PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2018/12/04 PacketPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2018 6:00PM at MUNICIPAL SERVICES 800 N. FIELD DRIVE LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL II. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy _____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer _____ Melanie Walsh _____ William Zordani, Student III. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes of the October 16, 2018 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting IV. *OPEN LANDS PARK NAMING SELECTION V. COMPREHENSIVE PARK MASTER PLAN, Presented by Steve Konters, Hitchcock Design Group VI.OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ONNON-AGENDA ITEMS VII.COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR VIII.COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS IX.ADJOURNMENT *ACTION ITEMS The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes October 16, 2018 I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at 6:30p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer Mr. Paul Best Mr. Rich Adams Ms. Nancy Duffy Ms. Melanie Walsh Mr. Steve Reimer Mr. William Zordani, Student Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program Manager II. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes of the September 18, 2018 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved. Board member Best motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Adams seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda No comments IV. Approval of Waveland Park Playground Expansion and Surfacing Superintendent Chuck Myers is requesting to expand and surface the Waveland Park playground. The request is to expand the bay, add an expression swing, and put in poured in place surfacing. The poured in place surfacing has proven to be less maintenance and offers a safer surface for the playground. Some of this work will be able to be done in-house. A motion was made by Board member Duffy to approve a contract with NuToys Leisure Products for the purchase of additional swing bay equipment and installation of Poured-in-Place surfacing material at Waveland Park, for a total for $48,167. An additional $1,833 (4%) contingency is also requested, for a grand total of $50,000. The motion was seconded by Board member Best. The motion passed. V. Approval of FY20 Golf Fees Superintendent Chuck Myers gave a brief recap of the FY19 and FY20 golf fees and requested changes. Kemper Sports is requesting a ceiling increase on the weekend and weekdays, an increase in the nine hole cart fee and the driving range prices, in addition to a small increase in all membership categories. A motion was made by Board member Reimer to approve the Proposed FY20 Fees. The motion was seconded by Board member Best. The motion was passed. VI. Approval of FY20 Fitness Fees Superintendent Joe Mobile gave a brief review of the recommended FY20 Fitness Center Fees. They are asking to increase all resident and non-resident membership fees by an adjusted 4%. They would like to continue to offer the month to month option, the three month membership option as summer promotion and the one month option over the holiday season. Board member Reimer asked if going forward the layout of fee charts remain consistent throughout the departments. It was brought up to include next year the opportunities to improve on and how we compare competitively. A motion was made by Board member Walsh to approve the Proposed FY20 Fees and to proceed to City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Board member Duffy. The motion was passed. VII. Approval of FY20 Permit Fees Athletics Program Manager, Anthony Anaszewicz and Lakefront Program Manager, Aaron Dalzot gave a brief recap of the proposed FY20 Pavilion Rental Fee increases. Staff is recommending increasing all pavilion rental fees by $25.00 and increasing the South Beach upper lot parking passes to $10.00. A motion was made by Board member Best to approve the Proposed FY20 Pavilion Rental Fees. The motion was seconded by Board member Duffy. The motion was passed. VIII. Approval of FY20 Lakefront Fees Program Manager Aaron Dalzot went over the Lakefront permit proposed fees for FY20. Staff is recommending a 4% increase in resident and non-resident permit fee categories with an exception to the Nanny and Caregiver parking pass, Resident Guest Daily parking pass and the Non-resident Daily Boat Launch. Staff is also requesting to raise non-resident walk in fees from $10.00 to $15.00. Board member Reimer brought up the marketing and communications efforts used to promote programs offered. He also mentioned staff has done a phenomenal job over the last year. A motion was made by Board member Best to approve the Proposed FY20 Lakefront Fees. The motion was seconded by Chairman Kohlmeyer. The motion was passed. IX. Capital Improvement Projects Discussion Superintendent Chuck Myers and Superintendent Joe Mobile briefly went over their recommended projects from the Parks and Public Land Fund. 1. Forest Park Path Extension ($300,000) Mr. Myers presented a plan drawing showing ADA compliance. City Council agreed to move forward with the design and recommended looking into grants. A second design concept was shown with a gravel path and not in ADA compliance. They are anticipating starting this project in November. Superintendent Myers brought up the idea of on an ADA compliant boardwalk on the North end of the beach. Concerns of a parking area for the boardwalk were discussed. These designs are simply ideas and will be discussed in more detail at a later date. 2. West Park Sidewalk Addition (110,000) Superintendent Myers went over a project for the West Park sidewalk addition. There are four different options adding concrete access to the park. The total amount to complete all four options is $110,000. The four options range from $25,000 to $30,000 each. 3. Deerpath Golf Course Bridge ($75,000) Superintendent Myers talked about the Deerpath Golf Course Bridge at Hole 4 needing replacement after the damaging impact of the flooding. The bridge was reset last year in hopes to get several more years use, but is still in need of greater improvement. This project is eligible for the Parks and Public Land fund. After receiving pricing this is an estimated $75,000 cost to improve the bridge. 