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PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2017/05/16 Packet
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017 6:30PM at CITY HALL LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL II. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire _____ Melanie Walsh _____ Paul “Skoo” Walker _____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer _____Jake Lee _____ Andrew Grabemann, Student III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes of the March 21, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting IV. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR ANDREW GRABEMANN V. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS VI. PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT A. LAKEFRONT SPOTLIGHT- Presented by Aaron Dalzot, Manager- Risk and Lakefront VII. SOUTH PARK MASTER PLAN – Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent- Parks and Forestry VIII. SOUTH BEACH ACCESS ROAD UPDATE- Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent- Parks and Forestry IX. COMMENTS BY DIRECTOR X. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes March 21, 2017 I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at 6:30p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer Mr. Jake Lee Ms. Melanie Walsh Mr. Paul “Skoo” Walker Mr. Paul Best Mr. Steve Reimer Mr. Andrew Grabemann Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Cemetery Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics Mr. Ken Pierini, Program Supervisor, Athletics Mr. Rich Paulsen, Supervisor of Parks Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant II. Approval of Minutes The meeting minutes of the February 21, 2017 Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented and approved. Board member Best motioned for approval of the amended minutes and Board member Lee seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda No comment IV. Rugby Program Spotlight Program Supervisor, Ken Pierini gave some brief information on the Rugby program and introduced the Rugby Director, John Walker. Mr. Walker talked about the history, philosophy and the various program divisions. This program was acquired in 2011 and has been managed by the Recreation Staff. Mr. Walker discussed the present enrollment along with some of the future goals to expand and offer more Rugby programs to all ages. Team highlights and awards were mentioned. They won the state championship in 2013 and 2014, and coming in 3rd place in 2016. He also touched on some individual highlights. Chairman Kohlmeyer asked how many teams are in Illinois and Mr. Walker answered there are 55 high school teams in Illinois, totaling close to 3000 athletes. They are currently leading in Illinois with single school teams. The season starts in the first week of April. Discussion followed. V. Deerpath Golf Course Update Superintendent Myers introduced Vince Juarez, the new General Manager of Deerpath Golf Course. Mr. Juarez gave a brief overview of the golf industry and touched on the following points. 1. Review of core golfers a. Decline over last 15-20 years 2. Surrounding area competition a. 81 golf courses within 30 miles with 15 new ones in the last 20 years b. Drive is to remain competitive 3. 2017 year in review a. Annual passes and green fees have declined b. Customer experience is improving c. True Review Survey is showing a 20 point growth with about 570 surveys returned 4. FY18 Strategies/Budget/Marketing a. Maximize golf revenue by delivering top course conditions and improving customer experience b. Hold pricing longer and encourage more people on non-peak times c. Current rates are very competitive-currently $15,000-$20,000 ahead Discussion followed on increasing revenue, and updates on the IDOT plan that is currently in Phase 2. VI. South Park Playground Superintendent Myers gave an overview of the current playground and mentioned features for the proposed one. The new playground will have the same footprint as the current playground. The new playground will include the Pour-in Place surfacing which is a safety best practice. The budget impacted fees for this project will total $230,000 and will come from the Parks & Public Land Fund in addition to the Special Recreation Fund. Discussion followed on budget and in house labor costs along with donating the used equipment. Requested Action: Approval of the new playground in the amounts of $200,000 from the Parks & Public Land Fund and $35,000 from the Special Recreation Fund. A motion was made by Board member Lee to approve the new South Park