The City of Lake Forest
Historic Preservation Commission
Proceedings of the April 27, 2016 Meeting
A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on
Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E.
Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Preschlack and Commissioners
Pete Schaefer, Wells Wheeler, John Travers, Robert Alfe and Carol Gayle.
Commissioners absent: Susan Athenson
City staff present: Kate McManus, Assistant Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director
of Community Development
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures.
Chairman Preschlack reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission
and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves.
2. Approval of the minutes of the April 5, 2016 meeting of the Historic Preservation
The minutes of the April 5, 2016 meeting were approved as submitted.
3. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of
the existing residence located at 676 Lake Road and a replacement residence,
attached garage, pool shed, overall site plan and conceptual landscape plan.
Owners: Robert and Winifred Crawford
Representatives: Jill Danly, project manager; Natalie Clemens, architect; Craig
Bergmann, landscape architect
Chairman Preschlack asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. Crawford introduced himself as the owner of the property and explained that they
did not initially intend to demolish the house. He stated that they brought in Jill Danly
as the project manager to renovate the interior of the existing house, add an elevator
and construct a new pool in the rear yard. He stated that it became apparent that
the cost to complete the renovation would be equal to constructing a completely
new home. He stated that they intend to live in the new residence for the rest of their
lives so accessibility is important. He introduced the design team: Craig Bergmann,
landscape architect, Shawn Freeman, builder and Natalie Clemens, architect.
Ms. Danly thanked the Commission for their time. She explained that the design team
respects the character of Lake Forest and have been working on the project since
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October. She noted that the she met with City staff on numerous occasions. She
stated that a structural report was provided demonstrating the deficiencies of the
existing residence and an historic assessment was also prepared demonstrating that
the existing house is not worthy of preservation. She noted that the current home is not
conducive to the owners’ needs. She showed an aerial image of the property and
neighborhood. She provided images of the existing residence and explained that the
house was modified from its original design. She reviewed the floor plans noting the
shortcomings of the existing house. She noted that ADA accessibility is a high priority in
the new home design.
Ms. Clemens noted that the property is a corner lot with 3, 50 foot setbacks. She stated
that the team looked at historic examples of linear houses many of which have tall
main masses with side wings. She provided colored renderings of the proposed house
and explained that the footprint protects the privacy of the backyard and the
landscaping also provides privacy. She stated that the service wing allows room for a
4 car garage. She stated opens up the house, but noted that the proposed house is
smaller in square footage than the current house. She noted that in the new house,
more living area is incorporated into the basement and the second floor is used as the
guest quarters. She reviewed the elevations and proposed materials. She provided a
detail of the main entry noting the recessed entry and 2 story fenestration feature. She
stated that the arched pediment is used to create a sense of intimacy and create a
weather barrier. She stated that the sunroom is inspired by historic conservatories. She
noted that the design includes character defining details such as cupolas and
chimney pots influenced by local examples. She stated that a split garage is proposed
with one door facing the street. She provided precedent images of other front facing
garages along Lake Road. She noted that the garages will have lattice work on the
doors which will also be incorporated into the pool shed design.
Mr. Bergmann stated that the light motif of the trellis/latticework will be carried over on
the revised landscape plan. He stated that the intention is to design an American
house and not strictly a Georgian house. He stated that guest parking is located in the
side yard setback, along the south property line. He noted the views through the
landscaping are provided as suggested by staff and noted the perimeter landscaping
that will be retained and explained that impacts to neighboring properties will be
minimal. He provided images of the existing screening along the property lines and the
woodland gardens. He stated that the proposed pool and patio are downsized from
the existing. He provided a streetscape photo compilation.
Ms. McManus stated that the demolition criteria appear to be met and explained that
the existing residence is not historic or architecturally significant. She noted that the
landscape architect was brought in late in the process and it is staff’s understanding
the landscape plan will be further developed as the project moves forward. She
stated that a pool shed is proposed on the site, but plans for the shed are still being
worked out. She stated that general areas of concern are outlined in the staff report
and she requested Commission input and direction on those items. She stated that the
owners have been proactive in communicating with their neighbors and staff
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received several letters of support. She added that the Lake Forest Preservation
Foundation provided a letter expressing general support for the demolition and
offered assistance in refining the design details for the replacement structure. She
concluded that staff is recommending the petition be continued to allow more time
for the landscape plan to be refined and for information on the proposed pool shed to
be provided. She stated that Commission direction and discussion on the consistency
of the various design elements with the selected architectural style and the design
details is requested at this time.
