II. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire
_____ Rich Adams _____ Nancy Duffy
_____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer
_____ Melanie Walsh _____ William Zordani, Student
III. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes of the September 18, 2018 Parks and Recreation Board
Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities
VI. *APPROVAL OF FY20 GOLF FEES - Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of
Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities
VII. *APPROVAL OF FY20 FITNESS FEES- Presented By Joe Mobile, Superintendent of
VIII. *APPROVAL OF FY20 PERMIT FEES- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program
Manager and Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager
IX. *APPROVAL OF FY20 LAKEFRONT FEES- Presented By Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront
Program Manager
X. CIP DISCUSSION- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry and Special Facilities and Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2018
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at
6:30p.m. The following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer
Mr. Paul Best
Mr. Rich Adams
Ms. Nancy Duffy
Mr. Rich Adams
Ms. Shannon Maguire
Mr. William Zordani, Student
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
Mr. John Eldridge, Program Manager
Mr. Vince Juarez, General Manager Kemper Sports
Mr. Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager
Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Program Manager
II. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the August 21, 2018 Park & Recreation Board & Friends of Lake Forest Parks and
Recreation Foundation Joint Workshop Meeting were presented and approved.
Board member Best motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Adams seconded.
The minutes were then unanimously approved.
III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
No comments
IV. After School Enrichment Spotlight
Program Manager John Eldridge talked about the new after school enrichment program now being
offered at Everett Elementary School. This new program was created in the fall of 2018 after a
visioning session showed a community interest in programming after school for children of dual
working parents. There are currently 16 children enrolled and this program is open to anyone in the
community. Mr. Eldridge went over the Mission and Core Values for the enrichment program. They
aspire to promote autonomy and independence in the children. The staff are very qualified with
over 50 years of combined ECE programming experience working with children and within the
Recreation Center programs.
Mr. Eldridge talked about the program structure including daily hours after school until 6pm and
different themes for each day focusing on specific core subjects like Science, Cooking or
Woodworking. There is also time set aside for the children to complete homework, read silently or
join in free play. He touched on what will be offered on days there is no school and children will
attend all day. They are excited to offer special field trips and special events during these days off
from school. Some of the field trips include Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum and a trip to Apple
Currently, there is bussing transportation set up with District 67 for Cherokee students. Some
discussion followed on ideas for bussing from the other schools. Board member Duffy mentioned
looking into mini busses and Board member Maguire mentioned a possible pick up point at
Deerpath Middle School. Chairman Kohlmeyer inquired about the daily fees for the program. Mr.
Eldridge replied it is $26.00- $30.00/day depending on how often you are attending. Board member
Adams brought up the subject of volunteers helping.
V. FY2020 Golf Fees
Vince Juarez, Kemper Sports General Manager gave an overview of the FY19 and FY20 golf fees.
Utilization increases were considered when figuring the FY20 rates. Beginning golfer numbers are up
with an increase in the number of women and junior golfers. The utilization report shows we are
almost 100% utilized on weekend mornings. Overall utilization is up 3.2%. with 65.3% utilized on
weekend days. Weekday utilization is an average of 49.4%. Deerpath Golf Course is ahead of the
local competition in utilization and is showing growth financially. The continuous cart paths have
helped with these increases. We are anticipating around 29,000 rounds which is the most rounds
seen since FY14. Boardmember Maguire had a question with the fees for Junior 18 holes daily fees
and the Junior and Senior membership fees. Mr. Juarez replied they like to keep up with inflation;
however, these rates can remain stable if decided by the Board. Brief discussion followed on the
fees for lockers and Junior Memberships. Mr. Juarez talked about the various revenue driven
outings and clinics held at Deerpath Golf Course. Dynamic pricing will continue to help drive
revenue. He talked about ways of controlling costs.
Mr. Juarez talked about the sales from food, alcohol and non-alcohol beverages at Forest Park
Beach. Alcohol sales were $11,000, beverage sales (non-alcohol) were $10,000 and food sales were
over $41,000. There was a total of $65,773 in revenue at the beach.
Mr. Juarez went over the KemperSports Net Promoter Scores (NPS) Survey sent out each year.
These show an increase from 50.6% last year to 56.4% this year in loyal golfers. The numbers are up
and are moving in the right direction. He also touched on the NPS Satisfaction Factors and the
TrueReview Summary. We are up to 75.6%, which is an increase from 62.1% in 2016. FY19 is shaping
up with revenue growth of 12% with EBITDA growth of $52,234.
