PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2019/10/15 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 6:30PM at MUNICIPAL SERVICES 800 N. FIELD DRIVE LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL _____ Paul Best, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy _____ Jared Rhoads _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ Will Elliott, Student Member II.*APPROVAL OF MINUTESi.Approval of minutes of the September 17, 2019 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting III.OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ONNON-AGENDA ITEMS IV.KINDERHAVEN EXPANSION DISCUSSION- Presented by Frank Parisi, Principal/Vice President at Williams Architect V.*APPROVAL OF FY21 GOLF FEES- Presented by Vince Juarez, KemperSports General Manager VI.*APPROVAL OF FY21 FITNESS FEES- Presented by Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager VII.*APPROVAL OF FY21 PERMIT FEES- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation VIII.*APPROVAL OF FY21 LAKEFRONT FEES- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation IX.*APPROVAL OF FY21 PARKS & PUBLIC LAND PROJECTS- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities and Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation X.COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR XI.COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS XII.ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 I.Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. Paul Best Mr. Jared Rhoads Ms. Shannon Maguire Mr. Nancy Duffy Mr. Steve Reimer Mr. Will Elliott, Student Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager Mr. Jason Busdeker, Facilities Manager Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II.Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the August 20, 2019 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Reimer motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Rhoads seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved. III.Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda No comments IV.Youth Athletics Head Injury Prevention Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager started out giving a brief history from 1991 until present of concussion training within the Recreation programs. All Junior Scouts Tackle Football coaches have to complete concussion training and become certified through USA Football and all Junior Scouts Boys Lacrosse coaches through US Lacrosse. Mr. Anaszewicz went over how the Recreation Department incorporates these values and training into their Recreation programs. Anthony Anaszewicz went over the Recreation Department’s programming and training for specific programs. Parents are able to research this information as well through the website. About two years ago, the tackle football league joined a new league by the name of The Chicagoland Youth Football League (TCYFL). The new league takes all precautions to ensure concussion protocol is followed. Each program has different organizations with the same concussion protocols followed. Mr. Anaszewicz went over the coaching requirements and the training required for each coach. Nancy Duffy asked how many parent coaches per team. Mr. Anaszewicz answered there are up to four parent coaches with one certified paid coach. Each player has mandatory testing at the beginning of the year. He went over the Return to Play process for each concussed player. The external organizations use the same concussion protocols as the lacrosse and tackle football leagues. Board member Reimer asked if organizations renting our fields have this certification. Mr. Anaszewicz answered we have not done that yet, but can look into adding this to the current policy. Parent coaching for the tackle football program are put through the same training as the head coaches. Discussion followed on the requirements for parent coaches. V.IDOT 41 Pump Station Update Superintendent Chuck Myers gave an update on the IDOT 41 pump station. He talked about the impact this will have on the Deerpath Golf Course. He presented a project overview. The new pump station will be located at Ahwanhee Lane and Deerpath Road. The current pump station is over 50 years old. The plan includes creating two detention ponds on Deerpath Golf Course. The Deerpath east and west bound lanes will be widened by 6’ under Rte. 41 with four lanes