PLAN COMMISSION 2012/11/14 Agenda
The City of Lake Forest
Plan Commission Agenda
Regular Meeting Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Council Chambers, City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath
6:30 P.M.
Michael Ley
John L. Anderson
Jack Reisenberg, Chairman
Jeff Kuchman
Lloyd Culbertson
James Carris
Augie Ziccarelli
Plan Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable TV
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff.
2. Approval of minutes.
3. Background Information: The Commission will receive an
informational presentation on Tax Increment Financing
Districts in preparation for an upcoming agenda item.
Materials will be presented at the meeting. No Commission
action is required.
Presented by: Lee Brown, Teska and Associates and Cit y staff
5. Public Testimony on non-agenda items.
6. Additional information from staff.
Mandatory Adjournment Time – 11:00 p.m.