II. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Chairman _____ Shannon Maguire
_____ Jake Lee _____ Paul “Skoo” Walker
_____ Paul Best _____ Steve Reimer
_____ Melanie Walsh III. *APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes of the August 15, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board
Manager- Athletics
VI. *SEASONAL BROCHURE PRINTING- Presented by Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
VII. FY2019 FITNESS FEES- Presented By Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager
VIII. FY2019 LAKEFRONT FEES- Presented By Aaron Dalzot, Program Manager- Lakefront
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2017
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Charlie Kohlmeyer at
6:30p.m. The following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer
Ms. Melanie Walsh
Mr. Paul Best
Mr. Jake Lee
Mr. Paul “Skoo” Walker
Staff: Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation
Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Cemetery
Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager
Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant
II. Approval of Minutes
Meeting minutes of the June 21, 2017 Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented and
Board member Best motioned for approval of the amended minutes and Board member Walker
seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved.
III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda
No comment
IV. Deerpath Golf Course Update Superintendent Myers introduced Vince Juarez, General Manager, and Dean Whitten, Regional
Operations Executive, from Kemper Sports. Vince talked on the financial outlook along with the
impact of the flooding. There has been a 3.1% increase in green fees/carts from 2016. The food and
beverage revenue was up 7.5%. As of June 30, 2017 we were 22% favorable to 2016 and 25%
favorable for budget. Due to the flooding the course was closed for 5 days with damage due to the
irrigation controls being underwater. The bridge on hole #4 was temporarily closed. Due to the quick
action of the staff they were able to help minimize as much damage as possible. Deerpath Golf
Course is recovering from the loss and is currently $15,000 ahead of budget. The Mindshare survey
results have shown an increased rating from 2016 memberships with a total increase of 3.2% in
memberships, outings and bookings.
Vince talked about some of the exciting upcoming events along with a brief mention of the
renovations timeline. Chairman Kohlmeyer and Board member Walker were both very impressed
with how quickly the staff responded and got the course back up and running after the flooding.
Chuck Myers touched on the first phase of the Master Plan. It went before City Council on August 7th
for approval of fairway drainage and the continuous cart path. Additional fund raising efforts are
possibilities for the near future.
We went out to bid in May for a contract for the renovations. Three bids were received with the
lowest bidder being XGD Systems. Because they came in over budget all bids were rejected and the
process was started over. After reducing the scope and adding alternatives, focusing on drainage,
we went back out to bid in June. The second time only one bid from XGD Systems was received.
Discussion followed on the bid and the determination of the scope and alternatives. City Council
accepted and awarded the bid to XGD Systems in the amount of $1,175,000 including 6.8%
contingency funds. Chuck went over the timeline with a start date of September 18, 2017 and an
anticipated completion time by the end of the year. We are planning for minimum shutdown time of
the Golf Course.
V. Pesticide Use in Parks
Superintendent Myers talked about the practice of pesticides in the parks. It is used only when
necessary to control unwanted vegetation and control pests. In order to keep the public notified,
email notifications are sent out a week prior to application along with signage posted at the areas to
be affected. The City is practicing Integrated Pest Management, a more holistic approach. Any
applications are applied by Certified (Illinois Department of Agriculture) City Staff. The use of
pesticides has declined over the past five years.
Mr. Myers went over the different type of applications used within our different sections. Broad-
leaf, spot treatment, turf removal and mosquito control are some of the uses within the Parks,
Forestry and Cemetery sections. He noted we have eliminated the use of fungicides on trees.
We are currently working on a Pesticide Policy that will be in document form. Once completed, it
will be brought back to the Board at a later meeting. The question was asked how many people are
in our notification database. The email notification goes to approximately 1200 contacts.
VI. Open Lands Park Enhancement Project Update
Superintendent Joe Mobile gave an Open Lands Park enhancement timeline update. The mission of
this project is to develop this area as a usable and passive space in addition to beautifying the
gateway to downtown Lake Forest. The objective is to develop a comprehensive Master Plan that
will achieve a balance between the recreational uses and protect the cultural and natural resources
of the park. To date we are working with Craig Bergmann to talk about some ideas and
improvements we would like to see. A public visioning session will be held on August 24th at CROYA
to gather nearby residents and business owners and gain input on their ideas and thoughts. St.
