $48,200 $1,480 $50,490 $1,485 $50,000 $1,500 $51,000 2%
Adult Combo $2,500 $7,000 $2,500 $7,650 $2,550 $7,300 $2,800 $7,600 4%
Junior $675 $1,400 $675 $1,400 $700 $1,500 $700 $1,800 20%
Team Membership $215 $4,850 $220 $4,950 $225 $4,900 $250 $5,200 6%
Senior Citizen $875 $69,000 $880 $70,800 $885 $70,000 $1,000 $71,000 1%
DiscoverGolf Membership $350 $0 $375 $0 $375 $0 $400 $0
Seasonal Fees: Non-Resident
Adult Single $1,850 $3,500 $1,850 $3,800 $1,900 $3,600 $2,000 $3,700 3%
Adult Combo $2,500 $5,000 $2,500 $5,100 $2,550 $5,000 $2,800 $5,300 6%
Junior $675 $3,360 $675 $3,503 $700 $3,500 $700 $3,700 6%
Senior Citizen $1,100 $19,800 $1,100 $20,000 $1,150 $20,000 $1,200 $21,150 6%
Daily Fees
Weekday Rack Rate $65 $285,000 $59 $372,732 $67 $343,059 $71 $304,497 -11%
Weekday Twilight Rack Rate $55 $41,346 $39 $52,075 $57 $45,100 $60 $50,000 11%
Weekend Rack Rate $79 $80,000 $63 $95,450 $81 $83,000 $85 $90,000 8%
Weekend Twilight Rack Rate $50 $45,000 $41 $62,108 $52 $55,000 $55 $60,000 9%
Junior 18 Holes $26 $3,100 $27 $7,431 $28 $5,000 $28 $6,000 20%
Junior 9 Holes $21 $6,200 $21 $14,500 $23 $9,100 $23 $10,000 10%
Electric Golf Carts/Misc.
9 Holes $13 $31,010 $14 $75,000 $14 $65,000 $15 $49,978 -23%
18 Holes $20 $107,477 $20 $202,829 $20 $160,120 $20 $150,000 -6%
Range Balls
Small Bucket $6 $10,200 $6 $15,483 $7 $13,080 $8 $13,900 6%
Medium Bucket $8 $13,000 $8 $18,336 $10 $14,100 $10 $15,000 6%
Large Bucket $15 $31,612 $16 $57,175 $17 $46,650 $18 $43,734 -6%
Pull cart - 9 holes $6 $2,410 $6 $2,611 $6 $2,310 $6 $2,600 13%
Pull cart - 18 holes $8 $1,869 $8 $2,017 $8 $2,090 $8 $2,000 -4%
USGA Handicap Fees - Members $39 $4,000 $40 $5,700 $40 $4,200 $45 $5,000 19%
Permanent Tee Time - Weekend $300 $7,325 $300 $9,600 $300 $8,000 $400 $9,000 13%
Loyalty Card - Resident $60 $3,000 $65 $4,690 $65 $3,200 $70 $3,500 9%
Loyalty Card - Non-Resident $70 $850 $75 $1,020 $80 $1,000 $85 $1,050 5%
Locker - 18 inch (Open Air)$130 $4,400 $140 $3,480 $145 $3,700 $145 $4,000 8%
Locker - 12 inch (Open Air)$120 $1,274 $120 $898 $125 $1,000 $125 $1,000 0%
Lockers - Locker Room $100 $0 $100 $0 $100 $0 $100 $0
Total $841,183 $1,170,828 $1,030,509 $991,709 -4%
Deerpath Facility Comparisons
While looking at pricing for the FY23 golf season we used the NGF survey results of the top 5
courses that guests said they were most likely to play other than Deerpath. Listed below I have
put Deerpath’s FY22 rates followed by the comparisons from the top 5 locations regulars of
Deerpath play. Deerpath rates are comparable to other courses like Sunset Valley through
Dynamic pricing model we set a more competitive rack rate than moving price up based on
Deerpath Golf Course FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 70$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 50$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 46$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 31$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 83$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 63$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 53$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 33$
Single Member Resident 1485$
Single Member Non Resident 1900$
Lake Bluff Golf Club FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 52$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 40$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 39$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 30$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 68$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 52$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 47$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 31$
Single Member Resident 1500$
Single Member Non Resident 1700$
Shepherd's Crook FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 54$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 39$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 35$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 25$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 69$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 54$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 59$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 44$
Single Member Resident 1795$
Single Member Non Resident 1995$
Sunset Valley FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 69$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 49$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 47$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 33$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 79$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 59$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 69$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 49$
Single Member Resident 1895$
Single Member Non Resident 2095$
Deerfield Golf Club FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 67$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 47$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 45$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 32$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 75$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 55$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 65$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 45$
Single Member Resident 1425$
Single Member Non Resident 1825$
Glencoe Golf Club FY22
18 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 63$
18 Holes Walk Weekday before 3 41$
9 Holes Ride Weekday before 3 45$
9 Holes Walk Wekday before 3 29$
Weekend Rates
18 Holes Ride before 10am 72$
18 Holes Walking before 10am 54$
18 Holes Ride After 10am 52$
18 Holes Walk After 10am 34$
Single Member Resident 1325$
Single Member Non Resident 1625$