total, two through lanes and two dedicated left turn lanes. He went over the estimated project schedule. Currently it has a construction start date of March/April 2020 and a construction completion date of October 2021. The engineers estimated the cost at $11 million. Currently they are developing a City Project Agreement with IDOT. The agreement includes: •Deerpath Golf Course landscape plan and restoration •Pump station landscape plan and restoration •Relocation of City Utilities The City has submitted a restoration plan to IDOT costing $650,000.Upon completion of the project, the City will own and maintain all project items. The City is requesting the Deerpath Golf Course pond excavation and storm sewer work to occur in off season times to have minimal impact on golf play. Discussion followed on the communication plan to residents and signage for the project. VI.South Park Update Chuck Myers gave an update on South Park and some of the upcoming changes. In 2016, a Master Plan was created and approved by City Council in 2017. The OSLAD Grant was awarded in 2019 in the amount of $280,000. Superintendent Myers talked about the upcoming Phase 1 improvements. The park and public land funds have already been approved for FY19 and FY20. The City will be requesting to have the parking lot funded to provide 14 parking spots. Mr. Myers touched on the construction timeline of the project. VII.Brochure Print Bid Approval Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, gave a brief history of the brochure printing. There are three brochures sent out during the year for Fall, Winter/Spring and Summer/Camp programs. These brochures are mailed to all Lake Forest residents. The Rec Center is currently working on updating their website. Mr. Busdeker went over the bid process. The bid opening was on September 5, 2019 and they received 6 bids. The lowest bid was Swift Printing at $38,964.00 for two years. The Recreation Department is currently using Swift Printing for their brochure printing. A motion was made by Board member Rhoads to award a two year contract for Recreation Department seasonal brochure printing to Swift Printing. The motion was seconded by Board member Maguire. The motion was passed. VIII. FY21 Fitness Fees Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, went over the recommended FY21 fees. Staff recommends increasing the resident and non-resident membership fees by 4%. They will continue to offer the month to month option, the 3 month summer promotion membership option, and the one month option over the holiday season. As of September 10, 2019 there are currently 636 memberships. Using the membership numbers from FY20, they are projecting a FY21 revenue increase of $12,792. The revenue does not reflect Silver Sneakers and AARP/Renew active programs. Board member Rhoads asked about the future of the fitness center and what direction staff wants to go. Mr. Busdeker answered they would like to replace 8 or 9 pieces of equipment, and in the next 2-3 years hope to replace about 90% of the cardio equipment. IX. FY21 Lakefront Fees Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager, went over staff recommendation of no increase for FY21. The rates will remain the same as the approved FY20 rates. Mr. Dalzot mentioned the sailing program numbers are increasing. There was a suggestion to have a celebration at the beach. Paddleboard usage was down slightly due to the damp weather. Discussion followed on the projected revenue. X. FY21 Permit Fees There is no fee raised recommended at this time for FY21. XI. Comments by Director Director Swarthout talked about the upcoming events in September and October: • Fall Festival- September 21st from 3pm – 10pm at parking lot behind City Hall • Glow Ball at Deerpath Golf Course- September 28th starting at 6:30pm • Art Bash- October 5th from 10am – 3pm at Stirling Hall Art Center • Haunted Trail Walk- October 5th from 7pm – 9pm at Northcroft Park • Go Lake Forest- Lake Forest Cemetery Walk & Tour- October 10th at 1pm • Go Lake Forest-Forest Park Nature Walk- October 24th at 10am at Forest Park • Croctoberfest- October 6, 13, 20 & 27 from 10am – 4pm at the Wildlife Discovery Center XII. Comments by Board Members Board member Maguire commented on the North Beach Access Road and how great it looks and thanked the City for their hard work. Board member Rhoads complimented the