Mary’s owns a portion of this property so a meeting will be set up to keep them involved in the
ideas. The plan to rename the park was mentioned. Once a plan is designed, a second public
meeting will be held to share and gather feedback. A cost analysis will be presented before the
Board and City Council to request funding to move forward with the project. The hope is to be able
to start the developing of this park space in early 2018. Staff ideas and suggestions were discussed.
VII. Athletic Field Usage Policy
Program Manager Anthony Anaszewicz gave a brief overview of the current policy and went over
the proposed FY18 changes. The annual fee adjustment of 3% increase was applied. Staff reviewed
the current policy in June and recommended changes in User Classifications in addition to changes
with fees per Classification. These new proposed changes to Classes/Fees are as follows:
1. Class I - Lake Forest Recreation Department and partner programs- to include the
payment of maintenance fees only
2. Class II - any non-partner programs- to include payment of maintenance fees plus rental
The FY18 fee recommendations for general maintenance/rental fees were presented. Short
discussion followed on reciprocal fields with District 67. Some potential further changes were
mentioned below:
1. Verbiage change of competing/non-competing to Partner or Affiliate
2. Eliminate certain fees
a. Diamond prep/watering
b. Turface
c. Grid Game fields without goals
d. Additional bleachers
3. Increase light fees
4. Remove verbiage of staff approval in paragraph 3 on page 4
Discussion followed on soccer goals/fields. Soccer goals are anchored for safety purposes. The
question arose regarding turf fields. Director Swarthout replied the Park & Recreation Foundation
has talked about turf fields and are seeking out a program and assessing their Capital needs. Board
member Walker had a question regarding the Class II and outside organizations. Mr. Anaszewicz
answered they have to have at least one Lake Forest resident on the team to qualify as a Class II.
More discussion followed on the Policy.
VIII. Comments by Director
Director Swarthout gave an update on a couple of current projects. South Park has an anticipated
completion date for Mid-September. The South beach access road had funding approved by City
Council on August 7th. , the road will shut down on September 5th for construction with a completion
date by Thanksgiving. A letter was sent to all boat launch participants stating a refund will be issued
for the lost time of September and October. AECOM will be coming in to the North Beach access
road to conduct an enhanced engineering survey. Staff will be meeting on Thursday to discuss
options to keep this road open. She also mentioned the upcoming events scheduled. Please come
out and join us!
• Senior Beach Party & Dinner- September 8th at 5:00pm at Forest Park Beach
• Daddy Daughter Luau- September 9th from 6:00pm-9:30pm at Forest Park Beach
• Friends of Lake Forest Library Book Sale- September 14-17 from 9:00am – 5:00pm in the
Recreation Center Gymnasium
• Glow Ball- September 16th at 6:30pm at Deerpath Golf Course
• Family Fun Beach Camp Out- September 30th at 5:00pm at Forest Park Beach
• Oktoberfest- October 14th from 5:00pm – 10:00pm at Deerpath Community Park
IX. Comments by Board Members
Board member Lee had concerns about the trash being left around and the staffing at the beach. It
was mentioned this will be brought up to the appropriate staff.
X. Adjournment
Board member Lee motioned for adjournment and Board member Walker seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani Spann
Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Athletic Field Usage Policy – Proposed 2018
PRESENTED BY: Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager
Staff would like to propose amendments to the Field Usage Policy, taking effect January 1, 2018.
Currently, the policy is designed to recuperate direct variable costs associated with Parks
Department labor and materials as well as create a rental fee revenue source based on a
tier/classification structure. Staff has requested that the structure of the policy remain intact
but that the tiers be reduced from three to two tiers to simplify the policy administration.
The current Athletic Field Usage Policy was implemented in May, 2016. The policy was amended to
create a user classification structure that would allow for our open fields to generate additional
revenue for the department as well as to allow additional usage by residents. The policy was
administered for two full outdoor seasons and staff were requested to review and possibly revise the
current policy. Staff have reviewed the policy and received input regarding the policy that have
guided them to make the following proposed changes to the current policy.
Staff proposes the elimination of the third classification moving to a two class system, which will be;
Class 1 will include Lake Forest Recreation Department programming, partner programs with
Lake Forest Recreation Department programs and an additional group that includes Lake
Forest based organizations (67% or more residential participation) with a signed MOU with
the Lake Forest Recreation Department. Class 1 will pay only the costs associated with using
the fields and not a rental fee.