The overview of FY20 is below:
• “Ceiling” increase of 8% to maximum of $81 weekend ($6.00)
• “Ceiling” increase of 3% to maximum of $65 weekdays ($2.00)
• No change on 18 hole golf cart pricing ($20/person)
• Nine hole cart fee increase to $13/per person
• Driving range prices from $5/$7/$15 to $6/$8/$15
• Small increase in all membership categories
VI. FY2020 Fitness Fees
Program Manager Jason Busdeker went over the staff recommended FY20 Fitness Center Fees. They
would like to increase all resident and non-resident membership fees by an adjusted 4%. These fees
are based on actuals from September 6th. Currently they are showing 685 memberships not
including the 58 active Silver Sneakers members. The Fitness Center is projected to show a $9,613
FY20 Revenue increase. These fees were only for discussion so there is no action recommended for
the Board at this time. Discussion followed on the increase and how it is applied toward the
program in the following year.
VII. Permit Fees Discussion-Park Pavilion Rental Fees
Program Manager Anthony Anaszewicz gave a brief history of the pavilion rental fee schedule. From
2003-2007 there were no fee increases. In 2007 fees were increased by $25.00 and the Regular vs
Not for Profit Classifications was introduced. This classification rented any park pavilion for $25.00
less. In 2009, a new fee structure was introduced with Deerpath, Townline and Northcroft Park
having a rental fee of $125.00 and all other parks at $75.00. Not for Profit Groups can rent any park
pavilion for $25.00 less.
Mr. Anaszewicz went over the purpose of the pavilion rentals to offer Lake Forest residents usage of
these facilities for general gatherings, company picnics and special events. He gave a breakdown of
the proposed increase in fees. Staff would like to make a couple changes to the current structure.
They would like to change the capacity to 1-100 attendees with a fee of $100 and 101-200
attendees will be a fee of $150.00. This is an increase to the current rental fee by $25.00. After some
research, we are still within trend and remaining competitive with surrounding communities.
Program Manager Aaron Dalzot went over the Lakefront pavilion rentals current fee schedule and
the proposed changes. Currently, the pavilions can be rented in four-hour blocks for a fee of $75.00.
With the South Pavilion and Boat Pavilion rentals, you receive 10 parking passes, with Fire Circle
receiving 5 passes with the option to purchase additional top south parking passes at $5.00 each.
Staff would like to propose raising the pavilion rental fee to $100.00 for a four-hour block and raise
the additional top south parking passes to $10.00 each. There has not been an increase to these fees
since 2009. Mr. Dalzot did a fee comparison with surrounding communities and Lake Forest fees are
showing lower than the majority of other communities.
VIII. FY2020 Lakefront Fees
Program Manager Aaron Dalzot went over the Lakefront permit fees for FY2020. Staff is
recommending a 4% increase in resident and non-resident permit fee categories with an exception
to the Nanny and Caregiver parking pass, Resident Guest Daily parking pass and the Non-resident
Daily Boat Launch.
Staff is requesting to raise non-resident walk in fees from $10.00 to $15.00. On weekends and
holidays they had 2,414 non-resident guests visit the beach. This increase would keep us
competitive with surrounding communities. Discussion followed on the total number of resident vs
non-resident guests on the weekends.
IX. CIP Discussion
Superintendent Chuck Myers and Joe Mobile briefly went over their recommended projects and
pricing for discussion and direction from the Park Board on capital expenditures. Superintendent
Myers has three projects. The first is the Forest Park boardwalk path extension. Due to the major
storm in June, the boardwalk became very unstable with the bluff above failing. On June 26th the
boardwalk was closed. Instead of reopening, they are looking at two different concepts. Staff has
proposed a first option of an extension to the path to include continuation of a gravel path. This first
path is not considered ADA compliant due to the gravel path. A retaining wall will need to be built
with this option. The second option includes a concrete sidewalk, which then leads to a wooden
boardwalk that would be considered ADA compliant. AECOMM gave their approval of both of these
concepts. Small discussion followed on ADA compliancy currently and going forward along with
alternate options of a share road with a walking lane.
Superintendent Myers went over a project for a West Park sidewalk addition. A few residents have
mentioned West Park does not have a lot of sidewalk access. There are four different options adding
concrete access to the park. The total amount to complete all four options is $110,000. The four
options range from $25,000 to $30,000 each. Board member Maguire brought inquired if the
sidewalk paths could be right along the road. Mr. Myers said it would not leave much room to move
if left closer to the road.
