HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2016/07/27 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission Proceedings of the July 27, 2016 Meeting DRAFT – Subject to Commission Approval A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois. Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Grieve and Commissioners Elizabeth Sperry, Wells Wheeler, Robert Alfe, Carol Gayle and Bill Redfield. Commissioners absent: Susan Athenson City staff present: Kate McManus, Assistant Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development 1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures. Chairman Grieve reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves. 2. Consideration of the minutes of the June 22, 2016 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission. The minutes of the June 22, 2016 meeting were approved as submitted. 3. Consideration of a request to modify the plaque identifying the statue on the fountain in Market Square. Paul Melichar, resident at 727 Longwood Drive, asked that the Commission authorize replacement of the plaque identifying the Sylvia Shaw Judson sculpture on the fountain in Market Square. He explained how he came to discover that the sculpture was mislabeled after conducting research. He proposed changing the plaque to read: “Friends” Originally Created in 1969 by Famed Lake Forest Sculptor Sylvia Shaw Judson (1897-1978) He offered to pay for the replacement plaque. Ms. Czerniak noted that the request is an unusual type of request and does not require any formal action by the Commission, just general direction on whether to move forward with the proposed replacement. Chairman Grieve thanked Mr. Melichar for taking the time research to the history of the sculpture. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 2 Commissioner Sperry noted that the petitioner has an eye for detail and agreed that the existing plaque detracts from Judson’s individual importance. In response to a question from Commissioner Sperry, Mr. Melichar explained that Ms. Judson is, in her own right, a distinguished artist. He provided information on the locations of other works by Judson. He noted that he heard from Sylvia Shaw Judson’s granddaughter, Francie Shaw, who strongly supports the recognition of her grandmother in her own right, not be tied to her father, Howard Van Doren Shaw. He added that the plaque was cast and installed after Sylvia Shaw Judson’s death. In response to a question from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Melichar stated that it appears that the letter was always missing from Howard Van Doren Shaw’s name on the plaque. He noted that it looks like there was an unsuccessful attempt to glue a letter onto the plaque. Commissioner Wheeler stated that he is supportive of the change and agreed that Sylvia Shaw Judson should be recognized on her own merits. He added that he had tea with Ms. Judson at Ragdale in 1974. Commissioner Gayle thanked Mr. Melichar stating that it is generous of him to offer to fund a replacement plaque. She concurred with the proposed wording and commended Mr. Melichar’s research. Commissioner Redfield noted that Ms. Judson’s daughter, Alice, was the model for the Little Gardner sculpture located in the Kennedy Garden at the White House. He recalled that she was always embarrassed how the statue portrayed her figure. Chairman Grieve thanked the presenter and noted that the naming of a piece of art is very important to the artist. He stated that he conducted research on how galleries label pieces and questioned whether having quotations around a name is appropriate. He suggested wording it as “original bronze created in 1969” with the name first and then the subtext after name. Mr. Melichar agreed to consider the Chairman’s suggestions and explained that his intention is to explain the sculpture to visitors and residents. 4. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness approving a sign at the Lake Forest Book Store at 662 N. Western Avenue. Building Owner: James Altounian Lake Forest Book Store Owner: Eleanor Thorn Representative: Glenn Holmes, Fast Signs Chairman Grieve asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 3 Mr. Holmes reviewed the signage as previously presented noting that the Commission continued consideration to allow further refinement. He stated that the mullions in the transom space create challenges with the spacing of the sign letters. He stated that a more traditional approach is now proposed and reviewed the sign as now proposed with 3/8 inch cut aluminum letters and two open book logos. He stated that the size and design of the sign have not changed from that previously presented. He explained that there are 2 mounting options for the sign: offset pin mounted letters that will overlap the mullions in part, or flush mount letters that will not contact the mullions. He showed images of the offset pin mounted letters noting the areas where letters overlap the mullions. He stated that the proposed book logos will also overlap the mullions. He provided images of similar signage in Lake Forest and examples of flush mount signs. At the request of the Commission, he provided an image of the original book store sign. Ms. McManus stated that the petition was continued by the Commission in February at which point the Commission expressed concerns with how the sign interacted with the architecture of the storefront. She stated that the flush mount option offered by the petitioner was not provided to staff for review. She asked for Commission input on the two approaches presented. She added that staff has some concerns whether the open book logos will be understood and perceived as