PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2021/07/20 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021 6:30PM at CROYA 400 HASTINGS RD LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Paul Best, Chairman ______Patrick Marshall ______Kevin Carden Marc Silver Nancy Duffy ______Kaci Spirito II. RESOLUTION FOR BOARD MEMBER JARED RHOADS III. WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS IV. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the April 20, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting V. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON- AGENDA ITEMS VI. *APPROVAL OF FY22 PARK BOARD MEETING DATES VII. *APPROVAL OF ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE RENTAL FEE CHANGES- Presented by Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics VIII. SYNTHETIC TURF UPDATE- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent IX. *APPROVAL OF VETERANS PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent and Joe Mobile, Superintendent X. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR XI. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBER XII. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 20, 2021 REMOTE ACCESS MEETING I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The following were present via Zoom meeting: Board Members: Mr. Paul Best Ms. Shannon Maguire Mr. Marc Silver Ms. Kaci Spirito Staff: Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the January 26, 2021 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Silver motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Maguire seconded. The Board meeting minutes of January 26, 2021 were then unanimously approved by roll call with 4 ayes and 0 nays. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda None IV. Approval to Purchase an Intelligent One Field Marking Paint Robot Superintendent Chuck Myers talked about the Intelligent One Field Marking Paint Robot the Parks section would like to purchase for marking the ball fields. A demo of the robot was used last fall. Mr. Myers went over some of the features of the robot and the cost effectiveness of having this product. The robot is battery operated and has a 6 year full warranty. A bid opening was held on February 18, 2021 with three bids received. Turf Tank came in with the lowest bid at $43,500. This purchase will be funded through the Sports Field Improvement Fund. Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Turf Tank $43,500 Vans Enterprises $45,000 US Specialty Coatings $48,500 Requested Action: Approval to purchase an Intelligent One Field Marking Paint Robot for the Parks section from Turf Tank in the amount of $43,500. A motion was made by Board member Silver to approve the purchase of an Intelligent One Field Marking Paint Robot. Board member Maguire seconded. The motion was passed with 4 ayes and 0 nays. V. Approval of South Park Parking Lot Design Services Superintendent Chuck Myers talked about the next phase of improvements at South Park including a new parking lot on the southern part of the park. To move forward with the improvements the City will need to hire an engineering and landscaping architecture firm. Mr. Myers went over what the design services will include. On March 9, 2021, the City issued a Request for Professional Design Services (RFP). Three proposals were received, as listed below. Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Gewalt Hamilton $34,992 Hitchcock Design Group $38,105 Engineering Resource Associates $43,847 Requested Action: Approval to award South Park Parking Lot Design Services to Hitchcock Design Group in the amount of $38,105, plus 10% contingency in the amount of $3,895, for a total of $42,000. A motion was made by Board member Maguire to approve to award South Park Parking Lot Design Services to Hitchcock Design Group in the amount of $38,105, plus 10% contingency in the amount of $3,895, for a total of $42,000. Board member Silver seconded. The motion was passed with 4 ayes and 0 nays. VI. Forest Park Beach Evaluation and Monitoring & Maintenance Plan Update Superintendent Chuck Myers, gave an informational update on a contract for the Forest Park Beach Evaluation and Monitoring and Maintenance Plan. Mr. Myers talked about the background of high water levels and erosion problems along Lake Michigan. A beach profile was recommended and Public Works committee approved a beach study proposal be done. City staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on March 5, 2021 for an engineering firm to conduct the study. Mr. Myers went over the scope of work included in the study. Three (3) proposals were received, as listed below. SmithGroup came in with the lowest bid of $95,067. Staff is recommending SmithGroup for the study. City Council approved the award of contract in the amount of $125,000 on April 19, 2021 to SmithGroup. This study will begin in May 2021 and be completed by November 2021. Mr. Myers went over some of the engineering services that would be included in the study. Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED Company Name Dollar Amount Bid SmithGroup $95,067 AECOM Technical Services $94,699 Baird & Associates $169,188 VII. Soccer Goal Ownership Update Athletics Program Manager Anthony Anaszewicz, updated the Board on the current process, policies and ownership of the soccer goals. Staff collaborated with Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA) to change the application process. These changes were made to remove liability from the City. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was created to distinguish roles of the City and the soccer organization. A Hold Harmless Agreement was created to transfer the risk/liability off the City. VIII. Comments by Director In Director Sally Swarthout’s absence, Superintendent Joe Mobile talked about upcoming events, including the Annual Fred Jackson Golf Outing sponsored by the Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Friends Foundation. This outing will be on Friday, June 4th at the Deerpath Golf Course. IX. Resolution for Board Member Shannon Maguire and Board Member Melanie Walsh Chairman Best read the resolutions for Board member Shannon Maguire and Board member Melanie Walsh and thanked them both for their service to the community. X. Board Member Comments Board member Silver thanked Board member Shannon Maguire and Board member Melanie Walsh for their time on the board. Mr. Silver asked for an update on the turf fields. Superintendent Mobile answered, staff are still working on the process and looking at many options and will give the Board an update at the June Park Board meeting. XI. Adjournment Board member Silver motioned for adjournment and Board member Maguire seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant Parks & Recreation Board The Parks & Recreation Board meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month. The FY2022 scheduled meeting dates are as follows. Tuesday, May 18, 2021 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Tuesday, August 17, 2021 Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Tuesday, January 11, 2022* Tuesday, February 15, 2022* Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Tuesday, April 19, 2022 *Date change due to City Council conflict SUBJECT: Approval of Athletic Field Usage Rental Fee Structure PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Athletic Field Usage Policy rental fee structure. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Over the past several athletic seasons, Staff has been asked by local athletic field users for additional space for a variety of different uses other than normal league seasonal requests. Furthermore, more new users are emerging and are asking for athletic space every year. As requests have come in, Staff has been evaluating the current policy and fee structure. Currently, the Athletic Field Usage Policy has two major fee components, a maintenance fee scale a rental fee scale. The Athletic Field Usage Policy also separates users into Classes, based on a set of criteria. Class I users only pay maintenance fees while Class II users pay both maintenance and rental fees. The maintenance fees are set on a weekly pay scale and the rental fees are set on a per event pay scale. There is also a ‘special fees’ section that both Class I and II users pay, based on requested services. The last section is the Sport Field Improvement Fund fee section, which both Class I and Class II users pay. Staff has conducted research and has found that it is common practice to charge athletic field users by the hour, no matter the type of event. No other organization contacted has two separate fees based on maintenance and rentals and no other organization contacted has a weekly pay scale. Below is a list of neighboring communities who were contacted, in table format. Vernon Hills Park District Class Fee Notes Diamonds & Grid Fields Class A -$ VHPD Programs Class B -$ VHCYAA Programs / Greater Libertyville Soccer Assoc. Class C 25.00$ 51% resident based groups Class D 75.00$ Non-Resident based groups Glencoe Park District Res.Non-Res. Soccer Fields 69.00$ 84.00$ Diamonds 35.00$ 50.00$ Basketball Courts 35.00$ 50.00$ Park District of Highland Park Class Fee Notes Soccer Fields A 64.00$ 51% resident based groups (greater than 100 hrs) B 80.00$ 50% or less resident base groups (greater than 100 hrs) C 84.00$ 51% resident based groups (less than 100 hrs) D 94.00$ 50% or less resident base groups (less than 100 hrs) E 102.00$ For profit groups 2 Pertinent Table notes:  Park District of Highland Park – PDHP does not rent field space to any organization that is offering a competing sport to what PDHP offers (Class A, B & C). Users are then classified if they are not competing. The fees shown in the chart are averages of Practice fees and Game fees. The rate for a resident based user (who uses fields more than 100 hours a season) is $49/hr., for a soccer practice and $78/hr. for a game. The rate for a non-resident based user (who uses fields more than 100 hours a season) is $64/hr., for a soccer practice and $95/hr. for a game. This is roughly a 30% increase between the resident based fee and non-resident based fee.  