PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2014/05/20 Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014 6:30PM at CITY HALL LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Steve Hill, Chairman _____Charlie Kohlmeyer David Brush _____Curt Volkmann Dan Jasica _____Paul “Skoo” Walker *Sondra Douglass, new board member will begin her term June 17, 2014 II. APPOVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of the minutes of the March 18, 2014 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting B. April 15, 2014 COTW meeting was cancelled III. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS IV. FOREST PARK PROJECT UPDATE—Presented by Ralph Gesualdo, Peter Cherry & Augie Ziccarelli V. SPOTLIGHT: 2014 FOREST PARK BEACH AND BOATING BASIN—Presented by Jeff Wait, Superintendent of Special Facilities VI. APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS A. Approval of Fitness Center Weight Equipment Contract—Presented by Jason Busdeker, Fitness Center Manager VII. EVERETT TOT LOT PLAYGROUND PROPOSED DESIGN OPTIONS—Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry VIII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UPDATE—Presented by Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Forestry IX. DIRECTOR’S REPORT X. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2014 I. Call to Order The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Curt Volkmann at 6:30p.m. The following were present: Board Members: Mr. David Brush Mr. Dan Jasica Mr. Charlie Kohlmeyer Mr. Curt Volkmann, Chairman Mr. Skoo Walker Staff: Ms. Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Cemetery Ms. Sally Swarthout, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager Mr. Jason Busdeker, Fitness Center Manager Mr. Rob Carmichael, Wildlife Discovery Center Curator Mr. Peter Gordon, City Forester Mr. Joe Mobile, Program Manager Mr. Rich Paulsen, Parks Supervisor Ms. Tricia Schwall, Administrative Assistant Special Guests: Mr. Mike Adelman, Alderman II. Approval of Minutes The meeting minutes of the November 19, 2013 Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented. Board Member Kohlmeyer moved for approval of the minutes and Board Member Jasica seconded. The Board meeting minutes of the November 19, 2013 meeting were then unanimously approved. The meeting minutes of the December 17, 2013 Committee of the Whole Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented. Board Member Kohlmeyer moved for approval of the minutes and Board Member Jasica seconded. The Board meeting minutes of the December 17, 2013 meeting were then unanimously approved. The meeting minutes of the February 18, 2014 Committee of the Whole Park & Recreation Board meeting were presented. Board Member Kohlmeyer moved for approval of the minutes and Board Member Jasica seconded. The Board meeting minutes of the February 18, 2014 meeting were then unanimously approved. III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not Listed on the Agenda There were no comments. IV. Spotlight: Summer Camps 2014 Rob Carmichael, Wildlife Discovery Curator gave an overview of the Summer Camps that are available through the Parks & Recreation Department. He shared the different types of camps that are offered and some of the benefits that come from attending camps. He also talked about the Camp Preview Day that was held at Deerpath Middle School and Daniel Write Junior High in February along with the Camp Focus Feedback that was gathered from residents to help make changes to the camp programs. He also gave a brief overview of the Counselor in Training program that is offered through the Rec Center, participation in the camps to date and a financial overview from the past 2 summers. V. Approval of Parks & Recreation Memorial Policy Superintendent Myers presented the Memorial Tree and Bench Policy with the board. He noted that several changes had been made to the policy following the suggestions previously made by board members. Board Member Brush asked about the fee structure. Superintendent Myers explained the fees. Board Chairman Volkmann asked where the benches and trees would go in the parks. Superintendent Myers said it would be up to the Parks & Forestry sections to make the determination and that they are planning on putting maps in place for each area and map out where they would like the benches/trees to go. Board Member Jasica asked if the intent was to make these maps available to the public. Superintendent Myers answered yes. Board Member Jasica shared a concern with the wording of how the City would contact the donor if the donation had reached the end of its useful life. Superintendent Myers said that they would make necessary changes to the language of those areas. This document will be review periodically. Requested Action: Approval of the Memorial Tree and Bench Policy. A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to approve the Memorial Tree and