ceremony also. Members asked about recognizing the Forestry crew for their hard work. Chairman Best let the Board know if the members have any topics they want to discuss to please bring them up so they can be added to the agenda. Board member Maguire requested looking into more sustainable maintenance of the parks with less chemicals. It was mentioned the November board meeting be held at Stirling Hall. XIII. Adjournment Board member Duffy motioned for adjournment and Board member Maguire seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Kinderhaven Study 17 September 2019 •Process •Design Options •Order of Magnitude Cost Opinion •Questions & Answers Agenda Kinderhaven Addition Option 2CC Kinderhaven Relocation Option 3 Cost Opinions Option 2CC Kinderhaven Addition and Remodel at the Recreation Center Option 2CC. Hard Construction Cost $ 1,860,000 to $ 2,050,000 Soft Cost $ 230,200 to $ 255,200 _____________________ Total Project Cost $ 2,090,200 to $ 2,305,200 Opinion of Probable Cost Range (Professional Fees, Owner’s Contingency, Fixtures & Equipment) Option 3 Kinderhaven Relocation Option 3. Hard Construction Cost $ 2,400,000 to $ 2,640,000 Soft Cost $ 300,000 to $ 330,000 _____________________ Total Project Cost $ 2,700,000 to $ 2,970,000 Opinion of Probable Cost Range (Professional Fees, Owner’s Contingency, Fixtures & Equipment) Thank You Questions & Answers SUBJECT: Deerpath Golf Course FY 2021 Proposed Fee Changes PRESENTED BY: VINCE JUAREZ, GENERAL MANAGER, 847-810-3889 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City staff and KemperSports staff is bringing forward the Deerpath Golf Course fees for fiscal year 2021. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for golf course operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2021. KemperSports and city staff is requesting the Park Board to approve and direct staff and KemperSports to bring the proposed FY 2021 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure forward to City Council for approval as presented. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Deerpath Golf Course for FY 2021. We analyzed several factors including utilization, surrounding facilities fees and possible Route 41 renovation while putting together the fees schedule. KemperSports and city staff are recommending the following fees: • Membership Fees: Increase Annual Pass fee 3% for resident single and senior classifications and 8% for non-resident single and 5% for non-resident seniors. • Greens Fees: Increase the “ceiling” rate for weekday and weekend fees. Allow the dynamic pricing model to set prices based off of the utilization of the course. This will allow the green fee prices to fluctuate and take advantage of times of increased demand. Golf rates will be adjusted during the season based on marketplace demands. • Other Fees: Increase the 9 -hole weekday cart fee to $14.00 per player while leaving the 18-hole cart fee at $20.00 per person. In addition, there is an increase in large range buckets by $1 each bucket. We also propose, with lockers being fully rented in the open-air facility, to increase locker rental prices 11%-15% depending on the locker size. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Projected revenue impact on fees collected will be an additional $62,758 from FY 2020. If the Route 41 renovation project moves forward in FY21 we would see a revenue impact. The above fees do not reflect the anticipated revenue loss due to the Route 41 project. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City staff and KemperSports are requesting the approval of the proposed FY 2021 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 Fees Fees Fees Fees Fees Actual Projected Proposed Fees Projection Increase IDOT Project Impact W/ IDOT ProjectSeasonal Fees: Resident Adult Single $1,385 $1,400 $1,400 $1,450 $1,475 $57,375 $60,175 $1,480 $62,000 3%($2,000)$60,000 Adult Combo $2,402 $2,400 $2,400 $2,500 $2,500 $15,000 $10,000 $2,500 $10,000 0%($2,000)$8,000 Junior $618 $600 $600 $650 $675 $2,241 $1,350 $675 $2,000 48%$2,000 Team Membership NA $150 $150 $200 $215 $4,980 $6,000 $220 $7,000 17%$7,000 Senior Citizen $823 $850 $850 $850 $875 $74,945 $65,105 $880 $67,000 3%($4,000)$63,000 DiscoverGolf Membership NA NA NA $300 $350 $350 $0 $350 $0 0%$0 Seasonal Fees: Non-Resident Adult Single $1,794 $1,800 $1,800 $1,850 $1,850 $6,275 $5,550 $1,850 $6,000 8%($500)$5,500 Adult Combo $2,402 $2,400 $2,400 $2,500 $2,500 $6,250 $6,500 $2,500 $6,500 0%$6,500 Junior $618 $625 $625 $650 $675 $0 $0 $675 $0 0%$0 Senior Citizen $1,095 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $19,800 $20,900 $1,100 $22,000 5%($7,000)$15,000 Daily Fees Weekday Rack Rate $59 $59 $59 $63 $65 $297,207 $315,310 $67 $325,000 3%($40,000)$285,000 Weekday Twilight Rack Rate $54 $54 $54 $55 $55 $32,568 $34,399 $57 $37,000 8%($5,000)$32,000 Weekend Rack Rate $69 $69 $69 $75 $79 $111,937 $125,372 $81 $133,185 6%($18,185)$115,000 Weekend Twilight Rack Rate $46 $46 $46 $48 $50 $9,884 $9,216 $52 $11,000 19%$0 $11,000 Junior 18 Holes $25 $25 $25 $25 $26 $4,200 $2,510 $27 $5,000 99%$0 $5,000 Junior 9 Holes $20 $20 $20 $20 $21 $11,600 $8,912 $22 $12,000 35%$0 $12,000 Electric Golf Carts/Misc. 9 Holes $12 $12 $12 $12 $13 $49,988 $54,000 $14 $65,000 20%($11,000)$54,000 18 Holes $19 $19 $19 $20 $20 $98,994 $106,693 $20 $120,000 12%($24,000)$96,000 Range Balls Small Bucket $4 $4 $4 $5 $6 $12,960 $12,638 $6 $13,007 3%$13,007 Medium Bucket $6 $6 $6 $7 $8 $15,824 $17,444 $8 $18,000 3%$18,000 Large Bucket $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $23,917 $32,926 $16 $32,000 -3%$32,000 Pull cart - 9 holes $4 $6 $6 $5 $6 $2,126 $2,200 $6 $2,400 9%$2,400 Pull cart - 18 holes $5 $8 $8 $7 $8 $2,145 $2,235 $8 $2,600 16%$2,600 USGA Handicap Fees - Members $34 $34 $34 $37 $39 $5,945 $5,730 $39 $6,000 5%($500)$5,500 Permanent Tee Time - Weekend $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $10,326 $7,500 $300 $9,000 20%($1,500)$7,500 Loyalty Card - Resident $50 $50 $50 $55 $60 $5,940 $4,800 $65 $5,500 15%($500)$5,000 Loyalty Card - Non-Resident $60 $60 $60 $65 $70 $1,755 $1,610 $75 $1,800 12%($100)$1,700 Locker - 18 inch (Open Air)$105 $110 $110 $125 $130 $4,290 $3,900 $140 $4,500 15%$4,500 Locker - 12 inch (Open Air)$95 $100 $100 $115 $120 $2,175 $2,260 $125 $2,500 11%$2,500 Lockers - Locker Room NA NA $100 $100 $100 $0 $0 $100 $0 0% Total $890,997 $925,234 $987,992 7%($116,285)$871,707 LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENTDeerpath Golf Course Fees FY21 SUBJECT: Approval of Lake Forest Fitness Center Recommended Fees for FY21 PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3034) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Fitness Center’s fees for Fiscal Year 2021. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2021. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center membership types for FY2021. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the majority of our membership fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive in the local fitness market. Membership fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly to the nearest dollar to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain the same throughout the year based on membership totals in August. To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non- resident fee to the 20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for program fees. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $12,792 over FY2021 with this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective May 1, 2020 RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff are requesting the approval of the proposed FY 2021 Lake Forest Fitness Center fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21 Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue Individual resident rate - annual $408 184 $75,072 $420 184 $77,280 $444 $37 $81,696 Individual resident rate - monthly $41 22 $902 $42 17 $714 $45 $765 Individual non-resident rate - annual $490 3 $1,470 $528 1 $528 $552 $46 $552 Individual non-resident rate - monthly $49 1 $49 $53 0 $0 $55 $0 Couple resident rate - annual $720 73 $52,560 $744 70 $52,080 $780 $65 $54,600 Couple resident rate - monthly $72 5 $360 $74 5 $370 $78 $390 Couple non-resident rate - annual $864 1 $864 $888 1 $888 $936 $78 $936Couple non-resident rate - monthly $87 0 $0 $89 0 $0 $93 $0 Family resident rate - annual $936 43 $40,248 $972 32 $31,104 $1,020 $85 $32,640 Family resident rate - monthly $93 4 $372 $97 4 $388 $102 $408 Family non-resident rate - annual $1,128 0 $0 $1,164 0 $0 $1,224 $102 $0Family non-resident rate - monthly $113 0 $0 $116 0 $123 $0 Senior resident rate - annual $312 91 $28,392 $324 83 $26,892 $336 $28 $27,888 Senior resident rate - monthly $31 11 $341 $32 9 $288 $34 $306 Senior non-resident rate - annual $375 3 $1,125 $384 1 $384 $408 $34 $408 Senior non-resident rate - monthly $37 0 $0 $38 0 $0 $41 $0 Senior couple resident rate - annual $528 34 $17,952 $540 37 $19,980 $564 $47 $20,868 Senior couple resident rate - monthly $53 6 $318 $54 4 $216 $57 $228 Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $636 2 $1,272 $660 2 $1,320 $684 $57 $1,368Senior couple non-resident - monthly $64 0 $0 $66 0 $0 $68 $0 Student resident rate - annual $312 20 $6,240 $324 18 $5,832 $336 $28 $6,048 Student resident rate - monthly $31 13 $403 $32 9 $288 $34 $306 Student non-resident rate - annual $375 0 $0 $384 0 $0 $408 $34 $0 Student non-resident rate - monthly $37 0 $0 $38 0 $0 $41 $0 *Matinee resident rate - annual $216 95 $20,520 $228 88 $20,064 $240 $20 $21,120 Matinee resident rate - monthly $21 4 $84 $23 2 $46 $24 $48 Matinee non-resident rate - annual $260 4 $1,040 $276 5 $1,380 $288 $24 $1,440Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $26 0 $0 $28 1 $0 $28 $0 All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$311 66 $20,526 $324 63 $20,412 $337 $21,231 All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$692 0 $0 $720 0 $0 $749 $0 *as of 8/15/17 685 $270,110 636 $260,454 $273,246 4.9% Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT. $12,792 Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate. Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%. LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fitness Center Membership Fees FY21 SUBJECT: Approval of Lake Forest Lakefront Recommended Fees for FY2021 PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation 847-810-3941 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Lakefront Permit fees for Fiscal Year 2021. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2021. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Lakefront permit fees for FY2021. Staff is recommending to hold fees constant with the FY2020 approved fees for the next fiscal year. We have had to refund or prorate the approved fees for the past four summers due to road issues. Staff feel that another fee increase at this time isn’t necessary and would like to get through a summer charging the actual approved fees. If fees were raised our normal four percent then the actual increase would seem much larger than that based on what the community actually paid. It seems like the right thing to do at this time since the lakefront users have been inconvenienced over the past four summers. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $6781 over FY2020. The positive revenue increase is based on the actual fee being charged rather than the adjusted fee that was actually charged. All fees will become effective May 1, 2020. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff are requesting the approval of the proposed FY2021 Lake Forest Lake Front fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. Exhibit #2 Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $497 64 $31,808 $517 73 $37,741 $517 $0Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $397 12 $4,764 $413 23 $9,499 $413 $0 Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $994 4 $3,976 $1,034 6 $6,204 $1,034 $0 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $249 17 $4,233 $259 3 $777 $259 $0 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $200 2 $400 $208 2 $416 $208 $0 Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $497 0 $0 $517 0 $0 $517 $0Year Round Compound Storage Resident $2,203 10 $22,030 $2,291 5 $11,455 $2,291 $0Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,762 4 $7,048 $1,832 5 $9,160 $1,832 $0 Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $3,305 0 $0 $3,437 2 $6,874 $3,437 $0 Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,491 1 $1,491 $1,551 3 $4,653 $1,551 $0 Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,193 2 $2,386 $1,241 3 $3,723 $1,241 $0 Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,235 0 $0 $2,324 0 $0 $2,324 $0 Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $602 4 $2,408 $626 4 $2,504 $626 $0Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $483 5 $2,415 $502 5 $2,510 $502 $0 Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $602 0 $0 $626 0 $0 $626 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $352 16 $5,632 $366 12 $4,392 $366 