Class 2 will include any non-partner Organizations/programs to current Lake Forest
Recreation Department programs as well as any Non-Lake Forest Recreation Department
programs with Lake Forest rostered players. Class 2 will pay the costs associated with the use
of the fields as well as a rental fee. The fees from Class 3 will be used for this class moving
forward. Fees in this class would be raised annually by 3 – 5%, in line with Maintenance fee
In addition, Staff is also proposing some terminology change, re-categorizing certain services and
eliminating certain services along with their costs associated to consolidate the policy. These services
are listed below.
• Diamond Preparation 2 – no user asks for or receives this service
• Diamond Watering & Turface application – these things are done as regular maintenance
• Additional Games (Diamonds) – this fee is the same as a Game Prep and is redundant
This chart shows the FY18 Maintenance Fees associated with the base categories of Field Prep
work and then shows the proposed Rental Fees associated with those Field Prep items.
Maintenance Fees Class I Class II
FY18 FY 18 Rental Fees FY18 Rental Fees Units
Diamond Prep 1 $101 $0 $200 Game
Diamond Prep 2 $108 $0 $240 Game
Diamond Practice $43 (only if dragged) $0 $120 Practice
Grid Field Practice $2,243 $0 $200 Practice
Grid Field Game $2,368 $0 $240 Game
*Grid Fields – Fees above only apply to new, unassigned fields. Existing fields are not rentable
Staff is seeking approval to make the proposed changes to the Policy, effective January 1, 2018.
Athletic Field Usage Policy – FY17 Page 1
Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Department
Athletic Field Usage Policy
FY18 (May 2017-April 2018)
The Athletic Field Usage Policy was established in the fall of 2003 and amended in the spring of 2016 by The Lake Forest
Parks & Recreation Department (City). By submitting the completed permit application (attached), the Athletic
Association (User) will assume any and all risks associated with their special use in any City Parks. User agrees to pay fees
to the City at the discretion of Staff. Request for payment may be at the time of application or at the conclusion of the
requested dates, depending on what Tier the User falls into.
User agrees that while they use our parks they will adhere to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA). Further, User is responsible for compliance with the ADA and indemnifies the City for liability arising out of the
Users’ failure to comply with the ADA.
Upon approval by the City, the completed permit application acts as a contract between the User and The City. Any
failure to abide by the terms of the agreement will result in revocation of the User’s permit and the City will not be liable
to issue reimbursement of fees. Any User that is subject to revocation of a field use permit, may appeal the decision to
the Parks and Recreation Board.
City will not be held liable for any damage, injury or death associated with the placement and use of the athletic
associations goals within the parks while in season. It is the responsibility of the renting athletic association to move
their goals from the park at the conclusion of each season and store such goals off-site. Non-City owned goals will no
longer be stored in our parks during the off seasons. Please refer to the Soccer Goal Safety and Education Policy for
further detail.
By signing the permit application, User agrees to all provisions listed in this document and also agrees that field space is
ALWAYS subject to availability and approval by City staff.
Before consideration of approval is made, USER must:
• Submit completed permit application at least 30 days before the start date of the program/league;
o Alongside application, submit a $150 refundable (per team), litter deposit (in the form of a check) which
will be returned after the completion of the season if litter is picked up regularly by the requesting
• Submit prior to first practice/game date;
o Submit proof of comprehensive general liability insurance listing The City of Lake Forest, The Lake Forest
Parks & Recreation Department, and their Staff as additional insured in the amount of no less than
o Submit to Lake Forest Recreation Department Athletic Staff complete rosters of all teams;
Rosters MUST include player addresses
o Submit to Lake Forest Recreation Department Athletic Staff league/practices schedules for all teams;
o For classification I & II, the organization must submit a statement of purpose of that organization
State filing status from the State of Illinois or School Conference
Proof of an active Board of Administrators or Officers
Athletic Field Usage Policy – FY17 Page 2
Fees Section I –Maintenance
These fees were established to offset all direct variable costs associated with general parks labor and materials and will
increase between 3% & 5% each May. Any additional time associated with any User league or programming will be billed
at a rate of man hour and maintenance costs.
