HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2013/07/24 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Historic Preservation Commission
Proceedings of the July 24, 2013 Meeting
A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on
Wednesday, July 24, 2013, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E.
Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Acting Chairman William Ransom and
Commissioners Jim Preschlack, John Travers, Robert Alfe and Mary Ellen Swenson
Commissioners absent: Chairman Kurt Pairitz, and Commissioner Susan Rafferty
City staff present: Megan Neuman, Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director of
Community Development
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures – Acting
Chairman Ransom
Acting Chairman Ransom reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the
Commission and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce
2. Approval of the minutes of the March 20, 2013 meeting.
The minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission meeting of March 20, 2013 were
approved as submitted.
Variance Requested
3. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for
an addition and alterations to the residence at 365 E. Westleigh Road. A
building scale variance is requested.
Owner: Surin Kapoor
Representative: Charles Bennett Jr., architect
Acting Chairman Ransom asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts. Hearing none, he invited a presentation from the petitioner’s representative.
Mr. Bennett introduced the petition noting that this matter was previously before the
Commission at the May meeting. He noted that this house is part of a compound built
for the Clows in the 1930’s. He noted that Stanley Anderson designed the three
structures; the main house, the children’s house and a house for the domestic help. He
stated that because of the two houses, the property is known as “Twin Doors”. He
stated the petitioners’ intent to restore and preserve all three structures while making
them livable for today. He noted that at the May meeting, the alterations proposed to
the children’s house were approved by the Commission. He stated that the
Commission identified three areas for further study on the main house. He noted that in
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response to comments from the Commission at the last meeting, the petitioners focused
on the three elements and revised the plans. He noted that since the last meeting, he
consulted with Paul Bergmann, the holder of Stanley Anderson’s working drawings and
received favorable comments from Mr. Bergmann on the proposed work. He reviewed
the revisions made since the last meeting in detail focusing on the proposed enclosure
of the porch, the windows in the kitchen and the west facing dormers. He noted that
as study of those elements occurred, some other refinements were also determined to
be appropriate and consistent with the previous comments of the Commission. He
discussed the proposed porch enclosure and reviewed the floor plan and current
photographs of the porch as it exists today. He noted that from the street views, the
porch is not visible. He reviewed the previous proposal for enclosing the porch noting
that the window above the existing garage doors was copied as a means to enclose
the porch. He stated that after further study, inspiration for enclosing the porch was
drawn from the Stanley Anderson drawings which illustrated a storm sash intended for
use to enclose the openings on a seasonal basis. He stated that details of that drawing
were incorporated into the design now proposed. He compared the elevation now
proposed to the original Stanley Anderson drawings. He noted that all four openings will
take on the aspects of the French door sashes. He stated that the proposed changes
to the kitchen windows were revisited and as background, reviewed the floor plan and
provided photos of the existing conditions. He reviewed the changes proposed for this
area at the last meeting and reviewed the window configuration now proposed. He
stated that the intent is to bring more light into the kitchen and open up views to back
yard. He stated that two additional windows are proposed, between the two existing
windows, to achieve the owners’ goals. He reviewed the west facing dormer noting
that it was not original to the house and does not add to the house in its present
configuration. He noted that at the last meeting eliminat ion of the picture window was
proposed with the other windows remaining. He noted that in response to the
Commission’s comments, the scale of the picture window is now changed and two
double hung windows, with shutters are proposed. He stated that the plan presents an
improvement in scale over what was previously presented. He reviewed the other
aspects of the project that were refined since the last meeting. He discussed the porch
noting that storm sash doors are now proposed instead of framed windows
commenting that this helps to tie various elements of the house together. He stated
that the doors into the kitchen will be French doors to match those that will be installed
on the porch. He pointed out that the doors will be a unifying element. He reviewed
the east elevation again pointing out the doors that will wrap the screen porch with be
consistent with the other doors. He noted that he spoke with Paul Bergmann, the
keeper of Stanley Anderson’s plans, and reviewed a letter received from him in general
support of the project. He reviewed the landscape plan which was presented at the
last meeting noting that the existing gate off of Westleigh Road will be retained and
that bollards will be added adjacent to the driveway off of Green Bay Road and will be
set back from the parkway.
Ms. Neuman noted that this property is not in the Historic District but was designated as
a Local Landmark in 2003 as part of the process of subdividing the property. She stated
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that over the years, several modifications of the original Stanley Anderson design
occurred. She noted that this project proposes some further modifications,
improve ments to some of the earlier modifications and overall modernization of the
house to meet the needs of the new owner. She reminded the Commission that at the
last meeting the modifications proposed to the east house, a companion to this house,
were approved by the Commission. She stated that the Commission asked for further
study on various elements of the west house as reviewed by Mr. Bennett. She stated
that overall, the additional time and attention given to the detailing since the previous
meeting has resulted in a better project . She noted that the architect looked to some
of the original Stanley Anderson elements to guide the changes now proposed. She
added that a building scale variance is re quested as part of this project.
