PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2014/08/14 PacketSUBJECT: Award of Contract with Vermont Systems, Inc. to Purchase Parks and
Recreation Software as Budgeted in FY15 Capital Plan
STAFF CONTACT: Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation (847-810-3918)
and Elizabeth Holleb, Director of Finance/IT (847-810-3612)
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval to expend capital funds and
award a contract with Vermont Systems, Inc. (VSI) for replacement of the Parks and
Recreation Department software system.
Reviewed Date Comments
Parks and Recreation Board 11/19/13 Plante Moran Consulting Recommendation
City Council 12/2/13 Awarded Plante Moran Consultant Contract
City Wide Staff 01/2014 Participated in Needs Assessment
Parks and Recreation &
Finance/IT Staff 01-06/2014 Developed Software Specifications,
Conducted RFP and Vendor Diligence
City Manager 2/5/14 Needs Assessment Report & Authorization to
Proceed with Software Vendor RFP
Parks and Recreation Board 06/17/14 Recommended preparation of contract with
Vermont Systems, Inc.
City Council 7/7/2014 Approval to negotiate contract with
Vermont Systems, Inc.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The City Parks and Recreation department has utilized
Active Network Class software since 1998. The current version of this software is being
phased out by 2016 and will no longer be supported. As a result, the Parks and
Recreation Department in conjunction with the Finance/IT Department began to
investigate a right- sized, comprehensive software solution to meet operational business
needs. The goal of the project is a successful selection and implementation of a
software solution to support City staff in delivery of recreation services, take advantage
of best practices, and significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
customer service and business practices.
Since December 2013 staff has worked with the software consultant, Plante Moran, to
conduct a needs assessment and investigate qualified software vendors. Plante Moran
guided staff through a very detailed and extensive eight-month process using their
assessment methodology and set of related scoring tools intended to mitigate City risk
while incorporating City of Lake Forest business needs. A complete overview of this
work, including RFP results was shared with the Park Board at the June 17 public
meeting. The following is the summary chart of RFP proposal costs again as a reference.
Vendors Proposal Results-
One Time & Year One Costs
Cumulative Costs over
10 Year Period
Active Network (VH) $182,904 $1,179,578
eTrak-Plus (VH) $136,654 $289,041
Vermont Systems (VH) $162,200 $425,576
Vermont Systems (OP) $151,700 $305,205
Volgistics (Best of Breed VH) $1,176 $13,482
VH=vendor hosted solution, OP=on premise hosted solution
Through the comprehensive diligence review, staff identified the strengths and
potential risks of each proposed vendor and on July 7, 2014 City Council authorized
negotiating a contract with Vermont Systems, Inc. as the preferred vendor.
The City’s Finance/IT and Recreation Departments have worked with the City Attorney’s
office to prepare the attached Sales Agreement (page X), Statement of Work (page X)
and the corresponding Exhibits, including Exhibit X Proposal Summary and Detail
Pricing. City staff has worked with the vendor to confirm costs and ensure that the
specific scope of software, hardware, and immediate and on-going services is clearly
documented. The Statement of Work outlines the implementation timing and other
operational details that will guide the installation process over the next ten months.
As a component of this process, Recreation staff did involve multiple departments in
the review of the software capabilities to seek opportunities to leverage this technology
to its fullest potential. We are pleased to report that MainTrac (the maintenance work
management module) will be utilized City-wide and will be very beneficial for Public
Works and Parks and Forestry, eliminating the need to purchase a City-wide work order
system as currently contemplated in the City’s five-year Capital Improvement Program,
and CROYA will utilize aspects of the RecTrac module.
The City has been actively exploring the cost/benefit of hosting its software
applications internally versus off premise (i.e. cloud or software as a service). This
software acquisition presented a very unique opportunity for such analysis with the
software RFP allowing responding vendors to provide either hosting scenario. The
recommended vendor proposed both an on-premise and externally hosted option,
allowing the City to contact references and compare long-term costs under either
option. The recommendation is to initially host this software internally for the following
1) Lower cost option (short term and long term)
2) Capacity exists within City’s current virtual server environment, eliminating the
need to purchase any additional server hardware
3) Indications by references that performance of vendor-hosted option is not
optimum. VSI is working to make improvements, which may result in this being a
more viable option in the future.
The following is a list of the modules/features included in the Agreement purchase that
will allow us to meet our business needs:
RecTrac & WebTrac—activity registration, facility reservations, pass
management, point of sale with inventory control and ticketing, league
scheduling, incident reporting, and general ledger, AP refund and dance
software interface
ID Card Integration—digital photo ID cards
PayTrac—ERI credit card interface to Plug’n Pay
Access Control—fitness locker room unattended doors
MainTrac—City-wide Maintenance Management Work Order System
Mobile WebTrac (patron access), MobileRecTrac, Mobile MainTrac—access for
patrons and staff via mobile devices such as smart phones and ipads
Through our software capability and needs assessment review, staff reduced the scope
of module purchases and is not recommending purchasing the additional modules of
equipment rentals, court reservations, trip reservations, lighting control interface or land
management interface. Should their capabilities expand or City business needs
change, these modules would be available for future purchase.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: As a component of preparing the project expense, City staff
also identified all additional costs in order to support the VSI software. The total project
expense reflects all City and VSI software, hardware, installation, and year one
maintenance services. Contingency is desired to address minor items encountered
during implementation and unknown shipping expense.