1. Diamond Rentals (Practices are included at no charge unless extra services are requested):
a. Game Prep $ 101 / game
i. Grooming, chalk foul lines, equipment & materials, man hours & field set up (bases & pitching
b. Practice Prep $ 43 / practice, drag only
2. Special Diamond Rental Fees:
a. Deerpath Park Lights (per diamond) $ 79 / hour
b. Overtime (after 3:00 p.m. & Weekends) Actual Cost per Parks Department
3. Grid Field Rentals (Soccer, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Tackle Football):
a. Game Fields
i. Fee with Goals $ 2,368 / field (12 weeks)
ii. Fee without goals $ 2,032 / field (12 weeks)
• Initial field layout, goal placement (if applicable) and 11 weekly maintenance trips
including equipment and materials, man hours, full striping & bleachers
b. Practice Fields
i. Fee with Goals $ 2,243 / field (12 weeks)
ii. Price without goals $ 1,908 / field (12 weeks)
• Initial field layout, goal placement and 11 weekly maintenance trips, including equipment
and materials, man hours and limited striping
c. Special Grid Field Rental Fees:
i. Deerpath Micro Fields without Goals $ 254 / field (12 weeks)
ii. Deerpath Park Lights (per diamond) $ 79 / hour
iii. Goal anchoring $ 168 / goal
Fees Section II – Sport Field Improvement Fund (SFIF)
In 2007, City policy was passed to collect fees, on a per head basis, from any Athletic organization that utilized Lake
Forest field space for their programming, which would be contributed to City of Lake Forest Sport Field Improvement
Funds. These funds accrue annually and are utilized for annual field maintenance and upgrades.
These fees are paid to The Lake Forest Recreation Department at the conclusion of each season. The amount in which
any Athletic organization contributes to the Sport Field Improvement Funds per season can be categorized as such;
1. Lake Forest Recreation Department Programming - $10 / participant
2. Non-Lake Forest Recreation Department Programming - $20 / participant
Athletic Field Usage Policy – FY17 Page 3
Fees Section III – User Classifications & Rental Fees
These Classifications were established in the Spring of 2016 to separate Users based on criteria in relation to their
alignment with City policies & philosophies and to current City programing. These fees are rental fees to be paid to The
Lake Forest Recreation Department on top of the Maintenance Fees, which are paid to the Lake Forest Parks
Department, listed on Page 2.
User MUST meet ALL criteria in a specific Class to be considered eligible for that Class. If User does not meet all criteria
in a specific Class, they will qualify for the next lowest Class, as long as they meet all the criteria in that Class.
Rental Fees will be adjusted, at the discretion of The City, from 3% to 5% each May based on costs. User Class placement
is always subject to availability. For a detailed description of Lake Forest Recreation Department Athletic programming,
please contact the Lake Forest Recreation Department Athletics Program Manager (847) 234-6700.
Classification I
1. Lake Forest Recreation Department Programming;
2. Partner Organizations/Programs to current Lake Forest Recreation Department programs and is a Lake Forest
Resident Based Organizations (67% or more, residential participation).
3. Lake Forest Resident Based Organizations (67% or more, residential participation) with a signed MOU with the
Lake Forest Recreation Department, who work to improve the overall community offering in a specific sport.
Class I Rental Fees – Class I ONLY pays Maintenance Fees & SFIF Fees
Classification II
1. Non-partner Organizations/Programs to current Lake Forest Recreation Department programs
2. Any Non-Lake Forest Recreation Department Programming with Lake Forest rostered players.
Class II Rental Fees – See fees below, which will be in ADDITION to Maintenance Fees & SFIF Fees
• Diamond Game Prep $ 200 / game
• Diamond Practice $ 120 / practice
• Game Grid Field $ 240 / game
• Practice Grid Field $ 200 / practice
SUBJECT: Approval to Award Contract for Seasonal Brochure Printing for the Recreation
STAFF CONTACT: Jason Busdeker, Facility Manager (847-810-3934) PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval to award a contract for the
printing of the seasonal brochure for the Recreation Department
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Recreation Department currently prints 3 seasonal
brochures which are mailed out to all residents of the City of Lake Forest. Under the
City’s financial policies and in an attempt to lower operational costs, the brochure
printing needs were put through the formal bid process in August 2017.
Public notice to solicit bids was provided on August 17, 2017 with a bid opening date of September 8, 2017. The chosen timetable was driven by the upcoming Winter/Spring
Brochure schedule which is set to be printed in late October 2017.
Staff received five bids for the seasonal brochure printing. The proposed pricing is listed in the chart below.
