PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2019/09/17 Packet
_____ Paul Best, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy
_____ Jared Rhoads _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ Will Elliott, Student Member II. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the August 20, 2019 Parks and Recreation
IV. YOUTH ATHLETICS HEAD INJURY PREVENTION- presented by Anthony Anaszewicz,
Athletics Program Manager
V. IDOT 41 PUMP STATION UPDATE- presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of
Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities VI. SOUTH PARK UPDATE- presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry
and Special Facilities VII. *BROCHURE PRINT BID APPROVAL- presented by Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
VIII. FY21 FITNESS FEES- presented by Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
IX. FY21 LAKEFRONT FEES- presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager
X. FY21 PERMIT FEES- presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Manager
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2019
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The
following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Paul Best
Mr. Steve Reimer
Ms. Melanie Walsh
Mr. Jared Rhoads
Ms. Shannon Maguire
Ms. Nancy Duffy
Mr. Will Elliott, Student
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation
Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities
Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager, Lakefront Facilities
Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
II. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the May 21, 2019 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and
Board member Duffy motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Walsh seconded.
The minutes were then unanimously approved.
III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
No comments
IV. Update on Beach Operations
Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager, Lakefront Facilities took the Board members on a short tour on the
beach boardwalk and updated them on the progress and operations at the Lakefront.
V. Update/Tour of North Beach Access Road
Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works led the Board members on a guided tour of the
construction site on the North Beach Access Road. He gave an update on the progress of the project.
The project is currently on schedule with a completion date by September 14th. A ribbon cutting
ceremony and celebration is being planned for September 14th. City Staff and contractors have
worked very hard to complete the project on schedule.
VI. Comments by Director
Director Swarthout talked about the following events coming up in August and September.
• Back to School Bash with the Chamber of Commerce on August 25th from 1:00 – 4:00pm at
the West Train Station. This is a free event, but participants are encourage to bring school
supplies to donate to needy families. There will be family fun events including games, face
painting, a balloon artist, music and more.
• The Friends of Lake Forest Library Annual Fall Book Sale is on September 12-15th in the
Recreation Center Gymnasium
• Ribbon Cutting Celebration for the Grand Opening of the North Beach Access Road will be
held on September 14th
• Go LF Walk on September 12th at 8:00am at Lake Forest College
• The Lake Forest Fall Festival will be on September 21st from 3:00pm – 10:00pm in the
parking lot behind City Hall. Admission is $10/ticket. There will be activities, food, local
vendors and live music.
VII. Comments by Chairman
Chairman Best went over the idea of having one meeting per quarter in a different location and
facility within the City. This is a great way to get members familiar with other facilities and their
VIII. Comments by Board Members
Board member Rhoads complimented on the great progress made on the North Beach Access Road.
IX. Other Comments
Program Manager Dalzot thanked the Board on behalf of himself and his staff for all their support
over the season.
X. Adjournment
Board member Reimer motioned for adjournment and Board member Rhoades seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: IDOT US Rt. 41 Pump Station Update
FACILITIES, 810-3565
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Chuck Myers will provide a report on the Illinois
Department of Transportation (IDOT) US Rt. 41 Pump Station Project and the impacts it
will have on the Deerpath Golf Course. This agenda item is for informational purposes
only and no action is being sought.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The purpose of this project is to improve the existing drainage
system at the US 41 and Deerpath Road interchange and to provide left turn channelization
where Deerpath Road turns onto US 41. Two primary drainage deficiencies will be
addressed; the bypass sewer draining the area west of the interchange will be sized to
accommodate the tributary area draining to this sewer, and a new pump station will be
constructed on IDOT owned property to replace existing Pump Station 38 (PS38) that will be
sized based on the tributary area draining to Deerpath Road at US 41. The existing two-way
left turn lane under US 41 will be replaced with full size left turn lanes to improve safety.