Acting Chairman Ransom stated his appreciation to the petitioner for being responsive
to the comments of the Commission at the last meeting.
In response to questions from Acting Chairman Ransom, Mr. Bennett confirmed that he
obtained the original Stanley Anderson plans for the houses on this property from Mr.
Bergmann, studied them, and incorporated elements from the plans into the changes
desired by the new property owner. He described the changes proposed to the porch
noting that the existing wall is thick and the doors will be inset to preserve the
appearance of solids and voids. He confirmed that the railings will remain and will be
restored. He stated that the porch-like appearance will be retained. He reviewed the
existing shed dormer and explained that double hung windows are proposed noting
that they will be large enough to meet the light and vent requirements of the Code. He
confirmed that the gates at the driveway off of Westleigh Road will remain and will be
Hearing no questions from the Commission, Acting Chairman Ransom invited public
comment. Hearing none, he invited final comments from the petitioner.
On behalf of the property owner, Mr. Bennett thanked the Commission for the earlier
comments and stated that as a result of further study and refinement, the project has
improved over what was first presented.
Acting Chairman Ransom acknowledged that the petitioner was been very responsive
to the direction offered by the Commission at the last meeting. He stated support for
the proposed solution of using storm doors to enclose the porch. He commented that
this project is a good example that the process works noting that an historically
appropriate solution was found to meet the new owner’s needs. He asked for final
comments from the Commission.
Commissioner Travers noted that the Commission received a letter from the
Preservation Foundation stating support for the project as redesigned. He noted the
importance of focusing on the detail of the placement of the doors relative to the
porch pillars and stated that based on the materials presented, this issue seems to be
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addressed appropriately. He stated that he was particularly interested in the proposed
relocation for the gate at the driveway and stated that he supports the solution as now
proposed which retains the gate.
Hearing no further comments from the Commission, Acting Chairman Ransom invited a
Commissioner Travers made a motion to recommend approval of a Certificate of
Appropriateness for the alterations and a building scale overage not to exceed 29.5%.
He stated that the motion is based on the findings presented in the staff report and
noted that the Commission’s deliberations and public testimony are incorporated as
additional findings. He stated that the recommendation is based on the following
conditions of approval.
1. The project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of
The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules,
and regulations.
2. Any modifications to the plan, consistent with the direction of the Commission, must
be submitted for review and a determination by staff, in consultation with the
Chairman as appropriate, that the plans are in conformance with the Commission’s
direction and discussion prior to submitting a complete application and plans for a
building permit.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Preschlack and was approved by a vote of
5 to 0.
4. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a replacement
accessory structure at 10 N. Ahwahnee Road.
Owners and Representatives: Dennis and Mary O’Brien
Acting Chairman Ransom asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts. Hearing none, he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. O’Brien introduced the project and requested approval to replace the existing
garage noting that it is deteriorating and recently, a tree fell on it increasing the
urgency of removing the garage. He stated that his family has lived in the house for 10
years and noted that it was constructed in 1927 and is an English Tudor style. He
explained that since moving into the house he has worked hard to maintain the historic
integrity of the property. He provided photos of the property pointing out that the
garage is hidden behind the house and hidden from the public street. He stated that
the garage must be replaced and cannot be repaired. He noted that earlier in the
month he received a recommendation in support of the project from the Zoning Board
of Appeals allowing a new garage to be sited close to the location of the existing
garage. He noted that the new garage, like the existing garage, will be visible only
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from the property to the north and from cars using the driveway to access the parcels
to the west. He stated that the existing garage is sided with brown clapboard and
explained that the new garage will be constructed of similar materials and will have 8”
wood clapboard siding. He stated that the garage door will be wood. He noted that
the roof pitch of the new garage differs from the existing garage to allow the roofline of
the garage to be lower in deference to the neighbor. He concluded stating his
intention is to replace the garage generally to replicate the existing garage except for
the roof pitch, overall height and the fact that the new garage will have a foundation
and be constructed consistent with current building codes, unlike the existing garage.
He asked for Commission approval of the petition.