Superintendent Myers talked about the Deerpath Golf Course Bridge near hole 4 needing to be
replaced after the damaging impact of the flooding. This project is eligible for the Park and Public
Land fund. The bridge was reset last year in hopes to get several more years use, but is still in need
of greater improvement. After receiving pricing this is an estimated $75,000 cost to improve the
Superintendent Joe Mobile went over the Open Lands Park project. The Master plan has been
designed with the improvements. A community session will be held to view the Master Plan again.
This fiscal year there is $200,000 budgeted. We will begin with the park entrance redesign, an
interactive fountain, tree removal and invasive plants. Next fiscal year we would like to continue
with the remaining improvements to include the pathways, raised planting beds, wooded path build
and woodland features with natural play and music play. Brief conversation on the history of the
park followed.
X. Comments by Director
Director Swarthout announced Teri Laurila, the Administrative Assistant at the Recreation Center,
will be retiring on September 28th after 20 years with the City of Lake Forest.
Director Swarthout gave an update on the North Beach Access Road. This topic came up at a City
Council workshop held on capital projects for the upcoming year and near future. Four options for
the North Beach access road were presented.
• Option 1- Clear the bluff and lower the grade, with the road staying in the same place-
$685,000 cost
• Option 1A- Continue clearing further to the south- $900,000 cost
• Option 3- Soften the road and extend out on the beach with a gentler curb- $1.8 million cost
• Option 3A- Removing the land to the south- $1.9 million cost
City Council did not decide on an option. They were asked to submit an answer to the City Manager
by Monday in time for the Public Works Committee. It was discussed to do as a design build or
utilize the current design and bid out the construction.
Director Swarthout talked about Kinderhaven and their request to expand in order to help relieve
their waitlist. Staff is looking at some options and Ms. Swarthout will give an update on this in the
next couple of months.
Some of the exciting upcoming events scheduled for September and October are:
1. Oktoberfest – September 22nd from 5:00pm – 10:00pm at parking lot behind City Hall
2. Glow Ball - September 29th starting at 6:30pm at Deerpath Golf Course
3. Family Fun Beach Camp Out- September 29 – September 30th from 5:00pm – 8:00am at
Forest Park Beach
4. Art Bash - October 6th from 10:00am - 3:00pm at Stirling Hall Art Center
XI. Comments by Board Members
No Comments.
XII. Adjournment
Board member Best motioned for adjournment and Board member Adams seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Approval of Waveland Park Playground Expansion and Surfacing
STAFF CONTACT: Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry (810-3565) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests Parks and Recreation Board approval to award a contract to NuToys Leisure Products to purchase additional swing bay
equipment and Poured-in-Place surfacing material for the Waveland Park playground, as part of the approved FY2019 Capital Improvement Program.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: New playground equipment and surfacing was installed at
Waveland Park in the summer of 2011. The playground has been heavily used and is a very popular amenity in the park. The playground was originally built with two swing
bays (with a total of four swing seats) that are inadequate for the amount of use on the
playground. At the time of original construction, only a portion of the playground was
surfaced with Poured-in-Place, due to budgetary restraints. This project will expand the
playground in the swing area to accommodate a new swing bay and includes the
installation of Poured-in-Place surfacing in the entire swing area. We have installed
Poured-in-Place surfacing in many of our new playground installations and have found
that the new surface provides maintenance cost savings annually and provides a safer
and ADA compliant surface.
In order to provide a consistent appearance of playgrounds in our parks, and because
residents have communicated strong support for our recent playground designs and
surfacing material at other parks, City staff again worked with NuToys Leisure Products
to design the addition to the Waveland Park playground. NuToys is an approved
vendor through HGACBuy, a national procurement service, which competitively bids playground equipment to offer time and cost savings for governmental entities and is
compliant with the City of Lake Forest purchasing policies and State of Illinois procurement statutes. In addition, costs for construction will be reduced by having the
playground equipment installed by our trained City staff. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for this project; including equipment, site work and Poured-in-Place rubber surfacing is $48,167. Staff is also seeking $1,833 in
contingency for the project. Funding for the project is budgeted in the FY’19 CIP (Parks & Public Land Fund).
Below is an estimated summary of Project budget:
FY2019 Funding Source Amount
Parks & Public Land Fund $50,000 $50,000 Y
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ACTION: Approval of Waveland Park Playground
Expansion and Surfacing.
