PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2019/04/16 Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019 6:30PM at MUNICIPAL SERVICES 800 N. FIELD DRIVE LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL _____Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy _____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ William Zordani, Student II. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the March 19, 2019 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting III. *RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR RETIRING STUDENT MEMBER WILLIAM ZORDANI- Presented by Charlie Kohlmeyer *RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR RETIRING CHAIRMAN CHARLIE KOHLMEYER- Presented by Sally Swarthout IV. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS V. SPECIAL EVENTS SPOTLIGHT-Presented by John Eldridge, Program Manager VI. *APPROVAL OF TENNIS COURT USAGE POLICY- Presented by Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation VII. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR VIII. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS IX. ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2019 I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at 6:00p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer Mr. Paul Best Ms. Nancy Duffy Mr. Steve Reimer Ms. Shannon Maguire Mr. Rich Adams Mr. William Zordani, Student Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager, Lakefront Mr. Will Howard, Program Supervisor, Lakefront Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant Special Guest: Mr. Craig Culp, Executive Director-NSSRA II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the February 26, 2019 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved with corrections. Board member Best motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Duffy seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda No comments IV. Adjourn to Executive Session A motion was made by Board member Adams to move into Executive Session and Board member Best seconded. The motion was passed. V. Approval of NSSRA Resolution A motion was made by Board member Duffy to authorize the Acquisition of Certain Property and approval to move NSSRA Resolution forward to City Council. Board member Best seconded. The motion was passed. VI. Approval of Lakefront Operational Procedures Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program Manager went over the requested changes to the lakefront operational procedures for this upcoming beach season. He showed an aerial map of the beach to indicate where the upcoming road closures will be. Board member Maguire inquired about the setup of a hut. Mr. Dalzot went over the operational goals. Staff wants to continue to be able to provide excellent customer service and manage resident expectations. With the loss of 104 parking spots from the north end of the beach, staff still seeks to balance the resident use vs. permit use. Mr. Dalzot went over the 2018 south lot usage on weekend and holidays. There were 9757 vehicles and 16,947 guests last season. Staffing on a normal day is around 20 employees. After much consideration, Staff recommended the following: 1. Monday-Friday the south beach parking lot will be used by all residents. There will be 88 regular parking spots, 5 handicapped spots and 36 truck and trailer spaces. The middle row will be reserved for compound/watercraft permits. If necessary we will be able to accommodate more handicap spots. 2. Weekends and holidays- South beach lot will be for permit holders only. Deerpath lot will be used for shuttle use. Board member Maguire mentioned having Spring Ln. become a one way. It was answered this would need to be approved by City Council. The ID system was brought up to help control anyone dropping off guests. 3. Shuttle hours will be from 9am- 7pm. The top south lot will be used as Staff parking. There will be golf cart shuttles from the south lot to the north beach. These shuttles will include 1 cart on weekdays and 2 carts on weekends and holidays. Board member Duffy suggested using the staff parking lot for resident use and shuttling the staff. Discussion on top south lot parking followed. Board Maguire inquired about July 5th being considered a holiday for shuttling. 4. Pavilion rental services will be suspended this season. These recommended operations were discussed by many sections within the City. We will be coordinating with the Fire department to plan regular safety practice drills. The Police department will be providing additional support on the weekends. The Streets section will be providing any additional signage needed. In order to keep residents informed of these changes there will be plenty of signage posted, social media blasts, City website postings, Constant Contact email blasts along with reminders in the Summer Dialogue mailed to residents. The proposed Lakefront Operations Costs this season will be: • School bus service $18,840.00 • Golf Carts $5,400.00 • Additional Staff $2,970.00 The total estimated costs to maintain the shuttle bussing will be $26,850.00. Director Swarthout mentioned the weekend lot will be for permit holders only. Board member Maguire suggested making signage for the lower lot parking spots indicating for “Permit Holders Only”. It was suggested using a valet service. Storage lockers are being considered for residents to use while at the beach. Non-residents using the shuttle service will pay the fee at the Recreation Center Fitness Center and receive a wrist band. Board member Best stressed it is important to support the staff and it is a good idea to allow staff to park onsite. Director Swarthout said they are anticipating a target completion date of September 15th with a celebration kickoff in the 2020 season. A motion was made by Board Reimer member to approve the Lakefront Operational Procedures with investigation into valet service parking and to amend the verbiage to say “truck and trailer parking”. Board member Maguire seconded. The motion was passed. VII. Comments by Director Director Swarthout offered an invitation to the upcoming Fred Jackson Annual Golf Classic on June 7th and the NSSRA Shining Stars on May 10th. The Fred Jackson Annual Golf Classic is a fundraiser by the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation. Director Swarthout talked about the following upcoming events in April: 1. Easter Eggstravaganza- April 13th from 9:30am – 11:30am at Deerpath Middle School 2. Easter Bunny Baskets- April 17th from 3:00pm – 6:00pm 3. Smelt-O-Rama- April 27th from Sundown – 10pm at Forest Park Beach Boating Pavilion Comments by Board Members Board member Duffy commended Director Swarthout and staff on the great job they are doing and providing the best service to the residents. VIII. Adjournment Board member Reimer motioned for adjournment and Board member Maguire seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS WILLIAM ZORDANI has served The City of Lake Forest as a member of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 2018 - APRIL 2019 WHEREAS, he has devoted much valuable time and personal attention to the work of this advisory board and, on behalf of the citizens of Lake Forest, continually met his responsibilities with purpose and dedication; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Lake Forest recognize and are deeply appreciative of the valuable time and service he contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community by serving on this board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board of The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, hereby expresses the profound gratitude of the citizens of Lake Forest to William Zordani for the loyal and faithful public service he has given by means of this resolution, which shall be spread upon the permanent records of the Park and Recreation Board.. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS CHARLIE KOHLMEYER has served The City of Lake Forest as a member of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 2015 - APRIL 2019 WHEREAS, he has devoted much valuable time and personal attention to the work of this advisory board and, on behalf of the citizens of Lake Forest, continually met his responsibilities with purpose and dedication; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Lake Forest recognize and are deeply appreciative of the valuable time and service he contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community by serving on this board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board of The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, hereby expresses the profound gratitude of the citizens of Lake Forest to Charlie Kohlmeyer for the loyal and faithful public service he has given by means of this resolution, which shall be spread upon the permanent records of the Park and Recreation Board.. SUBJECT: Approval Tennis Court Usage Policy PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager (847-810-3945) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval of the Tennis Court Usage Policy. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The current Athletic Field Usage Policy was implemented in May, 2016. Staff are currently adding a tennis court usage policy to work in conjunction with the Athletic Field Usage Policy. The proposed policy is attached. Staff have received several requests to rent City owned tennis courts over the past few years. Staff have monitored the use of our courts during that time and have found that we have many open courts that could be used to generate additional revenue for the department. The proposed policy allows for court rentals while still allowing open courts for resident use as needed. The proposed policy also allows local school districts to continue to use our courts for their seasons. Staff have allowed this usage through the Athletic Field Usage Policy in the past and have charged a single rate for their respective seasons. Staff are requesting to include this rental in the proposed Tennis Court Usage policy. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed policy will have a positive impact on our operating budget. The additional revenue generated will offset the declining participation in our tennis program and could provide substantial revenue for our program. This impact will be seen on the revenue side of the budget since there aren’t any additional costs associated with the policy. For example, if a group reserves 5 courts for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week for a 10 week summer session the revenue generated will be approximately $20,000 in additional revenue. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the Tennis Court Usage Policy. Tennis Court Usage Policy FY20 (May 2019 - April 2020) The Athletic Court Usage Policy was established in the spring of 2019 by The Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Department (City) to allow rentals of open courts. By submitting the completed permit application (attached), the Athletic Association (User) will assume any and all risks associated with their special use in any City Parks. User agrees to pay fees to the City at the discretion of Staff. Request for payment may be at the time of application or at the conclusion of the requested dates. If the User reserves all courts in a park the User agrees to allow general resident use of one court at all times. If a resident arrives to use a court the User will move off of one court for their use. The User agrees that while they use Lake Forest Tennis Courts, they will adhere to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Further, User is responsible for compliance with the ADA and indemnifies the City for liability arising out of the Users’ failure to comply with the ADA. Upon approval by the City, the completed permit application acts as a contract between User and City. Any failure to abide by the terms of the agreement will result in revocation of the User’s permit and the City will not be liable to issue reimbursement of fees. Any User that is subject to revocation of a Court use permit, may appeal the decision to the Parks and Recreation Board. By signing the attached Facility Permit Application, User agrees to all provisions listed in this document and also agrees that the applied space is ALWAYS subject to availability and approval by City staff. Before consideration of approval is made, User MUST: • Submit completed permit application at least 30 days before the start date of the program/league; o Alongside application, submit a $150 refundable (per Organization), litter deposit (in the form of a check) which will be returned after the completion of the season if litter is picked up regularly by the requesting group. • Submit prior to first event date; o Submit proof of comprehensive general liability insurance listing The City of Lake Forest, The Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Department, and their Staff as additional insured in the amount of no less than $2,000,000; o Submit to Lake Forest Recreation Department Athletic Staff match/practice schedules for all teams; o Submit a statement of purpose of that organization including:  State filing status from the State of Illinois Fees Section – Tennis Court Usage These fees were established to allow local organizations access to our Outdoor Courts. 1. For Profit Organizations $ 10 / Court / Hour 2. Not for Profit Organizations $ 5 / Court / Hour 3. Lake Forest Schools $ 100 / Season (per Park) LAKE FOREST PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATHLETIC FIELD/FACILITY RESERVATIONS 400 Hastings Road / Lake Forest, IL / 60045 / (847) 234-6700 / (847) 615-4251 fax Pertinent Information: Applicant Name: Phone Number: Time: Weekdays: _________ (AM/PM) to: __________ (AM/PM) Weekends: _________ (AM/PM) to: __________ (AM/PM) Address: _________________________________________________ Dates Requested: ___________________________________ Organization/Sponsor: Estimated Number in Group: Email Addres_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grid Fields: Check all that apply (Map out ALL field dimensions requested on the back of this application) _____ Deerpath Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Elawa Farm Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Everett Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Northcroft Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ South Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Waveland Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ West Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Townline Community Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ Ball Diamonds: Check all that apply _____ Deerpath Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Elawa Farm Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Everett Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Northcroft Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ South Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Waveland Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ West Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Townline Community Park Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ Tennis Courts: Check all that apply (list number of courts requested to the left of the facility name) _____ Deerpath Park (6) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Everett Park (5) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Northcroft Park (2) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ South Park (2) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ Waveland Park (3) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ _____ West Park (4) Age/Grade: ______________________________________________________ Approval Process & Other Notes: • Once this application is completed in its entirety (front/back if applicable), send to address above, or email, to the attention of Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager at The Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Department. • ALL Athletic Field/Facility Applications MUST be turned in and approved 30 days prior to your league/event start date. • All Policies/Rules & Regulations will be sent to you upon the approval of this application for your files. • Athletic Field/Facility Policies can also be viewed at www.cityoflakeforest.com. Conditions of Approval will be emailed upon Approval, if needed. Program Manager Approval: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Anthony Anaszewicz email: anaszewa@cityoflakeforest.com