Ms. Neuman clarif ied that the request before the Commission does not include a
request for a variance and explained that the Zoning Board of Appeals previously
considered and recommended approval of a variance from zoning setback
requirements. She stated that the petition is before the Commission for consideration of
a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness approving the demolition of the existing
garage and approval of the design, siting and materials of the new garage. She
reiterated that the proposed garage is generally in the same location as the existing
garage and that an adjustment to the roof pitch is proposed to lower the overall height
of the garage recognizing its proximity to the property line. She stated that the owner
desires to have the new garage tucked into the woods similar to the existing garage.
She confirmed that the existing garage needs to be replaced. She noted that it is not
an historic structure and noted that the standards for demolition are satisfied. She
briefly reviewed the proposed garage noting that it is utilitarian in nature and is a simple
form. She stated that staff recommends approval of the petition.
In response to questions from Commissioner Swenson, Mr. O’Brien confirmed that the
existing garage is not being duplicated exactly noting that the overall height of the
garage is being reduced in recognition that it is located just five feet from the property
line and in deference to the neighbor to the north. He acknowledged that the
neighbor has not made a request for the height reduction.
Commissioner Swenson observed that in her opinion, the change in the roof pitch
weakens the design of the structure.
In response to questions from Commissioner Swenson, Ms. Neuman confirmed that the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval of the variance based on the design
of the new garage with a lower roof .
In response to questions from Commissioner Travers, Mr. O’Brien explained that the
current location of the garage is the only workable location for a garage on the
property and as a result, a zoning variance is required. He noted that the detached
garage must be a minimum distance of 10 feet from the house. He noted that locating
a garage on the east side of the house would require the removal of significant trees
and would impact the public streetscape.
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In response to questions from Acting Chairman Ransom, Ms. Neuman briefly reviewed
the criteria used by the Zoning Board of Appeals to consider a request for a zoning
variance. She explained that consistent with those criteria, the Board supported a
lower roof pitch and the siting of the garage in a manner that slightly reduced the
amount of encroachment into the required setbacks. She stated that the proposed
garage will be less non-conforming than the existing condition. She reviewed the
alternative locations for the garage that were considered as part of this project. She
noted that alternative locations are limited due to a significant grade change on the
site, significant trees and the fact that at other locations, the garage would be more
visible including from the public streetscape.
Commissioner Travers noted that the roof pitch, which is an aspect of the design and
under the purview of the Commission, is linked to the location of the garage within the
setback area.
In response to questions from Commissioner Travers, Mr. O’Brien explained that moving
the garage to the south would block views from the windows located on the west
elevation of the house.
In response to questions from Commissioner Preschlack, Mr. O’Brien stated that an
attached garage was not considered. He noted that an attached garage would
impact the integrity of the house, would not work well given the existing location of the
kitchen and breakfast room and is not desired. He stated that he does not anticipate
requesting approval for a connection between the house and garage in the future.
In response to questions from Acting Chairman Ransom, Mr. O’Brien confirmed that the
shed will not be reconstructed and that only a new 20 x 24 garage will be constructed.
He confirmed that the footprint of the new structure will be smaller and further away
from the property line than the existing structure. He confirmed that the siding will be
cedar clapboard and that asphalt shingles will be used for the roof. He stated that the
roof will be 5 feet lower than the roof of the existing garage. He stated that one light
will be located over the garage door and one over the man door and both will be at
lower heights than the lights on the existing garage. He stated that a light fixture has
not yet been selected.
In response to a question from Acting Chairman Ransom, Ms. Neuman stated that the
fixture will be reviewed by staff to confirm that the source of the light is shielded from
views from off of the site.
Acting Chairman Ransom invited public comment. Hearing none, he commented that
as noted by Commissioner Swenson, if the pitch of the garage roof matched the house,
the two elements may be better tied together. He noted however that when he visited
the site, he was overwhelmed by the height and brown-ness of the existing garage. He
stated that in his opinion, today, the garage appears out of place and not related to
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the house.
Commissioner Preschlack stated agreement with Acting Chairman Ransom’s
observations. He stated that he is comfortable that the Zoning Board of Appeals
conducted a full review and considered the appropriateness of the location of the
garage. He stated that he understands the reasons for reducing the pitch of the
garage roof, but could also support an alternative solution. He stated that he can
support the project as presented.
Commissioner Swenson commented that the proposed garage does not add to the
house. She suggested matching the pitch of the roof of the new garage to the existing
garage noting that the new garage could be charming and seen as a logical
extension of the house. She stated that this approach would be preferable to simply
constructing a typical garage.
Commissioner Travers suggested that there might be solutions that would not result in an
encroachment into the zoning setbacks and might at the same time further the
purpose of the preservation ordinance.
