PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 2013/06/18 Packet
JUNE 18, 2013
Curt Volkmann, Chairman
David Brush
Steve Hill
Dan Jasica
Charlie Kohlmeyer
Lauren Turelli
Paul “Skoo” Walker
Wil Dixon, Student Member
A. Approval of April 16, 2013 Board Minutes (no meeting was held in
May 2013)
A. Charlie Kohlmeyer, Board Member 2013-2015
B. Wil Dixon, Student Board Member 2013-2014
Peter Gordon, City Forester
A. Update on EAB Treatment Program & Resident Workshop
B. Tree Tagging and Removals Program
C. Approval of Tree and Stump Removal Bid
Presented by Mary Van Arsdale, Director
VI. SPOTLIGHT: SUMMER CAMPS—Presented by Rob Carmichael, Program
A. Friends Foundation: Golf Fundraiser and Festival & Fireworks
B. Golf Course Promotions
C. Forest Park Project Update
D. Upcoming Programs and Events
E. Other
The City of Lake Forest
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2013
I. Call to Order
The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting were called to order by Chairman Volkmann at
6:30p.m. The following were present:
Board Members: Mr. Dan Jasica
Mr. Scott Schappe
Ms. Lauren Turelli
Mr. Curt Volkmann, Chairman
Mr. Skoo Walker
Mr. Daniel Saffrin, Student Member
Staff: Ms. Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation
Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry
Ms. Sally Swarthout, Superintendent of Recreation
Mr. Jeff Wait, Superintendent of Special Facilities
Mr. Peter Gordon, City Forester
Mr. Anthony Anaszewicz, Athletics Program Manager
Ms. Tricia Schwall, Administrative Assistant
II. Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes of the March 19, 2013 Park & Recreation Board meeting were
presented. Chairman Volkmann and Board Member Jasica requested some minor changes
to the minutes.
Board Member Jasica moved for approval of the minutes as amended and Board Member
Schappe seconded. The Board meeting minutes of the March 19, 2013 meeting were then
unanimously approved.
III. Resolution of Appreciation
Chairman Volkmann gave an overview of departing Board Member Schappe’s five (5) years
on the Board, he then read the Resolution of Appreciation and thanked Scott for his time on
the Board. Chairman Volkmann then read the Resolution of Appreciation for departing
Student Member Saffrin and thanked Daniel for his participation on the Board.
IV. Approval of Mowing Bid
Superintendent Myers gave an overview of the mowing that is currently done in the City and
the mowing that includes the City properties, cul‐de‐sacs and right‐of‐ways that are
proposed to be completed contractually.
Chairman Volkmann questioned the large spread between the lowest and highest bidder.
He shared his concern that the bid may not have been clear enough that all parties were
bidding on the same items. Superintendent Myers indicated that there are several factors
that influence the bidding of such work and may reflect a company’s desire to use this
contract as an awareness opportunity (residents seeing their trucks in all of the
neighborhoods), whether a company already has crews in the community and has the
necessary volume of equipment or whether a company had to invest in these additional
items. Superintendent Myers reassured the board that he is confident that Rocco Fiore will
do an excellent job and they have done many other contracts throughout the City.
Chairman Volkmann then asked how the remaining budgeted contractual monies would be
spent. Superintendent Myers replied that they will try not to use it but there are other
possibilities within Grounds Maintenance to be contracted out. A short discussion ensued
regarding the mowing contract.
Requested Action: Approval to award a one year contract to Rocco Fiore & Sons in the
total amount of $57,834 for FY ’14 for the mowing of City Right‐of‐Ways, Cul‐de‐sacs, and
other City‐owned properties.
A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to award a one year contract to Rocco Fiore
& Sons in the total amount of $57,834 for FY ’14 for the mowing of City Right‐of‐Ways, Cul‐
de‐sacs, and other City‐owned properties. The motion was seconded by Board Member
Turelli. The motion passed.
V. Changes to Non‐Resident Lakefront Boat Launch Privileges
Superintendent Wait presented to the Board the need to modify our proposed non‐resident
boat launch daily permits based upon recent developments of low water and closed boat
launch facilities along the north shore. Superintendent Wait recommended that The City
allow non‐resident daily boat launch permits on Monday‐Friday only, not on Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays for FY14. A conversation followed regarding the proactive approach
and the importance of safe guarding access and parking on the peak weekends for residents.