Item Item Price Total
VSI $143,999
RecTrac $53,532
MainTrac $26,108
ID Systems $7,688
WebTrac $37,692
PayTrac $1,800
Hardware-VSI qualified $6,222
Access Control $10,957
City Add’l $29,277
Peripherals-Mobile Devices $10,695
SunGard GL/CR Interface $2,580
Plug-n-Play $250
10% Contingency $15,752
Grand Total $173,276
This project was identified as a FY15 Capital project funded via the Recreation Fund
and the process to date complies fully with the Project Plan and City’s purchasing
Below is an estimated summary of Project budget:
FY2015 Funding Source Amount
Fund 220 Parks & Recreation
220-8065-451-75-01 $290,000 $173,276 Y
Staff is currently contemplating whether continued consultant assistance from Plante
Moran would be beneficial to the project implementation utilizing a portion of the
remaining budgeted funds. A recommendation may be brought to the City Council at
a later date for this component.
COUNCIL ACTION: If desired and appropriate by the City Council, approve a contract
with Vermont Systems, Inc. for replacement of the Parks and Recreation Department
software system at an expense of $143,999 and seek City Council approval of said
contract and City additional expense of $29,277 for a total project cost of $173,276 to
be funded from Parks and Recreation Fund 220.
August 14, 2014
The attached VSI Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement are for your review. The original of this
Agreement, along with all modified City Agreements, are maintained in our VSI financial software database. You
may use this Agreement to make any desired additions, deletions, or changes, and return to VSI for review (please
use the Track Changes tool). VSI will print the final agreed upon version of this Agreement for signature by both
The licensed software can be installed on a City’s servers or on the VSI hosting servers. Along with licensed
software, VSI provides the option for no hosting (City or another vendor hosts software), WebTrac web server
hosting only, or both web server and database hosting. Software licenses with annual maintenance are priced
separately from hosting services.
If you have any questions, please contact the VSI Sales department at your convenience.
August 14, 2014
Dear Mary,
Thank you for making Vermont Systems your choice for application software and support services. We
look forward to working closely with you and your staff.
Enclosed please find two original sets of the VSI Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement
and Exhibits.
If this Agreement meets with your approval, please complete the following:
1. Page 1 of the Agreement. Enter the executed date.
2. Page 1 of the Agreement, Article 2.3. Please check your preference for your annual maintenance
cycle. If your fiscal year does not fall on any of the dates listed, please choose the one that best
fits your cycle.
3. Sign the signature page
4. Initial each page as noted
5. Fill out the Tax Exempt Form and indicate your sales tax status
6. Return one set to VSI.
As soon as we receive your signed Agreement, Laurie Valley, our Customer Support/Training Manager
will assign a Support Manager and Trainer to your account. Laurie’s contact information is or 800-883-8757, ext 3006. Next, a Sales Manager and the assigned
Support Manager and Trainer will contact you to schedule an installation planning conference call. As
part of the follow up, your primary Trainer will contact you to review the software Planning Guide in
preparation for the training.
If you should have any questions, please contact us at your convenience.
Kate W. Mitchell
Vice President/ Business Manager
_____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
Vermont Systems, Inc.
Resale & Exempt Organization
Certificate of Exemption
Suppliers Name:
Vermont Systems, Inc.
12 Market Place
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Description of Purchased Articles: Software
Please Check Applicable Lines:
___Purchase by Retailer, Wholesaler for Resale
___Purchase by 501C which is Religious, Educational or Scientific
X Direct Purchase by Governmental Unit
___Purchase by Volunteer Fire Dept, Ambulance Co., Rescue Squad
Are you considered a taxable entity by your state for sales tax? ___Yes or _X__No
Name/Address of Purchaser:
Customer Name: City of Lake Forest
Address: 800 North Field Drive
City, State, Zip: Lake Forest, Illinois 60045
Federal ID Number 36-6005960
Purchaser’s Primary Business: Government Services (incl. parks and recreation)
I Certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate of exemption and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
it is true and correct and made in good faith.
Signature: ______________________ Title ________________________
Name: ______________________ Date: ________________________
Page | 1 _____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
This SOFTWARE LICENSE, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”), is made and entered into on
______________, by and between Vermont Systems, Inc., a Vermont corporation (hereinafter “VSI”), with its principal offices
located at 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT 05452, and the City of Lake Forest, Illinois (hereinafter “City”), an Illinois
municipal corporation, with its principal offices located at 800 North Field Drive, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045, collectively
referred to herein as the “Parties” or singularly “Party”.
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations expressed herein, the Parties agree to the following:
ARTICLE 1 – Scope of Services
1.1 VSI agrees to provide the products and services described in the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit C in full
compliance with this Agreement and all specifications, terms, and conditions set forth in the City’s Request for
Proposals (“RFP”) and Supplemental Contract Terms, attached hereto as Exhibits A and E, and VSI’s Response to the
RFP, attached hereto as Exhibit F. Payment for the products and services shall be as provided in this Agreement and
set forth in the Updated Request for Proposal Pricing (“Pricing Schedule”) attached hereto as Exhibit B. VSI, without
prior mutual and written agreement, shall not charge the City for any other product or service costs.
1.2 VSI agrees at all times to maintain an adequate staff of experienced and qualified employees for efficient performance
of the services required under this Agreement. VSI agrees that, at all times, the employees of VSI furnishing or
performing any services shall do so in a proper, workmanlike, and dignified manner.
1.3 VSI, through the exercise of its professional judgment and expertise, warrants that the services included in this
Agreement, including the Statement of Work, are reasonably sufficient to deliver the scope of work as mutually agreed
and indicated in this Agreement. In the event that the services are not reasonably sufficient to deliver the scope of
work at no fault of the City, then VSI will complete the scope of work at no additional cost to the City.