Bench Policy with changes to the wording of how the City will contact donor regarding the end of the useful life of the donation. The motion was seconded by Board Member Brush. The motion passed. VI. Approval of Contracts A. McClory Bike Trail/Deerpath Park Walking Path Superintendent Myers explained the background of the McClory Bike Path Improvement Project. He shared that this project is part of the City’s Public Works Road Overlay Program. He also discussed the Deerpath Trail Re-Configuration and Resurfacing Project which is part of the Capital Improvement Plan and went out to bid with another Public Works project that involves resurfacing at two City schools which includes Deerpath School. By adding the trail work to the Public Works project at the schools it will provide better pricing for the smaller trail project. A short discussion followed regarding the participation of the school in paying for some of the resurfacing of the trail and some of the other projects the City has at various schools throughout the City. B. Approval of Northcroft Park and Deerpath Park Tennis Court Contract Superintendent Myers presented the contract for Northcroft and Deerpath park tennis court resurfacing and fence replacement. The eight courts would be resurfaced, the fence at Northcroft would be totally replaced and the fence at Deerpath would have its mesh replaced. He shared that the bids include power washing all courts, filling smaller cracks with crack filler or larger cracks with Armor Crack patching material, grinding of surface to level, filling all low spots that hold water, and multiple applications of Colorguard surfacing compound. The total amount requested also includes a new practice board at Northcroft and a 5% contingency for the entire project. A short conversation followed regarding cost sharing with Deerpath School. Requested Action: Approval to enter into a contract with 10-S Court Solutions for resurfacing tennis courts and replacing fence at Northcroft and Deerpath Parks. Staff also seeks approval of an additional $9,640 for the practice wall replacement at Northcroft and the 5% contingency for a grand total of $97,440. A motion was made by Board Member Walker to approve the contract with 10-S Court Solutions for the resurfacing of eight tennis courts and replacement of fence at Northcroft and Deerpath parks including Armor Crack Repair for a total of $87,800. And for an additional $9,640 for the practice wall replacement at Northcroft and 5% contingency for a grand total of $97,440. The motion was seconded by Board Member Kohlmeyer. The motion passed. C. Approval of Tree Planting Contract City Forester Gordon presented the contract for tree planting for FY ’15. This year, mostly because of EAB, the plan is to plant approximately 400 trees. Mr. Gordon emphasized that this was for the planting of the trees only. The City went out to bid through a municipal partnering program with the City of Highland Park and the Highland Park Park District. Chairman Volkmann asked if we are comfortable with 400 trees being planted. Mr. Gordon responded that they were comfortable with maintaining 400 trees, but he did not believe that was enough trees based on the number of trees that have been removed. Mr. Gordon also shared that it was never the intent to replace all of the trees that are removed. Mr. Gordon also shared how the homeowners can participate in the tree choices for their property if they are having a tree replaced by calling the Forestry section. Requested Action: Approval of a one-year contract with Nilco, Inc. for the planting of trees on City streets, parks and City-owned properties for a total of $45,650. A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to approve a one-year contract with Nilco, Inc. for the planting of trees on City streets, parks and City-owned properties for a total of $45,650. The motion was seconded by Board Member Brush. The motion passed. D. Approval of Tree & Stump Removal Contract City Forester Gordon presented the contract for tree & stump removal for FY ’15. He explained that this is an annual contract to include the removal of trees & stumps on City streets, City owned properties, and unimproved easements. He explained why there was a need to award this contract to three different vendors as the sheer volume of trees to be removed due to EAB was too many for one vendor to take on. A conversation followed regarding how the allocation of the work is between the three (3) vendors, how the disease is progressing and how the treatment is working. Requested Action: Approval of a one-year contract with Clean Cut Tree Service, Kinnucan Tree Experts and Lucas Landscaping and Design in the total amount of $200,000 for FY ’15 tree and stump removal of ash trees on City streets, City-owned properties and unimproved easements. A motion was made by Board Member Walker to approve a one-year contract with Clean Cut Tree Service, Kinnucan Tree Experts