In response to questions from Chairman Preschlack, Ms. Clemens stated that the
owners currently live in a Georgian home and desired a similar style. She noted that
the proposed home is not strictly Georgian but strongly influenced by European
designs. She stated that a more open floor plan was desired.
Mr. Crawford added that he involved his neighbors early in the process and received
positive responses. He stated that the new house is sited in a similar manner as the
existing and is intended to fit into the surroundings. He concluded that the new home
will be a vast improvement over the existing.
Chairman Preschlack stated that the massing model is very helpful. The Commission
stepped down from the dais to review the model.
As the Commission reviewed the model, Mr. Bergman commented on how the house
interacts with the Forest Park across the street. He explained that French doors were
added to the front façade to take advantage of the views to the park.
Chairman Preschlack explained that the City’s preservation ordinance notes that the
Commission is tasked with looking at this request in 2 parts, the demolition and
replacement structure. He added that cost does not factor into the Commission’s
In response to questions from Chairman Preschlack, Ms. Clemens explained that the
current home’s interior layout is off center and not indicative of the Georgian style. She
added that the home was designed by Charles Page and influenced by the Georgian
style, but not fully consistent with the style.
In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Ms. Clemens stated the design
attempts to maintain the golden ratio in window muntin patterns and consistency in
proportions. She clarified that the skylights were drawn incorrectly on the plans and
will be flush with the roof, not domed.
At the invitation of the Commission, Susan Benjamin, Historic Preservation Consultant,
stated that her firm prepared the Historic Assessment of the existing house and found
that it is not a strong example of the Georgian style. She noted that the sense of scale
is off and the home was modified. She concluded that existing house is does not have
a high degree of architectural integrity.
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In response to questions from Commissioner Travers, Ms. McManus explained that
although the petitioner’s application was thorough, staff is recommending the petition
be continued to allow time for some of the details to be more fully developed, the
landscape plan to be prepared and a plan for the pool shed and pool to be
developed. She also noted that staff outlined several aspects of the design in the staff
report which may benefit from Commission discussion and direction and if
appropriate, some refinement. She stated that Commission direction is requested
regarding these areas of concern.
Chairman Preschlack stated that the home is in a prominent location and in
recognition of that, he is in favor of continuing the petition to assure the details of the
plan are fully developed and understood.
Ms. Czerniak added that if appears that the presentation included elevations that
were further modified from the materials included in the Commission’s packet. She
stated that if the Commission decides to move the petition forward at this meeting,
conditions of approval can be incorporated into the Commission’s action.
In response to a question from Commissioner Travers, Ms. Clemens reviewed the
increase in impermeable surface area. She noted that the driveway has been
widened but the existing curb cuts will remain. She added that as area for guest
parking was added and the footprint of the house was configured to support most of
the square footage on the first floor of the home for accessibility reasons.
In response to a question from Chairman Preschlack, Mr. Bergmann stated that
drainage is an issue at the west wall of the existing house. He noted that the current
house is more rectangular than the proposed house. He stated that the proposed
plan will improve the drainage on the property. He stated that the plan incorporates
more green space around the pool allowing for a more natural distribution and
absorption of water. He stated that the additional impervious surface near the
garages make them functional. He stated that the front yard is very large and stated
that parking is not permitted in the front yard setback or on Lake Road.
Hearing no further questions, Chairman Preschlack invited public comment.
Peter Bensinger, 600 Mayflower Road, stated that he appreciates the Commission’s
work and is supportive of the project. He added that he is impressed that the owners
engaged such a strong design team.
Hearing no further public testimony, Chairman Preschlack invited final comments from
the Commission.
Commissioner Schaefer agreed that the demolition criteria are met.
Commissioner Wheeler agreed that demolition is appropriate and the owners’
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hardships will be addressed with the new residence.
Commissioner Travers stated that he is pleased that the consultants’ reports were
included and stated that the information presented in support of the demolition is very
Chairman Preschlack and Commissioner Alfe agreed with the comments of the other
Commissioners regarding the demolition.