Superintendent Wait also indicated that he would provide non‐resident launch information
to the communities that have contacted us with anticipated launch closures so they may
inform their residents.
Requested Action: Cancel implementation of non‐resident daily launch permit sales on
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for FY14.
A motion was made by Board Member Jasica to cancel implementation of non‐resident
daily launch permit sales on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for FY14. The motion was
seconded by Board Member Schappe. The motion passed.
VI. Spotlight: Baseball and Basketball
Program Manager Anaszewicz gave an overview of the Baseball & Basketball Programs
through the Rec Center. The presentation included the house league basketball and
baseball, basketball and baseball participation and additional basketball and baseball
programs. He also showed the program revenues/expenses over the past 3 years.
A conversation with board members and staff followed regarding what has impacted the
revenue and expense variances that have occurred this year.
VII. Director’s Report
EAB Resident Guide
City Forester, Peter Gordon gave a short presentation on the new Resident Guide.
He also invited the Park Board to the Resident Workshop happening on June 1st at
Gorton Community Center. Mr. Gordon also shared the Arbor Day tree planting
planned at Lake Forest Open Lands Association Melody Farms @ 10:00 a.m.
Board Member Turelli asked if the City would be any opportunities for residents to
purchase replacement trees if they have an EAB problem. Mr. Gordon responded
that for parkway trees the City would like to replace what they remove however
that is not always possible. City Council approved approximately $200,000 for the
replacement of some of these trees. As far as residential replacement, the City has
had a goal to get some help for the residents and the City has reached out to some
landscapers and is still trying to work out some of the logistics to see if feasible and
in what format. Staff indicated they would have more information related to
replanting opportunities by mid‐summer.
Forest Park Project Update
i. Fundraising has been the primary focus of the group
ii. Tree work has been the most visible
iii. Kinnucan Tree Service and Nels Johnson donated their services to help with
the vistas
iv. Infrastructure work has been moved to late August/early September
v. The City and Lake Forest Open Lands are having an Invasive Plants Removal
Volunteer Work Day at McCormick Nature Preserve and Forest Park on
Saturday, May 18th.
vi. Grounding Breaking Ceremony is being planned for August 3, 2013.
Upcoming Programs and Events
i. Smelt‐O‐Rama on Saturday, April 20th
ii. Kinderhaven Giving Tree Fundraiser, Saturday, April 20th
iii. Pre‐School Dance Recital, Sunday, April 21st
iv. Middle School Rugby Festival, Karate Tournament and Kinderhaven Art
Show, Sunday, May 5th
v. Dance Recital, May 10‐12th
vi. Kinderhaven – Kindershop is May 12th
i. Anticipating work starting on Route 60 Medians soon; timeline is being
finalized for the work
VIII. Comments by Board Members
There were no comments.
IX. Opportunities For The Public To Address The Board On Items Not Listed On The Agenda
There were no comments.
X. Adjournment
Board Member Jasica moved to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Schappe seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Tricia Schwall
Administrative Assistant
To: Property and Public Lands Committee & Park Board Members
Cc: City Manager Kiely, Director Van Arsdale, Superintendent Myers
From: Peter Gordon, City Forester
Date: June 14, 2013
Subject: Emerald Ash Borer‐‐ June 2013 Update
At the June 17th Property and Public Lands Committee meeting, staff will cover the following items
related to the City’s EAB plan:
A. Tagging and Removal Program
B. Tree and Stump Removal Bid
C. Acquisition of a Chipper
D. Community Outreach
Staff has divided the information and its corresponding supporting documents into the sections listed
above for ease of reference. We look forward to reviewing the tagging and removal program details
with you at the meeting and addressing any questions you may have.
The Tagging and Removal Process:
1. City Trees that were identified in the computerized tree inventory that are hazardous, dead and
in poor shape (declining more than 40%) will be tagged and removed. Tagging of City and
private trees for EAB as well as Dutch Elm Disease (DED) is underway. City parkway trees will be
tagged first with residential trees to follow. Staff will begin tagging public street trees on the
east side and work west, and work west to east tagging trees on private property that pose a
threat to public health or safety or public properties.