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $281 2 $562 $292 5 $1,460 $292 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $352 0 $0 $366 0 $0 $366 $0 Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $745 0 $0 $775 1 $775 $775 $0Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $596 0 $0 $620 0 $0 $620 $0 Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $1,117 0 $0 $1,162 0 $0 $1,162 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $457 1 $457 $475 2 $950 $475 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $365 1 $365 $380 1 $380 $380 $0 Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $686 0 $0 $713 0 $0 $713 $0 South Beach Parking Permit Resident $145 32 $4,640 114*148 $16,872 $151 $0South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $114 7 $798 90*45 $4,050 $119 $0South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $910 4 $3,640 $910 5 $4,550 $910 $0 South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $96 0 $0 $100 0 $0 $100 $0 Daily Boat Launch $40 25 $1,000 $40 25 $1,000 $40 $0 Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 2 $130 $65 2 $130 $65 $0 5 Punch Pass $200 5 $1,600 $200 6 $1,600 $200 $05 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 0 $0 $325 0 $0 $325 $0Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 11 $110 $10 87 $870 $10 $0 Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 29 $2,465 $85 38 $3,230 $85 $0 Non-Resident Beach Fee Weekend/Holiday $10 2414 $24,140 $15 651 $9,765 $15 $0 $128,498 $145,540 FY2020FY2019 Permits SoldFY19 Revenue Lakefront Permit Fees Revenue GrowthLAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Permits Sold IncreaseFY2021 ProposedFY20 Revenue SUBJECT: Approval of Park/Beach Pavilion Recommended Fees for FY21 PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (847) 810-3941 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Park/Beach Pavilion Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2021. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2021. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Since inception, rental of pavilions to our residents has been considered a service and not so much of a potential revenue stream. Staff received approval last year to raise the pavilion rental fees for the first time since 2009 in a $25 increase per rental. Staff is proposing that for FY21 we use the same rental fees that were approved for FY20. Staff would recommend that the $25 increase last year is still an appropriate price for that service as well as the fact that the Beach Pavilions were not rentable last year. Being the first year of the approved FY20 fees at the beach Staff recommend not raising the rental fees. Staff will look to increase these permit fees every 3-5 years or as necessary to keep up with rising costs. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: There will only be an impact on our budget will be seen through the increase of rentals for FY21. RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff are requesting the approval of the proposed FY 2021 Park/Beach Pavilion Rental fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval.  FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 Incremental Rates Rentals Revenue Rates Rentals Revenue Proposed Increase Revenue Increase Park Rentals Townline Community Park $125 19 $2,375 $150 20 $3,000 $150 $0 $3,000 $0 Northcroft Park $125 38 $4,750 $150 32 $4,800 $150 $0 $4,800 $0 Everett Park $75 8 $600 $100 8 $800 $100 $0 $800 $0 Elawa Park $75 7 $525 $100 10 $1,000 $100 $0 $1,000 $0 South Park $75 5 $375 $100 5 $500 $100 $0 $500 $0 West Park $75 7 $525 $100 7 $700 $100 $0 $700 $0 Park Totals 84 $9,150 82 $10,800 $10,800 Beach Rentals Boat Pavilion $75 23 $1,725 $100 0 $0 $100 $0 $2,300 $2,300 South Pavilion $75 18 $1,350 $100 0 $0 $100 $0 $1,800 $1,800 Fire Circle $75 6 $450 $100 0 $0 $100 $0 $600 $600 Beach Totals 47 $3,525 0 $0 $4,700 $4,700 Additional Fees Additional Hours $25 $25 $25 $0 0 Litter Deposit $150 $150 $150 $0 0 Totals 131 $12,675 82 $10,800 $15,500 $4,700 LAKE FOREST PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park/Beach Pavilion Rental Fees FY21 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTEDFY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Fund Balance 5/1 243,745$ 449,049$ 365,205$ 967,832$ 1,148,929$ 496,301$ 575,235$ 1,245,790$ 1,389,725$ 1,506,951$ Revenue