and Lucas Landscaping and Design in the total amount of $200,000 for FY ’15 tree and stump removal of ash trees on City streets, City- owned properties and unimproved easements. The motion was seconded by Board Member Kohlmeyer. The motion passed. E. Approval of Grounds Maintenance Contract Supervisor Paulsen presented the Grounds Maintenance Contract. He shared the background of why the City pursued outsourcing the mowing of many of the City’s parcels. In addition, he explained why the City was looking to enter into a 3-year option on the contract this year. A conversation followed regarding the difference in the bid pricing. Requested Action: Approval of a one-year contract with Landscape Concepts in the total amount of $55,838 for FY ’15 for the grounds maintenance of City properties, cul-de-sacs, and right-of-ways. A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to approve a one-year contract with Landscape Concepts in the total amount of $55,838 for FY ’15 for the grounds maintenance of City properties, cul-de-sacs, and right-of-ways. The motion was seconded by Board Member Brush. The motion passed. F. Approval of City Vending Services Contract Program Manager Mobile presented the Vending Services Contract. He gave an overview of the vending contract including the locations that have vending machines, Rec Center, CROYA, the beach, some park pavilions and the west train station. He explained that the vending service is a revenue line item in the budget, there is no expense to the Rec Center. Requested Action: Approval of a two-year independent agreement with Mark Vend Company to provide food and beverage vending service for the Recreation Department, CROYA and the Office of the City Manager. A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to approve a two-year independent agreement with Mark Vend Company to provide food and beverage vending service for the Recreation Department, CROYA and the Office of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Board Member Walker. The motion passed. G. Approval of Fitness Center Treadmill Contract Fitness Center Manager Busdeker presented the Fitness Center Treadmill purchase. He explained that this is for the purchase of four treadmills and is part of a scheduled annual replacement plan and is budgeted in the City’s Capital fund. In response to Board member questions regarding so few bidders, Manager Busdeker explained that not all vendors can meet the specification requirements for the specialty incline treadmill. Requested Action: Approval of the purchase of four (4) treadmills for the total purchase price of $27,480 and a trade-in value of $2,100 for a grand total of $25,380. A motion was made by Board Member Brush to approve the purchase of four (4) treadmills for the total purchase price of $27,480 and a trade-in value of $2,100 for a grand total of $25,380. The motion was seconded by Board Member Kohlmeyer. The motion passed. VII. Director’s Report Director Van Arsdale gave an overview of upcoming events. A. Easter Egg Hunt and Magic Show – April 12th B. Smelt-O-Rama – April 26th at the Beach Board Member Kohlmeyer asked about Reptile Rampage this year. Director Van Arsdale gave an overview of how the event went. VIII. Comments by Board Members No comments. IX. Adjournment Board Member Jasica moved to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Walker seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Tricia Schwall Administrative Assistant IV. FOREST PARK PROJECT UPDATE Members of the Forest Park Project and Construction Team will attend the meeting to provide the Parks and Recreation Board with an update on the construction timeline that was revised in light of the impacts from the harsh winter and recent spring weather challenges. They will review the enclosed timeline in more detail, the background on the required sequencing of work, and its impact upon public access through Fall 2014. The attached proposed timeline, titled Your Park-Forest Park, is a draft of what will be enlarged to create signs that will be placed at the park and beach this summer. West Path - BeforeAfterRing Road - BeforeAfterBluff Walk- BeforeAfterVista - BeforeAfter YOUR PARK - FOREST PARK 2014 For more info and to support your park visit www.ForestParkProject.comSouth Parking - BeforeAfterCompleted by June 15‡ ([FDYDWLRQEDVHZRUNDQGFXUELQJIRUQRUWKDQGHDVWSDWK‡ /D\RXWEHQFKIRXQGDWLRQORFDWLRQVDQGSRXUEDVHV‡ 6HHGDQGSODQWGH¿QHGDUHDV‡ 5,1*52$'23(121:((.(1'621/<‡ %(/9('(5(67$,56$&&(663529,'('‡ :(673$7+23(16Completed by July 15‡ ([FDYDWHDQGLQVWDOOEDVHIRUHDVWSDWKFRQWLQXLQJVRXWK‡ 3ODQWGH¿QHGDUHDV‡ 5,1*52$'23(121:((.(1'621/<‡ %(/9('(5(67$,56$&&(663529,'('‡ :(673$7+23(1Completed by August 15‡ 3DWKZRUNFRQWLQXHVWRVRXWK‡ ,QVWDOOOLJKWHGEROODUGVDORQJVRXWKSDWK‡ ,QVWDOOERDUGZDONWKURXJKZRRGHGDUHD‡ 5,1*52$'23(121:((.