4. South Park Improvements ($80,000) Superintendent Myers talked briefly about South Park improvements. We have applied for the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant (OSLAD) to help with funding on some of these projects. It is still in the approval process and can take four to six months. The items included in the improvements will be:  2 tennis/pickleball courts  1 basketball court  1 fitness equipment area (3 pieces with PIP surfacing)  1 batting cage  1 bocce court  ADA trail connection to June Terrace and to parking lot  Trail loop section to south end of park  Woodland/wetland restoration with limestone trail and interpretive signage The funding breakdown is as follows for South Park. $150,000 FY2019 Budgeted for tennis/basketball courts from Parks & Public Land Fund $80,000 FY2020 Proposed for Parks & Public Land Fund $40,000 FY2020 Proposed for Special Recreation Fund $10,000 FY2020 Proposed for Operating Fund (Sports Field Improvement) $280,000 $280,000 Matching funds from OSLAD $560,000 Total Project Cost (includes Design and Construction) The question raised on the completion of this project. Mr. Myers replied the goal is to have these improvements implemented by next summer. Small discussion followed on moving forward with or without the approval of the OSLAD grant and the Parks and Public Land funds available. A conversation on the Master Plan process followed. Open Lands Park ($200,000) Superintendent Joe Mobile gave a brief overview of the Open Lands Park project. We are waiting for the paperwork to be finalized. The Master plan has been designed with the improvements. Staff will be doing as much work in-house as possible to help with costs. We will begin with the park entrance redesign, an interactive fountain, tree removal and invasive plants. Next fiscal year we would like to continue with the remaining improvements to include the lighted pathways, raised planting beds, wooded path build and woodland features with natural play and music play. $200,000 has already been budgeted in the Parks and Public Land Fund from this fiscal year. Staff is requesting an additional $200,000 from FY2020. Another community session will be held to view the Master Plan and come up with ideas for naming the Park. A discussion took place between staff and board members regarding the prioritization of the Capital Fund items. The final outcome was:  Deerpath Golf Course Bridge Replacement ($75,000)  South Park Improvements  Open Lands Park  West Park Sidewalk Addition X. Comments by Director North Beach Access Road Update Director Swarthout gave an update on the North Beach Access Road Ravine. Keno is busy restoring the ravine to make it functional. We are currently waiting on two pieces being made. Once these are placed they will be able to complete the work with a target completion date of December 2018 for this particular project. In 2017 the City hired AECOM to conduct a bluff monitoring and slide risk evaluation of the beach. AECOM developed a grid showing the high risk/moderate and watch target areas. Director Swarthout mentioned City Council approved Project Option 3A to include moving the road out. She presented a slide showing the construction area and how this will impact the beach for next year. Ms. Swarthout went over the areas closed for the summer. Parking will be in the South Lot next year. Staff will be bringing forward to the Park Board their plan for managing operations in the upcoming beach season. The construction timeline has an estimated construction completion date of July 18, 2019. Elawa Farm Update An updated Master Plan and Special Use & Operating Agreement is going before the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). We are anticipating our final meeting on Tuesday night. The ZBA will then pass on their recommendation to City Council. The Operating Agreement will go before the Property and Public Land Committee on November 6th. We are hoping by December to have an idea of a Master Plan and Operating Agreement that will allow the two entities to work in the same space. This will not include adding any construction at this time. Kinderhaven Update Director Swarthout reported there are extremely promising opportunities for Kinderhaven to expand. She will be able to provide more details at the next Board meeting. Upcoming Events Director Swarthout went over some of the exciting upcoming events scheduled for October and November. 1. Scarecrow Build-Off Contest – October 20th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at Northcroft Park 2. Haunted Trail Walk – October 20th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Northcroft Park 3. Croctoberfest – October 22nd from 10:00am – 3:00pm at Wildlife Discovery Center 4. Halloween Tricks & Treats - October 26th from 5:00pm – 7:30pm at Lake Forest Recreation Center 5. Holiday Boutique –November 15th - November 17th from 10:00am – 5:30pm at Lake Forest Recreation Center 6. Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony- November 23rd from 1:00pm – 5:00pm at Market Square XI. Comments by Board Members Board member Reimer asked how Oktoberfest went. Superintendent Mobile answered the Oktoberfest was very successful this year and had a couple thousand participants. The downtown location was a big hit. It was requested to cancel the November meeting and consolidate the November/ December meeting and move to December 4th. XII. Adjournment Board member Reimer motioned for adjournment and Board member Best seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40p.m. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Open Lands Park Name Selection PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (810-3941) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of renaming the Open Lands Park property. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The City of Lake Forest acquired Open Lands Park through a land swap agreement with Open Lands Association in January of 2016. Since that time two community input sessions were held. The first was held in August 2017 to gather input from residents on the park design aspects and possible uses of the park desired by the residents. After that meeting, the City hired Bergmann Design Group to analyze the data collected and design a conceptual plan for the new park. This plan was introduced to the community at the second input session held in December 2017. At these meetings, Staff collected ideas of names for the park and among the most popular suggestions were Veterans Park, Heritage Park, Central Park, and Gateway Park. The American Legion McKinlock Post 264 has been welcoming Veterans from all branches of our Armed Forces to their post housed in Lake Forest since its charter in 1921. Their mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families. Today, they continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country to their organization. Now that the land has been transferred to the City and the project will be picking up again in the New Year, Staff is requesting for the property to be renamed Veterans Park to honor those that have and continue to serve our country. Currently, there are not any parks in Lake Forest honoring the local Veterans. This park will provide a great area for future celebrations involving Veterans, such as Memorial Day or Veterans Day. Choosing to name the park Veterans Park would acknowledge and show our appreciation to the Veterans of Lake Forest at what would be considered the gateway to the central business district. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval to rename the Open Lands Park property Veteran’s Park and asking to proceed to City Council for their approval. SUBJECT: Comprehensive Master Plan Presentation PRESENTED BY: Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation (810-3941) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Hitchcock Design Group will be presenting the final comprehensive master plan document to the Park and Recreation Board and to members from the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation. Final approval of the document will be on the January 2019 agenda. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Chart our Future 10-year Strategic Master Plan has been a year in the making and is the roadmap for the City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation key stakeholders to align and drive continual growth and improvement of open space, facilities, recreation systems, and services. A coordinated team from the Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Department (LFPRD) and the Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation drove and funded this planning project. We listened carefully and are thrilled by how the community helped shape this vision, including its purpose-driven Action Plan to guide development. The Parks and Recreation Department adopted its previous plan in 1995 and issued an update in 2008. This plan was instrumental in developing the successful parks and recreation system enjoyed by Lake Forest residents today. The goal of this new 2019-2029 10-Year Strategic Master Plan is to expand on the previous plan’s success and outline how our community and key stakeholders, led by LFRPD, will continue to provide quality parks, facilities, and services to current and future Lake Forest residents. The planning process identified infrastructure requirements, recreation trends, community needs, and resident expectations through an extensive data-gathering and community outreach process. This process included public workshops, focus groups, and surveys with over 740 Lake Forest residents participating. The focus groups also included key individuals in the community with 13 participants representing 9 organizations including program/athletic associations and other public or not-for profit agencies. Staff believe Chart our Future accurately responds to the City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Department’s current context, and future position in the community. As Chart our Future is implemented over the next ten years, it will continue to support the City’s mission to “be the best-managed, fiscally responsible, and appealing community which promotes a community spirit of trust, respect, and citizen involvement”. Residents are encouraged to provide ongoing feedback, which will be incorporated as the plan advances. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: No action required at this time. Final approval of the document will be on the January 2019 agenda.