Acting Chairman Ransom explained that he previously served on the Zoning Board of
Appeals and that the Board considers zoning variance requests using specific criteria
that differ from those used by the Historic Preservation Commission. He questioned how
moving the garage from the location proposed would enhance the historic context of
the property.
Commissioner Travers responded noting that the reduction in the roof height is directly
related to the location of the garage close to the property lines. He stated that for that
reason, the siting of the garage is appropriate for Commission consideration.
Commissione r Alfe observed that the Zoning Board of Appeals likely considered the
reduced height of the roof as justification , at least in part, for supporting a zoning
variance. He noted that the zoning variance might not be approved if a taller roof is
Commissioner Preschlack stated support for the petition as presented and made a
motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness approving the demolition of the
existing detached garage and construction of a replacement garage as presented.
He noted that the motion is based on the findings in the staff report and that the
testimony and the Commission’s discussion are incorporated as additional findings. He
added that the motion includes the following conditions of approval.
1. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions
of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances,
rules, and regulations.
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2. Any modifications to the plan, consistent with the direction of the Commission,
shall be submitted for review and a determination by staff, in consultation with
the Chairman as appropriate, that the plans are in conformance with the
Commission’s direction prior to submitting a complete application and plans for a
building permit.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alfe and it was approved in a vote of 3 to 2
with Commissioner Travers and Swenson voting nay.
Residential Petition – No Variances Requested
5. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a second story
addition to the residence at 390 N. Green Bay Road.
Owners: Patrick and Joanna Marshall
Representative: Thomas (Ted) Echkardt, architect
Acting Chairman Ransom asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts. Hearing none, he invited a presentation from the project representative.
Mr. Echkardt introduced the petition stating that the owners recently purchased this
Stanley Anderson house. He stated that the property is almost 2 acres in size and noted
that the house is tucked into the corner of the lot. He presented photos of the house.
He stated that no changes are proposed to the existing courtyard entrance. He noted
that the rear elevation is not original to the home and is not visible from off of the site.
He noted that currently, the house could be classified as a two bedroom home
explaining that a portion of the house was a servants’ wing and as a result, has low
ceiling s and narrow hallways. He stated that the kitchen is in the servants’ wing and is
unadorned. He explained that the new owner needs full size bedrooms and a modern
kitchen. He explained that at the start of the project, a substantial addition was
planned but as further study was done, it was determined that the house actually has
plenty of space. He stated that instead, a plan was developed that preserves the
footprint of the house and reassigns existing spaces to new uses with only a modest
addit ion proposed. He stated that the proposed alterations preserve as much of the
original house as possible and noted that the second floor addition repeats the
geometry and vocabulary of the original house. He noted the changes proposed to
the porches which were added to the house in the 1950’s reviewing elevations and
pointing out that the changes are more consistent with the original house than what
exists today. He reviewed the location and floor plan of the proposed addition. He
reviewed the locations of the dormers and noted that in response to staff’s comments,
the elevations were revised. He noted that all of the staff comments were addressed
except for alignment of the dormers noting that alignment is not workable. He pointed
out that the elevation on which the dormers are not aligned is not visible from off of the
property. He reviewed the other elevations noting that the windows are box framed to
match the doors and take cues from the bay window. He presented a rendering of
the proposed second floor space and requested approval of the project.
Ms. Neuman confirmed that the proposed project does not result in an increase or
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change to the footprint of the house and instead adds second floor space over an
existing flat roof area. She reviewed that modifications are proposed in several areas to
existing windows and doors. She noted that the staff report offers comments on the
proposed proportions of the windows and the lack of alignment of some of the
elements particularly on the south elevation. She stated that consistency with the
proportions and details of the original, well-proportioned house is important in order for
this project to be as successful as the original house. She asked for Commission
discussion and input on those items. She noted that taking into account the comments
regarding proportion, alignment and detailing, the staff report presents findings in
support of a Certificate of Appropriateness subject to various conditions.
In response to questions from Commissioner Preschlack, Mr. Echkardt reviewed the rear
elevation pointing out that the previous additions were not well-proportioned. He
noted that the large aluminum windows will be replaced and the openings
reconfigured using a stucco finish. He stated that the areas of change will match the
colors of the original house. He noted that the proposed changes mimic the rhythm of
the windows in the library. He commented on the consistency of various elements on
the house. He explained that the interior floor plan is driving the location of the
windows and reviewed key elements of the floor plan. He stated that in this case, there
is justification for the misalignment.
In response to questions from Commissioner Swenson, Mr. Echkardt explained the
reasoning for the placement of doors and windows in in the family and dining rooms, or
lack thereof, explaining that decisions were driven by circulation patterns.