Commissioner Gayle expressed support for the demolition. She stated support for the
use of red brick for the Georgian style.
Chairman Preschlack summarized that the Commission finds that the demolition
criteria are satisfied and directed the Commission to the proposed replacement
house. He stated that he is supportive of the direction of the project and noted the
addition of Bergmann Landscaping to the team is beneficial. He stated that the
communication that has occurred with neighbors is encouraging and stated that with
some additional study, design development and refinement of the plan, the overall
project will be enhanced.
Commissioner Travers stated that he is unable to identify any aspect of the project
that does not comply with the standards. He stated that he is inclined to approve the
petition as presented with the suggestion that the amount of impervious surface area
be reduced.
Commissioner Alfe stated that further design work to achieve more balance between
the secondary wings of the house is needed.
Commissioner Wheeler stated that although the materials and light color palette have
precedence, a warmer color palette may be more appropriate for the house in the
context of the area. He added that Georgian architecture is found in abundance in
the community. He stated that he would support a motion in favor of the petition.
Chairman Preschlack pointed out that there is more design work needed on the site
and landscape plan.
Commissioner Wheeler stated that he is supportive of the overall design and noted
that the footprint of the replacement house is consistent with the existing home and
will not impact significantly impact existing landscaping.
Commissioner Schaefer stated the he appreciates the work done to date, but noted
that that he is concerned about the proporti ons of the front façade which do not yet
appear to meet the Commission’s standards. He agreed that it would be beneficial to
continue the petition because, in his opinion, it does not yet fully meet the design
standards. He added that landscaping should be designed to in part mitigate the
massing of the front façade.
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In response to Commissioner Schaefer’s comments, Ms. Clemens noted that
ornamental trees and shrubs are planned at the front of and in back of the residence.
She acknowledged that the massing of the front elevation is very large. She stated
that landscaping is planned along the south property line to screen the garage area.
Mr. Bergmann added that at this point in the process, the landscape plan does not
have the same level of detail that the house does. He noted that the plans
incorporate the worst case scenario for impermeable surface areas. He stated that
the configuration of the service drive and main driveway will be refined. He stated
that more plantings will conceal the service area. He noted that the screen porch
provides views to the Lake and landscaping will be sited to protect that view.
Commissioner Gayle stated that she appreciates the thought being put into the
landscape design. She stated support for preserving the tree to the north of the
Mr. Bergmann offered additional comments stating the proposed brick color was
influenced by an example in Lake Bluff. He noted that the actual color will be warmer
than what the renderings portray.
Chairman Preschlack noted that the Commission appears to be generally supportive
of the petition and asked for any other input from the Commission. He noted that the
proportions of the main façade and improved balance between the secondary wings
were identified as areas where further study and refinement are needed.
Commissioner Wheeler added that the proposed landscape screening should be
further developed and detailed.
Ms. Czerniak summarized that based on the Commission’s discussion, refined
elevations should be presented given the updates made since the Commission’s
packets were prepared, further study should be completed to allow refinement of the
front elevation to achieve improved proportions, a rendering that gives a truer
representation of the color palette, plans illustrating the final driveway and service
drive configuration, clarification and details on how landscaping will mitigate the mass
of the front elevation and screen the garage and parking areas and details on the
accessory structure should all be provided.
Ms. Clemens clarified that more elevations were included in the presentation than in
the packets. She stated that the elevations did not change.
Commissioner Travers stated that the material samples give a better idea of the color
palette than the rendering.
In response to questions from the Commission, Ms. Czerniak stated that since the pool
shed is a new structure in the historic district, it would be brought back to the
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Commission along with a final landscape plan.
Commissioner Schaefer stated that although he is generally supportive of the project,
given the prominent location and visibility of the property, the Commission’s extra
effort is appropriate to assure that all the design standards are met. He added that this
responsibility should not be put on staff. He stated that in his opinion, Standard 4 is not
yet fully met.
Commissioner Gayle added that Standard 3 should be further considered.
Commissioner Wheeler stated that less elaborate detailing on the entry would be
appropriate, but stated support for the overall design.
Chairman Preschlack reiterated that more information is needed on the landscape
plan and pool shed and invited a motion to continue the petition to allow time for
further study and refinement.