Deerfield Park District – Do not rent fields at all. Only affiliates use their fields. Affiliate fee scales were not able to be obtained. Staff is proposing a new hourly rental fee structure for Baseball Diamonds and Grid Fields that can be summarized below: Baseball Diamonds  Class 1 User – No change  Class II User – $70/hr. o 30% increase of the current cost per hour of a diamond game prep. Grid Fields  Class I User – No change  Class II User - $37/hr. o Average of VHPD resident fee and PDHP resident fee. SFIF and ‘special rental fees’ will stay the same as already written in the policy. Staff is also proposing that certain services in the current Athletic Field Usage Policy be eliminated. The components proposed to be eliminated are below, with a brief explanation;  1A. Diamond Prep (Practice) – No user has ever requested this service.  3A. Grid Fields (Game Fields w/Goals) – Since the approval of the Soccer Goal Policy in April of 2021, users provide their own goals.  3B. Grid Fields (Practices) – No users use grid fields for practices alone.  3Cii. Goal Anchoring – The City is no longer responsible for Goal Anchoring, per the Board approved Soccer Goal Policy. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Changing the current per event rental fee structure to an hourly fee structure will allow Staff to charge users for open green space and therefore, 3 generate a new revenue stream. Under current policy format, unless a user needs striping, a maintenance charge, nor a rental charge is applied. BOARD ACTION: Approval of Athletic Field Usage Policy rental fee structure. SUBJECT: Award a Contract to Mag Construction for the Veterans Park Improvement Project, in the Amount of $306,245 plus 10% Contingency in the Amount of $30,625 for a total of $336,870. STAFF CONTACT: Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry (847-810-3565) Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (847-810-3941) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests Parks & Recreation Board authorization to award the bid for the Veterans Park Improvement Project to Mag Construction. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Veterans Park is a 1.3 acre park located at the intersection of Deerpath and Green Bay Road. The City of Lake Forest acquired Veterans Park through a land transfer agreement with Lake Forest Open Lands Association in January of 2016. Soon after, the City began the process of developing a plan for the new Park, which included community input forums. The City then hired Craig Bergmann Design Group to analyze the data collected and design a conceptual plan for the new park. The goal of the project is to develop a passive, open space which serves as a gateway park and leads residents and visitors into the Central Business District. It is also a goal to develop a park that will provide opportunities to achieve a balance between the recreational use and the protection and interpretation of the cultural, natural and scenic resources of the park. Some of the key new elements of the park include:  New entrance to the park - The intersection corner will be opened up with new entry way to the park. The entrance will feature the name of the park facing the intersection and a new flower bed.  Natural performance platform - An elevated natural grass area for bands to perform or for a movie screen to be placed for events. It will be located in the middle of the park off of walkway.  Additional trees and shrubs will be planted throughout the property to replace some that have been removed. There will be a focus on planting native species.  Veterans feature - City staff is working with the American Legion McKinlock Post 264 for the design and installation of a monument in the center of the park that will honor veterans. The cost of the design and monument is not included in this request and will be funded through donations raised by the American Legion. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: On June 2, 2021 City staff released an invitation to bid for the Veterans Park Improvement Project. On June 9, 2021, a pre-bid conference was conducted to establish a list of eligible bidders. There were two contractors in attendance. The bid opening was on June 30, 2021 and two (2) sealed bids were received, as detailed below. Has City staff obtained competitive pricing for proposed goods/services? Yes 2 Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Mag Construction $306,245 Clauss Brothers, Inc. $481,278 After careful review of the bids by City staff, staff is recommending the selection of Mag Construction for the project. They meet the required qualifications for the project. Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: FY2022 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 201-8457-456.67-78 Park and Public Land Fund $400,000 $286,870 Y 224-8026-476.76-56 Special Recreation Fund $130,000 $50,000 Y PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Award a Contract to Mag Construction for the Veterans Park Improvement Project, in the Amount of $306,245 plus 10% Contingency in the Amount of $30,625 for a total of $336,870.