Ms. Marshall added that furniture placement was also considered.
In response to questions from Commissioner Preschlack, Mr. Echkardt confirmed that the
original Stanley Anderson design was used to inform the work now proposed. He
acknowledged that the staff comments led to further refinement of the plan and
greater consistency with the original house. He stated that the owners are committed
to removing the inappropriate aluminum sliding doors. He stated that the revised plans
satisfy the Code criteria.
In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Echkardt agreed that the panels
under the new windows could be stretched to match the height of the window bays
and French doors.
Acting Chairman Ransom agreed that the change to the panels would be helpful in
bringing greater consistency to the elevation. He stated concern about the placement
of the windows on the south elevation noting that the house has a formal rhythm until
that corner. He questioned whether some modifications could be made to the interior
floor plan to improve upon the window placement.
Mr. Echkardt stated that the laundry room and kitchen are located in this area and
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explained that an alternative interior floor plan was not developed to address window
placement or to allow the existing windows to remain in place.
Mr. Marshall explained that today, the area of the house under discussion has a very
utilitarian feel. He explained the reasons for the floor plan as proposed noting the need
for an additional powder room in this family space.
Mr. Echkardt reviewed the placement of the existing windows and explained why the
current placement cannot be maintained. He explained that the kitchen today is
narrow and will be expanded by moving a wall. He pointed out the change of the
ceiling height which further limits the options in this area.
Acting Chairman Ransom stated that he is concerned about approving a project that
is not consistent with the rhythm of the existing house without fully exploring alternatives.
In response to questions from Commission Preschlack, Mr. Echkardt stated that he
obtained the original drawings of the house from Paul Bergmann but stated that he did
not discuss the project with Mr. Bergmann. He stated that the windows on the house as
they exist today are not completely in line with the original drawings. He noted some
areas on the Stanley Anderson plans where windows are missing or not completely
Hearing no further questions from the Commission, Acting Chairman Ransom invited
public comment, h earing none; he commented that the box paneling is an
appropriate detail and noted that with Commissioner Alfe’s suggestion to align the
boxes with other details, the element will be an appropriate addition to the house. He
stated continued concern about the lack of alignment in the areas discussed noting
that it does not appear that alternatives were fully considered. He invited final
comments from the Commission.
Mr. Echkardt noted that many alternatives were studied.
Commissioner Preschlack noted that the Commission is directed to focus on the
external consistency of a design. He acknowledged that the alternative that best
meets the owners’ interior needs is presented. He stated that the Commission is
charged with balancing preservation of historic character and the needs of the family.
He acknowledged that the Commission has a difficult role in deciding how much
freedom to give to allow a particular rule to be violated to foster an outcome desired
by the petitioner. He encouraged the Commission to offer some flexibility and to
consider the petition in the spirit in which it is brought forward. He stated that he is
reluctant to hold up the position due to three windows that are misaligned and stated
that he is willing to compromise and support the petition.
Commissioner Swenson noted that the area of misalignment is not a dominate
elevation and not visible from the public street. She acknowledged that the project
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results in some irregularity, but stated that overall; the project is a significant
improvement to the house. She stated support for the project.
Commissioner Alfe acknowledged that it is difficult to achieve every goal in a project
and stated that the south elevation is not what it could be. He stated however that he
is willing to accept the elevation as proposed to address the functionality needs of the
petition er. He requested a condition of approval requiring that the sill line be adjusted
and panels aligned in all areas where that element is proposed.
Commissioner Travers noted that the Commission received a letter from the
Preservation Foundation noting concern about the irregularity of the placement of the
Hearing no further comments from the Commission, Acting Chairman Ransom invited a
Commissioner Travers made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness
approving the construction of a second floor addition and various alterations to the
existing house. He noted that the motion is based on the findings in the staff report and
stated that the testimony presented to the Commission and the Commission’s discussion
are incorporated as additional findings. He noted that the motion is subject to the
following conditions of approval.
1. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions
of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances,
rules, and regulations.
2. Modify the plans consistent with the direction of the Commission and as detailed
below. Submit the revised plans for review and a determination by staff, in
consultation with the Chairman as appropriate, that the plans are in
conformance with the Commission’s direction. The confirmation should occur
prior to submitting a complete application and plans for a building permit.
• Modify the plans to align the window sills and the panel under the windows to
match the panels under the existing windows.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Preschlack and was approved in a 4 to 1
vote with Acting Chairman Ransom voting nay.
6. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on
non-agenda items.
There were no additional public comments.
7. Additional information from staff.
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There was no additional information presented by staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine J. Czerniak
Director of Community Development