In response to questions from Mr. Crawford about timing, Ms. Czerniak offered that the
petitioners could submit an application for demolition and begin the necessary
preparation work so that if, at the next meeting, the demolition is approved, a permit
could be issued quickly after the Commission’s action to allow the work to begin.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Preschlack invited a motion
Commissioner Travers made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for the
demolition of the existing residence located at 676 Lake Road and a replacement
residence, attached garage, pool shed, overall site plan and conceptual landscape
plan subject to the following conditions: reduction of the amount of impervious
surface, submittal of plans for the pool shed which would be subject to review and
approval by staff, refinement of the front entry, and submittal of a landscape plan
reflecting additional screening to mitigate the front façade.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Schaefer noted that the design standards were not fully met and stated
that he is not supportive of approving the petition based on the plans and information
currently available.
Commissioner Gayle agreed with Commissioner Schaefer’s comments noting that not
all of the standards are fully met.
Chairman Preschlack invited another motion.
Commissioner Schaefer made a motion to continue the petition to allow the
petitioners to conduct further study and to refine and further detail the plans to
address the areas of concern identified by the Commission.
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Commissioner Wheeler seconded the motion and the Commission voted 6 - 0 to
approve the motion.
4. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions to the
side and rear of the existing residence and reconfiguration of the driveway on
property located at 1290 N. Sheridan Road.
Owner: Donald Zordani, Jr.
Representative: Jon Clair, architect
Chairman Preschlack asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. Clair introduced himself and the owners and provided an overview of the property
noting that it is accessed by a private drive off Sheridan Road. He showed images of
the streetscape and explained that the house was constructed in 1925 in the French
Eclectic style with English County elements. He noted that the design has romantic
details with a formal front façade and a rear elevation with different forms and planes.
He stated that the existing family room, which was a later addition, is proposed for
removal and is inconsistent with the original house and was insensitively done. He
showed images of neighboring properties and explained that interior renovations are
currently taking place in the home. He reviewed the demolition plans which impact
the family room and east wall of the garage. He noted that the existing garage is too
small to accommodate a car so an addition is proposed to the rear of the garage. He
stated that there are 2 existing curb cuts to the house from the private shared drive
and noted that the driveway alignment will be slightly modified from the plan in the
Commission’s packet in an effort to save an additional tree. He stated that there is
ample screening on the property and stated that additional plantings will occur to
provide double inch for inch replacement for trees removed. He reviewed the
landscape plan, a neighborhood site plan and colored renderings. He stated that
additions are proposed on the rear and east elevations. He explained that the owner
has 6 children and is a longtime resident of Lake Forest. He stated that the owner is
sensitive to preservation and noted that the proposed addition is accomplished
through a series of hips and gables. He noted that the original front façade will be
retained with a small side addition. He noted that the brick on the addition will be
white washed to match the existing brick and stated that the breakfast room with
have a copper pitched roof. He stated that the existing windows will be reused and
explained that the existing arched element on the rear elevation will be retained in
the interior of the addition and the arched element will be replicated on the rear
elevation of the addition. He noted that the breakfast room has a conservatory look
and the gazebo roof form allows the existing rear elevation to be retained. He
provided a massing model to the Commission. He noted that the additions will have
little impact to the front façade and the 2nd floor copper gutter and downspout will
help blend the new brick with the old. He noted that the shallow pitched roofs on rear
allow most of the existing building to be retained and stated that the proposed
additions are designed to be of appropriate proportions and human scale.
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Ms. McManus stated that staff was notified that at least 2 neighbors did not receive a
notice for this petition. She stated that staff verified that the properties were included
in the mailing list and that the notices were mailed from the Community Development
office. She stated that 2 pieces of correspondence with concerns about the notice
and the tree removals were received and were provided to the Commission. She
stated that staff concluded that the proposed additions meet the design criteria and
are sensitive to the historic residence and District. She noted that staff does have
concerns regarding the amount of tree removals necessitated by the garage addition
and driveway. She stated that in total, 7 trees are proposed for removal, 4 of which
are in good condition based on the tree survey submitted by the petitioner. She stated
that given the concerns expressed by the neighbors regarding notice and the number
of trees impacted, staff recommends the petition be continued to allow the neighbors
to become for familiar with the project, the petitioners to contact the neighbors and
for other alternatives to be considered in an effort to preserve additional trees on the
In response to questions from Chairman Preschlack, Mr. Clair noted that the rear
neighbor is Sheridan School.
