PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2021/01/26 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 6:30PM REMOTE ACCESS MEETING Please be advised that all of the Park and Recreation Board members will be remotely attending this Park and Recreation Board meeting by electronic means, in compliance with Governor’s Executive Order 2020-07, issued on March 16, 2020, that suspended certain Open Meetings Act provisions relating to in-person attendance by members of a public body. Specifically, the Governor’s Order: (1) suspends the requirement in Section 2.1 that “members of a public body must be physically present;” and (2) suspends the limitations in Section 7 on when remote participation is allowed. This Executive Order is effective the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster proclamation. The City will be providing members of the public with the opportunity to participate in this meeting. Members of the public can participate remotely in the meeting by following the public audience link which will provide both video and audio means to attend the meeting. The City of Lake Forest will update the website after the meeting with information about the meeting. Public audience link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81252596907?pwd=WW43dVZsQWNCQXF5cXNsRE0rTms4QT09 Passcode: 1861 I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Paul Best, Chairman Marc Silver Nancy Duffy Kaci Spirito Shannon Maguire Jared Rhoads Melanie Walsh II. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the December 15, 2020 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting III. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON- AGENDA ITEMS IV. *APPROVAL OF FY2022 FOREST PARK MAINTENANCE CONTRACT- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities V. *APPROVAL OF FY2022 CITY-WIDE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VI. *APPROVAL OF FY2022 ANNUAL TREE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PURCHASE – Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VII. *APPROVAL OF LAKE FOREST ORDINANCE REGARDING COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN PARKS- Presented by Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager VIII. *RECREATION FACILITY USAGE GUIDELINES- Presented by Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager IX. *APPROVAL OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation X. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR XI. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBER XII. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes December 15, 2020 REMOTE ACCESS MEETING I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The following were present via Zoom meeting: Board Members: Mr. Paul Best Ms. Nancy Duffy (7:00pm) Ms. Shannon Maguire Mr. Jared Rhoads Mr. Marc Silver Ms. Kaci Spirito (6:31pm) Ms. Melanie Walsh Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics Mr. Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the October 20, 2020 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Maguire motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Walsh seconded. The Board meeting minutes of October 20, 2020 were then unanimously approved by roll call with 6 ayes and 0 nays. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda None IV. Fitness Center Equipment Purchase Approval Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, presented to the Board, the request for approval to purchase 15 new pieces of fitness center equipment. The current equipment was purchased in 2012 and 2014 and has outlived the 5-7 year useful life of the equipment. This equipment will include 3 Treadmills, 6 Elliptical, 4 Recumbent Bikes, and 2 Adaptive Motion Trainers. These are Certified Pre-Owned equipment, and will include the same warranty as new equipment. The equipment will be purchased via the national government joint purchase co-operative, Sourcewell. The City has purchased multiple pieces of equipment from national bids to include Sourcewell, Omnia Partners, State bid, and the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative. Sourcewell, formerly National Joint Powers Alliance, was created by State law as a service cooperative to provide programs and services to members in education and government. Sourcewell follows the competitive contracting law process to solicit, evaluate, and award cooperative purchasing contracts for goods and services. Requested Action: Staff is requesting approval to purchase 15 new pieces of fitness center equipment, in the amount of $63,125.00. A motion was made by Board member Rhoads to approve the purchase of Fitness Center Equipment. The motion was seconded by Board member Silver. The motion passed with a roll call of 6 yays and 0 nays. V. Tennis Court Usage Policy Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager, went over the background of the tennis courts and the current tennis court usage over the past year. Recently, residents have brought up their concerns with usage on outdoor courts. Mr. Anaszewicz discussed the proposal for court usage guidelines to be posted. Staff feel this will be a good first step to help mitigate some of the issues that were experienced this past season. With the indoor courts being closed due to COVID 19, this has increased the usage of our outdoor tennis courts. Mr. Anaszewicz presented the proposal of Court Usage Guidelines and staff findings from neighboring communities. Neighboring communities stated they haven’t experienced the issues Lake Forest has. Vernon Hills mentioned they have guidelines posted and rely heavily on the residents to self-manage, if necessary they do have an ordinance to fall back on. Discussion followed on important information that should be listed on the guidelines and to include the racking system to help manage people waiting. Staff would like to have an ordinance established for tennis court usage. The next step will be to meet with the attorney to discuss moving forward in establishing an ordinance. Staff will put together an official copy of the guidelines to share with the Parks and Recreation Board. VI. Director