HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2015/05/27 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Historic Preservation Commission
Proceedings of the May 27, 2015 Meeting
A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E.
Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Preschlack and Commissioners
John Travers, Robert Alfe, and Wells Wheeler.
Commissioners absent: Susan Athenson and Mary Ellen Swenson (one position vacant)
City staff present: Kate McManus, Assistant Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director of
Community Development
1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures.
Chairman Preschlack reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission
and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves.
Chairman Preschlack and members of the Commission acknowledged past Chairman
Pairitz for his time on the Commission and noted that he would attend a future meeting
to be recognized.
2. Approval of the minutes of the April 29, 2015 of the Historic Preservation Commission.
The minutes of the April 29, 2015 meeting were approved as submitted.
3. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness approving a rear
addition to the residence at 450 Illinois Road. A building scale variance and height
variance are also requested.
Owners: Susan Stetson and Alan Vertrees
Representative: Michael Breseman, architect
Chairman Preschlack asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte
contacts; hearing none, he invited a presentation from the petitioner.
Mr. Vertrees introduced himself as owner of the home and introduced the project
stating that the petition is proposed in order to ensure the future viability and desirability
of the home by constructing an addition.
Mr. Breseman reviewed the history and architecture of the home and the surrounding
neighborhood. He noted that the home does not have any previous additions and
reviewed the home’s existing materials and architectural details. He stated that the
goal of the project is to add a kitchen, mud room, and master suite. He explained that
the height variance requested is mitigated by the fact that the addition is subservient to
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the existing house. He noted that the building scale variance is needed in large part
because of the square footage of the existing attic level. He stated that the addition is
simple in design and massing and will be constructed of appropriate materials. He
noted that the addition will reintroduce architectural detailing of the existing house
including double hung windows and latticework. He stated that the petition also
includes a raised patio with brick seating and an expanded driveway turnaround. He
presented images of neighboring properties and the home and stated that the
property is located on a long narrow lot. He noted that the interior space has been
repurposed to minimize the footprint of the addition and a central hall is added for
better circulation of space. He explained that 2 design options were explored and
Option A was concluded to be more appropriate for the home. He reviewed the
design elements of Option A noting the conservatory, latticework, copper roof, and
flattened bay. He stated that Option B was not as functional and had a more
complicated form. He showed renderings of the proposed addition.
Ms. McManus reviewed the petition noting that the request includes approval of a rear
addition, patio expansion, driveway modification, a building scale variance and a
height variance. She stated that the addition is compatible with the existing residence
and uses high quality materials. She stated that the existing house is non-conforming
with respect to the city’s height regulations and the addition, although over the
maximum height, is subordinate to the existing house and does not appear to be out of
scale. She noted that staff is recommending a condition of approval that the final plans
demonstrate that the bluestone patio is pervious to minimize the increased impervious
surface area. She also noted that staff is recommending the skylight be eliminated from
the plans, but that if the Commission supports the inclusion of the skylight, a condition of
approval is recommended to limit interior lighting near the skylight to reduce light
spillover. She stated that staff received a contact from a neighbor on Heather Lane
stating general support of the project but expressing concern that Heather Lane may
be used during construction activities. She stated that overall staff is recommending
support of the project.
In response to questions from Chairman Preschlack, Ms. McManus stated that staff has
some concerns with the potential light spillover from the proposed skylight as well as
concerns that the skylight may not be appropriate in the historic district from an
architectural perspective. She stated that the petitioner seemed open to reducing the
impervious surface area by revising the patio design.
In response to questions from Chairman Preschlack, Ms. Czerniak noted that the petition
meets Standard 5 of the Historic Preservation Chapter, as noted in the staff report,
because the addition addresses the needs of the present owners and future buyers and
is done in sensitive way keeping the historic context of the home.
In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Breseman stated that the materials
for the addition have not been found yet, but that the homeowners are mindful of the
importance of high quality materials to preserve the historic integrity of the house and
the importance of matching the existing materials. He stated that the skylight is desired
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primarily for light and he had not considered using a light tunnel instead. He explained
that the objective is to receive light from the south.
Commissioner Wheeler stated that he is not concerned with the skylight and supports
the evolution of the house over time. He noted that the skylight matches the plane of
the roof and the only alternative would be to add a dormer, which is not a good
In response to a question from Chairman Preschlack, Mr. Breseman stated that the
skylight is 2’ by 3’ long.
In response to a question from Commissioner Travers, Mr. Breseman stated that the
intention is to keep the Norway Spruce in place; however the lower branch may require
being tied up or cut off.
In response to a question from Commissioner Preschlack, Mr. Breseman stated that the
home is solidly built and well -crafted and he does not have concerns with the
demolition of the rear wall from a structural perspective.
In response to a question from Chairman Preschlack, Ms. McManus stated that the City
Arborist did have the opportunity to review the plans and noted that the Spruce was
significant and that grading should be kept to an absolute minimum so not to impact
the tree.
In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Breseman stated that the
house has existing storm windows and the original windows are single glaze double
hung. He stated that the new windows are aluminum clad with similar detail and depth
as the existing. He stated that he was not clear on the details of the energy
consumption levels yet, but noted that the addition will be an improvement to existing
conditions. He agreed with Commissioner Wheeler that the attic is quite voluminous
which contributes in large part to the bulk overage.
Hearing no further questions, Chairman Preschlack invited public comment. Hearing
none, he invited final questions and comments from the Commission.
Commissioner Wheeler complimented the design of the home and detailing of the
addition. He stated that he is not concerned with the skylight and the light spillover issue
would be the same with a vertical window.
Commissioner Alfe commented that the addition is very successful and a needed
Chairman Preschlack noted that the addition meets Standard 5 of the Historic
Preservation Standard and is respectful of the architecture.
Commissioner Travers stated that the petition was very complete and is pleased that
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the petitioner will mitigate the increase in impervious surface by using pavers. He
added that the addition serves to update the residence in conformance with the
design guidelines.
Chairman Preschlack confirmed with the owners that they are comfortable with
working with staff to reduce the impervious surface area of the patio.
In response to concerns from a neighbor noted by staff, Mr. Breseman stated that there
is a fire hydrant in front of property limiting parking opportunities.
Ms. Czerniak stated that construction parking should be coordinated with staff to
minimize parking impacts on Illinois Road and Heather Lane and offsite parking and
shuttling workers may be required. She added that staff will work with the City Engineer
and the Police Chief to resolve this issue as there have been parking issues in the past
on both Illinois Road and Heather Lane.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Preschlack invited a motion.
Commissioner Travers made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness
approving an addition to a residence at 450 Illinois Road as well as a building scale
variance and height variance based on the findings detailed in the staff report and
incorporating the testimony and the Commission’s deliberations as additional findings.
He noted that the approval is subject to the following conditions.
1. Plans submitted for permit must reflect the project as presented to the Commission.
If any modifications are proposed in response to Commission direction and/or as a
result of design development, plans clearly detailing the areas of change must be
submitted at the time of submission for permit, along with the plans originally
presented to the Commission, and will be subject to review by staff, in consultation
with the Chairman as appropriate, to verify that the plans are consistent with the
intent of the Commission and the approvals granted.
2. Construction parking shall be coordinated with City Staff to minimize parking and
traffic impacts on Illinois Road and Heather Lane as a result of construction activities.
3. The engineering plans shall specify that the bluestone patio has a pervious base and
that the stones will be set an appropriate distance apart to allow water infiltration.
4. Tree Protection Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a plan to protect
trees during construction must be submitted and will be subject to review and
approval by the City’s Certified Arborist.
5. Grading on the site should be kept to the absolute minimum necessary to meet
good engineering practices, to properly direct drainage and so that mature
landscaping on the site will not be impacted by the proposed project.
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6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a materials staging and construction
vehicle parking plan must be submitted to the City for review and will be subject to
City approval in an effort to minimize and manage impacts on the neighborhood
during construction and to minimize impacts on trees intended for preservation. On
street parking is limited to two cars immediately in front of this property due to the
narrowness, curving nature of the street and the fire hydrant located in the area.
7. Interior lighting shall be limited, shielded and directed downward, away from the
new skylight to prevent spillover light that is visible from off of the property.
8. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of
The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules,
and regulations.
Commissioner Wheeler seconded the motion and the Commission voted 4 to 0 to
approve the petition.
4. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non-
agenda items.
There were no additional public comments.
5. Additional information from staff.
Ms. Czerniak noted that Michelle Friedrich, from the City, will take a poll to confirm the
Commissioners’ availability for the upcoming summer meetings.
In response to a question from Commissioner Wheeler, Ms. Czerniak stated that the City
does not have a specific regulation limiting the amount of impervious surface on a lot,
but does have a maximum allowable building coverage amount of 30 percent.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kate McManus
Assistant Planner