In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Zordani confirmed that 4 homes are
located on the private lane and he stated that he notified the neighbors on the lane.
He stated that the house across the street is for sale and the owner is out of town. He
stated that 2 neighbors have provided letters of support and stated that he should not
be penalized if the neighbor to the east did not receive a notice. He stated that the
staff’s concerns regarding the tree removals were addressed by revising the driveway
as shown in the modified plan. He agreed a requirement for double inch for inch
replacement of the trees that will be removed. He stated that the petition is very
sensitive to impacts on neighbors.
Rob Schwarz, Mariani Landscaping, stated that he was involved with the tree survey
and said that there are a total of approximately 30 trees on the site including oaks, red
maples and elms. He noted that some of the trees proposed for removal are in good
condition and others are in marginal condition. He stated that 7 trees were proposed
for removal, but the driveway plan was revised to save 2 additional trees. He noted
that there is evergreen screening along the east property line and the arborvitaes are
very dense to provide privacy. He stated that double inch for inch replacement will be
provided. He explained that the driveway is a chip and seal surface. He stated that
he walked the property with the City arborist on 3 occasions. He noted that one of the
oak trees proposed for removal is leaning, fused to the neighboring tree and
structurally weak. He noted that this tree will be problematic in the future. He stated
that the other oak tree proposed for removal is a “B” quality tree. He stated that roots
of trees proposed for preservation will be pruned prior to construction.
In response to a question from Chairman Preschlack, Mr. Clair stated that alternatives
for the garage placement and configuration were studied. He stated that a 3 car
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front load garage would impact the front elevation.
Mr. Schwarz added that extending the garage east would still require the removal of a
number of trees.
In response to a question from Commissioner Travers, Mr. Zordani clarified that the
letters of support were submitted by neighbors located on the private drive.
In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Clair stated that they considered
bricking in the existing garage door on the front elevation but stated that the
preferred option is to retain the original arch. He stated that the garage door would
remain, but would not be functional. He stated that the chimney will be brick to
match the existing chimney. He noted that other roof forms were explored for the
breakfast room, but the conclusion was that a flat roof would not look appropriate.
In response to a question from Chairman Preschlack, Mr. Schwarz stated that the patio
will be bluestone and the main entertaining space will be accessed off the
conservatory/breakfast room.
In response to a question from Commissioner Travers, Mr. Clair stated that they did not
provide impervious surface calculations and noted that the removal of the tennis
court at the rear of the property will balance the added impervious surface area for
the additions and driveway expansion.
In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Clair confirmed Schwarz that
storm water drains toward school and state that drainage is not a major concern on
this property. He stated that the French doors on the second floor will be removed to
accommodate the breakfast room and the window sill will be raised. He stated that
the windows will be consistent with the rest of the house. He clarified that the second
floor layout will not require the owners to walk through a bedroom to access another
Hearing no further questions, Chairman Preschlack invited public comment.
Mr. Fatheazam, 1320 Sheridan Road, stated that he has been a resident of Lake Forest
for 20 years and chose the neighborhood because of its historic character and heavily
wooded nature. He stated that the petitioner never contacted him or his wife and
they did not receive a notice about the project. He stated that they do not want to
interfere with making the house more livable, but stated concerns regarding the
impacts to the historic character of the house and area, tree removal and the lighting
impacts from the garage. He stated that the owners previously cut tree branches and
opened up the lot. He stated that removing trees as proposed will change the
environment completely. He noted that the proposed additions are not historically
sensitive and questioned whether an octagonal addition is appropriate. He stated
that if the petition is approved, the replacement trees should be as large as possible.
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Art Miller, 169 Wildwood Road, stated that the house is designed in a romantic style
with Arts and Crafts influences. He stated that different forms are found with that style
and suggested that the petitioner look at historic examples of the style. He stated that
the garage issue is complicated and suggested consideration of a detached garage
as an option. He noted that the proposed rear elevation looks similar to other work
that the architect, Mr. Clair, has done. He concluded that the neighbor’s house to the
east is very significant and encouraged the Commission to take the neighbor’s
concerns into consideration.