Comments Director Swarthout updated the Board on the IDOT project on Deerpath and Rt. 41. Currently, trees are being marked for removal, with the tree work being done in January. We are expecting excavation to start on the ponds in mid-January. Chuck Myers, Superintendent, stated there have been a lot of meetings between IDOT and Burgher Construction and they are anxious to get things started. A landscape architect has been hired and is working on rehabilitation for the Golf Course once the construction is complete. Ms. Swarthout updated the board on the hockey rink at West Park. Due to COVID and to keep staff and public safe they are going with the one board system making it easier to clear the ice. We will go back to a full hockey rink once it is safer. Director Swarthout informed the Board due to COVID restrictions and being under tier 3 mitigation the Recreation Center has been mostly shut down with only Kinderhaven and the Fitness Center remaining open to the public. Kinderhaven has made the pod sizes smaller in order to keep staff and children safe. Fitness classes have gone virtual via Zoom and has had a great response. The Dance Academy also had their holiday spectacular via live stream and had great success. Ms. Swarthout shared a spotlight video on the Recreation Center. It can also be viewed on YouTube. Director Swarthout informed the Board of some ongoing and upcoming winter events. • Letters to Santa- Currently a Mailbox for Santa is at the Recreation Center • Zoom with Santa-December 12th talk with Santa via Zoom • Santa’s Drive Thru Visit- December 19th at 10am – 12pm at Dickinson Hall VII. Board Member Comments Chairman Best asked about the timeline of the IDOT project. Superintendent Myers answered it should be completed by the end of 2022. Board member Maguire mentioned using the dirt to elevate some of the tee boxes on the Golf Course. Chairman Best asked for an update on the status of turf fields. Joe Mobile, Superintendent, said they are evaluating options and this is not a fast process. Once all options are addressed there will be a public hearing held. The lighting at Townline has a process that must be followed and Staff want to evaluate all options before moving forward. Board member Walsh asked about pickle ball courts and if equipment is available to rent or lessons offered at the Recreation Center. Mr. Mobile answered yes there is an introductory program for beginners held in the Recreation Center gym. For more information on enrolling, you can call Program Supervisor, Ken Pierini. Mr. Myers mentioned there will be pickle ball courts added at Everett Park and West Park. Board member Walsh commented on how hard the staff worked to clean up the sand at the beach. Board member Maguire inquired about getting communication out early on the beach information and plan for the 2021 season. Ms. Maguire also thanked everyone for going above and beyond in 2020 and appreciates all the work and creativity. Adjournment Board member Silver motioned for adjournment and Board member Maguire seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mariani Landscape for Grounds Maintenance Services at Forest Park in the Parks FY2022 Budget STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City Staff requests approval to award a one year contract with Mariani Landscape to provide mowing and grounds maintenance services at Forest Park for FY2022. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Forest Park is one of the oldest and most celebrated parks on the North Shore and a treasure for the residents of Lake Forest. After the completion of the highly successful rehabilitation project in 2015, the City’s Parks Section resumed its maintenance responsibilities and was charged with keeping the park in its pristine condition. Since 2011, the City has been outsourcing mowing on other City-owned properties and it has proven to be a beneficial fiscal approach by reducing labor expenses and long-term capital equipment replacement costs. Given the Parks Sections current workload, City Staff recognized the need to outsource Forest Park in order to ensure that the park is maintained at the highest level possible. In FY2020, staff conducted an expansive bid process that includes mowing and extensive grounds maintenance services for Forest Park. In addition, staff included a three year option in the bid process that provided the City with the right to extend the contract after the first season or rebid the contract for FY2021 and FY2022. For FY2020, Mariani Landscape began a new program that encompassed a number of sustainable practices. They deployed fully electric mowers, blowers and line trimmers in all service operations at Forest Park. This equipment delivers low noise, zero emissions and zero use of fossil fuels in the operation of this machinery. The reduction in noise pollution with electric mowers is significant and an important aspect of this program. For FY2021, Mariani introduced a new environmentally sustainable innovation to their lawn care services at Forest Park – Auto Mowers. They are clean, ecofriendly electric powered mowers with no operators that run quietly and provide a healthy and well- maintained appearance. Seasonally, there still may be times when conventional electric equipment is used but after the auto mowers learn the site, weekly mowing would be done by five auto mowers. There are also areas of the park where auto mowers will not work and they will need to use conventional mowers weekly. All of the above activities and procedures combine to provide the City of Lake Forest with a responsible and environmentally beneficial program in the execution of the significant grounds maintenance services they provide. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Forest Park grounds maintenance contract is budgeted in the Parks Fund 220 operating budget. City staff is satisfied with the services performed by Mariani Landscape in FY2020 and FY2021 and are recommending the continuation of their services for FY2022. 