(1'621/<‡ %(/9('(5(67$,56$&&(663529,'('‡ :(673$7+23(1‡ 3$57,$/($673$7+23(16Completed by Sept. 1‡ ,QVWDOOSDWKZD\VVRXWKRIORW‡ ,QVWDOOSODQWLQJVVRXWKRIORW‡ )LQLVK6RXWKSDUNLQJORW‡ 5,1*52$')8//<23(1('‡ %(/9('(5(67$,56$&&(663529,'('‡ :(67($67 %2$5':$/.3$7+623(1Completed After Sept. 1‡ 5HPRYHJUDQXODULQVWDOOVWRQHSDYLQJRQSDWKWKDWFRQQHFWV/DNH5RDGWR%HOYHGHUHVWDLUV‡ ,QVWDOOVWRQHSDYLQJDW%HOYHGHUHODQGLQJDQG6RXWKSDUNLQJORW‡ )LQDOOLIWRIDVSKDOWIRU5LQJ5RDG6RXWKSDUNLQJORW‡ ,QVWDOODOODPHQLWLHVDQGSDUNSHUPDQHQWVLJQDJH‡ 5,1*52$'&/26(':+(13$9,1*2&&856‡ %(/9('(5(67$,5$&&(663529,'('‡ 3$7+67+528*+2873$5.23(1Weather permitting - proposed timelineREHABILITATE ‹ ENHANCE ‹ PRESERVE 5/16/2014 1 BEACH AND BASIN 2014 PARK BOARD SPOTLIGHT MAY 20, 2014 BEACH SEASON HOURS OF OPERATION WHAT ARE “CELLS”? BEACH CLOSURES 5/16/2014 2 BASIN SEASON HOURS OF OPERATION STORAGE OPTIONS NON‐RESIDENT LAUNCHING WHAT TO DO AT  THE BEACH? WATERCRAFT USAGE PROGRAM SPECIAL EVENTS FITNESS CLASSES RAGING KITCHEN 5/16/2014 3 CHALLENGES FOR 2014 PARKING PAVILION RENTALS ATTENDANCE FY2012 SUMMER  2011 FY2013 SUMMER  2012 FY2014 SUMMER  2013 BEACH –R 78,762 83,790 63,237 BEACH –NR 1,852 6,455 4,822 BASIN 657 1,029 953 TOTAL 81,271 91,274 69,012 5/16/2014 4 FINANCIALS FY2012 SUMMER 2011 FY2013 SUMMER 2012 FY2014 SUMMER  2013 (UNAUDITED) REVENUE EXPENSES REVENUE EXPENSES REVENUE EXPENSES RECREATION 118,679 148,860 159,988 150,685 137,738 133,620 PARK MAINTENANCE 27,000 36,000 32,000 TOTAL 118,679 175,860 159,988 186,685 137,738 165,620 Tax Dollar  Support (57,181) (26,697) (54,579) QUESTIONS? SEE YOU  AT   THE BEACH! SUBJECT: Award Contract for Fitness Center Weight Equipment Purchase as Included in the FY15 Capital Plan PRESENTED BY: FITNESS CENTER MANAGER, JASON R. BUSDEKER 810-3934 PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests approval to purchase 19 selectorized weight machines, 5 Free weight machines and 1 multi-station unit. This purchase is part of a scheduled annual replacement plan and is budgeted in the City’s FY15 Capital Fund. This capital purchase had been deferred from the FY14 Capital Plan. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This purchase will replace current weight equipment that has reached the end of their useful life. With continued use, the likelihood of increase maintenance costs and possible safety hazards become greater. Outdated equipment also negatively impacts revenue potential. Public notice to solicit bids was provided on April 24, 2014 with a bid opening date of May 9, 2014. In addition to public notices, bid packets were delivered to the two equipment vendors in the area. Staff received three (3) bids for the weight equipment purchase. Staff will trade in nineteen (19) selectorized weight machines, five free weight machines and one (1) multi-station unit to help offset the cost of the new equipment. Bid results were as follows. Purchase Price Trade-In Total LifeFitness $29,754.00 $6,100.00 $23,733.00 (13 pieces of equipment) Direct Fitness Solutions $45,422.20 $7,050.00 $38,812.80 (11 pieces of equipment) Promaxima* Disqualified *Did not fully meet bid specifications Staff recommends partially awarding the purchase of the weight equipment to Direct Fitness Solutions and to LifeFitness. Each vendor provided an individual bid for each piece of equipment. Staff is recommending purchasing the individual piece of equipment that best meets the specification. In some cases, a bid didn’t meet specifications and for five(5) pieces, staff chose the equipment that best met the bid specifications but was not the lowest bid. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: FY2014 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted? Y/N CAPITAL FUND 311 $105,000.00 $62,545.80 Y PARK BOARD ACTION: Recommend to City Council the award of contract to Lif Fitness for $23,733.00 and Direct Fitness Solutions for $38,812.80 for a total expenditure of $62,545.80 for the purchase of fitness equipment as budgeted in the FY15 Capital Plan. VII. EVERETT TOT LOT PLAYGROUND DESIGN OPTIONS: (no packet materials included) Staff is still working with the playground designer on preparing the design options and cost considerations. Staff will forward the draft design proposals in advance of the meeting if possible. Staff is not seeking approval of the playground project but is seeking feedback from the board on the design features so that we may bring the project back to the board as an action item at the COTW June 17th meeting, which would be noted as such on the June public agenda. This project was budgeted in the FY15 Capital Plan. VIII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UPDATE: (no packet materials included) Superintendent Myers will provide a verbal report on the status of our other FY15 Park-related Capital projects including the McClory Bike Trail, Northcroft and Deerpath Tennis Courts, and Deerpath Walking Path. In addition, Superintendent Myers will demonstrate a new construction mapping feature now available on our website to help keep residents up-to-date on construction projects throughout the City.