Company Total
Woodward Printing
Indiana Printing & Publishing $21,115.00
John S. Swift Co., Inc $24,005.00
Haapanen Brothers $34,100.00
FCL Graphics $38,435.00
Staff would like to award the seasonal brochure printing for the Recreation Department
to Woodward Printing based on low bid.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for seasonal brochure printing is a Parks & Recreation Department program expense and is budgeted in the Marketing annual operating
Below is an estimated summary of Project budget:
Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N
Recreation program budget $31,000.00 $19,759.62 Y
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: Approval to award a contract for Recreation Department seasonal brochure printing to Woodward Printing.
SUBJECT: Lake Forest Fitness Center Recommended Fees for FY2019
PRESENTED BY: Jason Busdeker, Program Manager of Facilities, 847-810-3934.
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward the first draft of the Fitness Center’s fees
for Fiscal Year 2019 for discussion purposes only. This annual Park and Recreation Board discussion is a
necessary part of the budget process for Fitness Center operations as staff begin to prepare our
operating budgets for fiscal year 2019.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for Fitness Center membership
types for FY2019. Staff is recommending an adjusted 4% increase to the majority of our membership
fees in order to offset increased utilities, supplies and personnel expenses as well as to stay competitive
in the local fitness market. Membership fees were adjusted by 4% then rounded accordingly to the
nearest dollar to be evenly divisible by 12 for the ease of the monthly billing options. Staff takes a
conservative approach for revenue growth by assuming membership levels will remain the same
throughout the year based on membership totals in August.
To remain consistent with all Recreation programming, staff has adjusted the non-resident fee to the
20% increase over the resident fee as stated in Department policy for program fees.
The Fitness Center continues to offer the Month to Month membership options which allows
perspective members the flexibility to cancel their membership with 30 days written notice. Typically
the Annual memberships are unable to be cancelled unless for medical reasons or relocation. The month
to month membership is also a good alternative for those looking for a short term option. Staff also
offers a 3 month membership option in the summer and a 1 month option during the holiday season. In
addition to the increase memberships, the fees for the month to month option are 20% higher than
Annual membership fees which also allows for additional revenue.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $41,609 over FY2017 with
this nominal increase in membership rates. All fees will become effective May 1, 2018
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the following changes to the current fee structure:
• Increase all resident and non-resident membership fees by an adjusted 4%. The 4% increase
was taken over FY18 fees and then adjusted to be divisible by 12 months so that our new
software system can use the automatic monthly billing for all annual memberships.
Staff is bringing the first draft of the proposed FY2019 Fitness Center fee structure to the Park and
Recreation board for discussion purposes at this time.
Individual resident rate 210 $384 $396 $33 3.0%$80,640 $83,160 $2,520
Individual resident rate - month 2 month 18 $39 $40 $5,958 $5,958
Individual non-resident rate 8 $468 $480 $40 2.5%$3,744 $3,840 $96
Individual non-resident rate - month 2 month $47 $48 $423 $423
Couple resident rate 78 $672 $696 $58 3.4%$52,416 $54,288 $1,872
Couple resident rate - month 2 month 3 $67 $69 $0 $0
Couple non-resident rate $816 $840 $70 2.9%$0 $0 $0
Couple non-resident rate - month 2 month $82 $84 $0 $0
Family resident rate 55 $876 $900 $75 2.7%$48,180 $49,500 $1,320
Family resident rate - month 2 month 2 $88 $90 $0 $0
Family non-resident rate $1,056 $1,080 $90 2.2%$0 $0 $0
Family non-resident rate - month 2 month $106 $108 $0 $0
Senior resident rate 101 $288 $300 $25 4.0%$29,088 $30,300 $1,212
Senior resident rate - month 2 month 4 $29 $30 $609 $609
Senior non-resident rate 3 $348 $360 $30 3.3%$1,044 $1,080 $36
Senior non-resident rate - month 2 month 3 $35 $36 $0 $0
Senior couple resident rate 48 $504 $516 $43 2.3%$24,192 $24,768 $576
Senior couple resident rate - month 2 month 3 $51 $52 $306 $306
Senior couple non-resident rate 2 $612 $624 $52 1.9%$1,224 $1,248 $24
Senior couple non-resident - month 2 month $61 $63 $0 $0
Student resident rate 49 $288 $300 $25 4.0%$14,112 $14,700 $588
Student resident rate - month 2 month 21 $29 $30
Student non-resident rate $348 $360 $30 3.3%$0 $0 $0
Student non-resident rate - month 2 month 2 $35 $36
*Matinee resident rate 77 $192 $204 $17 5.9%$14,784 $15,708 $924
Matinee resident rate - month 2 month 1 $20
Matinee non-resident rate 9 $240 $252 $21 4.8%$2,160 $2,268 $108
Matinee non-resident rate - month 2 month $25
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)49 $290 $299 3.0%$14,210 $14,651 $441
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)0 $645 $665 3.0%$0 $0 $0
TOTAL 746 $285,794 $302,807 $17,013
as of 8/15/16
As of August 15, 2016 there were 104 active 3-month summer memberships and 38 expired for a total of 142 sold.
