HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2014/03/19 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Historic Preservation Commission
Proceedings of the March 19, 2014 Meeting
A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on
Wednesday, March 19, 2014, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E.
Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Pairitz and Commissioners Bill
Ransom, Robert Alfe, Susan Athenson and Jim Preschlack (arrived at 6: 42 p.m.)
Commissioners absent: Commissioners Mary Ellen Swenson and John Travers
City staff present: Megan Neuman, Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director of
Community Development
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures.
Chairman Pairitz reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission and
asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves.
2. Approval of the minutes of the January 22, 2014 of the Historic Preservation
The approval of the minutes of the January 22, 2014 meeting was postponed.
3. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for façade
modifications and reconfiguration of an existing bay window at 255 Maple Court.
Owners: Steve and Susan Felker
Representative: E. Austin DePree, architect
Chairman Pairitz asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. DePree introduced the petition noting that his clients purchased the Stanley
Anderson house a few months ago. He stated that some interior remodeling is
underway and that as the work progressed, the owners decided that changing
out some of the newer plate glass windows and replacing them with windows
more consistent with those on the front façade would be an enhancement to the
house. He added that the kitchen remodeling work led to interest in some work
on the north façade and alterations to a bay window which was a later addition
to the house. He reviewed the overall site plan and described the surrounding
area noting another Stanley Anderson house nearby. He provided photos of the
existing house reflecting the painted brick and slate roof. He showed photos of
the existing bay window where changes are proposed. He reviewed other
architectural elements of the house. He noted the small covered porch and the
newer storm door noting the inconsistency with the elements of the original
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house. He showed photos of other Stanley Anderson homes. He reviewed the
site plan and focused on areas where work is proposed, the north façade and
the bay window. He noted that his clients would like to eliminate the exterior
basement stairs for safety, due to water infiltration and to improve the aesthetics.
He reviewed the replacement French doors proposed in the kitchen and
commented that the interior renovations to the kitchen are intended to provide
an eating area in the space. He reviewed the other windows proposed for
replacement on the east side of home, in a later addition. He noted an
additional window that is proposed for replacement on the southeast corner of
the house. He reviewed the existing and proposed elevations. (Commissioner
Preschlack arrived.) Mr. Depree continued showing a rendering of a street view
of the house with the alterations proposed. He noted that views of the house are
limited from the street. He concluded noting that the various improvements
proposed will make the house more livable and bring it closer to the original
Ms. Neuman commented that the project is straight forward with no foot print
changes proposed. She noted that the success of the project will be in the
details and noted the importance of assuring that the new windows match the
details of the existing windows. She stated that findings in support of the project
are offered in the staff report.
Chairman Pairitz invited questions from the Commission, hearing none, he invited
public comment.
Art Miller, 169 Wildwood Road, stated that if the house was designed by Stanley
Anderson, the original plans may be available from Paul Bergmann and may be
worth reviewing. He stated that the project may be eligible for tax benefits and
offered resources that could be helpful in exploring that opportunity.
In response to questions from Commissioner Athenson, DePree stated that it is
believed that Stanley Anderson designed the house but he acknowledged that
to date, the original plans have not been located.
Ms. Neuman stated that staff will check the City files for information to verify the
original architect.
Chairman Pairitz complimented the plans and stated that this is the type of
project the Commission likes to encourage in the community, careful renovation
and restoration of significant houses. Hearing no further comments from the
Commission, Chairman Pairitz invited a motion
Commissioner Ransom made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness
approving façade modifications, replacement of windows and reconfiguration
of the bay window. He stated that the motion is based on the findings detailed in
the staff report and incorporates the petitioner’s presentation as additional
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findings. He noted that the approval is subject to the following conditions.
1. Any modifications made as the plans are finalized must be generally consistent
with the plans presented to the Commission. Final plans must be submitted for
review and verification of consistency by staff, in consultation with the Chairman
as appropriate, prior to submitting a complete application and plans for a
building permit.
2. Detailed information on the proposed windows must be provided with the final
plans along with evidence that the windows are consistent with the detailing of
the existing windows. Staff is directed to confirm that the muntin profile, material
and overall design are consistent with the original windows on the house prior to
issuance of the permit.
Commissioner Preschlack seconded the motion and the Commission voted 5 to 0
to approve the petition.
4. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness approving the
demolition of an existing garage and construction of a replacement garage at 1002
Woodbine Place.