Playground. The motion was seconded by Board member Best. The motion was passed. VII. Annual Mow Contract Parks Supervisor, Rich Paulson, gave a brief background on the mow plan. The contract went out to bid with a total of 5 bids received. The lowest bid was rejected due to unfavorable reference checks and the inexperience of the contractor with jobs of this magnitude. The contractor chosen was Landscape Concepts Management. The City has a history with them and has been pleased in the past with their work. Requested Action: Approval of the Mow Contract with Landscape Concepts Management. A motion was made by Board member Lee to approve the Mow Contract with Landscape Concepts Management. The motion was seconded by Board member Walker. The motion was passed. VIII. Comments by Director Director Swarthout touched on the upcoming exciting events for April. • Easter Eggstravaganza- Saturday, April 8th at Deerpath Middle School • Easter Bunny Baskets- Wednesday, April 12th 3:00pm – 6:00pm • Mother & Son Bowling Night- Friday, April 14th at Brunswick Zone, Vernon Hills • Smelt-O-Rama- Saturday, April 22nd at Forest Park Beach IX. Comments by Board Members No Comment X. Adjournment Board member Best motioned for adjournment and Board member Lee seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32pm. Respectfully Submitted Dani Spann Administrative Assistant RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS Andrew Grabemann has served The City of Lake Forest as a student member of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 2016- April 2017 WHEREAS, he has devoted much valuable time and personal attention to the work of this advisory board and, on behalf of the citizens of Lake Forest, continually met his responsibilities with purpose and dedication; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Lake Forest recognize and are deeply appreciative of the valuable time and service he contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community by serving on this board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board of The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, hereby expresses the profound gratitude of the citizens of Lake Forest to Andrew Grabemann for the loyal and faithful public service he has given by means of this resolution, which shall be spread upon the permanent records of the Park and Recreation Board. SUBJECT: Approval of South Park Master Plan PRESENTED BY: Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry (810-3565) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking Parks and Recreation Board approval of the South Park Master Plan. PROJECT REVIEW/RECOMMENDATIONS: Reviewed Date Comments Public Meeting 03/15/17 Received feedback on design options Public Meeting 01/24/17 Neighborhood visioning session Parks & Recreation Staff 12/8/16 - 05/01/17 Staff worked with Hitchcock Design Group in master plan development BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: South Park is one of six neighborhood parks in the City of Lake Forest and is located in the southeast portion of the City. The park contains a variety of recreation facilities including tennis courts, two ball fields, batting cage, turf field for soccer, rugby and lacrosse that overlays the outfields, playground, picnic pavilion with restrooms and a small storage area and gravel road with scattered undefined parking. The park is bordered by residential to the north and east, a woodlot along the south and the regional bike trail and railroad along the west edge. Accessible routes between amenities are also limited. The park is in need of many capital improvements to be at the high standard level expected in our Lake Forest parks. In December 2016, City staff selected Hitchcock Design Group to develop a new master plan for South Park. The master plan was needed to develop a comprehensive vision for the park that will serve as a framework for future park use and improvements. The importance of South Park to the neighborhood is very apparent; therefore City staff made it a priority to give residents and park users an opportunity to be a part of the plan development. The park planning process was kicked off on January 24, 2017 with a neighborhood visioning meeting to gather input from attendees regarding the elements that they would like included in the plan. City staff and Hitchcock Design also interviewed other stakeholder for their input; including various City staff members, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the Parks and Recreation Foundation. Hitchcock Design took all the input gathered and prepared schematic design