Current Revenue Grants 75,000$ -$ 280,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Park impact fees 348,934 78,338 652,122 157,018 86,806 94,008 814,736 109,676 94,008 94,008 Other 324,366 - Interest 2,170 2,818 13,079 27,826 15,566 9,926 15,819 34,259 38,217 41,441 Total Current Revenue 426,104$ 81,156$ 989,567$ 184,844$ 382,372$ 103,934$ 830,555$ 143,935$ 132,225$ 135,449$ Net before CIP 426,104$ 81,156$ 989,567$ 184,844$ 382,372$ 103,934$ 830,555$ 143,935$ 132,225$ 135,449$ Total Capital Expenditures- #1 Only 220,800$ 165,000$ 386,940$ 3,747$ 1,035,000$ 25,000$ 160,000$ -$ 15,000$ -$ Fund Balance 4/30 449,049$ 365,205$ 967,832$ 1,148,929$ 496,301$ 575,235$ 1,245,790$ 1,389,725$ 1,506,951$ 1,642,400$ Note: This fund accounts for impact fees. THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST FIVE YEAR FUND BALANCE FORECAST PARK AND PUBLIC LAND FUND Capital projects funded from the Park and Public Land Fund are financed primarily from impact fees which are dependent upon development activity and hard to predict. Should revenues be insufficient to fund improvements projected in the Five-Year plan, such improvements could be deferred or financed from alternative revenue sources, if available. 8/16/19 early estimate Parks and Recreation Park and Public Land Projects FY21 Priority Ranking and Rationale FY21 Projects in Park and Public Land Fund from Impact Fees 1 Deerpath Golf Course Drainage Improvements Additional drainage improvements in specific areas of the Deerpath Golf Course. The drainage improvements will build upon the improvements made in 2017 and provides support of an existing revenue stream by allowing golfers to play the course even with wet conditions. $50,000 2 Waveland Park Tennis Surface Maintenance Project involves striping and replacing the top acrylic layers of four tennis courts and one basketball court. Re-surfacing the top acrylic coats on a five year cycle will extend the life of the base asphalt layer and reduce cracks. 5-year maintenance reduces the chance of large cracks in the play surface-safer conditions for users and prevention of more costly asphalt repairs to the sub-surface layer. The courts at Waveland were last surfaced in 2012 and are overdue by three years $35,000 3 Forest Park Trail Addition/Boardwalk Installation of trail section along south beach access road in Forest Park. The new trail will provide access from upper Forest Park to the beach and includes a section of boardwalk. The new trail will replace the boardwalk that was in the park for over thirty years and has failed due to instability of bluff and age structure. The new trail section and boardwalk will be installed in a new location along the South Beach Access Road and will provide a safer pedestrian walkway to the beach and will be ADA compliant. $300,000 4 Waveland Park Bridge Replacement This project includes the replacement of a wooden bridge on the main path at Waveland Park and repair of the stream bank under the bridge. The existing bridge is part of the main walking path and is used by hundreds of parks users annually. The bridge is over fifteen years old and has exceeded its estimated useful life. The bridge will be ADA compliant. $75,000 5 West Park Hockey Rink Replacement Purchase of a new portable hockey rink for West Park. The current hockey rink is a wooden structure built over 25 years ago that is difficult to assemble every year and requires regular painting and repairs. The new one will be a composite material that will require less annual maintenance and less time to install every year. $75,000 6 Veterans Park Redesign The City has acquired this property and it is in need of upgrade and redesign to benefit our residents. The mission of this project is to develop a passive, open space which serves a a gateway park and leads residents and visitors into the central business district. The main objective is to develop a comprehensive master plan for the park what will identify opportunities to achieve a balance between the recreational use and the protection and interpretation of the cultural, natural and scenic resources of the park. The park has become overgrown with some elements no longer working. Being a focal entry into the central business district some upgrades and maintenance must be completed to provide a usable passive recreation area for the City. $100,000 TOTAL FROM PPL FUND $635,000