II. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire
_____ Jake Lee _____ Paul “Skoo” Walker
_____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer
_____ Melanie Walsh III. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes of the September 19, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board
VI. *FY2019 FITNESS FEES- Presented By Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
VII. *FY2019 LAKEFRONT FEES- Presented By Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager- Lakefront
VIII. *CAPITAL PRIORITIZATION- Presented by Sally Swarthout, Director; Chuck Myers,
Superintendent- Parks and Forestry; Joe Mobile- Superintendent- Recreation
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2017
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at
6:30p.m. The following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer
Mr. Steve Reimer
Mr. Paul Best
Mr. Paul “Skoo” Walker
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation
Mr. Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Program Manager, Athletics
Mr. Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager, Lakefront
Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
II. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the August 15, 2017 Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented and
Board member Best motioned for approval of the amended minutes and Board member Walker
seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved.
III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
No comment
IV. Athletic Field Usage Policy
Program Manager Anthony Anaszewicz went over the FY18 proposed changes to the current policy
and requested approval for the following changes.
• Annual fee adjustment of 3% increase
• Restructure the User Classifications/fees
• Class I - Lake Forest Recreation Department and partner programs- to
include the payment of maintenance fees only
• Class II - any non-partner programs- to include payment of
maintenance fees plus rental fees
• Change verbiage within Policy
• Change to Maintenance Fees
• Change from non-competing to affiliates/partners
• Eliminate following services/fees
• Diamond Prep 2
• Diamond watering and Turface Application
• Additional Games/Diamonds
• Additional Bleachers
• Increase light fees
• Remove staff approval in paragraph 3 on page 4
Clarification between the two Classes was discussed. Board member Walker inquired about renting
the unused fields to non-residents in order to generate revenue. Anthony Anaszewicz replied this is
something that can be looked into. Discussion followed on allowing nonresidents to rent fields in
addition to changing the verbiage in Class II to include nonresident groups.
A motion was made by Board member Walker to approve the Proposed FY18 Fees along with the
proposed Athletic Field Usage Policy changes with an amendment to the Class II category wording
to include all nonresident groups. The motion was seconded by Board Member Best. The motion
was passed.
V. Seasonal Brochure Printing
Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, spoke on the seasonal brochure and going out to bid to compare
prices for all seasons for one year. The bid opening occurred on September 8, 2107. There were five
bids received with Woodward Printing coming in with the lowest bid of $19,759.62. Chairman
Kohlmeyer asked how much was spent on the publishing of the seasonal brochures this year. Facility
Manager Busdeker replied around $26,000 has been spent up to date for the past year. They
currently print and distribute around 9,500 copies, three times a year. It was mentioned they would
like to consider reducing the amount of printed copies and possibly conducting a resident survey to
see if it is still cost effective to print or go to online copies instead. A brief discussion followed on
A motion was made by Board member Reimer to approve and award the one year contract for
Recreation Department seasonal brochure printing to Woodward Printing. The motion was
seconded by Board Member Walker. The motion was passed.
VI. FY2019 Fitness Fees
Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager, went over the first draft of the proposed FY19 fees for the Fitness
Center. He touched on the current FY18 membership totaling 716 along with the proposed FY19
Revenue increase. Jason indicated there is a slight decrease in individual memberships.
Staff is recommending the following:
• Increase all membership fees by an adjusted 4%
• Continue the month to month membership
• Continue the 3 month membership, the summer promotion and the one month
membership over the holiday season
The Fitness Center has seen an increase in the student and annual month to month memberships.
The question was asked if any of the current month to month participants have transitioned into
annual memberships. Jason Busdeker answered yes there has been a growth in these memberships.