The City of Lake Forest has worked with IDOT in planning for this project for many years. The
City indicated to IDOT that Deerpath Road under the US 41 viaduct has been inundated to
hazardous depths of surface water on several occasions after large rainfall events. Based on
coordination with IDOT Hydraulics Section and the Bureau of Maintenance, and City of
Lake Forest, reports of flooding on Deerpath Road at the US 41 interchange have been a
frequent occurrence. Numerous occurrences of flooding have been documented over the
years where between one and three feet of water was observed in the underpass and cars
were stranded in the standing water.
Drainage west of the US 41 overpass is collected into a bypass sewer that crosses under US
41 south of Deerpath Road, and continues to the east to its outfall into the Skokie River. This
bypass sewer is not adequate to handle the tributary area being collected by this sewer.
The existing PS 38 collects and pumps water from under the US 41 overpass and outlets to
the same bypass sewer. The primary deficiency with existing PS 38 is that the pumps are not
adequate to handle the volume of water being collected under the overpass. The bypass
sewer, which is inadequate to handle its own tributary area, overflows and increases the
amount of water flowing to the area under the overpass, which contributes to the flooding
occurring on Deerpath Road under the US 41 overpass.
On Deerpath Road, left turning traffic onto US 41 must navigate a short two-way left turn
lane with the potential for head-on and sideswipe collisions. Between 2011 and 2013, there
were 45 crashes in this area. This intersection continues to be one of the most dangerous
intersection in the City and has numerous documented accidents.
The Illinois Department of Transportation is proposing to replace PS 38, which drains the
Deerpath Road underpass at US 41 in the City of Lake Forest. The project includes the
reconstruction and relocation of the pump station and appurtenances. Additional
improvements include the installation of detention basins on Deerpath Golf Course and
geometric improvements on Deerpath Road at the US 41 interchange. Safety
improvements are proposed along Deerpath Road that includes the addition of left-turn
lanes for Deerpath Road turns onto the US 41 on-ramps.
The addition of holding ponds on the south end of the golf course will require the relocation
and rebuilding of holes 17 and 18 and re-landscaping near hole 1. During the planning
process, City staff has worked with LohmanQuitno Golf Course Design to develop a golf
course restoration plan to be utilized once the IDOT work has been completed at the golf
course. The City is currently working closely with IDOT and their engineering firm to develop
a final plan and an agreement between the City and IDOT.
The construction phase of the project is expected to begin in early 2020 and be completed
by October 2021. Due to the expected impacts on this busy corridor, City staff will be
working closely with public safety, the hospital, and the schools throughout the project.
Project updates and schedules will be provided via the City website, Dialogue newsletter,
Facebook and Constant Contact.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the project, estimated at $11 million, will be
fully fund by IDOT. The estimated cost for the golf course restoration portion is $665,000
and it is anticipated that IDOT will allow the City to manage/oversee this portion of the
project and the cost will be paid by IDOT. The City is currently working closely with IDOT
to finalize the agreement that includes responsibilities for cost associated with this
PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: No Action required. For informational purposes only.
SUBJECT: South Park Update
FACILITIES, 810-3565
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Chuck Myers will provide the Board with a report on
planning underway for improvements at South Park and the status of an OSLAD grant to
fund the project. This agenda item is for informational purposes only and no action is
being sought.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: South Park is a 12.4 acre park and one of six neighborhood
parks in the City of Lake Forest. It is located in the southeast portion of the City. The park
contains a variety of recreation facilities including tennis courts, two ball fields, batting
cage, turf field for soccer, rugby and lacrosse that overlays the outfields, playground, picnic pavilion with restrooms and a small storage area and gravel road with scattered
undefined parking. The park is bordered by residential to the north and east, a woodlot along the south and the regional bike trail and railroad along the west edge.
Accessible routes between amenities are also limited. The park is in need of many capital improvements to be at the high standard level expected in our Lake Forest
In December 2016, City staff selected Hitchcock Design Group to develop a new master plan for South Park. The master plan was needed to develop a comprehensive
vision for the park that will serve as a framework for future park use and improvements. The completed master plan was approved by the Parks and Recreation Board and City
Council in 2017 and work was begun to strategize possible funding sources for the much needed improvements. In the fall of 2018, the City applied for a grant through the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources OSLAD Program. The City was recently notified that
we were approved for the grant request to make improvements at South Park.