2. Trees infested with EAB will be identified with a green ribbon and green tag whereas trees
infected with DED will be identified using pink ribbon and pink tag (a copy of the tags are
included in this section of the packet). Residents will receive a door hanger letting them know
The City was at their home as well as receive a certified letter by mail notifying them that their
private trees are required to be removed.
3. Staff has prepared a tagging flow chart (included in this section of the packet) as it relates to
identifying the process for trees on public and private properties along with corresponding
letters. Please note we will be tagging ash trees on public and private properties that pose a
threat to public health or safety or public properties. (This is a change from previous
conversations where we talked about tagging all infested ash trees in the front yards of private
properties). The following three draft letters, referenced in the flow chart, were prepared in
conjunction with the City attorney and will be mailed to residents that have infested ash trees
on their properties:
Letter A, EAB Found on Your Property, will be sent to residents that have infested ash trees
that do not pose a threat to public health or safety or public properties. This letter requests
the resident’s cooperation with the removal of these infested trees for the safety of their
family and adjoining properties. After discussing this in length with the City Attorney,
because these trees do not pose a threat to public health or safety or public properties if
they were to fail, it would be considered a civil matter between property owners.
Letter B, Notice of Removal, requires removal of infested ash trees within 30 days of receipt
of the letter as they have been deemed a threat to public health or safety or public
Letter C, 2nd Notice of Removal, is a follow up letter to residents who have not removed
their tree within the thirty day time frame as directed by The City.
We have also provide you an overview of the Tree Preservation ordinance as it relates to EAB and DED,
and as indicated, the ordinance provisions are the same. Consequently, the City attorney and staff do
not feel any ordinance modifications due to EAB are necessary at this time. Note: Trees infected with
DED will be tagged regardless of their location to include front, side and rear yards. Evidence has proven
that the timely removal of trees infected with DED helps to protect other healthy elms in the area.
Overview of Lake Forest Tree Preservation Ordinance
Declared Public Nuisance YES YES
Notification by Certified Mail YES YES
Removal Required in 30 Days YES YES
Penalty for Non‐Compliance YES YES
Imposed Lien Against Property YES YES
June 11, 2013EAB Tagging & Removal ProcessTree Tagged for Removal City has 30 Days to RemoveTree Tagged for Removal City has 30 Days to Remove*Public hazard or Public non‐hazard?Public HazardPublic Non‐HazardTree Tagged for RemovalCity Follow‐up 30 days after letter was received by ResidentSTARTIs the ash tree more than 40% infested?NoYesEndIs the ashtree Public or Private?PublicStreet or Other City ash tree?Street treeCity Facilities, Parks & Unimproved Easements that pose a hazardPrivateEndEndTree Removed?EndYesNoCity Follow‐up 10 days after letter was received by ResidentTree Removed?EndYesInformation sent to City Attorney’s office for further actionNoEndEndLetter (A) sent to Resident to encourage the removal of EAB TreeCertified Letter (B) sent to Resident Requiring Removal within 30 days2ndCertified Letter (C) sent to Resident with 10 day extension*Public hazard jeopardizes public property health & safety of the community.*Public non‐hazard does not jeopardize public property health & safety of the community.
DED Door Hanger EAB Door Hanger
Tree Tagging
Tagging Conditions Back yard ‐ Public hazard which jeopardizes public property health & safety of the community.Front yard ‐ Public hazard which jeopardizes public property health & safety of the community.
Tagging Conditions Side yard ‐ Public hazard which jeopardizes public property health & safety of the community.Public non‐hazard does not jeopardize public property health & safety of the community.
June 1, 2013
Emerald Ash Borer found on your property
John Doe
123 Limerick Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Every year the Forestry section conducts extensive surveys to locate public and private trees with contagious and
threatening diseases or infestations. As a result, we regret to inform you that the survey identified the local presence
of a highly destructive insect known as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) on your property. This infestation has caused
your ash trees to become unhealthy and/or pose a threat to you and possibly your neighbors.
The Emerald Ash Borer is a small, metallic green, non-native invasive pest whose larvae feast on the trunks of ash
trees, ultimately disrupting their ability to transport nutrients and causing the tree’s eventual decline and death.