ARTICLE 2 – Software License
2.1 VSI hereby grants the City and the City thereby accepts a perpetual, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to use
the Licensed Software and Related Materials, as described in the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit C and the
Pricing Schedule attached as Exhibit B. The Licensed Software includes Related Materials, such as User Reference
Manuals, Reports Manuals, Installation Planning Guides, Installation Instructions, On-Line Help, and Sample
Database with Tutorials.
2.2 VSI uses the Progress OpenEdge V10 Development software to develop its’ applications and deploys using the
OpenEdge Deployment software that includes Client Networking, Web Client, and Personal, Workgroup, or
Enterprise RDBMS (embedded database) with RDBMS support for 4GL, SQL, ODBC, JDBC, and Enterprise Cluster
Manager Integration, and OpenEdge Application Server, Basic and Enterprise Editions with Replication. Therefore,
Progress software with RDBMS is required to operate the application software by platform type, and they are included
in the attached Exhibit B and D.
2.3 The license granted herein authorizes the City to install the Licensed Software on the designated computer platform
using one copy of the programs to support live processing, training, and disaster recovery databases without incurring
additional license charges. Further, the City can make copies of the Licensed Software for safe keeping purposes.
2.4 At any time, the City can add software and user licenses under the terms of this Agreement by paying the additional
license and maintenance fees. The total number of authorized concurrent users permitted to use the Licensed
Software is limited to the number listed in Exhibit B.
ARTICLE 3 – Annual Software Maintenance and Support Services
3.1 VSI shall provide the City with Software Maintenance and Software Support services for the Licensed Software in
accordance with the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit C and the VSI standard Sales and Support Policies, as
described in Exhibit H, for a minimum of 15 years after the Effective Date. The extent of support services being
provided are specifically listed in Exhibit H and described in the Statement of Work attached hereto as Exhibit C.
3.2 The Software Maintenance and Software Support services shall include distribution of product update releases that
include software repairs and enhancements subsequent to the initial purchase. Biennial software updates with
database conversions will also be provided in accordance with VSI standard Sales and Support Policies, as described
Page | 2 _____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
in Exhibit H, while periodic program only updates are available at any time. For a period of fifteen (15) years from
the Effective Date, VSI must maintain all functionality of the original Licensed Software, including all functionality
identified in Exhibits C, D, E, and F in all updates and enhancements. If a new release of the VSI Software removes
any functionality required by this section, then VSI will provide alternative means for performing the same or
comparable functions at no additional cost to the City.
3.3 The Software Maintenance and Support fee will be billed annually on May 1st of each year. The annual maintenance
and support fees shall be as set forth in the Pricing Schedule attached as Exhibit B, and shall be subject to increase
during the term of this Agreement only as provided in Section 3.4. The first annual Software Maintenance and
Support fee will be charged on a prorated basis from the first day of the month in which the relevant software module
of the Licensed Software is fully installed and implemented by the City as described in Exhibit C through the
following April 30.
3.4 The required Software Maintenance and Support Agreement will automatically renew annually on May 1, unless the
City notifies VSI in writing prior to May 1 of any year that the City is terminating VSI Maintenance Support. VSI
may increase the Software Maintenance and Support fees annually in an amount not to exceed 3% of the prior year’s
annual fee. Upon the City’s request, VSI shall provide a firm quote for the next fiscal year’s annual fees no later than
March 1 of each year.
ARTICLE 4 – Software Training and Installation Services
4.1 VSI shall provide training to the City and its designated personnel as set forth in Exhibits B, C and F (“Initial
Training”). Payment for the Initial Training, including all travel costs and expenses, shall not exceed the costs and
rates set forth in the Pricing Schedule attached as Exhibit B. VSI shall provide the Initial Training sessions on dates
that are mutually agreed upon by VSI and the City, provided that the Initial Training relating to each Licensed Software
module shall be completed prior to the date that the module is fully installed and implemented by the City as described
in Exhibit C unless the parties otherwise agree.
4.2 VSI will provide the Installation Services set forth in Exhibit C. Payment for the Installation Services, including all
travel costs and expenses, shall not exceed the costs set forth in the Pricing Schedule attached as Exhibit B.
4.3 VSI shall provide training in addition to the Initial Training (“Additional Training”) at the City’s request in accordance
with the VSI standard Sales and Support Policies attached as Exhibit H. Additional Training may be offered at the City
site, at VSI (12 Market Place, Essex Junction, Vermont), or remotely based on a quoted daily rate, as described in
Section 4.4.
4.4 Upon the City’s request, VSI will provide a fixed price quote for Additional Training and other additional services,
including all travel costs and expenses, and will honor all such quotes for 120 days from the date quoted, but reserves
the right to modify those quotes thereafter. The City is responsible for reimbursing VSI for actual travel costs and
expenses, such as travel time, airfare or other transportation (provided that all airfare, rental cars, and other
transportation shall be at economy rates), mileage, lodging, meals, and other expenses necessary to complete any
Additional Training requested by the City, provided, however, that if the City requests a price quote for the Additional
Training, the City’s payment for such travel costs and expenses shall not exceed the amount quoted.
4.5 All Additional Training dates must be mutually agreed upon by VSI and the City. The City can request a change of
scheduled Additional Training dates or the number of Additional Training days at any time. However, if the City
requests such a change after travel arrangements have been completed, the City will be responsible for any reasonable
additional costs incurred as a result of the changes.