The grant funding will be combined with City funds to complete improvements over the
next two years. These improvements will replace some of the worst amenities and
provide new recreation opportunities. The tennis courts and batting cage will be
replaced and a fitness station, basketball court, and bocce court will be added. A new
path system will connect these amenities to each other, parking, and existing
neighborhood sidewalks, making the park accessible for the first time. Several trees will
be planted within the park and woodland management is planned along the southern
portion of the property to remove invasive vegetation and reestablish native species.
On March 26, 2019 a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released by the City, published in
the Lake County News Sun, and posted on the City’s website. On April 16, 2019, three
submittals were received and a selection committee, comprised of City staff was
formed to review and evaluate the written responses. Interviews were also conducted to further evaluate the firm’s qualifications and their ability to successfully provide these
services for the City.
After careful consideration, Hitchcock Design Group was selected by the selection committee as the successful candidate. The basis for the selection was as follows:
• Hitchcock Design Group met, and surpassed all qualifications outlined in the RFP.
• Hitchcock Design Group has extensive experience with municipal projects and specifically parks and recreation related projects.
• Hitchcock Design Group has an excellent record working with the City on other projects, including the development of the South Park Master Plan.
• Hitchcock Design Group presented a reasonable fee schedule associated with their proposed project team and proposed the lowest overall cost estimate for
the South Park project.
The City has now entered into a contract with Hitchcock Design Group for architectural
and engineering design and construction documents. Hitchcock, with the assistance of
their selected Engineering firm, will provide all the required documents to bid the
project out and provide construction administration/observation. Landscape
architectural services will include, but are not limited to, architecture, site analysis, site
planning, site design, sustainable design, construction specification and insuring that all
plans meet the current building codes and local and federal ordinances. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the South Park Improvement Project is budgeted in
the FY2019 and FY2020 CIP and the Operations Budget. The total cost for the project is
estimated to be $560,000. At this time, staff is waiting for the final signed grant
agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Once the construction
documents are complete and the project has been competitively bid, staff will seek
approval to award a contract for construction.
Below is an estimated summary of Project budget:
FY2019/FY2020 Funding Source Amount
Park and Public Land Fund (FY19) $150,000 Not requested at
this time Y
Park and Public Land Fund (FY20)* $360,000 Not requested at
this time Y
Special Recreation Fund $40,000 Not requested at
this time Y
Operations (Sports Field
Improvement Fund) $10,000 Not requested at
this time Y
* Includes $280,000 in grant funding and $80,000 in City funding GRANT FUNDING ASSESSMENTS
Project Cost OSLAD Grant Funding 50% Local Share 50%
$560,000 $280,000 $280,000
PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: No Action required. For informational purposes
SUBJECT: Approval to Award a 2-Year Contract for Seasonal Brochure Printing for the
Recreation Department.
PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3934)
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval to award a 2-year contract
for the printing of the seasonal brochures for the Recreation Department.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Recreation Department currently prints 3 seasonal
brochures which are mailed out to all residents of the City of Lake Forest. Under the
City’s financial policies and in an attempt to lower operational costs, the brochure
printing needs were put through the formal bid process in August 2019. Staff have
completed the bid process in each of the last 3 years. In an effort to save costs moving
forward, staff decided to seek pricing for a 2-year period and lock in the second year
prices now.
Public notice to solicit bids was provided on August 15, 2019 with a bid opening date of
September 5, 2019. The chosen timetable was driven by the upcoming Winter/Spring
Brochure schedule which is set to be printed in late October 2019.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for seasonal brochure printing is a Parks & Recreation
Department program expense and is budgeted in the Marketing annual operating
Has City staff obtained competitive pricing for proposed goods/services? Yes/No
Recommended Bidder/Proposer is BOLDED
Company Name Dollar Amount Bid
Swift Printing $38,964.00
Woodward Printing $48,411.00
Action Printing $48,609.86
KK Stevens $48,719.87
Kelvyn Printing $55,784.00
LSC Communications $82,669.00
Below is an estimated summary of Project budget:
Funding Source Amount
FY20 Marketing Operating
Budget $26,000 Y
FY21 Marketing Operating
Budget (proposed) $26,000 proposed
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Approval to award a 2-year contract for
Recreation Department seasonal brochure printing to Swift Printing.