alternatives that included vehicular and pedestrian circulation features, new site improvements, adaptive reuse of existing features, landscape improvements, grading and drainage. City staff reviewed the designs and offered further input. On March 15, 2017, a second public meeting was conducted to gather input from attendees about the design alternatives. The meeting provided helpful feedback that was used to develop a final schematic design. City staff worked with Hitchcock Design to complete the design phase of the master plan that is now being presented for approval (see attached}. Hitchcock Design Group also provided preliminary cost estimates (see attached) for all elements of the master plan to aid in future planning for park improvements. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff is not seeking financial funding for the master plan implementation at this time. The master plan is meant to guide future decisions on park capital improvements. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: City staff is seeking approval of the South Park Master Plan. Lake Forest, IllinoisSouth ParkMaster PlanISSUE DATE: APRIL 17 2017 All drawings are preliminary and subject to change.© 2017 Hitchcock Design GroupNORTHSCALE: 1”=40’20’ 40’0’ 80’PREPARED FOR: City of Lake ForestADEFGIQQSMVVBCCMaywood RoadHJKYYONPPXWRLZTUHighviewTerraceJune TerraceRegional Bike TrailAJSBKTCLUDMVENWFOXGPYHQZIRExisting Shelter with Restrooms and Expanded StorageBasketball CourtWoodland Enhancement Event Terrace with TrellisTennis/Pickleball CourtsHammock GroveFitness StationPower Connection for EventsPicnic Shelter/RestroomConnection to Regional Bike TrailBull PenWalking Loop TrailBatting CageLimestone Woodland TrailBaseball FieldVehicular Drop-off AreaSoccer Field OverlaysSeating/OverlookWetland EnhancementParkingSeating WallArbor TunnelPlaygroundNature Play AreaSplash PadShelterLegend: Master Plan Cost Opinion Date: April 18, 2017 Project: South Park Master Plan PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Playground playground replacement 1 LS 230,000$ 230,000$ concrete paving (connection from parking) 600 SF 9$ 5,400$ stone veneer seatwall (outside) 200 SFF 50$ 10,000$ stone veneer seatwall (cap) 50 LF 150$ 7,500$ 4' HT ornamental fence 240 LF 75$ 18,000$ Section Subtotal: 270,900$ Nature Based Play concrete paving 730 SF 9$ 6,570$ concrete ribbon curb 350 LF 30$ 10,500$ concrete playground ramp 2 EA 1,500$ 3,000$ wood fiber surfacing (12" depth) 300 CY 60$ 18,000$ nature play components + installation 1 LS 70,000$ 70,000$ limestone outcropping and river rocks 60 TON 500$ 30,000$ willow/arbor tunnel 1 LS 20,000$ 20,000$ drain inlets 2 EA 1,500$ 3,000$ underdrainage 350 LF 25$ 8,750$ connection to storm sewer 1 LS 6,000$ 6,000$ Section Subtotal: 175,820$ Splash Pad concrete paving 8,000 SF 9$ 72,000$ water play components (purchase) 1 LS 75,000$ 75,000$ water play components (installation) 1 75% 56,250$ 56,250$ water utilities (tap, RPZ, vault, service line) 1 LS 20,000$ 20,000$ electrical service 1 LS 12,000$ 12,000$ storm sewer utilities (drains, line, connection) 1 LS 12,000$ 12,000$ Section Subtotal: 247,250$ Fitness Stations poured in place rubber surfacing 730 SF 30$ 21,900$ concrete ribbon curb 75 LF 30$ 2,250$ fitness equipment 3 EA 3,500$ 10,500$ Section Subtotal: 34,650$ Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Landscape Improvements perennial planting 3,000 EA 16$ 48,000$ shrub planting 200 EA 75$ 15,000$ hardwood bark mulch, 3" depth 125 CY 40$ 5,000$ blended compost, 2" depth 80 CY 40$ 3,200$ ornamental tree, 8' HT 5 EA 500$ 2,500$ shade tree, 2.5" caliper 3 EA 500$ 1,500$ turf grass seeding 2,000 SY 2$ 4,000$ erosion control blanket 2,000 SY 2$ 4,000$ Section Subtotal: 83,200$ Site Furnishings shelter, 32' octagon with ornamentation 1 LS 50,000$ 50,000$ shelter installation 1 LS 25,000$ 25,000$ concrete paving 6,000 SF 9$ 54,000$ concrete footings 8 EA 800$ 6,400$ shelter light + electrical 1 LS 10,000$ 10,000$ picnic tables 4 EA 1,500$ 6,000$ trash receptacles 3 EA 800$ 2,400$ benches 6 EA 1,000$ 6,000$ bike racks 5 EA 500$ 2,500$ drinking fountain and water line connection 1 EA 15,000$ 15,000$ Section Subtotal: 177,300$ Earthwork miscellaneous removals (playground not included 1 LS 50,000$ 50,000$ tree protection fencing 500 LF 6$ 3,000$ silt fence (project perimeter) 800 LF 3$ 2,400$ topsoil strip and respread, 6" depth 400 CY 8$ 3,200$ balanced earthwork, 6" depth 800 CY 12$ 9,600$ Section Subtotal: 68,200$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 1,057,320$ Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 