Characteristics of trees infested with EAB include: the presence of sucker growth or ‘watersprouts’, dieback from
the top of the tree downward, woodpecker damage, S-shaped feeding galleries, splits in the tree bark and D-shaped
borer exit holes. When ash trees decline and die, they become brittle very quickly compared to other tree species
resulting in an inherit risk. Although not required, The City requests your cooperation with the removal of these
infested trees for the safety of your family and adjoining properties.
To remove such trees, a removal permit may be required. Trees measured at 4.5 feet above grade that are greater
than 18 inches in diameter in the backyard or 10 inches in diameter in the front yard require a removal permit
available on-line or at the Municipal Services building at 800 North Field Drive. These permits are of no cost, but
are required in order to verify the trees being removed are ash trees, as well as to ensure that hired contractors are
complying with the State of Illinois quarantine requirements for handling ash debris.
The City highly suggests the use of a qualified and reputable firm to perform the removal of the tree(s) and
recommends that you obtain more than one quote for the service. While The City of Lake Forest does not advocate
the use of any specific firm or contractor to perform the work, we do maintain a list of licensed landscape and tree
care providers. This list represents several companies that are International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified
Arborists that hold landscape licenses with The City of Lake Forest, under Article VII of Chapter 23 of the City
Code at the time of publication. The City of Lake Forest encourages residents to confirm with any Arborists that
their ISA certifications and Lake Forest licenses are current, as this list is not actively maintained. The City makes
no representation regarding the quality of service provided by any Arborist and makes no endorsement of any of the
services provide by such Arborists. The list is available on The City’s website or by
obtaining a hard copy at City Hall or the Municipal Services building.
I thank you in advance for your understanding, patience, and compliance, in what poses to be a difficult time for our
community. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions please
feel free to contact me at (847) 810 -3563.
Peter Gordon
City Forester
Letter A
Notice of Removal June 1, 2013
CERTIFIED MAIL – 0000-0000-0000-0000
John Doe
123 Limerick Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Re: Infested Ash Tree(s) at 123 Limerick Drive, Lake Forest,
Every year, the Forestry section conducts extensive surveys to locate trees infested with Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).
On June 1, 2013, the survey identified the local presence of this highly destructive insect on your property. This
infestation has caused your trees to become unhealthy and/or pose a threat to the public health or safety or public
properties. The following trees have been tagged:
Tag Number Location on Property
1 Location on Property
One of the most effective ways to battle the infestation is to eliminate the breeding places of the borer. Removing
and disposing of the dead or dying trees does this. This letter is your authorization and direction to remove the
tagged trees.
Because of the critical threat of this insect, the City Council enacted an ordinance (Article IX – CONTAGIOUS OR
THREATENING DISEASES AND INFESTATIONS, Sections 42-65 through 42-73) requiring property owners to
remove infested tree(s) within 30 days after receiving notice from The City. Please arrange to have the tree(s)
identified above removed within the next 30 days.
Please call Peter Gordon in the Forestry Section at (847) 810-3563 when the tree(s) has been removed. If you do not
own the property on which the tree(s) is located, please advise Peter Gordon.
You may have other infested ash trees on your property that have not been tagged at this time but may pose a similar
threat. The City requests your cooperation with the removal of any such infested trees for the safety of your family
and adjoining properties. To remove such trees, a removal permit may be required. Trees measured at 4.5 feet above
grade that are greater than 18 inches in diameter in the backyard or 10 inches in diameter in the front yard require a
removal permit available on-line or at the Municipal Services building at 800 North Field Drive. These permits are
of no cost, but are required in order to verify the trees being removed are ash trees, as well as to ensure that hired
contractors are complying with the State of Illinois quarantine requirements for handling ash debris.
For a list of registered landscapers visit our website at
I thank you in advance for your understanding, your patience, and your compliance, in what poses to be a difficult
time for our community. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any
questions please feel free to contact me at (847) 810-3563.
Peter Gordon
City Forester
Letter B
2nd Notice of Removal July 26, 2013
CERTIFIED MAIL – 0000-0000-0000-0000
John Doe
123 Limerick Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Re: Infested Ash Tree(s) at 123 Limerick Drive, Lake Forest,
On June 1, 2013, we advised you of the need to remove from your property a tree(s) infested with Emerald Ash
Borer. An inspection of your property on July 23, 2013 indicates that the tree(s) has not been removed. The
following is a reminder of the tree’s location:
Tag Number Location on Property
1 Location on Property
Please have the tree(s) removed within 10 days of receipt of this letter. If the tree(s) is not removed within this time,
The City will be forced to take action against you in the Circuit Court for violation of City Ordinance (Article IX –
Please notify the Forestry Office at (847) 810-3563 immediately regarding the disposition of the tree(s). We
appreciate your cooperation in handling this matter as quickly as possible.