SUBJECT: Discussion of Lake Forest Fitness Center Recommended Fees for FY21
PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3034)
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Fitness
Center’s fees for Fiscal Year 2021. Staff is looking for feedback regarding the fee
increases so we can come before the Park and Recreation Board at the October
meeting for final approval. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to
prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2021.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center
membership types for FY2021. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the
majority of our membership fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and
personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive in the local fitness market.
Membership fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly to the nearest dollar
to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a
conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain
the same throughout the year based on membership totals in August.
To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non-
resident fee to the 20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for
program fees.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $12,792 over
FY2021 with this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective
May 1, 2020
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Discussion of Lake Forest Fitness Center
Recommended Fees for FY21
FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21
Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue
Individual resident rate - annual $408 184 $75,072 $420 184 $77,280 $444 $37 $81,696
Individual resident rate - monthly $41 22 $902 $42 17 $714 $45 $765
Individual non-resident rate - annual $490 3 $1,470 $528 1 $528 $552 $46 $552
Individual non-resident rate - monthly $49 1 $49 $53 0 $0 $55 $0
Couple resident rate - annual $720 73 $52,560 $744 70 $52,080 $780 $65 $54,600
Couple resident rate - monthly $72 5 $360 $74 5 $370 $78 $390
Couple non-resident rate - annual $864 1 $864 $888 1 $888 $936 $78 $936
Couple non-resident rate - monthly $87 0 $0 $89 0 $0 $93 $0
Family resident rate - annual $936 43 $40,248 $972 32 $31,104 $1,020 $85 $32,640
Family resident rate - monthly $93 4 $372 $97 4 $388 $102 $408
Family non-resident rate - annual $1,128 0 $0 $1,164 0 $0 $1,224 $102 $0
Family non-resident rate - monthly $113 0 $0 $116 0 $123 $0
Senior resident rate - annual $312 91 $28,392 $324 83 $26,892 $336 $28 $27,888
Senior resident rate - monthly $31 11 $341 $32 9 $288 $34 $306
Senior non-resident rate - annual $375 3 $1,125 $384 1 $384 $408 $34 $408
Senior non-resident rate - monthly $37 0 $0 $38 0 $0 $41 $0
Senior couple resident rate - annual $528 34 $17,952 $540 37 $19,980 $564 $47 $20,868
Senior couple resident rate - monthly $53 6 $318 $54 4 $216 $57 $228
Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $636 2 $1,272 $660 2 $1,320 $684 $57 $1,368
Senior couple non-resident - monthly $64 0 $0 $66 0 $0 $68 $0
Student resident rate - annual $312 20 $6,240 $324 18 $5,832 $336 $28 $6,048
Student resident rate - monthly $31 13 $403 $32 9 $288 $34 $306
Student non-resident rate - annual $375 0 $0 $384 0 $0 $408 $34 $0
Student non-resident rate - monthly $37 0 $0 $38 0 $0 $41 $0
*Matinee resident rate - annual $216 95 $20,520 $228 88 $20,064 $240 $20 $21,120
Matinee resident rate - monthly $21 4 $84 $23 2 $46 $24 $48
Matinee non-resident rate - annual $260 4 $1,040 $276 5 $1,380 $288 $24 $1,440
Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $26 0 $0 $28 1 $0 $28 $0
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$311 66 $20,526 $324 63 $20,412 $337 $21,231
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$692 0 $0 $720 0 $0 $749 $0
*as of 8/15/17 685 $270,110 636 $260,454 $273,246
Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT. $12,792
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY21
SUBJECT: Lake Forest Lakefront Recommended Fees for FY2021
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Lakefront
Permit fees for Fiscal Year 2021. Staff is looking for feedback regarding the fee increases
so we can come before the Park and Recreation Board at the October meeting for
final approval. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of
the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to prepare our operating
budgets for fiscal year 2021.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Lakefront permit
