PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2019/03/19 Packet
_____Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy
_____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ William Zordani, Student II. *ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION- Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 et seq. possible topics a. Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body
b. Reconvene to Open Session III. *APPROVAL OF NSSRA RESOLUTION- Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Property and approval to move NSSRA Resolution forward to City Council
IV. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES i. Approval of minutes of the February 26, 2019 Parks and Recreation
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
February 26, 2019
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at
6:00p.m. The following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer
Mr. Paul Best
Ms. Nancy Duffy
Mr. Steve Reimer
Mr. William Zordani, Student
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
II. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the December 4, 2018 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and
Meeting minutes of the January 15, 2019 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and
Board member Best motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Duffy seconded. The
minutes were then unanimously approved.
Board member Duffy motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Reimer seconded.
The minutes were then unanimously approved.
III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
No comments IV. Comprehensive Park Master Plan Approval
Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation is requesting approval of the Comprehensive Master Plan.
He presented a brief overview of the purpose and goals of this plan. Mr. Mobile went over the main
goals accomplished in the process. The action plan was designed to target the highest priority items
determined in the process. Board member Duffy asked about amendments made to the plan.
Staff believe the 10 year plan is a clear and accurate presentation of the City’s direction of where
they want to be. The plan is still in draft form until final approval and has been amended to reflect
the feedback received. On March 11th Director Swarthout will provide the Finance Committee with
this document before final approval from City Council. Director Swarthout mentioned the final
Master Plan will be available on the website and a summary page was requested to be used for
fundraising purposes.
A motion was made by Board member Best to approve the Comprehensive Park Master Plan.
Board member Adams seconded. The motion was passed.
V. Forest Park Maintenance Contract
Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry, is requesting approval of the Forest Park
maintenance contract. The bid process was completed in November with Mariani Landscape having
the lowest bid at $39,923.33 each year for three years. They have agreed to use the non-emissions
equipment. The Forest Park Preservation Board is very committed to the park and have helped by
providing financial assistance in the sum of $8000 for maintenance and a consultant, Galen Gates.
Galen has been working with staff to build their knowledge level on maintaining the property.
Mr. Myers explained the involvement of in house crews to help maintain this area. Board member
Kohlmeyer asked what is included in the contract with Mariani Landscape. Mr. Myers answered the
biggest part of the contract is the beds and paths. Board member Maguire inquired that more information on eco-friendly products and chemicals be included in the next bid process.
A motion was made by Board member Duffy to enter into a one year contract with Mariani
Landscape to provide mowing and grounds maintenance services at Forest Park, with the ability to
extend the contract for an additional two, one-year terms, in the total amount of $39,932.33 for
FY2020. Board member Reimer seconded. The motion was passed.
VI. Annual Grounds Maintenance Contract
Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry is seeking approval for a one year contract with
Landscape Concepts Management in the amount of $101,540 for the grounds maintenance of City
properties. This is a continuation from last year. We will go out to bid again next year. A small
amount of money was added for the small area on Western Avenue.
A motion was made by Board member Best to award a one year contract to Landscape Concepts
Management in the amount of $101,540 for FY20 for the mowing and grounds maintenance of
City properties, cul-de-sacs, and right-of-ways. Board member Maguire seconded. The motion was
VII. Annual Tree Purchasing Contract
Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry went over the annual joint bid process with
Highland Park and Highland Park Park District. We anticipate the planting of 400 trees in spring and
Fall. Every year we do a joint bid with the City of Highland Park and the Highland Park Park District.
This will help with acquiring the 66 different species and quality of trees desired by the City. He
briefly went over the process of staff choosing the trees and managing our list. This tree purchasing
program was designed to replace the trees affected by Dutch Elm Disease. Last year we spent
$80,000 on the purchase of trees and $20,000 on the removal.
A motion was made by Board member Duffy to approve the annual tree purchasing contract for
FY2020. Board member Best seconded. The motion was passed.
VIII. Comments by Director
Director Swarthout gave an update on the North Beach Access Road. A bid from Keno for over $2
million will go before City Council for approval on March 4th. The contractor informed us they would
have to push back the end date into September. The Recreation Center staff is coming up with a
plan for operations during this time and will bring a plan before the Board in March. They are
looking at a bussing service to bring patrons to the beach. They will be closing parts of Lake Rd.
from Deerpath to Westminster. Also, due to safety issues, Ring Rd. will be closed as well. The subject
of locker rentals came up. There will be advertising of these upcoming changes through Constant
Contact, the City Website, posted at City buildings.
Director Swarthout talked about the following upcoming events in February and early March.
1. Reptile Rampage- March 10th from 10:00am – 4:00pm at Lake Forest Recreation Center
2. Passion to Dance- March 16th at 5:00pm at Lake Forest Academy
Director Swarthout gave a reminder the Fred Jackson Golf Outing is coming up on June 7th. This is a
fundraiser hosted by the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation. Board member
Maguire thanked the crew that works on the ice pond. They are doing a great job. She also
mentioned having solar options at some of the City buildings. Progress on the Veterans Park was
Comments by Board Members
IX. Adjournment
Board member Maguire motioned for adjournment and Board member Reimer seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: 2019 Lakefront Operational Procedures
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Due to the construction project of the Hughes
Gateway, Staff is seeking 1) approval of the 2019 Lakefront Operational Procedures and
2) approval to move the recommendation forward to City Council.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Staff is currently preparing for the 2019 Lakefront season,
and due to the established timeline for repairs of the Hughes Gateway, staff is trying to
find a solution that will accommodate both south beach permit holders as well as the
general beach user. With the loss of 104 parking spots in the north beach parking lot
until mid-September, Staff are developing a plan to lessen the burden of that loss to our
resident users so they can still enjoy the Lakefront during the closure.