A new promotion that will be offered this fall is a mailing going out to local businesses offering
member rates to any current employees. It was mentioned to partner with the Chamber of
Commerce to offer discounts to those members. Discussion followed on the proposed FY19
memberships and revenue. Board member Reimer inquired about Lake Bluff’s rates and their
increase. Jason Busdeker answered they are currently higher than us even with our proposed
The Fitness Center will be offering a new program called the Silver Sneakers. This is a Medicare
program geared towards the older adult. If the individual qualifies they are eligible for a free
membership. The Fitness center will be reimbursed $2.50 per member check in with a maximum of
$25.00 a month. This is an exchange between Tivity Health and the Recreation Center.
VII. FY2019 Lakefront Fees
Aaron Dalzot, Lakefront Facilities Manager, went over the proposed FY19 Lakefront permit fees.
Staff is recommending a 4% increase for permit fees. The projected revenue increase for FY2019 is
$3,185. This was a very successful year; the projected revenue was exceeded. This was the highest
year with an increase in revenue from non-resident passes. Director Swarthout went over the
various passes/fees that were excluded from the 4% increase.
The following Passes/Fees were excluded from the 4% increase:
• The Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass
• The Resident Guest Daily Parking
• The Non-resident Beach Access Fees
• The Non-resident Daily Boat Launch
Discussion followed on the approval of the fees along with the watercraft permits/fees. Aaron
Dalzot talked about the improvements made this year. More conversation followed on revenue of
the current concessions at the beach.
VIII. Comments by Director
Director Swarthout spoke about the upcoming events scheduled for September and October.
• Family Fun Beach Camp Out- September 30th at 5:00pm at Forest Park Beach
• Oktoberfest- October 14th from 5:00pm – 10:00pm at Deerpath Community Park
• Art Bash- October 21st from 10:00am – 3:00pm at Stirling Hall Art Center
• Croctoberfest- October 22nd from 10:00am – 3:00pm at the Wildlife Discovery Center
• Halloween Tricks & Treats- October 27th from 5:00 – 7:30pm at the Recreation Center
Director Swarthout is pleased to announce Scott Norman will be the new Program Supervisor
in the Sailing department and will be in charge of Race and Opti.
IX. Comments by Board Members
No Comment.
X. Adjournment
Board member Best motioned for adjournment and Board member Walker seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Deerpath Golf Course FY 19 Proposed Fee Changes
PRESENTED BY: VINCE JUAREZ, GENERAL MANAGER, 847-810-3889 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City Staff and KemperSports Management Staff is bringing forward the Deerpath Golf Course fees for fiscal year 2019. This annual Park
and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget process for Golf Course operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year 2019.
KemperSports Management and Staff is requesting the Park Board to approve and direct Staff and KemperSports Management to bring the proposed FY2019 Deerpath
Golf Course fee structure forward to City Council for approval as presented. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Deerpath Golf
Course for FY19. We analyzed several factors including utilization and surrounding
facilities fees while putting together the fees schedule. KemperSports Management
and City Staff are recommending the following:
• Membership Fees: Increase Annual Pass fee average of 4% per classification for
• Greens Fees: Increase the “ceiling” rate for weekday and weekend fees. Allow
the dynamic pricing model to set prices based off of the utilization of the course.
This will allow the green fee prices to fluctuate and take advantage of times of
increased demand. Golf rates will be adjusted during the season based on
marketplace demands.
• Other Fees: Increase the 18 -hole cart fee which has not been increased in at
least 4 years. In addition, increase small and medium range ball buckets by $1
each bucket. I also propose with lockers being fully rented in the open air facility
to increase locker rental prices by an average of 15%.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Projected revenue impact on fees collected will be an
additional $25,000 from FY18.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: City Staff and Kemper Sports Management are requesting the approval of the
proposed FY2019 Deerpath Golf Course fee structure and asking to proceed to City
Council for their approval.