Owners: Scott and Natalie Rempala
Representatives: James Benjamin and Robert Roloson, architects
Chairman Pairitz asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. Benjamin introduced the petition noting that the owners are proposing to tear down
the existing garage and replace it with a more appropriate structure. He reviewed the
plat of survey and explained that this property was part of a larger estate property and
that the existing house was formerly the coach house for the large estate. He noted
that several decades ago, the City approved a subdivision of the larger estate property
which resulted in the unusual location of the house in relation to the property lines. He
noted that the existing garage and tool shed were a later addition to the house after
the subdivision occurred. He reviewed a site plan noting the location of the existing
garage and the house within the front yard setback. He reviewed a floor plan of the
proposed garage. He reviewed the proposed site plan noting that the replacement
garage will be furthe r away from the street than the existing garage. He noted that the
garage is designed with the intent of connecting it to the house with an appropriate
design element. He reviewed the proposed front elevation noting that the design
queues were taken from the original tool shed building rather than from the coach
house since the tool shed is a smaller building with a simpler design. He noted that
some of the original lattice work from the gardens will be used in the design of the
garage connection element and on the garage. He noted that in some areas, ivy will
be grown on the lattice. He reviewed the front elevation and noted the prominence of
the original coach house and pointed out how the proposed garage will have a
consistent character. He reviewed the proposed floor plan, roof plan and sections. He
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reviewed air photos of the existing site and provided photos of other properties in the
neighborhood. He provided photos of the property and the garage. He reviewed the
plat of the original estate and explained that several subdivisions of the property
occurred over the years. He reviewed early concept studies for siting the new garage
and commented on the weaknesses of each alternative.
Ms. Neuman noted that the project includes a request for approval of the
demolition of the existing garage and construction of a replacement garage.
She confirmed that the existing garage is not of the same vintage or quality of
construction as the original coach house. She stated that based on staff’s
evaluation, the demolition criteria are satisfied. She acknowledged that the
replacement garage is taller and larger than the existing garage but noted that it
is located further from the street than the existing garage. She commented that
this area has a utilitarian character and that it is not uncommon for garage doors
to face the street on this block. She stated staff support for the proposed siting
and orientation of the replacement garage. She noted that the design has been
refined in response to some of the comments in the staff report. She stated staff
support for the project noting that findings in support of the project are part of
the staff report.
Chairman Pairitz commended the petition and invited questions from the
In response to questions from Commissioner Athenson, Ms. Neuman confirmed
that the garage is proposed as a tandem garage to allow for cars to be double
Ms. Rempala confirmed that they intend to park cars two deep in the garage.
In response to questions from Chairman Pairitz, Mr. Benjamin confirmed that there
has been some refinement of the materials and design since the Commission’s
packet was prepared.
Chairman Pairitz noted the importance of trying to achieve general consistency
with the existing structure.
In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe about matching the half
timbering to the tool shed, instead of to the house, Mr. Benjamin pointed out that
the house does not match itself. He pointed out the differences in the existing
windows and detailing.
Chairman Pairitz suggested that the successful execution of this project may be
more about getting the style right rather than finding an exact match to the
existing conditions.
In response to questions, Mr. Benjamin explained that the center of the coach
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house was originally a pass through with separate living units on each side.
In response to questions from Commissioner Athenson, Mr. Benjamin explained
that the height of the garage is proposed to be in keeping with the coach house.
Hearing no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Pairitz invited public
Art Miller, 169 Wildwood Road, provided some history on the original estate and
on the evolution of this street. He noted that in this case, there is an advantage
to having the structures forward on the lot preserving the gardens as private
space consistent with the historical context of the site. He complimented the
Chairman Pairitz commented that the proximity of the structures to the street in
this area is interesting. He noted that the proposed garage does not impact the
other residences.
Commissioner Athenson commented that sometimes it is necessary to grant
variances to support the preservation of older homes. She stated that the
petitioner and architect did their homework in developing the proposed design.
She complimented the presentation.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Pairitz invited a motion
Commissioner Ransom made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness
approving the demolition of the existing garage and approving the replacement
garage and connection element based on the findings detailed in the staff
report and incorporating the testimony and the Commission’s deliberations as
additional findings. He noted that the approval is subject to the following
1. Any modifications made as the plans are finalized must be generally consistent
with the plans presented to the Commission. Final plans must be submitted for
review and verification of consistency by staff, in consultation with the Chairman
as appropriate, prior to submitting a complete application and plans for a
building permit.
a. A garden trellis, similar to those proposed on the south elevation, should be
applied to the north elevation to soften the view of the structure from the
adjacent property.
b. Details of the heavy timbering and stucco construction shall be provided on
the final plans.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athenson and was approved by the
Commission by a vote of 5 to 0.
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5. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non-
agenda items.
There were no additional comments from the public.
6. Additional information from staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine J. Czerniak
Director of Community Development