SUBJECT: Approval of Deerpath Golf Course FY 2020 Proposed Fee Changes
PRESENTED BY: VINCE JUAREZ, GENERAL MANAGER, 847-810-3889 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City staff and KemperSports staff is bringing forward the Deerpath Golf Course fees for fiscal year 2020. This annual Park and Recreation
Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for golf course operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2020. KemperSports and city
staff is requesting the Park Board to approve and direct staff and KemperSports to bring the proposed FY 2020 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure forward to City Council for
approval as presented. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Deerpath Golf
Course for FY 2020. We analyzed several factors including utilization and surrounding
facilities fees while putting together the fees schedule. KemperSports and city staff are
recommending the following:
• Membership Fees: Increase Annual Pass fee average of 2% per classification
which provides our largest revenue for memberships.
• Greens Fees: Increase the “ceiling” rate for weekday and weekend fees. Allow
the dynamic pricing model to set prices based off of the utilization of the course.
This will allow the green fee prices to fluctuate and take advantage of times of
increased demand. Golf rates will be adjusted during the season based on
marketplace demands.
• Other Fees: Increase the 18 -hole weekday cart fee which has not been
increased in 5 years. The fee list within shows the 18-hole weekend fee which
remains $20 per player. We anticipate having new carts in 2019. In addition,
there is an increase in small and medium range ball buckets by $1 each bucket.
We also propose, with lockers being fully rented in the open-air facility, to
increase locker rental prices by an average of 4%.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Projected revenue impact on fees collected will be an
additional $71,776 from FY 2019.
City staff and KemperSports are requesting the approval of the proposed FY 2020
Deerpath Golf Course fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20
Fees Fees Fees Actual Revenue Fees Projected Revenue Proposed Fees Projected Revenue
Revenue % Increase Projection Fee % IncreaseSeasonal Fees: Resident
Adult Single 1,385$ 1,400$ 1,400$ 64,550$ 1,450$ 57,375$ 1,475$ 58,500$ 2%2%
Adult Combo 2,402$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 14,950$ 2,500$ 15,000$ 2,500$ 15,700$ 5%0%
Junior 618$ 600$ 600$ 7,250$ 650$ 8,640$ 675$ 9,000$ 4%4%
Team Membership NA 150$ 150$ -$ 200$ 3,800$ 215$ 4,000$ 5%8%
Senior Citizen 823$ 850$ 850$ 74,013$ 850$ 74,095$ 865$ 74,800$ 1%2%
DiscoverGolf Membership NA NA NA -$ 300$ 350$ 350$ -$ -100%17%
Seasonal Fees: Non-Resident
Adult Single 1,794$ 1,800$ 1,800$ 13,150$ 1,850$ 6,275$ 1,850$ 6,400$ 2%0%
Adult Combo 2,402$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 6,000$ 2,500$ 6,250$ 2,500$ 6,400$ 2%0%
Junior 618$ 625$ 625$ -$ 650$ -$ 675$ -$ N/A 4%
Senior Citizen 1,095$ 1,100$ 1,100$ 20,100$ 1,100$ 19,800$ 1,100$ 20,200$ 2%0%
Daily Fees
Weekday Rack Rate 59$ 59$ 59$ 176,822$ 63$ 212,875$ 65$ 218,000$ 2%3%
Weekday Twilight Rack Rate 54$ 54$ 54$ 57,637$ 55$ 55,000$ 55$ 59,748$ 9%0%
Weekend Rack Rate 69$ 69$ 69$ 149,825$ 75$ 172,000$ 81$ 175,000$ 2%8%
Weekend Twilight Rack Rate 46$ 46$ 46$ 24,167$ 48$ 26,469$ 50$ 31,000$ 17%4%
Junior 18 Holes 25$ 25$ 25$ 3,444$ 25$ 5,000$ 30$ 3,000$ -40%20%
Junior 9 Holes 20$ 20$ 20$ 11,472$ 20$ 8,000$ 25$ 10,000$ 25%25%
Electric Golf Carts/Misc.