ARTICLE 5 – Charges and Payment
5.1 City On-Premise Hosted Software –the City is installing the software on its own servers and the license fee for each
software module will be billed to the City following the Initial Training session for that module and will be due within
30 days after the City’s receipt of the bill. The initial Software License fee includes ground shipping of the DVD that
contains the software and electronic copies of all documentation. If special shipping is requested, the City shall pay
all associated additional charges.
5.2 Hardware—Charges for hardware and equipment will be billed to the City upon delivery and will be due within 30
days after the City’s receipt of the bill.
Page | 3 _____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
5.3 The City shall pay all applicable sales, consumer use, and other taxes required by law, unless it is exempt from any or
all of these taxes. If tax-exempt, the City must provide a tax exemption certificate.
5.4 VSI will invoice the City for training and installation services, along with travel and other expenses,
immediately following the completion of each occurrence of training or other services, and payment will be due
within 30 days after the City’s receipt of the invoice.
5.5 The City may reject any component of the Licensed Software (“Rejected Product”) prior to delivery or during the first
six months following delivery of the Rejected Product. In the event of rejection, the City shall: (a) deliver to VSI a
written notice (“Rejection Notice”) identifying the Rejected Product the reason for rejection; and (b) promptly return
the Rejected Product to VSI. VSI shall fully refund all the software license fees and first year annual maintenance
fees for the Rejected Product within 30 days of the return. The City shall be responsible for the payment of any fees
for training or other services provided by VSI prior to VSI’s receipt of the Rejection Notice. POS hardware must be
returned within the first 30 days to receive full credit less shipping.
ARTICLE 6 – Security of Programs
6.1 The City shall be solely responsible for the supervision and control of the licensed City hosted software to ensure that
it is stored in a secure location for City use only and that no unauthorized and unlicensed third party gains access to it.
VSI is responsible for the security of all VSI hosted software.
6.2 Under no circumstances shall the City be authorized to perform Reverse Engineering of the software object code, in
order to illegally generate source code.
ARTICLE 7 – Warranties
7.1 VSI warrants that it has the right to license the Licensed Software, and that there are no pending liens, claims, or
encumbrances against the Licensed Software.
7.2 VSI warrants that the Licensed Software shall conform to its published specifications in the Related Materials,
including, but not limited to, the Capabilities Summary, On-Line Help, Reports Manual, User Reference Manual, and
Training Tutorials. VSI warrants that the Licensed Software is merchantable, in that it will properly install and
operate according to the specifications stated in Exhibits C, D, E, and F.
7.3 VSI warrants to the City that it is solvent, not in bankruptcy proceedings or receivership, nor is it engaged in any
proceedings, which would have an adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
7.4 VSI warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in connection with the Licensed Software
in this Agreement. VSI shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any suit or proceeding brought against the
City by reason of any such infringement or any wrongful use, without limitation. VSI will defend or settle any such
claim, although the City shall be entitled to be independently represented by counsel of its own choice.
7.5 VSI warrants that the Licensed Software is fit for the purposes identified in Exhibits C, D, E, and F, and that the
Licensed Software is fully compatible with the operating system, server, hardware, and other technical specifications
set forth in Section 6 of the Statement of Work attached hereto as Exhibit C. The City may pursue any remedy
available under this Agreement for a violation of this warranty, including, but not limited to, requiring VSI to repair or
correct any defects in the Licensed Software.
ARTICLE 8 – Limitation of Liability; Insurance; Choice of Law
8.1 Except for the warranties specified in Section 7, VSI grants no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Agreement, it is expressly agreed that neither VSI nor the City shall be liable to the other Party for special, incidental,
indirect, or consequential damages, or for any loss or claim by either Party.
Page | 4 _____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
8.2 Liability Insurance. VSI shall obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement insurance meeting the
minimum specifications and coverages set forth in Exhibit G. VSI shall provide the City with a Certificate of
Liability Insurance with the City named as the Certificate Holder and as an additional insured.
8.3 The Parties agree that the laws of the State of Illinois will govern this Agreement, and that the venue for legal
resolution shall be in Lake County, Illinois.
ARTICLE 9 – Risk of Loss
9.1 For City hosted installations, the risk of loss or destruction, regardless of the cause, shall be the responsibility of VSI
until the Licensed Software and Related Materials have been delivered to the City's premises. For VSI hosted
installations, VSI will be responsible for the risk of loss or destruction.
9.2 For City hosted installations, the City shall be responsible for verifying that the Licensed Software and Related
Materials have been received, installed on the designated computer(s), and are operational, unless the Agreement
specifies that VSI will install the Licensed Software as part of the on-site training. For VSI hosted installations, VSI
will be responsible for installing the software on the City’s servers.
ARTICLE 10 – Application Source Code
10.1 The Source Code for all VSI application software, along with a list of licensed customers, is held in escrow by VSI's
Escrow Agent, Kolvoord, Overton, & Wilson, Attorneys, at 6 Joshua Way, Suite B, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452,
Attn: Jason Ruwet 802-878-3346, The source code held in escrow is updated after each
software release. If VSI defaults in providing software maintenance support due to company failure, or
discontinuance of said service by VSI or VSI’s bankruptcy, then the source code will be made available to the City
within thirty days of written notice by the Escrow Agent for City support use only.
ARTICLE 11 – Independent Contractor
11.1 In performing the work under this Agreement, VSI acts as an Independent Contractor and is solely responsible for
necessary and adequate workers’ compensation insurance, as well as personal injury and property damage insurance.
ARTICLE 12 – Change Orders or Extensions
12.1 The City may require changes in the scope of services to be performed by VSI. Such changes, including any increase
or decrease in compensation amount, must be mutually agreed upon in writing by the City and VSI. VSI shall be
compensated for all authorized changes in services.