open books. She stated that with input on the details from the Commission, staff is recommending approval of the proposed signage. Mr. Holmes provided the Commission with a sample of the book plaque. Commissioner Gayle stated that the changes are responsive to the Commission’s previous comments and noted that appropriate spacing is difficult with the flush mounted letters. She added that both letter appear to be generally workable. She stated support for the book store logo. She stated that the signage is modest and in keeping with the character of the book store. In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Holmes confirmed that the mullions will recede behind the pin mounted letters and that the cut letters will be set½ inch away from the mullions. In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Holmes stated that it is possible to cut out the book logos, but stated concern about retaining the integrity of the shape of the book because the material is thin and noted that the cut out images would be harder to mount. He stated that custom shapes are trickier, but he agreed to look at what may be possible. He recommended leaving the logos as rectangles 3 x 18 inches long. Commissioner Alfe stated his preference for flush mounted letters. In response to a question from Chairman Grieve, Mr. Holmes confirmed that no lighting is proposed and that the plaque with the open books could be flush Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 4 mounted and the letters pin mounted. Chairman Grieve stated that in his opinion, both options are acceptable, but stated that the careful execution of either is very important. He recommended that pin mounted letters be used to achieve optimum spacing. He suggested that the petitioner work with staff to determine which letter type is most appropriate and workable. In response to a question from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Holmes confirmed that the spacing between the words is not consistent on the flush mounted sign. Hearing no further questions, Chairman Grieve invited public comment. Maureen Grinnell, Lake Forest Preservation Foundation, stated that the temporary sign makes the store appear that it only occupies one storefront and suggested making the sign larger. Hearing no further public testimony, Chairman Grieve asked for final comments and questions from the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Holmes explained that removing the mullions would require the removal of the entire transom frame. In response to a comment from Mr. Holmes, Ms. Czerniak stated that the original sign could be displayed in the store, 18 inches back from the display window, and it would not count towards the overall signage square footage. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Grieve invited a motion. Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness approving pin mounted letters in the transom area, with the open book graphics based on the findings detailed in the staff report and incorporating the testimony and the Commission’s deliberations as additional findings. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Redfield. Commissioner Gayle suggested an amendment to the motion that would allow the petitioner to work with staff to find the appropriate resolution on how the letters should be mounted. Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness approving a sign based on the findings detailed in the staff report and incorporating the testimony and the Commission’s deliberations as additional findings. He noted that the approval is subject to the following condition of approval: 1. The petitioner shall work with City staff to determine how the letters will be Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 5 mounted to the storefront. Commissioner Gayle seconded the motion and the Commission voted 6 to 0 to approve the petition. 5. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a garage addition, front façade modifications, window replacement and related alterations at the residence located at 470 College Road. A building scale variance is also requested. Owners: Doug and Stacy Marquis Representative: Ronald McCormick, architect Mr. McCormick introduced the project explaining that it was before the Commission in June and that refinements were made to the front of the house in response to the Commission’s comments. He reviewed the revised floor plan. He stated that the office addition remains, but is pulled back 4 feet from the front façade and the porch addition. He explained that the porch was extended 2 feet in width to make it more usable as suggested by the Commission. He stated that the home was built in 1924 with a square form and hip roof and that the side wings and sliding glass doors were added at a later date. He stated that having a front porch is important to the owners and that the roof forms now match, consistent materials and pitches are used. He noted that the previously proposed French doors along the front elevation were eliminated and the replacement windows will match the existing windows. He stated that the entry sidelights were modified and the shutters and bay window were eliminated. He stated that the overall design was simplified and is now closer to the original intent of the design. He stated that the length of the porch was reduced and does not extend beyond the house. He noted that the color palette changed from tan to a darker, weathered gray for the shingles, with white trim. He noted that the color will be a semi- transparent stain and stated that shingles will be replaced where needed. Dan Horvat, landscape designer, provided a general overview of the landscape plan noting