9 Holes 12$ 12$ 12$ 29,586$ 12$ 40,000$ 13$ 60,000$ 50%8%
18 Holes 19$ 19$ 19$ 111,878$ 20$ 153,966$ 20$ 180,000$ 17%0%
Range Balls
Small Bucket 4$ 4$ 4$ 7,789$ 5$ 9,908$ 6$ 11,840$ 19%20%
Medium Bucket 6$ 6$ 6$ 15,660$ 7$ 17,000$ 8$ 18,000$ 6%14%
Large Bucket 15$ 15$ 15$ 25,898$ 15$ 28,293$ 15$ 29,000$ 2%0%
Pull cart - 9 holes 4$ 6$ 6$ 1,768$ 5$ 2,500$ 6$ 2,700$ 8%20%
Pull cart - 18 holes 5$ 8$ 8$ 3,527$ 7$ 4,000$ 8$ 4,500$ 13%14%
USGA Handicap Fees - Members 34$ 34$ 34$ 5,874$ 37$ 5,900$ 40$ 6,000$ 2%8%
Permanent Tee Time - Weekend 300$ 300$ 300$ 10,059$ 300$ 10,376$ 300$ 10,400$ 0%0%
Loyalty Card - Resident 50$ 50$ 50$ 5,300$ 55$ 3,960$ 60$ 4,000$ 1%9%
Loyalty Card - Non-Resident 60$ 60$ 60$ 1,815$ 65$ 845$ 70$ 1,000$ 18%8%
Locker - 18 inch (Open Air)105$ 110$ 110$ 4,200$ 125$ 4,625$ 130$ 4,810$ 4%4%
Locker - 12 inch (Open Air)95$ 100$ 100$ 1,644$ 115$ 1,840$ 120$ 1,920$ 4%4%
Lockers - Locker Room NA NA 100$ 300$ 100$ 100$ 100$ 100$ 0%0%
Total $848,677 $954,242 $1,026,018 8%
SUBJECT: Approval of Lake Forest Fitness Center FY2020 Proposed Fees
Presented BY: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3034) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lake Forest Fitness
Center’s fees for Fiscal Year 2020. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to
prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2020.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center
membership types for FY2020. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the
majority of our membership fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and
personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive in the local fitness market.
Membership fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly to the nearest dollar
to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a
conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain
the same throughout the year based on membership totals in August 2018.
To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non-
resident fee to the 20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for
program fees.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $9,613 over
FY2019 with this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective
May 1, 2019 with the new fiscal year.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are requesting the approval of the
proposed FY 2020 Lake Forest Fitness Center fee structure and asking to proceed to City
Council for their approval.
FY18 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20
Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue
Individual resident rate - annual $396 180 $71,280 $408 184 $75,072 $420 $35 $77,280
Individual resident rate - monthly $40 26 $1,040 $41 22 $902 $42 $924Individual non-resident rate - annual $480 7 $3,360 $490 3 $1,470 $528 $44 $1,584Individual non-resident rate - monthly $48 1 $48 $49 1 $49 $53 $53
Couple resident rate - annual $696 79 $54,984 $720 73 $52,560 $744 $62 $54,312
Couple resident rate - monthly $69 4 $276 $72 5 $360 $74 $370Couple non-resident rate - annual $840 0 $0 $864 1 $864 $888 $74 $888Couple non-resident rate - monthly $84 0 $0 $87 0 $0 $89 $0
Family resident rate - annual $900 49 $44,100 $936 43 $40,248 $972 $81 $41,796
Family resident rate - monthly $90 5 $450 $93 4 $372 $97 $388Family non-resident rate - annual $1,080 0 $0 $1,128 0 $0 $1,164 $97 $0Family non-resident rate - monthly $108 0 $0 $113 0 $116 $0
Senior resident rate - annual $300 109 $32,700 $312 91 $28,392 $324 $27 $29,484
Senior resident rate - monthly $30 9 $270 $31 11 $341 $32 $352
Senior non-resident rate - annual $360 4 $1,440 $375 3 $1,125 $384 $32 $1,152Senior non-resident rate - monthly $36 1 $36 $37 0 $0 $38 $0
Senior couple resident rate - annual $516 39 $20,124 $528 34 $17,952 $540 $45 $18,360
Senior couple resident rate - monthly $52 10 $520 $53 6 $318 $54 $324
Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $624 3 $1,872 $636 2 $1,272 $660 $55 $1,320Senior couple non-resident - monthly $63 0 $0 $64 0 $0 $66 $0
Student resident rate - annual $300 25 $7,500 $312 20 $6,240 $324 $27 $6,480
Student resident rate - monthly $30 21 $630 $31 13 $403 $32 $416
Student non-resident rate - annual $360 0 $0 $375 0 $0 $384 $32 $0Student non-resident rate - monthly $36 0 $0 $37 0 $0 $38 $0
*Matinee resident rate - annual $204 76 $15,504 $216 95 $20,520 $228 $19 $21,660
Matinee resident rate - monthly $20 3 $60 $21 4 $84 $23 $92
Matinee non-resident rate - annual $252 2 $504 $260 4 $1,040 $276 $23 $1,104 6Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $25 0 $0 $26 0 $0 $28 $0
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$299 62 $18,538 $311 66 $20,526 $324 $21,384
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$665 1 $665 $692 0 $0 $720 $0
*as of 8/15/17 716 $275,901 685 $270,110 $279,7233.6%Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT. $9,613
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.As of September 11, 2017 there were 76 3-month summer memberships sold and another 126 Monthly Student Memberships sold between May and August*Matinee Memberships
$17/month = $204 (no change from FY18)
$18/month = $216 (5.6% change from FY19)
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY20
SUBJECT: Approval of Park Pavilion Rental Fee FY2020 Proposed Fees
PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager (847) 810-3945 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Park Permit Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2020. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2020.