Last year on opening weekend we had 1,625 vehicles come to the beach, 2,779 guests
arrive in vehicles, 678 nonresident walk-ins, and 952 resident walk-ins. Over the course of
the beach season, we went into overflow 28 out of 33 weekend and Holiday days. We
had 9,757 vehicles come to the beach on weekend and holidays alone carrying 16,947
guests. The amount of vehicular traffic on the south beach access road and in the
lower south beach parking lot put a great amount of stress on the facility as well as the
staff. To ensure a better experience for our guests, staff feels the need to put some
restrictions on the south entry point and lower parking lot.
The lower South Beach parking lot has 88 regular spots, 5 handicap spots and 36 trailer
spots for which permits are sold annually. The Upper South parking lot also has 18 spots
available to residents who display a Lake Forest City sticker. With the Hughes Gateway
project, the two south lots are the only available onsite parking for our residents. Staff
has considered many options and have now determined what we consider to be the
best operational plan for the summer of 2019. Staff has also met with representatives
from the following City Departments; Police, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Forestry, City Hall,
Streets, and Building Maintenance; to gather feedback and garner support for the
procedures. After the meeting all departments supported the proposed operational
procedures outlined below.
Beach Access – All vehicular beach access will be from the south access road. Staff is
suggesting that on weekdays, Monday through Friday, the lower south beach parking
lot will be open to any guest that has a City of Lake Forest Parking sticker. The middle
row of trailer spots would be reserved for vehicles that have compound or beach
watercraft storage but will be monitored and used as overflow parking beginning from
the south end of the row. On weekend and holidays staff recommend that the south
beach parking is for south beach permitted vehicles only (water ramp launch,
watercraft storage, south beach parking). All other beach parking will be housed in the
lot behind Deerpath Middle School where a shuttle service will provide transportation to
and from the South Beach Parking lot, from 9am-7pm. On July 4th the parking and
shuttles will run from Lake Forest High School East Campus lot. If a non-resident parks in
the Deerpath Lot and wanted to take the shuttle, staff could direct them to pay their
non-resident fee at the fitness center desk and they could get their wrist band before
they enter the bus. Once at the beach, golf cart transportation from the South parking
lot to the North swimming area will be provided to ease the burden on our users. We will
be running 1 golf cart on weekdays and 2 on weekends. Pedestrian traffic will access
the beach from the north stairs and the wooden stairs to the south. All non-resident
access will be from the wooden stairs as well.
Staff will continue selling care taker passes, daily boat launch passes and Guest parking
passes Monday-Friday only (no weekend and no holidays). All day camps that come
to the beach as part of their camp day will still be permitted, however no bus parking
will be allowed on site. Staff have suspended all beach pavilion and fire circle rentals
for the 2019 season as well.
Life Safety- All emergency vehicles will access the lakefront from the south parking lot as
well unless they can obtain access to the north road. City Staff determined that the
beach lifeguard staff and the Fire Department will work on drills together prior to the
season opening to coordinate emergency vehicle access to the beach swimming area
in a safe and timely manner.
Staff Parking - The Top South parking lot will be designated the staff parking lot for the
summer season. After looking at several options, and without the use of the Lake Forest
College north lot this summer this was determined the best option for operations.
Signage - We will be working with streets to add signage at the beach this season.
Signage will also be added for our shuttle service at Deerpath as well as around Forest
Park to provide visible instructions and guidelines for our residents. We will also have the
flexibility to add additional Handicap spots in the lower lot if needed. We are currently
in compliance with the law but feel that we may need to make additional
accommodations after losing 5 handicap spaces in the north lot. The Streets
Department will provide some portable handicap signs if we find that we need to
increase handicap parking at the lakefront.
Marketing – The communication plan includes signage around town, information
packets at all City buildings, a social media campaign, Web Site postings, information in
the Summer Dialogue, and utilizing our Constant Contact email lists.
Beach Storage/Lockers – Staff continues to investigate different options for locker
storage to promote alternate means of transportation to the lakefront. Patrons could
rent a unit for the summer leaving their belongings on site.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: The changes in operational procedures will have a significant
fiscal impact on the lakefront operations budget this summer as they are non-budgeted
costs. All costs are estimates at this time.
Golf Cart Shuttle – The cost of 2 golf carts for the summer will be approximately
School Bus Shuttle – The contractual cost of a School Bus to operate as our shuttle for 33
weekend and Holiday days will be approximately $18,480.00. The shuttle service will run
from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Memorial Day to Labor Day this summer. Staff will monitor it
on stormy days to see if we can shorten shuttle times and staff to reduce cost.
Additional Shuttle Staff – The staffing of the Deerpath parking lot will add approximately
$2,970.00 in staff costs as well.
The total effect on the operating budget at the lakefront this summer will be
approximately $26,850.00 in additional costs with our recommended plan.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Staff is seeking 1) approval of the 2019 Lakefront
Operational Procedures and 2) approval to move the recommendation forward to City