ARTICLE 13 – Authorization and Entire Agreement
13.1 Each party represents and warrants that it has the power and ability to enter into this Agreement, to grant the rights
stated herein, and to perform the duties and obligations described herein.
13.2 Exhibits A through H, attached hereto, are, by this reference, fully incorporated into this Agreement. In the event of
any conflict between this Agreement and any one or more of the Exhibits, the documents shall control with the
following order or precedence: Exhibit A, this Agreement, Exhibits B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. In the event that any
conflict of terms or provisions cannot be clearly resolved in accordance with this Section, the City shall determine
which term or provision controls.
13.2 This Agreement and the attached Exhibits A through H constitute the entire Agreement between VSI and the City.
13.3 If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, then all other
conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
Page | 5 _____ VSI Initials _____ City Initials
Vermont Systems, Inc. City of Lake Forest
Authorized Signature Authorized Signature
Giles Willey, President ________ Robert R. Kiely, City Manager__________
Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title
Date Date
City of Lake Forest
Recreation Software Replacement Project
VSI Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement
A. Supplemental Contract Terms
B. Updated Request for Proposal Pricing
C. Statement of Work
D. Updated Specification Compliance for V3.0 Software
E. Request for Proposal
F. VSI’s Response to Request for Proposal
G. VSI’s Certificate of Liability Insurance
H. Sales and Support Policy
(Park Board Members: Exhibits B and C are enclosed in your packet. All others are not enclosed but
can be provided upon request).
Proposal Summary Pricing
VSI Quote Number: 43642
Please See Detail Breakdown
on Following Pages
Description:Exhibit B - Rev 4 Pricing For Agreement
Prepared For:City of Lake Forest Parks & Recreation, Lake Forest, IL
Contact Name:Mary Van Arsdale, Director Phone Number:(847)810-3918
Contact Fax Number:(847)615-4251
Approved By:Giles Willey, President ( Date:08/14/2014
Purchase Annual Estimated Total
Description Price Maint/Svs Shipping*Price
RecTrac - Workgroup Multi-User Software
Application Software $20,550.00 $3,910.00 $0.00 $24,460.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $4,110.00 $782.00 $0.00 $4,892.00
VSI-Add ons $4,500.00 $900.00 $0.00 $5,400.00
Support Services - Training & Travel Expenses $18,780.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,780.00
Total RecTrac: $47,940.00 $5,592.00 $0.00 $53,532.00
MainTrac - Workgroup Multi-User Software
Application Software $10,250.00 $2,240.00 $0.00 $12,490.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $2,050.00 $448.00 $0.00 $2,498.00
Support Services - Training & Travel Expenses $11,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,120.00
Total MainTrac: $23,420.00 $2,688.00 $0.00 $26,108.00
ID Systems - Workgroup Multi-User Software
Application Software $1,080.00 $190.00 $0.00 $1,270.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $216.00 $38.00 $0.00 $254.00
ID Card Hardware $6,050.00 $0.00 $114.00 $6,164.00
Total ID Systems: $7,346.00 $228.00 $114.00 $7,688.00
WebTrac - Workgroup Edition
Application Software $20,300.00 $4,060.00 $0.00 $24,360.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $4,060.00 $812.00 $0.00 $4,872.00
VSI-Add ons $1,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00
Support Services - Training & Travel Expenses $7,210.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,210.00
Total WebTrac: $32,820.00 $4,872.00 $0.00 $37,692.00
PayTrac - Application Software & Hardware
Application Software $1,500.00 $300.00 $0.00 $1,800.00
Total PayTrac: $1,500.00 $300.00 $0.00 $1,800.00
Hardware - (VSI Qualified)
Cash Drawers $855.00 $0.00 $72.00 $927.00
Magstripe Readers $900.00 $0.00 $27.00 $927.00
Mobile Devices $2,490.00 $0.00 $60.00 $2,550.00
Signature Pad $1,785.00 $0.00 $33.00 $1,818.00
Total Hardware: $6,030.00 $0.00 $192.00 $6,222.00
Access Control - Application Software
12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 Page # 1
Application Software $2,250.00 $400.00 $0.00 $2,650.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $450.00 $80.00 $0.00 $530.00
Access Control Hardware $1,840.00 $0.00 $42.00 $1,882.00
Support Services - Training & Travel Expenses $5,695.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,695.00
Total Access Control: $10,235.00 $480.00 $42.00 $10,757.00
Application Software $55,930.00 $11,100.00 $0.00 $67,030.00
Progress OpenEdge Software $10,886.00 $2,160.00 $0.00 $13,046.00
Cash Drawers $855.00 $0.00 $72.00 $927.00
ID Card Hardware $6,050.00 $0.00 $114.00 $6,164.00
Magstripe Readers $900.00 $0.00 $27.00 $927.00
Access Control Hardware $1,840.00 $0.00 $42.00 $1,882.00
VSI-Add ons $5,750.00 $900.00 $0.00 $6,650.00
Mobile Devices $2,490.00 $0.00 $60.00 $2,550.00
Support Services - Training & Travel Expenses $42,805.00 $0.00 $0.00 $42,805.00
Signature Pad $1,785.00 $0.00 $33.00 $1,818.00
Grand Totals: $129,291.00 $14,160.00 $348.00 $143,799.00
* NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin)
12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 Page # 2
Statement of Work—Exhibit C
Recreation Software System – City of Lake Forest, IL
August 14, 2014
Proposed Software Versions
RecTrac v3.1
MainTrac v10.3
Vermont Systems, Inc.