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY18
Fees Fees Fees Actual Projected Proposed Projection
Seasonal Fees: Resident
Adult Single $1,385 $1,400 $1,400 $68,392 $69,550 $1,450 $70,000 2%4%
Adult Combo $2,402 $2,400 $2,400 $19,052 $14,950 $2,500 $16,000 -16%4%
Junior $618 $600 $600 $5,400 $5,150 $625 $3,000 -44%4%
Team Membership NA $150 $150 $4,915 $4,100 $200 $5,400 10%33%
Senior Citizen $823 $850 $850 $72,250 $77,497 $850 $77,000 7%0%
DiscoverGolf Membership NA NA NA $0 $0 $300 $5,000
Seasonal Fees: Non-Resident
Adult Single $1,794 $1,800 $1,800 $12,600 $13,150 $1,850 $13,150 4%3%
Adult Combo $2,402 $2,400 $2,400 $6,000 $6,000 $2,500 $6,000 0%4%
Junior $618 $625 $625 $0 $0 $650 $0 0%4%
Senior Citizen $1,095 $1,100 $1,100 $20,900 $25,100 $1,100 $25,000 20%0%
Daily Fees
Weekday Rack Rate $59 $59 $59 $177,952 $180,471 $63 $185,000 3%7%
Weekday Twilight Rack Rate $54 $54 $54 $39,434 $59,972 $54 $60,000 0%0%
Weekend Rack Rate $69 $69 $69 $104,883 $109,145 $75 $115,000 5%9%
Weekend Twilight Rack Rate $46 $46 $47 $31,651 $36,328 $51 $38,000 5%9%
Junior 18 Holes $25 $25 $25 $12,165 $3,069 $25 $3,000 -2%0%
Junior 9 Holes $20 $20 $20 $18,628 $10,452 $20 $5,000 -52%0%
Electric Golf Carts/Misc.
9 Holes $12 $12 $12 $30,358 $25,876 $12 $27,000 4%0%
18 Holes $19 $19 $19 $177,931 $137,543 $20 $145,000 5%5%
Range Balls
Small Bucket $4 $4 $4 $10,942 $8,563 $5 $9,000 5%25%
Medium Bucket $6 $6 $6 $17,602 $16,175 $7 $17,000 5%17%
Large Bucket $15 $15 $15 $25,497 $25,848 $15 $26,000 1%0%
Pull cart - 9 holes $4 $4 $4 $1,409 $3,061 $5 $3,000 -2%25%
Pull cart - 18 holes $5 $6 $6 $2,120 $1,993 $7 $2,000 0%17%
USGA Handicap Fees - Members $34 $34 $34 $6,565 $6,027 $37 $6,200 3%9%
Permanent Tee Time - Weekend $300 $300 $300 $5,967 $11,491 $300 $13,000 13%0%
Loyalty Card - Resident $50 $50 $50 $6,574 $5,950 $55 $6,000 1%10%
Loyalty Card - Non-Resident $60 $60 $60 $1,020 $720 $65 $1,000 39%8%
Locker - 18 inch (Open Air)$105 $110 $110 $4,230 $4,070 $130 $4,625 14%18%
Locker - 12 inch (Open Air)$95 $100 $100 $2,744 $1,600 $115 $1,840 15%15%
Lockers - Locker Room NA NA $100 $400 $100 $600 50%0%
Total $887,181 $864,251 $888,815 3%
Deerpath Golf Course Fees FY19
SUBJECT: Lake Forest Fitness Center Recommended Fees for FY2019
PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Program Manager of Facilities, 847-810-3934.
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval the Fitness Center’s fees for
Fiscal Year 2019. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget
process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to prepare our operating budgets for fiscal year
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center membership
types for FY2019. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the majority of our membership
fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive
in the local fitness market. Membership fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly to the
nearest dollar to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a
conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain the same
throughout the year based on membership totals in August.