that boxwoods are proposed around the front porch with taller plantings to the left and along the driveway. He stated that bluestone hardscape is proposed around the driveway and shade tolerant shrubs 4 feet tall will be planted near the garage. He stated that the plantings will have a limited color palette and a landscape buffer will be retained in the front yard, near the streetscape. Commissioner Sperry noted that in her opinion, the changes address the Commission’s previous concerns and noted that the porch appears that is has always been there and does not appear to overwhelm the house. Commissioner Alfe stated that the revised plans are an improvement. In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Horvat confirmed that there is little room for plantings along the east property line. He stated that the neighbors to the Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 6 east are aware of the proposed additions and noted that there is existing screening on the neighboring property. Commissioner Wheeler acknowledged the letter of support received from the neighbor and noted that the original form of the house is evident with the refined design now presented. Commissioner Gayle noted that she missed the previous meeting, but stated that she is supportive of the project as now proposed. Commissioner Redfield suggested making the height of the windows in the study addition more consistent with the other windows. In response to questions from Commissioner Redfield, Mr. McCormick stated that the south façade windows match the windows on the west façade. Hearing no further questions, Chairman Grieve invited public testimony. Hearing none, he invited final comments and questions from the Commission. Chairman Grieve suggested that consideration be given to using a different material in the front courtyard, other than asphalt. Commissioner Alfe suggested that pavers may be appropriate. Chairman Grieve stated that he house is Contributing Structure to the historic district and that the changes as now proposed appear to follow the form of the original house. He noted that the roof line was improved and the matching roof material allows the new front porch to settle into the home. He invited a motion. Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness approving additions as presented to the Commission and a building scale variance of up to 575 square feet noting that the motion is subject to the following conditions of approval. 1. Plans submitted for permit must reflect the project as presented to the Commission with the modifications noted below. If any further modifications are proposed in response to Commission direction and/or as a result of design development, plans clearly detailing the areas of change must be submitted at the time of submission for permit along with the plans originally presented to the Commission, and will be subject to review by staff, in consultation with the Chairman as appropriate, to verify that the plans are consistent with the intent of the Commission and the approvals granted. a. Consideration shall be given to using an alternate material for the parking court at the front of the residence. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 7 2. Prior to construction of the additions, comprehensive photo documentation of the existing residence must be provided to the City in a digital form determined to be satisfactory by the City. The purpose of the documentation is to preserve an historic record of the property in both the City and in the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Historical Society archives. 3. Tree Protection Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a plan to protect trees during construction must be submitted and will be subject to review and approval by the City’s Certified Arborist. 4. Details of exterior lighting, if any is proposed, shall be provided with the plans submitted for permit. All fixtures shall direct light downward and the source of the light shall be completely shielded from view. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a materials staging and construction vehicle parking plan must be submitted to the City for review and will be subject to City approval in an effort to minimize and manage impacts on the neighborhood during construction and to minimize impacts on trees intended for preservation. No on street parking is permitted due to the narrowness of the street and proximity to the intersection. Parking for workers is available in the public parking lots along McKinley Road. 6. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Commissioner Alfe seconded the motion and the Commission voted 6 to 0 to approve the petition. 6. Lake Forest Preservation Foundation – Recognition of recent award winning projects and the property owners and architects responsible for the projects. Art Miller, President of the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation, reviewed the awards recently presented by the Foundation to property owners and architects. He also acknowledged previous award winning architects noting that these architects have proven to be capable in moving projects through the review process expeditiously. [A list of the award recipients can be found on the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation’s website at http://lfpf.org/preservation-awards/past-award-winners.] OTHER ITEMS 7. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non- agenda items. There were no additional public comments. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 27, 2016 - Page 8 8. Additional information from staff. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kate McManus Assistant Planner