Since inception, rental of pavilions to our residents has been considered a service and not so much of a potential revenue source. Staff is proposing that we slightly reverse
that thinking. While keeping prices competitive and affordable for our Residents, Staff
recommends that rental fees be increased to help generate revenue.
To demonstrate what potential revenue could be made, Northcroft Park Pavilion, one
of our most popular Pavilions to rent, had 36 rentals from February 2017 to date. At the
current rate of $125 a rental, $4,500 has been generated. The last time Pavilion rental
fees were increased, was 2009 and fees were increased by $25 per rental. Staff is
proposing the same dollar amount increase while keeping all other structural details of
the Policy the same. With the $25 proposed increase, Staff projects that rentals at
Northcroft alone (based on 36 rentals in 2017), could generate $5,400 in revenue for the
City next season, a projected difference of $900.
See chart below which shows our current fee schedule and then the proposed fee
CURRENT Rates Change
Organization Capacity Res NR Deposit Time Block Dates Days by Group Type
Lake Forest 1-50 75.00$ N/A 150.00$ 6 Hour Feb 1 - Oct 31 Any (No Holiday)YES < $25
Recreation Dept.51-100 75.00$ N/A
101-150 125.00$ N/A *Additional hours = $25/hr
151-200 125.00$ N/A
PROPOSED Rates Change
Organization Capacity Res NR Deposit Time Block Dates Days by Group Type
Lake Forest 1-100 100.00$ N/A 150.00$ 6 Hour Feb 1 - Oct 31 Any (No Holiday)Yes < $25
Recreation Dept.101-200 150.00$ N/A Regular
*Additional hours = $25/hr vs
Park Not for Profit
Elawa 50 100.00$
Everett 100 100.00$
South 100 100.00$
West 100 100.00$
Northcroft 150 150.00$
Townline 200 150.00$
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are requesting the approval of the proposed FY 2020 Park Pavilion Rental fee structure and asking to proceed to City
Council for their approval.
400 Hastings Road / Lake Forest, IL / 60045 / (847) 234-6700 / (847) 615-4251 fax
Application for Lake Forest Residents ONLY
Pertinent Information:
Date of Requested Use: Time: From (AM/PM) to (AM/PM)
Applicant Name: Phone Number: Address: Organization/Sponsor: Estimated number in Group:
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Requested Park (capacity): Check One
_____ Deerpath Park(200) _____ Elawa Farm Park (50) _____ Everett Park (100) _____ Northcroft Park (150)
_____ South Park (100) _____ Waveland Park(50) _____ West Park (100) _____ Townline Park (200)
Planned Use: Check All Items That Apply
_____ General Gathering _____ Ball Diamond Usage _____ *Special Event _____ Other (type): * Events which take City resources away from their daily operations, as well as events that have a direct impact upon public property, traffic flow in the City or public health & safety are classified as a Special Event, and are required to be processed according to the City’s Special Event Policy. For additional information, contact City Hall at 847/810-3675.
_____ Special Requests – Such as: Live/Amplified Music, DJ, Bouncy Houses, etc. Special Requests must be submitted to the Superintendent of Recreation for final approval. Please describe your special request: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Superintendent of Recreation Approval: Date:
Alcohol - If you will be having alcohol at your event, you will need to get a liquor license at City Hall once this application is approved. Please contact Margaret Boyer at (847) 810-3674 or
Permit Fee (Deerpath, Townline, Northcroft $150; All Others $100) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ Not for Profit Fee (Deerpath, Townline, Northcroft $125; All Others $75) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ Refundable Litter Deposit (required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 Additional Hours ($25 for each additional hour after 6 hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ Additional Fees (Extra tables: $30/each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ Total: _______ Signature of Applicant Date Submitted Signature of applicant acknowledges and represents Applicant’s agreement to adhere to City’s Park Permitting Policy and other applicable City rules and regulations as well as the American with Disabilities Act.