The Fitness Center continues to offer the Month to Month membership options which allows
perspective members the flexibility to cancel their membership with 30 days written notice. Typically
the Annual memberships are unable to be cancelled unless for medical reasons or relocation. The month
to month membership is also a good alternative for those looking for a short term option. Staff also
offers a 3 month membership option in the summer and a 1 month option during the holiday season. In
addition to the increase memberships, the fees for the month to month option are 20% higher than
Annual membership fees which also allows for additional revenue.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $11,755 over FY2018 with
this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective May 1, 2018
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the following changes to the current fee structure:
• Increase all resident and non-resident membership fees by an adjusted 4%. The 4% increase
was taken over FY18 fees and then adjusted to be divisible by 12 months so that our new
software system can use the automatic monthly billing for all annual memberships.
Staff is seeking approval of the FY2019 fitness Center fees and recommending the Park Board to direct
staff to bring the proposed fee structure forward to City Council for their approval as presented.
FY17 FY17 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19 FY19
Rates Memberships Revenue Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue
Individual resident rate - annual $384 210 $80,640 $396 180 $71,280 $408 $34 $73,440
Individual resident rate - monthly 18 $0 $40 26 $12,480 $41 $1,066
Individual non-resident rate - annual $468 8 $3,744 $480 7 $3,360 $490 $41 $3,430
Individual non-resident rate - monthly 0 $0 $48 1 $576 $49 $49
Couple resident rate - annual $672 78 $52,416 $696 79 $54,984 $720 $60 $56,880
Couple resident rate - monthly 3 $0 $69 4 $3,312 $72 $288
Couple non-resident rate - annual $816 0 $0 $840 0 $0 $864 $72 $0
Couple non-resident rate - monthly 0 $0 $84 0 $0 $87 $0
Family resident rate - annual $844 55 $46,420 $900 49 $44,100 $936 $78 $45,864
Family resident rate - monthly 2 $0 $90 5 $5,400 $93 $465
Family non-resident rate - annual $1,056 0 $0 $1,080 0 $0 $1,128 $94 $0
Family non-resident rate - monthly 0 $0 $108 0 $113 $0
Senior resident rate - annual $288 101 $29,088 $300 109 $32,700 $312 $26 $34,008
Senior resident rate - monthly 4 $0 $30 9 $3,240 $31 $279
Senior non-resident rate - annual $348 3 $1,044 $360 4 $1,440 $375 $31 $1,500
Senior non-resident rate - monthly 3 $0 $36 1 $432 $37 $37
Senior couple resident rate - annual $504 48 $24,192 $516 39 $20,124 $528 $44 $20,592
Senior couple resident rate - monthly 3 $0 $52 10 $6,240 $53 $530
Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $612 2 $1,224 $624 3 $1,872 $636 $53 $1,908
Senior couple non-resident - monthly 0 $0 $63 0 $64 $0
Student resident rate - annual $288 49 $14,112 $300 25 $7,500 $312 $26 $7,800
Student resident rate - monthly 21 $0 $30 21 $7,560 $31 $651
Student non-resident rate - annual $354 0 $0 $360 0 $0 $375 $31 $0
Student non-resident rate - monthly 2 $0 $36 0 $0 $37 $0
*Matinee resident rate - annual $192 77 $14,784 $204 76 $15,504 $216 $18 $16,416
Matinee resident rate - monthly 1 $0 $20 3 $720 $21 $63
Matinee non-resident rate - annual $240 9 $2,160 $252 2 $504 $260 $22 $520
Matinee non-resident rate - monthly 0 $0 $25 0 $0 $26 $0
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$290 49 $14,210 $299 62 $18,538 $311 $19,282
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$645 0 $0 $665 1 $665 $692 $692
*as of 8/15/16 746 $284,034 716 $273,291 $285,046
Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT.
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.