*Matinee Memberships
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT.
Memberships FY17
Month 2 Month rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY18
FY 2017 Rates Proposed FY2018 Percentage Change FY2017 Revenue FY2018 Revenue Incremental differenceRate Per Month
$16/month = $192 (no change from FY17)
$17/month = 204 (5.9% change from FY17)
FY17 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19 FY19
Rates Rates Memberships Revenue Proposed Monthly Revenue
Individual resident rate - annual $384 $396 180 $71,280 $408 $34 $73,440
Individual resident rate - monthly $40 26 $12,480 $41 $12,792
Individual non-resident rate - annual $468 $480 7 $3,360 $490 $41 $3,430
Individual non-resident rate - monthly $48 1 $576 $49 $588
Couple resident rate - annual $672 $696 79 $54,984 $720 $60 $56,880
Couple resident rate - monthly $69 4 $3,312 $72 $3,456
Couple non-resident rate - annual $816 $840 0 $0 $864 $72 $0
Couple non-resident rate - monthly $84 0 $0 $87 $0
Family resident rate - annual $844 $900 49 $44,100 $936 $78 $45,864
Family resident rate - monthly $90 5 $5,400 $93 $5,580
Family non-resident rate - annual $1,056 $1,080 0 $0 $1,128 $94 $0
Family non-resident rate - monthly $108 0 $113 $0
Senior resident rate - annual $288 $300 109 $32,700 $312 $26 $34,008
Senior resident rate - monthly $30 9 $3,240 $31 $3,348
Senior non-resident rate - annual $348 $360 4 $1,440 $375 $31 $1,500
Senior non-resident rate - monthly $36 1 $432 $37 $444
Senior couple resident rate - annual $504 $516 39 $20,124 $528 $44 $20,592
Senior couple resident rate - monthly $52 10 $6,240 $53 $6,360
Senior couple non-resident rate - annual $612 $624 3 $1,872 $636 $53 $1,908
Senior couple non-resident - monthly $63 0 $64 $0
Student resident rate - annual $288 $300 25 $7,500 $312 $26 $7,800
Student resident rate - monthly $30 21 $7,560 $31 $7,812
Student non-resident rate - annual $354 $360 0 $0 $375 $31 $0
Student non-resident rate - monthly $36 0 $0 $37 $0
*Matinee resident rate - annual $192 $204 76 $15,504 $216 $18 $16,416
Matinee resident rate - monthly $20 3 $720 $21 $756
Matinee non-resident rate - annual $240 $252 2 $504 $260 $22 $520
Matinee non-resident rate - monthly $25 0 $0 $26 $0
All-Access - Member (Addl' to the base)$290 $299 62 $18,538 $311 $19,282
All-Access - Non-member (Addl' to the base)$645 $665 1 $665 $692 $692
*as of 8/15/16 716 $273,291 $314,900
Resident rates were all adjusted to be divided evenly by 12 for monthly EFT.
Non-Resident rates were increased by 20% from the respective resident rate.
Monthly rates were created by using the per month rate from the respective category and adding 20%.
As of September 11, 2017 there were 76 3-month summer memberships sold and another 126 Monthly Student Memberships sold during the same time
All Monthly membership revenue is based on 12 months
*Matinee Memberships
$17/month = $204 (no change from FY18)
$18/month = 204 (5.6% change from FY17)
Fitness Center Membership Fees FY19
SUBJECT: Lakefront Recommended Fees for FY2019
PRESENTED BY: Aaron Dalzot Program Manager of Lakefront 847-810-3930
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is bringing forward the first draft of the Lakefront Permit Fees
for Fiscal Year 2019 for discussion purposes only. This annual Park and Recreation Board approval is a
necessary part of the budget process for Lakefront operations as staff begin to develop our operating
budgets for fiscal year 2019.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed fee structure for lakefront permit fees for
FY2019. Staff is recommending an increase of 4% to the majority of permit fees to offset increased
utilities, supplies and personnel expenses for the annual operations of Forest Park Beach.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates a positive revenue differential of $3185 over FY2018 with
this nominal increase in fees based on actual FY18 participation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the following changes to the current fee structure:
A 4% increase in resident and non-resident permit fee categories with the following exceptions.
o The following fees are approved at the City Council level and therefore Staff
recommends the below fees remain constant for FY18.