12 Market Place
Essex Jct, VT 05452
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
Table of Contents
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 3
2. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................... 3
2.1 See Appendix A ‐ RecTrac 3.1 Highlights
3. GUIDING PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................... 4
4. IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................... 4
4.1. VERMONT SYSTEMS SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................... 4
4.2. VERMONT SYSTEMS SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 5
4.3. CITY OF LAKE FOREST SERVICES/COMMITMENT ................................................................................ 5
5. PROJECT TIMELINE/HIGH LEVEL PROJECT PLAN: .................................................................. 6
5.1. CONTRACT MILESTONE OVERVIEW: PROJECT PLAN ........................................................................... 6
5.2. CITY SCOPE OF OPERATIONS – PRIMARY AREAS FOR PROJECT PLAN ..................................................... 6
6. TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................. 7
6.1. INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................................................... 7
7. CUSTOM INTERFACES .......................................................................................................... 8
7.1. LIST OF CUSTOM INTERFACES ......................................................................................................... 8
7.1.1. Development Overview................................................................................................... 8
8. DATA CONVERSIONS ........................................................................................................... 8
8.1. LIST OF SELECTED DATA CONVERSIONS ............................................................................................ 8
9. REPORTING TOOLS .............................................................................................................. 8
10. WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................................ 9
11. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ..................................................................................................... 9
11.1. VSI PROJECT PLAN OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 9
11.2. VSI PROJECT RESOURCES ........................................................................................................ 11
11.3. CITY OF LAKE FOREST PROJECT RESOURCES ................................................................................ 11
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
1. Executive Summary
The goal of the project is a successful implementation of the RecTrac, WebTrac, PayTrac, and MainTrac
recreation management systems for the City of Lake Forest to support City staff in the delivery of
recreation services and activities, take advantage of best practices, and significantly improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of customer service and business processes. By establishing goals and
outline for the project, proper preparation and planning and with quality onsite training and support the
goal can be met.
2. Objectives of the Project
The objectives of this project are as follows:
1. To replace the legacy enterprise parks and recreation system (CLASS) and other shadow
systems utilized by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department and additional stakeholder
2. To install and establish the RecTrac & WebTrac systems to be used by the City’s Park and
Recreation Department. A single database will be utilized for all parks and recreation
business processes within both the Parks and Recreation Department and other stakeholder
3. To install and establish the MainTrac system to be used city‐wide.
4. To improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness.
5. To provide comprehensive reporting and analysis for management and improve the quality
and accessibility of information for business process planning decision support.
6. To implement more effective business processes and replace paper‐oriented processes
using e‐forms, document imaging, and electronic workflow.
7. To protect and enhance the functionality that is currently available to City employees.
8. To provide better front‐end services by improving our back‐end services and systems.
9. Incorporate fully integrated parks and recreation "best business practices."
10. To configure a system that is user‐friendly and empowers stakeholders to improve their
business processes and reporting capability.
11. To add and improve functionality in back‐office functional areas
12. To reduce redundant “shadow systems”, data entry, storage, and paper processing
13. To enable specific strategic planning initiatives (e.g. e‐Government), including enhanced
customer service and web/customer self‐service.
14. To increase the City’s utilization of mobile functionality to support parks and recreation
business processes and operations, including maintenance.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
3. Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles will be referenced throughout the project by the City and Vermont
1. Establish standard processes and practices across the City.
2. Embrace parks and recreation best practices.
3. Focus on process and transaction quality; build quality at the source.
4. Provide relevant, timely, and consistent management information.
5. Minimize resources allocated to transactional activities; focus more on information to run
the business.
6. Embrace process improvement strategies and implement of out‐of‐the box and best
business practices embedded in the software by configuring the system to meet the City’s
unique needs within the options provided by the products.
7. Make decisions related to project activities and system implementation for the betterment
of the City as a whole and the collective benefit of all project stakeholders.
8. Commit to providing adequate staffing and financial resources to ensure the success of the
project, during and after its completion.
9. Commit to ensuring that adequate training is available to project team staff and system
users during the implementation, prior to placing the system into production, and after the
system is in production.
10. Build effective security and control into the system.
4. Implementation
This section describes the scope of implementation.
4.1. Vermont Systems Software
Vermont Systems will be providing City of Lake Forest the following modules (module capabilities
are described in Appendix A and in detail on the Vermont Systems web site:
o Activity Registration
o Facility Reservations
o Pass Management
o Point of Sale with Inventory Control and Ticketing
o League Scheduling (to be confirmed during analysis phase of project)
o General Ledger Interface
o Incident Processing and Reporting
o Systems Administration
o AP Refund Interface
o Activity Brochure Interface
ID Card Integration – Digital Photo ID Cards
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
o Activity Registration
o Facility Reservations
o Pass Management
o Point of Sale/Tickets
o League Scheduling (to be confirmed during analysis phase of project)
o Mobile WebTrac (Patron access via mobile touch device)
o Mobile RecTrac (Staff access via mobile touch device)
o Mobile MainTrac (Staff access via mobile touch device)
o WebTrac Custom Style Sheet
o WebTrac Custom Splash Page
PayTrac ‐ ERI Credit Card Interface to Plug’n Pay
Access Control ‐ 2 unattended Door Control Locations.
MainTrac – City‐Wide Maintenance Management System
OpenEdge Workgroup Application Server & RDBMS
4.2. Vermont Systems Services
Project Planning – thru ongoing conference calls, WebEx sessions, etc.