As of September 11, 2017 there were 76 3-month summer memberships sold and another 126 Monthly Student Memberships sold between May and August
*Matinee Memberships
$17/month = $204 (no change from FY18)
$18/month = $216 (5.6% change from FY19)
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY19
SUBJECT: Lake Forest Lakefront Recommended Fees for FY2019
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward for approval of the Lakefront Permit Fees
for Fiscal Year 2019. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a necessary part of the budget
process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to develop our operating budgets for fiscal year 2019.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for lakefront permit fees for
FY2019. Staff is recommending an increase of 4% to the majority of permit fees to offset increased
utilities, supplies and personnel expenses for the annual operations of Forest Park Beach. The 4%
increase is consistent with the recommended program fee increase across the Department.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3,185 over FY2018 with
this nominal increase in fees based on actual FY18 participation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the following changes to the current fee structure:
A 4% increase in resident and non-resident permit fee categories with the following exceptions.
Staff recommends the below fees remain constant for FY18.
The Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass ($85)
The Resident Guest Daily Parking ($10)
The Non-resident Beach Access Fees ($10).
The Non-resident Daily Boat Launch ($65)
Staff is requesting the approval of the proposed FY2019 Lakefront Permit fee structure and asking to
proceed to City Council for their approval.
Exhibit #2
FY2017 FY17 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19RatesPermitsRevenueRatesPermitsRevenueProposedIncrease
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $464 72 $33,408 $478 58 $27,724 $497 $19
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $348 10 $3,480 $382 19 $7,258 $397 $15
Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $928 2 $1,856 $956 2 $1,912 $994 $38
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $232 17 $3,944 $239 15 $3,585 $249 $10
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $174 5 $870 $192 7 $1,344 $200 $8
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $464 0 $0 $478 0 $0 $497 $19
Year Round Compound Storage Resident $2,056 13 $26,728 $2,118 10 $21,180 $2,203 $85
Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,542 3 $4,626 $1,694 7 $11,858 $1,762 $68
Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $3,085 0 $0 $3,178 0 $0 $3,305 $127Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,392 2 $2,784 $1,434 4 $5,736 $1,491 $57
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,043 5 $5,215 $1,147 2 $2,294 $1,193 $46
Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,086 0 $0 $2,149 0 $0 $2,235 $86
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $562 6 $3,372 $579 2 $1,158 $602 $23
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $422 4 $1,688 $464 2 $928 $483 $19
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $562 0 $0 $579 2 $1,158 $602 $23
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $328 16 $5,248 $338 20 $6,760 $352 $11
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $246 3 $738 $270 3 $810 $281 $11Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $328 1 $328 $338 0 $0 $352 $14
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $695 1 $695 $716 1 $716 $745 $29
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $521 0 $0 $573 0 $0 $596 $23
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $1,042 0 $0 $1,074 0 $0 $1,117 $43
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $426 3 $1,278 $439 2 $878 $457 $18
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $320 0 $0 $351 1 $351 $365 $14
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $640 0 $0 $660 0 $0 $686 $26
South Beach Parking Permit Resident $134 33 $4,422 $139 29 $4,031 $145 $6
South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $101 25 $2,525 $110 65 $7,150 $114 $4
South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $910 2 $1,820 $938 3 $2,814 $976 $38
South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $89 1 $89 $92 1 $92 $96 $4
Daily Boat Launch $40 87 $3,480 $40 30 $1,200 $40 $0
Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 3 $195 $65 2 $130 $65 $0
5 Punch Pass N/A N/A N/A $200 9 $1,600 $200 $0
5 Punch Pass Non-Res N/A N/A N/A $325 0 $0 $325 $0
Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 230 $2,300 $10 173 $1,730 $10 $0
Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 32 $2,720 $85 45 $3,825 $85 $0Non-Resident Beach Fee Weekend/Holiday $10 914 $9,140 $10 1822 $18,220 $10 $0
$122,949 $136,442
SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Plan Projects
PRESENTED BY: Chuck Myers, Superintendent- Parks and Forestry, 847-810-3565
Joe Mobile, Superintendent- Recreation, 847-810-3941
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is asking for direction from the Park Board on capital
expenditures and assist with prioritizing the projects listed in the Capital Fund and Park and Public Land
Fund for the upcoming 2019 fiscal year.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Staff has attached the following documents:
1. FY19 Priority Ranking and Rationale Chart. These are the projects that staff has identified as our
recommended Priorities for FY19.
