PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2019/05/21 Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 6:30PM at MUNICIPAL SERVICES 800 N. FIELD DRIVE LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL _____ Paul Best, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy _____ Jared Rhoads _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ Will Elliott, Student Member II. WELCOME TO NEW BOARD MEMBERS III. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the April 16, 2019 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting IV. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS V. FRIENDS OF LAKE FOREST PARKS AND RECREATION FOUNDATION-presented by Ara Goshgarian VI. DEERPATH GOLF COURSE UPDATE-presented by Vince Juarez, General Manager, Kemper Sports Management VII. WILDLIFE DISCOVERY CENTER SPOTLIGHT-presented by Rob Carmichael-Wildlife Discovery Center Curator VIII. *APPROVAL OF FY20 MEETING DATES- presented by Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks & Recreation IX. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR X. COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN XI. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS XII. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 16, 2019 I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at 6:30p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer Mr. Paul Best Mr. Steve Reimer Ms. Shannon Maguire Mr. Rich Adams Mr. William Zordani, Student Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. John Eldridge, Program Manager Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the March 19, 2019 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Best motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Maguire seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda No comments IV. Resolution of Appreciation Chairman Kohlmeyer presented Student Board member Zordani with a Resolution of Appreciation for his dedication and service to the Parks and Recreation Board and the community of Lake Forest. Director Swarthout presented Chairman Kohlmeyer with a Resolution of Appreciation for his dedication and service to the Parks and Recreation Board and the community of Lake Forest. Board member Reimer motioned to accept the Resolutions and Board member Best seconded. V. Special Events Spotlight John Eldridge, Program Manager, presented the upcoming community events. He went over the list of annual events hosted by the Lake Forest Recreation Department in addition to the events hosted by the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation. He gave a brief overview of the upcoming events this summer, from April through July. They will be offering two concerts at the beach this year. Mr. Eldridge talked about a new event for mothers and sons they would like to offer in the fall. Program Manager Eldridge talked about his marketing initiative and the Easter Bunny videos he made to promote the annual Easter egg hunt hosted by the Lake Forest Recreation Department. They want to introduce more creative, comedic and fun marketing initiative’s to promote events to the community. Mr. Eldridge touched on how they are currently in the process of developing a new sponsorship program. This would include the below tiered system: Presenting Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Local businesses may also partner with the program to offer food, drinks and other materials. The program has currently teamed up with Left Bank and Lake Forest Flowers. Program Manager Eldridge gave a big thank you to the great team of volunteers that have helped out with these community events. VI. Approval of Tennis Court Usage Policy Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, gave an overview of the Athletic Field Usage Policy. He touched on the background of this policy. There have been more inquiries over the years requesting use of the tennis courts which has presented a need for the Policy. This new policy will provide additional revenue and offset any revenue lost from declining Tennis program offerings. He went over the Fee Structure offered to the various organizations and schools. The fees are as follows: For Profit Organizations- $10/Court/Hour Not for Profit Organizations- $5/Court/Hour Lake Forest Schools- $75/Season (per park) Board member Best motioned for approval of the new Tennis Court Usage Policy and Board member Adams seconded. The motion was then unanimously approved. VII. Comments by Director Director Swarthout talked about the City Council meeting on April 15th that approved the Lakefront operations for the upcoming season. Staff is looking into offering a flexible weekend fee depending on the parking available. The biggest push back on the change in operations is the upper lot parking being made available for staff. Board member Maguire suggested having the ability to purchase online reservations for a slot of hours and present a receipt. There will be a shuttle available for late night concerts. Families will be able to drive down to the lower lot and drop off guests. The Police Department is offering a bike officer to be present the first five weeks of the beach opening. Director Swarthout talked about the upcoming summer events that will be published in the Leader and available at all City buildings. Board member Adams inquired if Constant Contact can be used for current times on travel time to the beach. It was brought up to look into using an App called “Safe Stop” that updates schedules every 30 seconds to track the shuttle bus to the beach. Director Swarthout reminded members of the upcoming Fred Jackson Annual Golf Classic on June 7th and the NSSRA Shining Stars on May 10th. The Fred Jackson Annual Golf Classic is a fundraiser by the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation. Director Swarthout talked about the following upcoming events in April and May: 1. RX for Health- Walking in Nature- April 27th from 4:00pm – 5:30pm at Middlefork Savanna Forest Preserve 2. Smelt-O-Rama - April 27th from Sundown – 10pm at Forest Park Beach Boating Pavilion 3. LFDA Preschool Recital “Candy Land” – May 4th at 11:00am and 1:00pm at Gorton Community Center 4. Family Drive In Movie Night – May 11th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm at Lake Forest Recreation Center Gymnasium 5. LFDA Annual Recital “Peter Pan & When I Grow Up”- May 18th at 12:00pm, 3:00pm and 6:00pm at Lake Forest High School VIII. Comments by Board Members Board member Best thanked Chairman Kohlmeyer for his contribution and all his help. IX. Adjournment Board member Maguire motioned for adjournment and Board member Reimer seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:11p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: DEERPATH GOLF COURSE UPDATE STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS, FORESTRY& SPECIAL FACILITIES, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Kemper Sports Management General Manager Vince Juarez, will provide the board with a verbal report on the golf course goals, programing, and staffing for the upcoming golf season. This agenda item is for informational purposes only and no action is being sought. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: No Action required. For informational purposes only. Parks & Recreation Board The Parks & Recreation Board meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month. The FY2020 scheduled meeting dates are as follows. Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Tuesday, April 21, 2020