Database structure planning
Software installation assistance
Onsite Training
o Lead user and end user training for proposed applications:
RecTrac, MainTrac WebTrac, PayTrac and ID Card Systems
Phone/WebEx based follow‐up training
VSI Support manager assigned
Primary VSI onsite trainer/lead installer assigned
Ongoing system support services – post installation/training phase.
4.3. Vermont Systems Third‐Party Hardware
See Sales Agreement Exhibit B for final hardware configuration and cost
4.4. City of Lake Forest Services/Commitment
Project Planning
Database structure planning
Software installation
Database hosting/Network
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
5. Project Timeline/High Level Project Plan
The implementation is expected to take place over a 6‐9 month period with a multi‐phased approach as
described below:
5.1. Contract Milestone Overview: Project plan
(estimated time frame)
1) Contract Negotiations/Signing 15‐30 days September 2, 2014
2) Installation Planning Phase ___ days Dec 2014, Jan 2015
3) Initial Database Building (phase 1) ___ days Jan & Feb 2015
Primary Installation target area: Rec/Fitness
Secondary Installation target areas
4) End user RecTrac Training (phase 1) 15 days Feb‐Mar 2015
5) Application Go Live ‐ RecTrac (phase 1) 5 days July 28, 2015
6) End user MainTrac Training (phase 2) 10 days Fall 2015
7) Application Go Live – MainTrac (phase 2) 5 days Dec 29, 2015
MainTrac 10.3
8) Database Building (phase 3) 30 days ____ 201X
Primary Installation target area:
9) End user Training (phase 3) 15‐30 days ____ 201X
10) Application Go live (phase 3) 15‐30 days ____ 201X
11) Ongoing Systems Support Ongoing Fall 2015+
NOTE: Items not given specific dates will be mutually agreed upon by October 2014.
5.2 City Scope of Operations – Primary Areas for Project plan
VSI recognizes that there are major areas of Parks Department operations. Each area will be a focal
point of the installation process, thru a phased installation. The phase installation will generally
follow the milestones identified in 5.1 and specifics will be mutually agreed upon by October 2014.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
6. Technology Architecture
6.1. Infrastructure
Technology Infrastructure:
In order to support the initial implementation of the software purchased and anticipated level of
users, VSI has indicated that the following infrastructure is required:
Database/Application Server
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit operating system
8 CPU’s
DB (Progress) Partition 100‐150 GB disk storage
OS partition 60‐80GB disk storage
IIS partition for internal RecTrac 3.1 access 20GB disk storage
Log partition optional
Web Server
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit operating system
In City’s DMZ
Public IP address required
4 CPU’s
OS partition 60GB disk storage
Javascript Progress <1 GB disk storage
6.2 Future Upgrades
VSI shall notify the City in writing of changes in the City’s supporting technology infrastructure
required for any future upgrades to the Licensed Software in accordance with the sales and
support policies as well as any expanded modules purchased by the City at a later date. This
written notice shall be provided a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the planned installation.
In the event the City elects to defer an upgrade due to the changes required in the City’s
technology infrastructure, VSI shall fully support the existing version of the software for a
minimum of seven years after the date of the deferred upgrade. VSI shall provide the City with
Software Maintenance and Support Services (“Support Services”) as provided in Article 3 of the
Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement (“Agreement”) for a minimum of fifteen
years after the Effective Date of the Agreement, provided, however, that the Support Services
may be reduced or limited for any Licensed Software module for which the City has deferred
upgrades for seven or more consecutive years.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
7. Custom Interfaces
7.1. List of Custom Interfaces
Vermont Systems – Proposed Custom Interfaces
RecTrac General Ledger Batch Interface to HTE
RecTrac Refund Interface to HTE
RecTrac Activity Brochure export (to RTF file).
7.1.1. Development Overview
Please provide description of custom interfaces
RecTrac General Ledger Batch Interface
Description: The proposed RecTrac General Ledger interface is a batch process that
creates a custom export file of financial (transactional) information from the RecTrac
system for import into the HTE Financial software.
RecTrac General Ledger Batch Interface
Description: The proposed RecTrac Refund interface is a batch process that creates a
custom export file of refunds processed(transactional) information from the RecTrac
system for import into the HTE Financial software.
RecTrac Activity Brochure Export Interface
Description: The proposed RecTrac Brochure Export interface creates a custom RTF file
containing program information, such as dates, times, fees, locations, comments,
instructors, etc.
8. Data Conversions
8.1. List of Selected Data Conversions
Possible data conversion of 2 years of active households and 1 year of active memberships, from
CLASS to RecTrac. Will review data quality in CLASS to determine extent of data conversion.
9. Reporting Tools
Vermont Systems Reporting Tools
The proposed Vermont Systems applications include hundreds standard system reports. Each of
these standard reports include multiple filter and selection criteria options and output options and
formats. Reports may be printed, previewed, exported to excel and as applicable, graphed. All
standard reports may also be emailed and setup for scheduled (automatic, unattended) execution of
the report.
VSI also provides an internal, custom reporting tools that are included with the RecTrac 3.1
application. These tools allow for the creation of custom reports from any table(s) in the system.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
Output options reports include Spreadsheet, PDF and HTML options (with graphing options also
Finally, the proposed VSI application is ODBC compliant and the ODBC drivers and database
dictionary are provided (standard) so that a third party reporting tool, such as Crystal Reports can be
10. Workflow
Vermont Systems Workflow:
VSI will provide workflow training and consulting during the onsite training for each of the proposed
application modules. This would include processes for creating accounts, registering and transacting
with patron accounts, possible updates and cancellations and end of day reporting and cash
management processes/best practices.
