_____ Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Rich Adams _____ Paul Best
_____ Steve Reimer _____ Nancy Duffy _____ Melanie Walsh _____ William Zordani, Student
II. TOPIC OF DISCUSSION- Comprehensive Park Master Plan, Presented by Steve
Konters, Hitchcock Design Group
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2018
I. Welcome
Director Swarthout welcomed everyone to the Joint Workshop Meeting to view and discuss a
presentation by the Comprehensive Park Master Plan Consultant, Hitchcock Design Group.
II. Call to Order
The Joint Workshop Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at 6:30p.m. Roll
Call was taken for the Parks & Recreation Board.
III. Introductions
The following individuals were present:
Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer
Mr. Paul Best
Mr. Rich Adams
Ms. Nancy Duffy
Ms. Melanie Walsh
Mr. Steve Reimer
Mr. William Zordani, Student
Friends of Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Foundation:
Mr. Mike MacDougal
Mr. Ed Zaul
Mr. Ara Goshgarian
Mr. P.J. O’Neil
Mr. Fred Jackson
Mr. Scott Gray
Mr. John Powers
Mr. Mark Milliman
Mr. Patrick Marshall via phone
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
Public: Ms. Christa Rooks, Lake Forest Leader
Special Guests: Mr. Steve Konters
Ms. Bridgett Dietrich
IV. Joint Workshop Visioning Review & Discussion
Steve Konters and Bridgett Dietrich from Hitchcock Design Group conducted the joint workshop to
discuss a 10-year Parks and Recreation strategic Master Plan. Mr. Konters gave a brief introduction
and overview of the planning process, where we are currently, along with the inventory and analysis
There are four phases in the process to determine the Comprehensive Master Plan and the needs
over the next ten years. These four phases are 1) Analyze various data of the community, 2) Connect
with staff and community and go over data, 3) Envision and look at alternative strategies and needs,
4) Implement the desired plan.
In the first phase, they analyze the demographics of the area. A context map was presented,
showing the City boundaries. Demographics included age, race/ethnicity and income. Mr. Konters
talked about the inventory of the current parks, facilities and open spaces. There are 19 City owned
parks. He touched on how the parks are classified, along with the guidelines for acres and amenities
offered per park.
During the analysis phase, Lake Forest is compared to other similar surrounding communities based
on the amount of amenities offered per population, amount of park acreage per population and
amount of space per population. Mr. Konters talked about the distribution analysis and how the
parks are distributed throughout the community. A short discussion followed on the amenities
offered and how the City rates among other communities.
In the facilities inventory, a staff workshop was held with Hitchcock Design Group. The staff decided
on new indoor space, turf fields and beach/lakefront improvements as being the top three highest
needs over the next ten years. Hitchcock Design Group then met with stakeholders and discussed
the following topics: Parks, Athletic fields, Indoor space, Beach and Sailing, Dance, Kinderhaven,
Biking and other trails. Athletic fields and Indoor space was among the highest ranking in this
The online survey was conducted over a four-week period and had 740 participants with 91% being
residents. Data requested in the survey included the area they live, age, and how often they visited
the parks. The highest reason for dissatisfaction was due to outdated/inadequate facilities. The
survey results indicated an importance to update existing parks and their amenities, including
indoor space.
The workshop began with Mr. Konters and Ms. Dietrich passing out index cards to the group and
instructing them to write down the top three ideas or areas they feel need improvement. The cards
were then collected and tallied.
During the first part of the brainstorming process, the following categories or needs were suggested
to be addressed in the Master Plan.
Outdoor turf fields/lights
Improved field drainage
Beach indoor space
Improve/add sled hill
Improve outdoor ice/add indoor ice
Add indoor aquatics
New/add indoor turf
Update/expand indoor space (Rec Center/Fitness Center)
Expand Kinderhaven
Indoor facility at Townline Park
Add/improve paths
Park improvements
Regulate beach access on week days
Maintain beach
Improve school partnership
Add family programs
In the second part of the brainstorming, members were then asked to prioritize the different
categories, and after discussion, it was decided the top three areas for improvement were:
Outdoor turf fields/lights
Expanded indoor ice
Update/expand indoor space (Rec Center/Fitness Center)
The question came up as to if the categories listed in this meeting were similar or different from the
ones in the last Master Plan. It was noted in 2008 two important areas of need listed were a field
house and a swimming pool, however, many factors determine a change in needs or desired
improvements in a community.
The next step will be to meet with the task force to go over the data collected at this meeting and
establish primary needs with low to high priorities. Another joint board workshop will be scheduled
in the next month to go over the information for the Master Plan.
V. Adjournment
Board member Maguire motioned for adjournment and Board member Duffy seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant