The City of Lake Forest
Historic Preservation Commission Agenda
Regular Meeting Wednesday, July 22, 2015 6:30 P.M.
City Hall Council Chambers – 220 E. Deerpath
Susan Rafferty Athenson
Mary Ellen Swenson
Jim Preschlack, Chairman
Wells Wheeler
Robert Alfe
John Travers
Carol Gayle
The Historic Preservation Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable TV
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures – Chairman
2. Recognition of past Commission Chairman, Kurt Pairitz.
3. Consideration of the minutes from the June 24, 2015 meeting.
Non-Residential Petition
4. Continued Consideration: Modifications to the Johnson Science Center on the Lake
Forest College Middle Campus, 555 N. Sheridan Road. Consideration of a request
for a Certificate of Appropriateness to approve the demolition of one structure in the
Johnson Science Center Complex, the addition of a new wing and other alterations.
Owner: Lake Forest College
Representative: Michael Reagan, Stantec
Other Items
5. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non-
agenda items.
6. Additional information from staff.
Historic Preservation
Commission meetings follow the
procedures outlined below. In
the spirit of fairness to all parties,
any of these procedures may be
modified for a particular item at
the discretion of the Chairman.
1. Introduction of the Item by
the Chairman
2. Declaration of Conflicts of
Interest and Ex Parte
Contacts by members of the
3. Presentation by the Petitioner
– 10 minutes.
4. Identification of Issues by
Staff - 5 minutes.
5. Questions or requests for
clarification from
Commission to Petitioner or
6. Public Testimony - 5 minutes
per speaker.
7. Final Questions from
Commission to Petitioner or
Staff, or direction to
Petitioner and Staff to
provide additional
8. Petitioner Rebuttal - 10
9. Staff response to public
testimony- 5 minutes.
10. Commission Discussion and
11. Motion and second
12. Final Commission
13. Commission Action
Mandatory Adjournment time
11:00 p.m.
Individuals with disabilities who
require certain accommodations in
order to allow them to observe
and/or participate in this meeting, or
who have questions regarding the
accessibility of the meeting or the
facilities, may contact the
Community Development
Department at 847-810-3503. The
City will make reasonable
accommodations for those persons