11. Implementation Plan
11.1. VSI Project Plan Overview
Customer Service and Project Administration is a critical part of any successful installation.
Vermont Systems will guide you through the planning and installation phase of the Project.
Telephone Survey
For larger installations with multiple applications, an site survey might be recommended as part of
the installation planning process. A telephone conference call to survey your needs will be
sufficient for many new customers. Several important items covered during the planning survey
Review/Complete the Implementation Schedule matrix
Review the software with any key personnel who will be involved in reviewing the
Installation Planning Guide and preparing for the installation and training.
Conduct a survey of each workstation to verify/determine exactly the placement of
peripheral hardware shown in Exhibit B.
Review networking and verify connectivity to all workstation locations.
The survey will generate a list of tasks to be accomplished, by whom, and by when. Please note
that conference calls are also an excellent review method.
Installation Schedule
The City staff and Vermont Systems would jointly prepare an installation schedule. This plan
would list all of the functions required to complete the installation, as well as assign our respective
responsibilities including hardware, systems software, cabling/network, application software,
delivery, training, etc. Upon receiving your approval, VSI would ship the RecTrac Installation
Planning Guide. As your staff prepares for the installation, they will consult with VSI at any time
via the toll free numbers regarding any issues that may arise.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
Prior to on‐site training, the RecTrac software would be shipped to you, along with the Installation
and Configuration instructions. We assume that your IS staff would install the software using the
installation instructions, along with VSI toll free technical support. This approach insures that the
system is operational prior to the RecTrac on‐site training and therefore does not use training
time for network set up.
Project Staff Assignments
An installation team will be assigned to your account based on the services being provided. In your
case, the team will consist of a VSI Sales Manager, a Customer Support Manager, and the designated
on‐site Trainer. They will coordinate VSI responsibilities, as well as assist you with the
implementation of the installation plan. They will also arrange for any other VSI assistance required.
The trainer will be assigned following the acceptance of our proposal.
We highly recommend that the City designate a ‘RecTrac Administrator’ or an Administrative
team. This person(s) should be a decision maker who is very familiar with your day‐to‐day
operations. Initially, the VSI Trainer will work closely with the RecTrac Administrator and other
key personnel.
Your IS and Finance personnel are welcome to attend any training given. As a minimum, it is very
important that the Trainer work with IS for a few hours to review database management
functions. We assume the IS personnel would not need to be proficient in the day‐to‐day
application functions. The pricing proposal section includes multiple days of on‐site service,
including sufficient time for the minimal IS staff training that is suggested.
For a large number of users, VSI generally recommends the “Train‐the‐Trainer” approach,
whereby, the VSI trainer trains your key personnel who then train the end users. You may find
that VSI Trainer time is spent most effectively with smaller groups, but we are willing to train your
staff as desired. While our standard training hours are 8am to 5pm, we are very flexible. Please
note that there is a cost adjustment for training beyond a normal workday or on weekends.
From experience, we have found that initially it is very effective to work with the key personnel only
to set up the database parameters, make policy decisions, and review all the file maintenance
functions. The VSI Trainer will ensure that you know how to enter the data, then move on to other
functions. Your key personnel will guide your staff through the process of finishing the data entry that
might include programs, facilities, memberships, comment codes, rules/regulation letters,
user/demographic codes, financial codes, etc. The trainer would also make sure all the peripheral
hardware was installed and operational.
The training will be split between multiple trips with time between each trip. Typically, during the
database building phase, 2‐3 weeks is the time frame between trips. After the first series of onsite
trips, the database will have sufficient data entered and will be ready for end user training. The
schedule of actual onsite training will be modified based on your needs. Regardless of the number of
days quoted, only those days used will be billed.
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
11.2. VSI Project Resources
Project Manager/VSI Support Mgr: Cullen Barber or Tom Valley
Primary Trainer/Onsite Consultant: To be assigned upon Phase 1, Onsite Training initiation/planning
VP, VSI Support & Implementation: Laurie Valley
VSI Development Support: Andy Bose
VSI Sales Manager: David Wirtz
11.3. City of Lake Forest Project Resources
Project Manager: TBD
Lead User/System Administration: TBD
Support & Implementation Core Team: TBD
End Users Managers: TBD
Functional Users: TBD
IT/ Project Support: TBD
Role of VSI Project Manager/VSI Support Mgr:
Scheduling and leading the Pre‐Onsite Planning Meeting’s
Provide an initial project plan and maintain throughout project with City/Recreation Project
Work with the City/Recreation Project Manager to coordinate an implementation schedule
Oversee project, monitor progress and generate status reports with Project Manager
Participate in City meetings related to Vermont Systems & Recreation Department Software
Available for conference calls with Project Manager to review status and progress of project
and to identify any outstanding issues.
Role of VSI Primary Trainer/Onsite Consultant:
Deliver Training ‐ Onsite
Database planning – Onsite & Ongoing
Advise on Database building and “Best Practices” related to proposed VSI application
Setup and Participate in “Training Database/Environment” and Testing
Assist with Data Conversion
Functional Lead Training
Core‐User Training
Pre‐live services and planning
Go‐Live support – schedule final week of training to match go‐live date so that VSI support
person is on‐site during first week of live processing.
Post Live Support (with entire VSI support team)
Statement of Work for a Recreation Management System
for City of Lake Forest, IL
Post‐Live reconciliation and training
Role of VP, VSI Support & Implementation:
Work with Project Managers (both City and VSI) to schedule training.
Assign & oversee additional VSI support resources as needed.
Role of VSI Development Support:
Develop Custom Interfaces
Coordinate additional VSI development resources required for project completion.