Hearing no further public comment, Chairman Preschlack invited response to public
comment from the petitioner.
In response to public comment, Mr. Zordani noted that the City’s lighting ordinance
does not permit flood lights and stated that the exterior lights will comply with city
ordinance. He clarified that the trees that were removed previously were actually
hedges along the driveway. He stated that the house was vacant for a number of
years and stated that he has enhanced and cleaned up the landscaping. He stated
that they have been working on the proposed plans for over a year and two
architects were involved. He added that a detached garage was considered, but
noted that it would have a greater impact on the site. He stated that the current
garage is not usable and the project as proposed is under the allowable square
Mr. Schwarz noted that the existing trees branch out at 30 feet and provide a high
canopy, but they do not provide screening or privacy. He stated that the
replacement trees are proposed at 8 feet tall.
In response to a question from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Schwarz stated that it has not
yet been determined whether all the replacement inches can be planted on site.
In response to questions from Commissioner Schaefer, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that the
public notices were mailed by the City consistent with the Code requirements. She
stated that staff confirmed that the neighbors who did not receive notice were on the
mailing list. She stated that the City mails the notices but cannot assure delivery. She
added that staff always encourages the petitioner to reach out to neighbors. She
stated that the proposed coach lights would not meet the lighting requirements
because the source of the light is visible and the light is not directed downward. She
added that the Code requires that except for security lights, lights must be turned off
by 11p.m. She acknowledged that there may not be sufficient area to plant double
inch for inch replacement trees on the site and stated that the City Arborist can work
with the petitioner to maximize the size of plantings.
Chairman Preschlack summarized the concerns raised including lighting impacts, the
disposition of the front garage door, the roof line of the breakfast room, and impacts
to the overall site and neighborhood due to tree removal. He stated that the
Commission must weigh the design criteria against the impacts to the streetscape,
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owners and neighbors. He noted that owners are encouraged to update their homes
sensitively. He stated that given the number of issues raised, he is in favor of continuing
petition. He acknowledged that a detached garage may not be the best option and
encouraged the petitioner to address the exterior lighting concerns. He concluded
stated that in his opinion, removal of the existing additions is appropriate.
Commissioner Schaefer agreed with Chairman Preschlack’s comments and added
that owners should be encouraged to make homes more livable. He stated that he is
supportive of continuing the petition but would also be open to considering approval
with appropriate conditions.
Commissioner Wheeler stated that although it is unfortunate to see trees removed, in
this case it is acceptable given the limitations of the site. He noted that a detached
garage is not the best alternative and stated that the proposed additions are
consistent with the house. He stated that he is in favor of the petition.
Commissioner Travers noted that the architect considered other options for the
garage and stated that he is inclined to support the petition. He stated support for
bricking in the existing garage door opening on the front elevation and adding a
landscape feature to accentuate the remaining arch form. He requested that careful
attention be paid to limiting the impacts of exterior lighting and the addition of
Commissioner Travers stated support for the petition.
Commissioner Alfe stated that he is in support of the demolition and based on the
questions and concerns brought up, it would be helpful to see a complete landscape
plan with the location of the replacement trees reflected.
Commissioner Gayle stated that the demolition and proposed additions are
appropriate. She added that the loss of trees may be a necessary tradeoff to make
the home more livable. She expressed support for removing the existing garage door
and replacing it with some detail in that area. She noted that she is supportive of
allowing more time for the owner to talk to neighbors particularly since the neighbors
did not receive the mailed notice. She agreed that the neighbor’s concerns
regarding the lighting and screening are valid and should be addressed.
In response to a question from Mr. Clair, Chairman Preschlack summarized that the
Commission’s concerns revolve around modification of the existing garage door,
exterior lighting and adjustments to the site plan and landscape plan to minimize tree
removal and provide screening.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Preschlack invited a motion.
Commissioner Schaefer made a motion to continue consideration of the petition to
allow the petitioners to address the concerns raised and to reach out to the
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neighboring property owner.
Commissioner Alfe seconded the motion and the Commission voted 6 to approve the
5. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non-
agenda items.
There were no additional public comments.
3. Additional information from staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kate McManus
Assistant Planner