Conditions of Approval Program Manager Approval: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Anthony Anaszewicz email:
Payment Method: Check One (Circle CC Type if Using CC)
Cash Check Visa / MC / Discover / AMEX Security Code________________ Card #: Exp. Date: Signature:
SUBJECT: Approval of Lakefront FY2020 Proposed Fees
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lakefront fees for
Fiscal Year 2020. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of
the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to prepare our operating
budgets for fiscal year 2020.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Lakefront permit
fees for FY2020. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the majority of our
fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses for the annual
operations of Forest Park Beach. Fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly
to the nearest dollar. Staff takes a conservative approach for revenue growth by
assuming permit levels will remain the same throughout the year based on totals in
August 2018.
In addition to the regular fee increases, Staff are recommending an increase to the
nonresident beach access at this time from $10 per person on weekends and holidays,
to $15 per person. Attached is a chart showing the nonresident fees of other beaches
on the Northshore. We had 2414 nonresident guests visit our beach on weekends and
holidays this summer. Compared to other North Shore Beaches we are currently priced
in the middle with three beaches charging the same, one charging less, and three
charging more (chart below). The Increase to $15 would not be the highest on the
North shore but would be more competitive, plus the added revenue would help offset
impact to the facility by the additional nonresident usage. The last time this fee was
increased was in 2009.
Non- Resident Prices 2017 Organization NR cost Days
Lake Forest 10 Weekends/Holidays Lake Bluff 12 Sun-Sat Highland Park 10 Weekends/Holidays Wilmette 10 Sun-Sat Evanston 8 Sun-Sat Winnetka 10 Sun-Sat Glencoe 14 Sun-Sat Kenilworth 17 Sun-Sat
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $12,070.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are requesting the approval of the
proposed FY2020 Lakefront fee structure and asking to proceed to City Council for their
SUBJECT: Approval of Lakefront Pavilion Rental FY2020 Proposed Fees
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager, 847-810-3930 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval of the Lakefront Pavilion
Rental fees for Fiscal Year 2020. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to prepare
our operating budgets for fiscal year 2020.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Our rentable facilities at the Lakefront include the South
Pavilion, Boat Pavilion and Fire Circle. Currently the fee is $75 for a 4-hour rental. The
South Pavilion includes 10 parking passes and Boat Pavilion and Fire Circle include 5
parking passes. The last time fees were increased was 2009.
Staff are recommending that we increase Pavilion rental fees to $100 for a 4-hour
rental, and each pavilion rental will include 10 parking passes. Currently a resident can
buy guest passes for $10 each without renting a pavilion. Pavilion rentals have an
option to buy up to 5 additional top south parking passes for $5 each. Parking is a
premium at the beach and increasing the pavilion fees would justify the cost of parking.
We would also like to raise the additional parking pass fee to $10 each as well.
• Attached is a chart showing the pavilion fees of other beaches on the Northshore.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $1550 over
FY2019 with this nominal increase in Lakefront Pavilion Rental rates.
Pavilion Times
rented Price Total Times Rented FY20 Total Difference
South 19 75 2850 19 100 3800 950
Boat 38 75 1425 38 100 1900 475
Circle 5 75 375 5 100 500 125
4650 6200 1550
Community Comparison
Organization Cost Time Extra
Lake Forest 75
Lake Bluff 52 (M-TH) 155 (Fri/Sat/Sun)
Highland Park Off Season 260
Summer season 390
2hr 130 additional 2hr 195 additional
Wilmette 60
Evanston 30
min 3hr
Winnetka 25
Glencoe 370 (sat/Sun) 232 (M-F)
Kenilworth 400 less than 2hr 600 2-4hr 400 4-8hr
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff are requesting the approval of the
proposed FY2020 Lakefront Pavilion Rental fee structure and asking to proceed to City
Council for their approval.