fees for FY2021. Staff is recommending to hold fees constant with the FY20 approved
fees of Forest Park Beach Permit fees. We have had to refund or prorate our guests that
purchased passes for the last four summers due to road issues so an increase on the
FY20 approved fees would seem like a large increase compared to what was actually
paid. This year having both roads to welcome guests with normal operations holding
most fees constant to FY21 feels like the right thing to do.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $6781 over
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Discussion of Lakefront Recommended Fees for
Exhibit #2
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $497 64 $31,808 $517 73 $37,741 $517 $0Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $397 12 $4,764 $413 23 $9,499 $413 $0
Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $994 4 $3,976 $1,034 6 $6,204 $1,034 $0
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $249 17 $4,233 $259 3 $777 $259 $0
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $200 2 $400 $208 2 $416 $208 $0
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $497 0 $0 $517 0 $0 $517 $0Year Round Compound Storage Resident $2,203 10 $22,030 $2,291 5 $11,455 $2,291 $0Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,762 4 $7,048 $1,832 5 $9,160 $1,832 $0
Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $3,305 0 $0 $3,437 2 $6,874 $3,437 $0
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,491 1 $1,491 $1,551 3 $4,653 $1,551 $0
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,193 2 $2,386 $1,241 3 $3,723 $1,241 $0
Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,235 0 $0 $2,324 0 $0 $2,324 $0
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $602 4 $2,408 $626 4 $2,504 $626 $0Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $483 5 $2,415 $502 5 $2,510 $502 $0
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $602 0 $0 $626 0 $0 $626 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $352 16 $5,632 $366 12 $4,392 $366 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $281 2 $562 $292 5 $1,460 $292 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $352 0 $0 $366 0 $0 $366 $0
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $745 0 $0 $775 1 $775 $775 $0Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $596 0 $0 $620 0 $0 $620 $0
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $1,117 0 $0 $1,162 0 $0 $1,162 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $457 1 $457 $475 2 $950 $475 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $365 1 $365 $380 1 $380 $380 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $686 0 $0 $713 0 $0 $713 $0
South Beach Parking Permit Resident $145 32 $4,640 114*148 $16,872 $151 $0South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $114 7 $798 90*45 $4,050 $119 $0South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $910 4 $3,640 $910 5 $4,550 $910 $0
South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $96 0 $0 $100 0 $0 $100 $0
Daily Boat Launch $40 25 $1,000 $40 25 $1,000 $40 $0
Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 2 $130 $65 2 $130 $65 $0
5 Punch Pass $200 5 $1,600 $200 6 $1,600 $200 $05 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 0 $0 $325 0 $0 $325 $0Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 11 $110 $10 87 $870 $10 $0
Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 29 $2,465 $85 38 $3,230 $85 $0
Non-Resident Beach Fee Weekend/Holiday $10 2414 $24,140 $15 651 $9,765 $15 $0
$128,498 $145,540
FY20 RevenueFY2020FY2019 Permits SoldFY19 Revenue
Permits Sold IncreaseFY2021 Proposed
SUBJECT: Discussion of Park Pavilion Rental Fee Increase for FY2021
PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager (847) 810-3945
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion on potential Park Permit Rental fee
Since inception, rental of pavilions to our residents has been considered a service and
not so much of a potential revenue stream. Staff received approval last year to raise
the pavilion rental fees for the first time since 2009 in a $25 increase per rental. Staff is
proposing that for FY21 we use the same rental fees that were approved for FY20. Staff
would recommend that the $25 increase last year is still an appropriate price for that
service. Staff will look to increase these permit fees every 3-5 years or as necessary to
keep up with rising costs.
BOARD ACTION: Discussion of Recommended Park Pavilion Rental Fee Increase for