You may have other infested ash trees on your property that have not been tagged at this time but may pose a similar
threat. The City requests your cooperation with the removal of any such infested trees for the safety of your family
and adjoining properties. To remove such trees, a removal permit may be required. Trees measured at 4.5 feet above
grade that are greater than 18 inches in diameter in the backyard or 10 inches in diameter in the front yard require a
removal permit available on-line or at the Municipal Services building at 800 North Field Drive. These permits are
of no cost, but are required in order to verify the trees being removed are ash trees, as well as to ensure that hired
contractors are complying with the State of Illinois quarantine requirements for handling ash debris.
For a list of registered landscapers visit our website at
I thank you in advance for your understanding, your patience, and your compliance, in what poses to be a difficult
time for our community. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any
questions please feel free to contact me at (847) 810-3563.
Peter Gordon
City Forester
Letter C
SUBJECT: Approval of Contract for Annual Tree and Stump Removal for FY14 Budget
Staff Contact: Peter Gordon City Forester, 810‐3563
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is seeking approval to enter into a one year contract with
Landscape Concepts Management as well as with Nel’s Johnson Tree Experts to provide tree and stump
removal for trees on City streets, City‐owned properties, and unimproved easements. Staff is
recommending the approval of both venders due to the sheer volume of trees and the need to remove
many of the infested ash trees in a timely manner. It is the City’s intention to have Landscape Concepts
Management the (low bidder) perform most of the tree and stump removals while having the approval
from Council to call upon Nel’s Johnson Tree Experts (second low bidder) as a backup contractor in the
event Landscape Concepts Management is unable to keep up with the proposed removals. Prices came
in considerably lower than projected based on the EAB management plan developed in conjunction with
The Davey Tree Company. Initial indications based market pricing at approximately double of what was
received through The City’s bidding process. With your approval we would like to increase the amount
of trees removed from 2,400 inches to 4,800 inches in order help expedite the removal of infested ash
trees while still remaining within the budget of $150,000 as approved by City Council.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Discovered in Lake Forest in 2009 Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has put every
ash tree within the community at risk of infestation. When ash trees become infested they become
unhealthy and/or pose a threat to the public health or safety or public properties. The genus Fraxinus
(ash) comprises 19.05% (4,461 trees) of the total inventoried street tree population (23,420 street
trees). In addition, approximately 1,900 ash trees have been identified within City facilities, parks and
unimproved easements that pose a potential threat to public health or safety or public properties as
well. This spring’s tree condition assessment survey has determined that approximately 600 infested ash
trees will need to be removed contractually this year with an additional 350 trees projected to be
removed by The City’s Forestry section.
BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the annual tree and stump removal contract is budgeted in the
Forestry Fund 311, Capital Projects. The results of the bid process confirmed that outsourcing of tree
and stump removals will be cost efficient as well as aide in the timely removal of infested and hazardous
trees. Staff received four (4) bids for the tree and stump removals detailed below.
FY14 Tree Removal and Stumping Bid Data Overview:
Trees 6”‐15.9”
(1,200 inches)
Trees 16”‐29.9”
(800 inches)
Trees over 30”
(400 inches)
(2,400 inches)
(4,800 inches)
Management $15,900 $14,800 $8,492 $39,192 $78,384
Nel’s Johnson
Tree Experts $18,000 $20,000 $12,000 $50,000 $100,000
Kinnucan $21,600 $17,600 $11,200 $50,400 $100,800
Tree’s R Us $23,556 $26,904 $19,452 $69,912 $139,824
Landscape Concepts Management was the low bidder and has experience working in Lake Forest and
has satisfactorily performed other projects for The City in recent years. Nel’s Johnson Tree Experts has
also worked for The City and has met all of their contractual obligations in the past.
Summary of Project Budget:
FY ’14 Funding Source Amount Budgeted Amount Requested Budgeted?