Exhibit #2
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $478 58 $27,724 $497 64 $31,808 $517 $20Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $382 19 $7,258 $397 12 $4,764 $413 $16
Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $956 2 $1,912 $994 4 $3,976 $1,034 $40
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $239 15 $3,585 $249 17 $4,233 $259 $10
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $192 7 $1,344 $200 2 $400 $208 $8
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $478 0 $0 $497 0 $0 $517 $20Year Round Compound Storage Resident $2,118 10 $21,180 $2,203 10 $22,030 $2,291 $88Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,694 7 $11,858 $1,762 4 $7,048 $1,832 $70
Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $3,178 0 $0 $3,305 0 $0 $3,437 $132
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,434 4 $5,736 $1,491 1 $1,491 $1,551 $60
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,147 2 $2,294 $1,193 2 $2,386 $1,241 $48
Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,149 0 $0 $2,235 0 $0 $2,324 $89
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $579 2 $1,158 $602 4 $2,408 $626 $24Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $464 2 $928 $483 5 $2,415 $502 $19
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $579 2 $1,158 $602 0 $0 $626 $24
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $338 20 $6,760 $352 16 $5,632 $366 $14
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $270 3 $810 $281 2 $562 $292 $11
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $338 0 $0 $352 0 $0 $366 $14
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $716 1 $716 $745 0 $0 $775 $30Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $573 0 $0 $596 0 $0 $620 $24
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $1,074 0 $0 $1,117 0 $0 $1,162 $45
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $439 2 $878 $457 1 $457 $475 $18
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $351 1 $351 $365 1 $365 $380 $15
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $660 0 $0 $686 0 $0 $713 $27
South Beach Parking Permit Resident $139 29 $4,031 $145 32 $4,640 $151 $0South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $110 65 $7,150 $114 7 $798 $119 $0South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $938 3 $2,814 $910 4 $3,640 $910 $0
South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $92 1 $92 $96 0 $0 $100 $4
Daily Boat Launch $40 30 $1,200 $40 25 $1,000 $40 $0
Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 2 $130 $65 2 $130 $65 $0
5 Punch Pass $200 9 $1,600 $200 5 $1,600 $200 $05 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 0 $0 $325 0 $0 $325 $0Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 173 $1,730 $10 11 $110 $10 $0
Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 45 $3,825 $85 29 $2,465 $85 $0
Non-Resident Beach Fee Weekend/Holiday $10 1822 $18,220 $10 2414 $24,140 $15 $5
$136,442 $128,498
Permits Sold IncreaseFY2020 ProposedFY19 RevenueFY2019 FY2018 Permits SoldFY18 Revenue
SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Plan Projects
PRESENTED BY: Chuck Myers, Superintendent- Parks and Forestry, 847-810-3565
Joe Mobile, Superintendent- Recreation, 847-810-3941
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is asking for direction from the Park Board on capital
expenditures and assistance with prioritizing the projects listed in the Park and Public Land Fund for the
upcoming 2020 fiscal year.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Staff has attached the following documents:
1. FY20 Priority Ranking and Rationale Chart. These are the projects that staff has identified as our
recommended Priorities for FY20 and possibly future years.
Staff will be seeking Park Board feedback on the projects listed, as well as assistance on ranking the FY20
projects in the order of importance based upon key impact factors such as safety concerns, those critical
for supporting existing revenue streams, years extended based upon useful life, and funding restrictions
based upon dollars available from impact fees.
The Park and Public Land Fund may only include projects that qualify via definition of impact fees and
that match to current dollars available. Those projects are defined as Park and Recreation Capital
projects that will benefit the entire community.
All other capital projects and those not eligible for impact fees are funded through the city-wide Capital
Improvement Fund. The City of Lake Forest begins development of its capital budget in late August
every year. Each project is prioritized using a Capital Improvement Project Evaluation Scoring Sheet.
Upon submittal, available funds are allocated to projects based on priority and a target funding amount
per classification of improvement (i.e. road and bridge, technology, parks and recreation). For FY20 the
City Manager has designated a set dollar amount for funding for each department. The Park and
Recreation designated dollars are slated for the Annual Tree Replacement Program.
We look forward to reviewing this draft capital plan and prioritizing the projects to be funded through
the Park and Public Land Fund. As you will see on the attached Priority Ranking and Rationale Chart, the
total amount of project costs exceeds the amount we can budget for FY20. It is therefore very important
that we prioritize the projects to reflect the greatest capital needs in the Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Plan
FY20 Priority Ranking and Rationale
FY20 Projects in Park and Public Land Fund from Impact Fees
1 Forest Park Trail/Boardwalk Extension of path on south end of the park to provide safe pedestrian walkway along the South Beach Access
Road to the beach.
2 West Park Sidewalk Addition Installation of new sidewalks at the north end of West Park for better access to park facilities. $110,000
3 Deerpath Golf Course Bridge Replacement of the old wooden bridge at Hole #4 due to condition and lack of clearance over the Skokie River. $75,000
4 South Park Improvements South Park improvements for this project include: 2 new tennis courts, 1 basketball court, Bocce court, batting cages, ADA trail connection, and fitness station. Funding has been proposed through an OSLAD Grant Program.
5 Open Lands Park Improvements Re-design the park space to achieve a balance between recreational use and the protection and interpretation of the cultural, natural and scenic resources of the park.
Note: Capital Fleet Equipment of $250,000 will continue to be funded from Fund 220 Operations, not Capital Fund. The amount has been increased this year for the replacement of the over twenty-year-old log loader for the
Forestry Section.