2 Has competitive pricing been obtained for proposed goods/services? Yes (Bid out in FY2020, with the ability to extend for FY2021 and FY2022) Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: FY2022 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 220-5775-435.35-10 Parks Operating Budget $41,911 $41,911 Y Parks & Recreation Board Action: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mariani Landscape for Grounds Maintenance Services at Forest Park in the Parks FY2022 Budget. SUBJECT: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape Concepts Management for City-Wide Grounds Maintenance Services, for an Amount Not to Exceed $174,359. Presented By: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City Staff requests approval to award a one year contract with Landscape Concepts Management, for $174,359 to provide mowing and grounds maintenance services city-wide. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Annually, the Parks and Recreation Department researches opportunities to improve operational efficiencies and deliver services in the most cost effective manner. In 2011, the Parks section began outsourcing the mowing of many of our passive parks and miscellaneous parcels. We chose to not bid out all other park properties, such as the neighborhood parks and community parks, due to the significant need to coordinate with ever-changing public use and athletic field schedules. Since 2011, outsourced mowing has proven to be a beneficial fiscal approach by reducing labor expenses and long-term capital equipment replacement costs. Over the past few years, new landscape areas have been added to the Parks Section’s responsibilities; such as, the Route 60 medians, the CBD bike path, Dickenson Hall, etc. To maintain these areas, small contracts were set up outside the larger City-wide grounds maintenance contract. On December 4, 2020, staff conducted a more expansive bid process that included these additional areas and incorporated all the previously contracted areas. The expanded bid includes mowing and additional grounds maintenance services on fifteen City property areas, 167 cul-de-sacs and the mowing only of twenty City right-of-ways. Additional grounds maintenance includes lawn care, weed control, and bed maintenance. In an effort to restructure the larger contract, staff created a “tiered” system to distinguish the level of maintenance required for various sites. Tier 1 includes some of the City’s higher profile sites that require more extensive maintenance, Tier 2 includes City properties with lower maintenance requirements and includes the City’s 167 cul- de-sacs, and Tier 3 includes various City owned right-of-ways along roadways. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the City-Wide Grounds Maintenance contract is budgeted in the Parks Fund 220 operating budget. On November 16, 2020 City staff released an invitation to bid for City-Wide Grounds Maintenance Services. The bid opening was on December 4, 2020 and five (5) sealed bids were received, as detailed below. Has competitive pricing been obtained for proposed goods/services? Yes Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED Tier 1 – Bids Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Landscape Concepts Management, Inc. $35,280 Sundance Lawncare, Inc. $43,050 Lizzette Medina & Co. $69,000 Fleck’s Landscaping $92,538 Mariani Landscape $109,335 Tier 2 – Bids Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Landscape Concepts Management, Inc. $90,695 Sundance Lawncare, Inc. $118,200 Lizzette Medina & Co. $113,000 Fleck’s Landscaping $220,805 Mariani Landscape No Bid Tier 3 – Bids Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Landscape Concepts Management, Inc. $48,384 Sundance Lawncare, Inc. $75,000 Lizzette Medina & Co. $65,000 Fleck’s Landscaping $70,117 Mariani Landscape No Bid After careful review of the bids by City staff, we are recommending the selection of Landscape Concepts Management for Tier 1, 2 and 3, at a total cost of $174,359 for a one year contract. Landscape Concepts Management has had a very successful record of performing these services on other previous City projects. Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: FY2022 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 220-5775-435.35-10 Parks Operating Budget $174,359 $174,359 Y Parks & Recreation Board Action: Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape Concepts Management for City-Wide Grounds Maintenance Services, for an Amount Not to Exceed $174,359. SUBJECT: Approval of a Staff Recommendation for Annual Tree Purchasing in the Forestry FY2022 Budget STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval to purchase trees/plant material from multiple vendors, based on joint tree purchasing bid. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The City’s Forestry section conducted the annual joint bid with the City of Highland Park and the Highland Park-Park District to leverage volume discounts for the purchasing of trees on city streets, parks, and other city-owned properties. Staff received twelve (12) bids for the purchase of over 62 varieties of balled and burlaped trees and shrubs, with an average price of $225 for a 2.5”caliper tree. Multiple vendors will be used to secure the requested number of trees, sizes, and varieties while adhering to our stringent quality controls. Based on species availability and the quality of the product, additional vendors may need to be used. Additional purchasing will comply with the City’s purchasing policy. The forestry section anticipates planting 300 trees this year. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the tree/plant material purchasing contract is budgeted in the Fund 220, Forestry Operating Fund. Due to the anticipated number of new trees being planted and diminishing tree availability in the nurseries, we may exceed $20,000 with a single vendor. Has competitive pricing been obtained for proposed goods/services? Yes Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED Company Name Dollar Amount Bid Arthur Weiler Nursery (Based on species/availability) Chestnut Ridge Nursery (Based on species/availability) Charles J. Fiore Nursery (Based on species/availability) Goodmark Nurseries (Based on species/availability) Ivanhoe Nursery (Based on species/availability) Kankakee Nursery (Based on species/availability) Majestic Oaks Nursery (Based on species/availability) Mill Creek Nursery (Based on species/availability) Schichtel’s Nursery (Based on species/availability) Spring Grove Nursery (Based on species/availability) SiteOne Landscape (Based on species/availability) St. Aubin’s Nursery (Based on species/availability) Staff will purchase trees from the list above based on low price, quality and availability of various tree species needed for the annual tree replacement program. Below is an estimated summary of Project budget: 2 FY2022 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N 220-5803-467.67-13 Forestry Operating Budget $80,000 $80,000 Y PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval of a Staff Recommendation for Annual Tree Purchasing in the Forestry FY2022 Budget SUBJECT: Approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 97 of The Lake Forest City Code to add provisions regarding commercial activities at City parks and recreational properties and facilities. PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 97 of The Lake Forest City Code to add provisions regarding commercial activities at City parks, properties and facilities. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: During the summer of 2020, concern regarding for profit usage of City Tennis Courts has motivated Staff to develop an ordinance amending Chapter 97 of The Lake Forest City Code to add provisions regarding commercial activities at City parks, properties and facilities. Due to the pandemic, this issue has been brought to the forefront, as this has been historically an issue at other park amenities. Staff has developed this new ordinance amending City Code to not only help alleviate for profit usage at Tennis Courts, as well as enforce policies governing other City Park amenities, properties and facilities such as Batting Tunnels and the Gymnasium at The Lake Forest Recreation Department. The new ordinance amending City Code will read; (A) No person, group, or organization shall engage in the commercial sale, rental, exhibition, or distribution of goods or services, including providing instruction or lessons for a fee, in a City park unless the person, group, or organization has applied for and obtained a permit or license from the City or has entered into a contract with the City to engage in such commercial activities. (B) No person, group, or organization shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact, misrepresent the affiliations of those engage in such commercial activities, misrepresent the cost of goods or services, or interfere, interrupt, or engage in commercial activities that are incompatible with the purpose of any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted, sponsored, licensed, or otherwise permitted by the City. **Ordinance is attached. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: None BOARD ACTION: Approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 97 of The Lake Forest City Code to add provisions regarding commercial activities at City parks and recreational properties and facilities. THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST ORDINANCE NO. 2021 – ________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 97 OF THE LAKE FOREST CITY CODE TO ADD PROVISIONS REGARDING COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES AT CITY PARKS AND RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES AND FACILITIES Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lake Forest this day of 2021 Published in pamphlet form by direction and authority of The City of Lake Forest Lake County, Illinois this day of 2021 2 THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST ORDINANCE NO. 2020 – ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 97 OF THE LAKE FOREST CITY CODE TO ADD PROVISIONS REGARDING COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES AT CITY PARKS AND RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES AND FACILITIES WHEREAS, The City of Lake Forest is a home rule, special charter municipal corporation; and WHEREAS, The City of Lake Forest has enacted certain regulations concerning activities at City Parks, which are codified in Chapter 97 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, from time to time, it is appropriate to review, update and modify the City of Lake Forest Code to assure that it appropriately reflects current practices, addresses ongoing issues and is clear; and WHEREAS, The City of Lake Forest desires to update the City Code to regulate commercial activities at City parks and City recreational properties and facilities; and WHEREAS, on January ___, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Board considered and recommended approval of the proposed Code amendments at its public meeting; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council, having considered the Parks & Recreation Board’s recommendation, have determined that adopting this Ordinance to incorporate regulations on commercial activities at City parks and City recreational properties and facilities, as hereafter set forth, will be in the best interests of the City and its residents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST, COUNTY OF LAKE, AND STATE OF ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted by this reference as findings of the City Council and are hereby incorporated into this Section as if fully set forth. SECTION TWO: Amendment to Chapter 97 of the City Code. Chapter 97 of the City Code is hereby amended to add a new Section 97.004, which new Section 97.004 shall read as follows: 3 § 97.004 Commercial Activities at City Parks and City Recreational Properties and Facilities. (A) No person, group, or organization shall engage in the commercial sale, rental, exhibition, or distribution of goods or services, including providing instruction or lessons for a fee, in a City park, on City recreational property, or in a City recreational facility unless the person, group, or organization has applied for and obtained a permit or license from the City or has entered into a contract with the City to engage in such commercial activities. (B) No person, group, or organization shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass visitors to a City park, City recreational property, or City recreational facility with physical contact, misrepresent the affiliations of those engage in such commercial activities, misrepresent the cost of goods or services, or interfere, interrupt, or engage in commercial activities that are incompatible with the purpose of any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted, sponsored, licensed, or otherwise permitted by the City. SECTION THREE: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. Passed this ____ day of _________________________, 2021. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Approved this __ day of _________________________, 2021. _____________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk SUBJECT: Final usage guidelines for management of the amenities within The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation facilities. PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is presenting the final usage guidelines for management of the amenities within the City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation properties and facilities. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: At the December 2020 Park and Recreation Board meeting, staff presented and initiated discussion regarding development of a set of guidelines to be used to help manage Tennis Court usage and bigger picture, Lake Forest Parks and Recreation properties and facilities. Staff has taken that discussion and developed the following list of guidelines to serve as a framework to give residents and users direction when using The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation properties and facilities. Staff will post these guidelines at all Lake Forest Parks and Recreation properties and facilities in the spring months of 2021.  Public Tennis Courts o When people are waiting, play is limited to 60 minutes for singles and 90 minutes for doubles. o Players may not hold courts when others are waiting to play. o All players should use the ‘rack up’ scheduling system when all courts are occupied.  Lake Forest Recreation Gymnasium / Basketball o Full Court games are not permitted. o Caregivers must be present during Preschool ‘OPEN’ gym times.  Outdoor Batting Tunnel o When people are waiting, play is limited to 30 minutes for singles and 60 minutes for small groups. o Players may not hold tunnels when others are waiting to play. o ‘L’ Screens should remain in batting tunnel and locked to the chain at all times.  Lake Forest Recreation Squash / Racquetball Courts o Courts are reserved for play by the hour by calling the LFRD Fitness Center. o All players must check-in at the LFRD Fitness Center prior to court usage, unless enrolled in a LFRD youth program. o All players must wear appropriate attire, including safety equipment while using courts. General Regulations that Apply to all types of usage  Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Department (LFRD) programming or City of Lake Forest sponsored / approved programming takes precedence over ‘OPEN’ time (seasonal schedule and / or signage will be posted, if necessary). 2  ‘OPEN’ time is only available to Lake Forest residents and their guests.  Activity must be performed in accordance with purpose of facility. Basketball Court (Basketball), Tennis Court (Tennis), Batting Tunnel (Baseball) etc., unless approved by The Lake Forest Recreation Department.  Facility usage for commercial purposes, including for profit lessons, is strictly prohibited unless approved by The Lake Forest Recreation Department Program Staff. o City of Lake Forest Ordinance 2021-97.004  Pets are prohibited on Athletic court surfaces.  Smoking is strictly prohibited in all Lake Forest Parks.  Consumption of alcohol without approved permit is strictly prohibited.  Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in ejection and / or termination of facility usage privileges.  All City of Lake Forest Ordinances apply. To be put on bottom of signage - Please respect Facility and other individuals who wish to enjoy City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation properties and facilities. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: None BOARD ACTION: Final usage guidelines for management of the amenities within our properties and facilities. No action needed, presented for informational purposes only. SUBJECT: Approval of the Intergovernmental Program Agreement between the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Bluff Park District PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (847-810-3941) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approving the current Intergovernmental Program Agreement between the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Bluff Park District. The Intergovernmental Program Agreement is on a two year renewal cycle and is due to be approved extending the agreement for the next two years. The Lake Bluff Park District will present to their board in February where the IGA will be approved and signed by them as well. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Intergovernmental Program Agreement between the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Bluff Park District is an agreement between the two Parks and Recreation organizations that allow staff to achieve the mission to provide public recreational facilities and programs to our communities while being fiscally responsible. The IGA provides a basis for both organizations to promote programs and services at unique facilities thereby reducing duplication of services between the two communities. The agreement also allows for the two organizations to continue collaborating on program offerings and opportunities. Each organization will designate a representative to act in respect to the IGA. The existing IGA will be in effect for a two year period from the date of acceptance by both entities at which time the agreement may be extended, amended or terminated. Examples of collaboration: 1. Shared Brochure Space 2. Program Partnering 3. Residency Requirements BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval of the Intergovernmental Program Agreement between the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Bluff Park District INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROGRAM AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS, (“CITY”) AND THE LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT, LAKE BLUFF, ILLINOIS (“PARK DISTRICT”). WHEREAS, the City of Lake Forest (City) and the Lake Bluff Park District (Park District) have the authority to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, it is the Mission of the City and Park District to provide public recreational facilities and programs for the health and welfare of all citizens of their respective communities; and WHEREAS, it is the Mission of the City and Park District to achieve the goal of being the best-managed, fiscally responsible and appealing community in the United States by promoting a living and working environment built upon a community spirit of cooperation, trust, respect and broad-based citizen involvement; and WHEREAS, both the City and the Park District wish to encourage community recreational program participation; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to both the City and Park District to promote programs and services at unique facilities, thereby reducing duplication of such recreation services; and WHEREAS, both the City and Park District provide ample and convenient facilities at which to host recreation programs and services, including recreation centers, golf courses, lakefront facilities, parks and unique facilities such as Wildlife Discovery Center, Paddle Tennis Club, Stirling Arts Center and others; and WHEREAS, both the City and Park District currently collaborate with the following programs and services: Youth/Adult Basketball, Youth/Adult Softball, Paddle Tennis, Golf Course Services and Open Gyms, and wish to continue to seek additional collaborative service and program opportunities; and WHEREAS, both the City and Park District from time to time cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing premises, the mutual conditions and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SHARED BROCHURE SPACE. The City and Park District agree to provide brochure space in each of its seasonal brochures in a joint effort to promote registration for intergovernmental programs and services. 2. PROGRAM PARTNERING. The City and Park District may combine its programs and enrollments in an effort to reach minimum enrollment requirements. Revenues and expenditures will be apportioned between the City and the Park District based on the number of registrants in accordance with their residency. In addition, such apportionment shall be conducted in the manner required to ensure compliance with annual fiscal calendars. In administering this Agreement, each entity shall take such actions as are necessary to further its respective policies, procedures, ordinances, and resolutions. 3. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT. The City and Park District may waive residency requirements for programs where both entities agree and ascertain that it will benefit program enrollment thereby providing greater opportunity to fiscally deliver program services. 4. DESIGNATION OF CITY REPRESENTATIVE. The Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry as designee of the City Manager shall be and is hereby authorized to act on behalf of the City of Lake Forest with respect to this Agreement. 5. DESIGNATION OF PARK DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE. The Executive Director shall be and is hereby authorized to act on behalf of the Lake Bluff Park District with respect to this Agreement. 6. POTENTIAL CLAIMS. Any claims residents have against the Park District and/or City regarding the specific memberships and programs offered shall be governed and resolved according to the terms of the membership and program policies. 7. PERSONAL LIABILITY OF AGENTS. In carrying out the provisions of this Agreement, or in exercising any power or authority granted to the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Bluff Park District, there shall be no personal or individual liability upon any officer or authorized agent, it being understood that all such persons act as agents and representatives and not personally or individually. 8. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This agreement shall be in effect for two years from the date of acceptance by both entities, upon which time the agreement may be extended, amended, or terminated. Annually, each entity will provide a report outlining the programs or service results of the intergovernmental agreement. 9. NOTICE. All notices, requests and demands that would substantially alter the afore mentioned agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered to or mailed by United States Certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, as follows: For City of Lake Forest: 1. Sally Swarthout Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry City of Lake Forest 400 East Hastings Road City of Lake Forest, IL 60045 2. George A. Pandaleon, Mayor City of Lake Forest 220 E. Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 For the Park District: 1. John Bealer Executive Director Lake Bluff Park District 355 West Washington Avenue Lake Bluff, IL 60044 2. Chris Mosbarger, President Lake Bluff Park District 355 West Washington Avenue Lake Bluff, IL 60044 or such other addresses that any party hereto may designate in writing to the other parties pursuant to the provisions of this Section. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 4th day of January 2021. LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT By: ________________________________________ Park Board President ATTEST: By: ________________________________________ Park Board Secretary CITY OF LAKE FOREST By: ________________________________________ City Mayor ATTEST: By: ________________________________________ City Clerk