Forestry Capital Fund
311 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 Y
On June 18, 2013, staff will present the bid results to the Park and Recreation Board for their advisory
approval of an award of a one year contract to Landscape Concepts Management and Nel’s Johnson
Tree Experts to provide tree and stump removals of trees on City streets, City‐owned properties, and
unimproved easements. Should the Park Board approve the bid results, staff will bring the bid results
forward on July 1st for City Council’s approval. The action staff will be seeking is as follows:
RECOMMENDED ACTION: If appropriate and should the Park Board/City Council desire, staff
recommends approval of a one year contract to Landscape Concepts Management and Nel’s Johnson
Tree Experts in a not to exceed total amount of $100,000 for FY14 tree and stump removal of trees on
City streets, City‐owned properties and unimproved easements.
The Forestry section has begun researching the cost advantages of renting or purchasing a
chipper to reduce contractual removal costs and to facilitate the efficient use of City labor. By
having the ability to run two city crews simultaneously we have the ability to get out in front of
many of the issues that will arise from EAB. A second chipper that chips logs 15” in diameter
would also allow us to get to infested trees that our current equipment is unable to reach due to
its sheer size and weight. Examples of this would be city paths, easements and open spaces.
Rental costs are approximately $3,400 per month with removals typically occurring six (6)
months out of the year resulting in an annual cost of $20,400. Rentals are projected to occur
over the next five (5) years equating to $102,000. By purchasing a new chipper at a fixed cost of
$36,300 and with five years of operational costs projected at $26,400 a savings of $39,300 could
be obtained by purchasing rather than renting. Below is a graph depicting rental costs in
comparison to the purchase of a chipper. Additional savings could also come from the reduction
of contractual tree removal of approximately $31,800 resulting in a net savings of $71,100.
City Council has earmarked $400,000 for the management of EAB for the FY 14 budget. Funds
where dispersed into three place holders treatment $50,000, removals $150,000 and replanting
$150,000. We would look to reallocate funds from replanting to pay for the purchase of a new
chipper. This would still allow us to plant over 400 trees on city properties, the maximum
amount the forestry staff feels they can maintain in a year. Therefore staff is recommending
that The City pursue the purchase of a chipper as the cost benefits outweigh the rental option
currently available.
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5TOTAL
Rent $20,400 $20,400 $20,400 $20,400 $20,400 $102,000
Own $41,580 $5,280 $5,280 $5,280 $5,280 $62,700
Annual CostChipper
Renting vs. Owning
* ** ** ** **
* $41,580 is the estimated purchase price and the annual operating cost
** $5,280 is the estimated annual operating cost
Recent and Upcoming Activities:
1. The City of Lake Forest and The Village of Lake Bluff hosted an EAB Community workshop on
June 1st at the Gorton Community Center from 9am to 11 to discuss the impacts of EAB. 73
residents attended the EAB workshop at Gorton and another dozen or so just stopped to pick up
materials. The presenters were excellent as was the interactive question and answer portion led
by Peter Gordon. Curt Volkmann Chairman of the Park Board made the opening remarks, John
Sentel (LFOLA)provided information on re‐greening opportunities, and Al Zelwa (The Davey
Tree Company) gave an in‐ depth overview on the impacts of EAB locally and globally. The
forestry staff prepared a wide variety of information for each booth. Residents had many
positive comments and seemed to appreciate the personal interaction with all of the forestry
2. Staff has attended all of the four ward meetings to discuss with residents the threat of EAB and
developing a management plan for their properties.
3. Similar to the City’s successful hydrant flushing signage program, the Forestry section is
developing sandwich board signs to inform residents that EAB removals will be taking place on
their block. Helping alert residents as to the reason for the tree work will help dispel concerns
and create more awareness about the EAB program.
V:\Recreation Board\Board Packets 2013\Board Mtg 06-18-2013\ProposedMeetingScheduleChangeFY13-14.doc
SUBJECT: Proposed Change to Park Board Meeting Format and Schedule FY13‐14
PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Chairman Volkmann and Director Van Arsdale are
proposing a change in the FY13‐14 Park Board meeting format and schedule. The proposed new
schedule alternates monthly meetings between a televised meeting and a committee‐of‐the‐
whole workshop format beginning in August 2013. This agenda item is for discussion purposes
only and no action is being sought at this meeting.
BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Over the past year, various board members have expressed a
desire to facilitate a more collaborative and in‐depth discussion on items related to Parks and
Recreation services before the items come to final recommendation for Park Board approval.
Implementing a Committee‐of‐the‐Whole (COTW) workshop environment on alternating
months would allow the Park Board to provide staff with feedback and provide an enhanced
opportunity to bring professionals or experts to a meeting to share knowledge and insight into
projects while they are in the development stage. Ultimately, the goal of the COTW workshop
format is to provide the opportunity for the Park Board to feel more engaged with the topic
during its development instead of becoming engaged only at the stage of approval. The annual
Park Board COTW capital improvement project planning meeting is one such existing example of
creating a collaborative environment to explore direction together. Staff can share some other
examples at the meeting of upcoming topics that may benefit from this meeting style format.
We are recommending that to meet the very important goal of transparency and accessibility to
all residents that the meeting formats adhere to the following guidelines:
1. All meetings, televised or COTW, will be open to the public and posted with an agenda
in accordance with Open Meeting Act legal requirements.
2. Minutes for all meetings, televised or COTW, will be kept and posted in accordance with
Open Meeting Act legal requirements.
3. COTW meetings will be for discussion purposes only. No action would be taken at these
meetings. Action items would be brought forward for approval at televised meetings. In
the rare instance due to critical timing needs, action may be sought at a COTW meeting
but only if the COTW meeting agenda notices that action is being sought.
4. COTW meeting attendance will be deemed as critical and required as monthly, televised
meetings, i.e. we would not want Park Board members to view COTW meetings as
5. Televised meetings will be held at City Hall (unless in conflict with a moved City Council
meeting). COTW meetings will be held at Municipal Services.
6. This schedule does not negate the possibility of joint meetings with other boards such as
the Property and Public Lands Committee or sub‐committee meetings of the Park Board,
if necessary.
Staff has attached a chart that outlines the meeting dates, formats and tentative key topics that
annually fit the monthly meeting timing. Before bringing this option to the Park Board, Director
Van Arsdale did discuss this meeting format with the City Manager.
RECOMMENDED PARK BOARD ACTION: No action is requested at this time. This topic is for
discussion purposes only.
V:\Recreation Board\Board Packets 2013\Board Mtg 06-18-2013\ProposedMeetingScheduleChangeFY13-14.doc
Meeting Date Meeting Format
June 18, 2013 Televised Board Meeting
July 16, 2013 Televised Board Meeting
August 28, 2013* COTW *note not 3rd Tuesday
September 17, 2013 Televised Board Meeting: Annual
Fees for Golf, Fitness, Lakefront,
Athletics, Parks ; Kemper Year 3
October 15, 2013 COTW: Capital Improvement Plan
November 19, 2013 Televised Board Meeting
December 17, 2013 COTW or no meeting
January 21, 2014 Board Meeting at Municipal
Services (Park Board bumped from
City Hall as that City Council moves
its meeting to Tuesday because of
Martin Luther King Day)
February 18, 2014 COTW
March 18, 2014 Televised Board Meeting
April 15, 2014 COTW
May 20, 2014 Televised Board Meeting
Special Notes:
1. All meetings will be open to the public and posted with an agenda in accordance
with the OMA requirements.
2. Televised meetings will be held at City Hall. Committee of the Whole meetings
will be held at Municipal Services.
3. Additional Sub‐committee meetings may be held in addition to the meetings
listed above.
4. Also to be scheduled in early fall is a special strategic planning meeting with the
Friends of Parks and Recreation Foundation.
Welcome toLake Forest Parks & RecreationSummer Camps
Camps FY2014Summer 2013as of 6/12/13FY2013Summer 2012FY2012Summer 2011FY2011Summer 2010Early Childhood122 159 107 97Variety38 45 41 72Wildlife & Nature201 229 209 246CIT60 63 63 62Sports Camp31 126 121 146Superstars Day56 101 53 45Twigs Art34 48 63 70Total554 771 627 738
FY2013Summer 2012FY2012Summer 2011FY2011Summer 2010Revenue$362,665 $428,648 $386,717Expenses$180,699 $344,770 $368,621Net$181,966* $83,878 $18,096 * Does not include Full‐time salaries as previous fiscal years