Staff will be seeking Park Board feedback on the projects listed as well as assistance on ranking the FY19
projects in the two funds in order of importance based upon key impact factors such as safety concerns,
those critical for supporting existing revenue streams, years extended based upon useful life, and
funding restrictions based upon dollars available from impact fees. We do not need to prioritize any
projects beyond FY19.
The Park and Public Land Fund may only include projects that qualify via definition of impact fees and
that match to current dollars available. Those projects are defined as Park and Recreation Capital
projects that will benefit the entire community.
Staff is proposing a total of $400,000 for FY19 from this fund.
All other capital projects and those not eligible for impact fees are funded through the city-wide Capital
Improvement Fund. The City of Lake Forest begins development of its capital budget in late August. A
dedicated software program is used in which departments enter five year Capital Improvement Program
requests. Each project is prioritized using a Capital Improvement Project Evaluation Scoring Sheet. Upon
submittal, available funds are allocated to projects based on priority and a target funding amount per
classification of improvement (ie. road and bridge, technology, parks and recreation).
For FY19 the City Manager has designated a set dollar amount for funding for each department. The
Park and Recreation designated dollars are slated for the Emerald Ash Borer project
We look forward to reviewing this draft capital plan and prioritizing the projects with you. An update to
the ranking as part of the Citywide Capital Improvement Plan will be provided at the November 13, 2017
Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Plan
FY19 Priority Ranking and Rationale
FY19 Projects in Park and Public Land Fund from Impact Fees
1 Waveland Park Playground
Expansion and Surfacing
Expansion of playground in the swing area to
accomodate a new swing bay and the installation of
Poured-in-Place surfacing in the entire swing area.$50,000
1 South Park Tennis and
Basketball Court Replacement
Installation of two new tennis courts and a basketball
court at South Park, as part of the 2016 approved South
Park Master Plan.$150,000
1 Open Lands Park Re-design the park space to achieve a balance between
recreational use and the protection and interpretation of
the cultural, natural and scenic resources of the park.$200,000
Capital Fleet Equipment of $150,000 will continue to be funded from Fund 220 Operations, not Capital Fund.
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Fund Balance 5/1 412,996$ 265,830$ 243,745$ 449,049$ 365,205$ 371,220$ 468,012$ 266,700$ 364,042$ 1,184,239$
Current Revenue
Grants 50,000$ 100,000$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$
Park impact fees 31,335 98,872 348,934 78,338 62,672 94,008 94,008 94,008 814,736 -
Other 385,604
Interest 1,307 904 2,170 2,818 2,739 2,784 4,680 3,334 5,461 20,724
Total Current Revenue 82,642$ 199,776$ 426,104$ 81,156$ 451,015$ 96,792$ 98,688$ 97,342$ 820,197$ 20,724$
- - - - - -
Net before CIP 82,642$ 199,776$ 426,104$ 81,156$ 451,015$ 96,792$ 98,688$ 97,342$ 820,197$ 20,724$
Total Capital Expenditures- #1 Only 229,808$ 221,861$ 220,800$ 165,000$ 445,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$
Fund Balance 4/30 265,830$ 243,745$ 449,049$ 365,205$ 371,220$ 468,012$ 266,700$ 364,042$ 1,184,239$ 1,204,963$
Note: This fund accounts for impact fees.
Capital projects funded from the Park and Public Land Fund are financed primarily from impact fees which are dependent upon development activity
and hard to predict. Should revenues be insufficient to fund improvements projected in the Five-Year plan, such improvements could be deferred or
financed from alternative revenue sources, if available.