The Nanny and Caregiver Parking Pass ($85)
The Resident Guest Daily Parking ($10)
The Non-resident Beach Access Fees ($10).
The Non-resident Daily Boat Launch ($65)
Staff requests keeping non-resident daily pass use restrictions in place to
protect the heaviest used boating times for Lake Forest residents. Non-resident
passes will only be sold Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and
Staff is bringing the first draft of the proposed FY2019 Lakefront Permit fee structure to the Park and
Recreation board for discussion purposes at this time.
Exhibit #2
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident $464 $478 58 $27,724 $497 $19 $28,826 $1,102
Watercraft Ramp Launch Resident Senior $348 $382 19 $7,258 $397 $15 $7,543 $285
Watercraft Ramp Launch Non-Resident $928 $956 2 $1,912 $994 $38 $1,988 $76Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident $232 $239 15 $3,585 $249 $10 $3,735 $150Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Resident Senior $174 $192 7 $1,344 $200 $8 $1,400 $56
Watercraft Ramp Launch 2nd Watercraft Non-Resident $464 $478 0 $0 $497 $19 $0 $0
Year Round Compound Storage Resident $2,056 $2,118 10 $21,180 $2,203 $85 $22,030 $850
Year Round Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,542 $1,694 7 $11,858 $1,762 $68 $12,334 $476Year Round Compound Storage Non-Resident $3,085 $3,178 0 $0 $3,305 $127 $0 $0Seasonal Compound Storage Resident $1,392 $1,434 4 $5,736 $1,491 $57 $5,964 $228
Seasonal Compound Storage Resident Senior $1,043 $1,147 2 $2,294 $1,193 $46 $2,386 $92
Seasonal Compound Storage Non-Resident $2,086 $2,149 0 $0 $2,235 $86 $0 $0
Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident $562 $579 2 $1,158 $602 $23 $1,204 $46Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Resident Senior $422 $464 2 $928 $483 $19 $966 $38Year Round Watercraft Rack Storage Non-Resident $562 $579 2 $1,158 $602 $23 $0 -$1,158
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident $328 $338 20 $6,760 $352 $11 $7,040 $280
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Resident Senior $246 $270 3 $810 $281 $11 $843 $33
Seasonal Watercraft Rack Non-Resident $328 $338 0 $0 $352 $14 $0 $0Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $695 $716 1 $716 $745 $29 $745 $29Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $521 $573 0 $0 $596 $23 $0 $0
Year Round Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $1,042 $1,074 0 $0 $1,117 $43 $0 $0
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident $426 $439 2 $878 $457 $18 $914 $36
Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Resident Senior $320 $351 1 $351 $365 $14 $365 $14Seasonal Watercraft Sand Storage Non-Resident $640 $660 0 $0 $686 $26 $0 $0South Beach Parking Permit Resident $134 $139 29 $4,031 $145 $6 $4,205 $174
South Beach Parking Permit Resident Senior $101 $110 65 $7,150 $114 $4 $7,410 $260
South Beach Parking Permit Non-Resident $910 $938 3 $2,814 $976 $38 $2,928 $114
South Beach Parking Permit Empl/Retiree $89 $92 1 $92 $96 $4 $96 $4Daily Boat Launch $40 $40 30 $1,200 $40 $0 $1,200 $0Daily Boat Launch Non-Resident $65 $65 2 $130 $65 $0 $130 $0
5 Punch Pass $200 $200 9 $1,600 $200 $0 $1,800 $0
5 Punch Pass Non-Res $325 $325 0 $0 $325 $0 $0 $0
Resident Guest Daily Parking Pass $10 $10 173 $1,730 $10 $0 $1,730 $0Caregiver / Nanny Parking Pass $85 $85 45 $3,825 $85 $0 $3,825 $0Non-Resident Beach Fee Weekend/Holiday $10 $10 1822 $18,220 $10 $0 $18,220 $0
$136,442 $139,827 $3,185
Incremental IncreasePermits Sold IncreaseFY2019 Proposed FY2019 RevenueFY18 RevenueFY2017FY2018
Lakefront Permit Fees Revenue Growth