79,299$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 158,598$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 158,598$ Section Subtotal: 396,495$ SECTION TOTAL: 1,453,815$ MULT-USE TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Trail Loop asphalt paving (8' width) 2,800 SY 30$ 84,000$ concrete paving 2,000 SF 9$ 18,000$ concrete steps 80 CF 100$ 8,000$ limestone screening path 6,300 SF 5$ 31,500$ Section Subtotal: 141,500$ Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Earthwork miscellaneous removals 1 LS 10,000$ 10,000$ topsoil strip and respread, 6" depth 1,000 CY 8$ 8,000$ balanced earthwork, 6" depth 1,000 CY 12$ 12,000$ turf grass seeding 2,000 SY 2$ 4,000$ erosion control blanket 2,000 SY 2$ 4,000$ Section Subtotal: 38,000$ Woodland Enhancement (every 3-years) selective clearing 3 AC 5,000$ 15,000$ controlled burn 3 AC 5,000$ 15,000$ supplemental seeding 3 AC 5,000$ 15,000$ Section Subtotal: 45,000$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 224,500$ Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 16,838$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 33,675$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 33,675$ Section Subtotal: 84,188$ SECTION TOTAL: 308,688$ PARKING IMPROVEMENTS: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Northeast Parking Lot curb and gutter removal 130 LF 30$ 3,900$ remove/dispose asphalt paving 8,000 SF 1$ 8,000$ remove/dispose concrete paving 600 SF 3$ 1,800$ inlet protection 5 EA 500$ 2,500$ concrete curb and gutter 840 LF 26$ 21,840$ depressed curb and gutter 160 LF 36$ 5,760$ asphalt paving, vehicular 1,500 SY 35$ 52,500$ pavement markings 500 LF 2$ 1,000$ concrete paving, parkway sidewalk 1,200 SF 9$ 10,800$ detectable warnings 30 LF 50$ 1,500$ ADA parking sign and footing 1 EA 600$ 600$ storm sewer inlet and piping 1 LS 15,000$ 15,000$ landscape areas 2,900 SF 12$ 34,800$ Section Subtotal: 160,000$ Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost South Parking Lot remove/dispose asphalt paving 20,000 SF 1$ 20,000$ inlet protection 2 EA 500$ 1,000$ concrete curb and gutter 1,800 LF 26$ 46,800$ depressed curb and gutter 80 LF 36$ 2,880$ asphalt paving, vehicular 3,000 SY 35$ 105,000$ pavement markings 900 LF 2$ 1,800$ detectable warnings 80 LF 50$ 4,000$ ADA parking sign and footing 2 EA 600$ 1,200$ storm sewer inlet and piping 1 LS 25,000$ 25,000$ landscape areas 1,900 SF 12$ 22,800$ Section Subtotal: 230,480$ NW Drop-off miscellaneous removals 1 LS 5,000$ 5,000$ concrete curb and gutter 270 LF 26$ 7,020$ asphalt paving, vehicular 315 SY 35$ 11,025$ asphalt paving, pedestrian 56 SY 30$ 1,680$ pavement markings 1 LS 2,500$ 2,500$ storm sewer inlet and piping 1 LS 10,000$ 10,000$ turf and erosion control blanket 308 SY 4$ 1,232$ center island landscaping 1,413 SF 8$ 11,304$ Section Subtotal: 49,761$ Earthwork topsoil strip and respread, 6" depth 1,300 CY 8$ 10,400$ balanced earthwork, 6" depth 1,300 CY 12$ 15,600$ storm water detention grading 1,891 SY 16$ 30,256$ storm water detention turf and blanket 1,891 SY 4$ 7,564$ Section Subtotal: 63,820$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 504,061$ Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 37,805$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 75,609$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 75,609$ Section Subtotal: 189,023$ SECTION TOTAL: 693,084$ SPORT FIELDS AND COURT IMPROVEMENTS: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Pony Baseball Field Improvements aluminum 3-row bleachers 2 EA 3,500$ $7,000 player benches, 21' length w/o back 2 EA 1,200$ $2,400 coated chainlink backstop fence 1 EA 20,000$ $20,000 8' HT coated chain link fence (baselines) 162 LF 75$ $12,150 6' HT coated chain link fence (foul lines) 350 LF 60$ $21,000 netting system along right field foul line 116 LF 300$ $34,800 portable outfield fence By Owner Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost dugout structure (with T&G and shingles) 2 EA 15,000$ $30,000 dugout installation 1 LS 50% $30,000 dugout structure footings 12 EA 700$ $8,400 trash/recycling receptacle 2 EA 1,500$ $3,000 concrete paving 2,916 SF 8$ $23,328 batting cage netting 2 EA 12,000$ $24,000 10' HT coated chain link fence 200 LF 85$ $17,000 concrete paving 2,100 SF 9$ $18,900 bull pen (infield mix and containment curb) 1 LS 10,000$ $10,000 concrete ribbon curb 150 LF 25$ $3,750 clay and turf infield asphalt walks Section Subtotal: 265,728$ Bronco Baseball Field Improvements aluminum 3-row bleachers 2 EA 3,000$ $6,000 player benches, 21' length w/o back 2 EA 1,200$ $2,400 coated chainlink backstop fence 1 EA 15,000$ $15,000 8' HT coated chain link fence (baselines) 140 LF 75$ $10,500 6' HT coated chain link fence (foul lines) 252 LF 60$ $15,120 dugout structure (with T&G and shingles) 2 EA 15,000$ $30,000 dugout installation 1 LS 50% $30,000 dugout structure footings 12 EA 700$ $8,400 trash/recycling receptacle 1 EA 1,500$ $1,500 concrete paving 3,033 SF 9$ $27,297 clay and turf infield asphalt walks Section Subtotal: 146,217$ Tennis/Pickleball Courts asphalt paving 1,440 SY 25$ $36,000 tennis court/pickleball nets and posts set 2 EA 2,800$ $5,600 court color coating and striping 1,440 SY 10$ $14,400 single swing gate 1 EA 1,500$ $1,500 double swing gate (maintenance) 1 EA 3,000$ $3,000 10' HT coated chain link fencing 700 LF 55$ $38,500 asphalt walks Section Subtotal: 99,000$ Basketball Court asphalt paving 1,007 SY 28$ $28,196 court color coating and striping 1,007 SY 10$ $10,070 basketball goals 2 LS 2,000$ $4,000 asphalt walks Section Subtotal: 42,266$ Landscape Improvements landscape allowance 1 LS 30,000$ 30,000$ Section Subtotal: 30,000$ Included in Trail Costs Included in Trail Costs Included in Trail costs Included in Trail Costs Existing Existing Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Earthwork remove existing tennis fencing, posts, netting 700 LF 5$ 3,500$ remove existing tennis pavement and base 16,200 SF 1$ 16,200$ remove existing pony field fencing 900 LF 5$ 4,500$ remove existing pony field pavement 1 LS 1,500$ 1,500$ remove existing bronco field fencing 100 LF 5$ 500$ remove existing bronco field pavement 1 LS 1,500$ 1,500$ remove existing batting cage / bull pen 1 LS 5,000$ 5,000$ topsoil strip and respread, 6" depth 1,500 CY 8$ 12,000$ balanced earthwork, 6" depth 1,500 CY 12$ 18,000$ turf grass seeding 6,000 SY 2$ 12,000$ erosion control blanket 6,000 SY 2$ 12,000$ Section Subtotal: 86,700$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 669,911$ Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 50,243$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 100,487$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 100,487$ Section Subtotal: 251,217$ SECTION TOTAL: 921,128$ PICNIC SHELTER AMENITY AREA: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Shelter Area shelter/restroom (kit purchase and install) 1 EA 85,000$ $85,000 shelter/restroom installation 1 LS 50% $42,500 shelter/restoom foundation 1 LS 15,000$ $15,000 drinking fountain water service 1 LS 15,000$ $15,000 electrical service 1 LS 10,000$ $10,000 sanitary service 1 LS 15,000$ $15,000 plumbing and lighting systems (inside building) 1 LS 40,000$ $40,000 picnic table 6 EA 1,500$ $9,000 trash/recycling receptacle 2 EA 500$ $1,000 Section Subtotal: 232,500$ Earthwork miscellaneous removals 1 LS 5,000$ 5,000$ topsoil strip and respread, 6" depth 300 CY 16$ 4,800$ balanced earthwork, 6" depth 300 CY 12$ 3,600$ turf grass seeding 1,200 SY 2$ 2,400$ erosion control blanket 1,200 SY 2$ 2,400$ Section Subtotal: 18,200$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 250,700$ exterior mount to shelter/restroom Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 18,803$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 37,605$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 37,605$ Section Subtotal: 94,013$ SECTION TOTAL: 344,713$ PAVILION PLAZA: Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Plaza Area bluestone paver 2,500 SF 54$ $135,000 wood arbor/trellis 1 LS 35,000$ $35,000 enclosed gas fire place 1 EA 8,000$ $5,000 gas service 200 LF 25$ $5,000 seat wall (including cap, footing and stone veneer)152 LF 800$ $121,600 perennials and shrubs 700 EA 20$ $14,000 hardwood bark mulch 13 CY 80$ $1,040 ornamental tree 2 EA 500$ $1,000 evergreen tree 2 EA 400$ $800 deciduous shade tree 6 EA 500$ $3,000 Section Subtotal: 321,440$ Construction Cost Subtotals: 321,440$ Other Project Costs Contractor General Conditions (%) 1 LS 7.5% 24,108$ Design Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 48,216$ Bid and Construction Contingency (%) 1 LS 15% 48,216$ Section Subtotal: 120,540$ SECTION TOTAL: 441,980$ MASTER PLAN CONSTRCUTION COST ESTIMATE TOTAL: 4,163,407$ SUBJECT: SOUTH BEACH ACCESS ROAD UPDATE STAFF CONTACT: CHUCK MYERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS, FORESTRY & SPECIAL FACILITIES, 810-3565 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff will provide the board and community with a verbal report on the South Beach Access Road. This agenda item is for informational purposes only and no action is being sought. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ACTION: No Action required. For informational purposed only.