HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2017/04/26 Minutes The City of Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission Proceedings of the April 26, 2017 Meeting A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois. Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Grieve and Commissioners Wells Wheeler, Elizabeth Sperry, Susan Athenson, Robert Alfe, Carol Gayle and Bill Redfield. Commissioners absent: none City staff present: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development and Kate McManus, Assistant Planner 1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures. Chairman Grieve reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves. 2. Consideration of the minutes from the February 28, 2017 meeting. The minutes of the February 28, 2017 meeting were approved as submitted. 3. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a partial demolition and additions and alterations to the existing residence located at 845 Maplewood Road. Property Owners: Mark Allen and Denise Campbell Representative: Scott Streightiff, architect Chairman Grieve asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte contacts; hearing none, he invited a presentation from the petitioner. Mr. Streightiff stated that the owners of the property are requesting approval of additions and modifications to the existing residence. He noted that the proposed modifications require zoning variances which were recommended for approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals at their most recent meeting. He explained that the residence extends 11 feet beyond the south setback line and that this section of Sheridan Road is characterized by heavy trees and larger manor homes. He provided images of neighboring homes and noted that the Allen home was built in 1955. He Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 2 stated that it is part of a subdivision that was originally a large estate parcel. He explained that although the architect is unknown, the residence is a fine example of the post war era ranch style. He noted that because the existing mechanicals and foundation are in excellent condition, alternatives to demolition were explored and noted that the proposed plan reuses portions of the existing residence. He reviewed images of the house and site and presented a rendering and model. He explained that the owners desire to stay in the area and that their needs can be met by reusing portions of the house and making significant additions and alterations. He stated that the existing 2 car garage will be converted into living space and a new garage wing is proposed on the west side of the property to help screen light and noise from the Lake Forest College Athletic Center. He stated that a first floor master suite is also proposed at the west end of the property. He stated that the proposed eave line is at 1.5 stories. He explained that several alternatives, including full demolition and other options for the garage location, were explored. He stated that these options were eliminated because of the more significant zoning variances that would be required and could require more extensive demolition of the existing home. He stated that the proposed design will not adversely impact neighboring homes and that the proposed detailing and materials are of high quality. He stated that the selected style is Cape Cod and noted that natural materials including stone, stucco, copper gutters and neutral colored wood trim are proposed. He provided a streetscape elevation showing the relationship of the proposed home to neighboring properties. He stated that a wood entry gate with reinforced with steel and stone piers are proposed at the new curb cut on Sheridan Road. He stated that the replacement inches required for the trees proposed for removal are reflected on the landscape plan. Ms. McManus stated that the project was recently reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board recommended approval of the variances required for the project as proposed. She explained that the project is considered a partial demolition because less than 50 percent of the existing structure is proposed for demolition. She stated that although the home retains architectural integrity and is representative of a ranch style home, it is not historically or architecturally significant. She stated that the staff report provides findings that the demolition criteria are met, the proposed home meets the design standards and that high quality natural materials are proposed. She stated that Commission input is requested relating to the Maplewood streetscape and whether or not views should be opened from the residential street to the remodeled home. She stated that staff is recommending approval of the project subject to conditions and direction offered by the Commission. In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Streightiff confirmed that the intent is to keep the roof masses that are located within the required setback areas lower. He stated that the southernmost portion of the garage has a flat roof noting that the house located on the neighboring lot to the south is very close to the property line. He confirmed that the garage doors will be carriage style overhead doors. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 3 David Heller, landscape designer for the project, stated that plantings consisting of a mix of arborvitaes and deciduous trees will be added for screening along the south property line. He stated that it would be difficult to match the existing hedge line. He stated that a fence is proposed along Sheridan Road to provide a buffer from the road and the College campus. He stated that during the summertime, the plantings will provide full screening but acknowledged that there will be less screening during the winter months. In response to questions from Commissioner Athenson, Mr. Streightiff stated that there is a cost advantage to reusing portions of the house and reiterated that the foundation and walls of the home are in good condition. He stated that it is his understanding that the City generally encourages reuse of an existing residence when possible. He stated that the existing driveway from Maplewood Road will be retained and used as a parking area for guests. He stated that the roof railings will be wood or a composite product noting that a herringbone pattern is proposed. He agreed to consider some simplification of the railing design, but noted that the owners do not want a simple vertical post railing. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Heller stated that hickory trees are difficult to transplant and explained that the intention is to replace the trees lost due to construction with other species. He stated that protection fencing will be installed along the driplines of the trees that are intended to be preserved on the site. He stated that most of the hickory trees on the site are in areas where no construction activity is planned so they will remain. He noted that the spruce and crabapple trees will be removed and replaced with new trees. He agreed to consider alternatives to the proposed solid fencing along Maplewood Road. He stated however that if views from the streetscape are opened up, they may need to reconsider the landscaping planned in that area. He confirmed that the owners are amenable to moving away from using a solid stockade fence, but noted that a fence of some type is needed to keep their dogs on the property. Mr. Allen, owner, agreed to consider other types of fencing along Maplewood Road. In response to questions from Comm issioner Athenson, Ms. Czerniak stated that due to a utility easement along Sheridan Road, there are some limitations on where trees can be planted on the College property on the west side of Sheridan Road in this area. She noted that an interior, automatic shade was required at the College Athletic Center to screen off site light impacts. Mr. Allen stated that he does not think the shades are used at the Athletic Center. In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Streightiff stated that there is an existing solid fence along Maplewood Road, but that the owners are open to installing a more open fence in that area. He confirmed that the flat roofs proposed Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 4 on some portions of the additions, are membrane roofs and noted that the low sloped roofs are copper. He noted that the gates will be custom crafted, either painted or stained wood, and will be an important element to screen the property from the busy streetscape. He stated that the existing fence along Sheridan Road will be replaced with a similar fence. He stated that the lights on the entrance pillars will be on a timer consistent with the Code requirements. He clarified that the door on the south side of the house is intended primarily to let the dogs in and out of the house. He stated that a gate is not proposed on the Maplewood Road streetscape. He stated that the intention is to keep that driveway open and accessible to guests. He stated that consideration could be given to using an impervious material for the driveway off of Maplewood Road agreeing that reducing the hardscape in that area could be a nice tie-in to the garden court. Commissioner Wheeler noted that a gravel driveway can be difficult to maintain. Commissioner Gayle complimented the simplicity of the design and encouraged the use of permeable surfaces where possible. Commissioner Redfield noted that any impervious surface located within the drip line of the trees may harm the root systems. In response to questions from Chairman Grieve, Mr. Streightiff confirmed that the gates will be electrified and will be closed when vehicles are not entering or leaving the site. He confirmed that the driveway on Sheridan Road can be shifted slightly north, away from the south property line, as directed by the Zoning Board of Appeals. In response to questions from Chairman Grieve, Mr. Allen stated that traffic on Maplewood Road appears to come evenly from both the east and west but noted that lately, there seems to be more traffic as a result of the nearby bridge closure. Hearing no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Grieve invited public testimony. Roger Mohr, 927 Barkley Circle, Board Member of Preservation Foundation, stated that the home is a non-contributing structure, but does occupy a prominent place on the streetscape. He stated that the Foundation is supportive of the design and of the staff’s recommendations. He noted that the Foundation’s memo provides recommendations regarding the dormers and railing on the front façade. Robert Saffrin, 245 Sheridan Road, introduced himself as the owner of the property to the south. He complimented the design of the house, but noted that when he constructed his home, he was required to plant arborvitaes along his proper ty line to provide screening for the house now proposed for expansion and alterations. He asked that additional screening be required along the south property line as part of Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 5 approval of the project. He stated that there is a swale between the two properties that collects water and expressed concern that more hardscape will cause drainage issues. He stated that the existing s tockade fence on the south property line is not in good condition and suggested that additional trees and shrubs will provide a buffer between the two homes. He noted that there are significant lighting and sound impacts from the College campus. In response to public testimony, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that drainage and grading plans for the project will be required and will be reviewed and will be subject to approval by the City Engineer. In response to a question from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Allen stated that the gate will be opened with a garage door type opener. In response to a question from Commissioner Alfe, Ms. McManus stated that zoning regulations require the gate to be set back a certain distance so that vehicles can pull completely off the road if the gate is closed. In response to questions from Commissioner Sperry, Mr. Streightiff stated that neither samples of the proposed materials, nor a color rendering are available but that the selected stone will likely be a Pennsylvania granite in a buff color. He added that the siding will be a cream or white color and the cedar shingles will be similar in tone to the existing roof. He stated that the trim color will match the stucco. Hearing no further public testimony, Chairman Grieve invited final comments and questions from the Commission. Commissioner Redfield and Gayle expressed support for the project. Commissioner Wheeler noted that the floor plan works nicely and complimented the hand drawings. He stated that details on the railing would have been helpful, but noted that the railing will likely recede from view. He thanked the petitioner for staking the property and commended the owner and architect for updating the home and reusing portions of the existing structure. In response to a question from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Streightiff stated that the dormer on the north elevation is intended to be centered on the door below. He confirmed that the railings are for decorative purposes only and stated that there is no access to the flat roof. Commissioner Athenson stated that the proposed partial demolition meets the criteria in part because the replacement structure is classic and understated. She added that the proposed design is compatible with the neighborhood, modest in size and well designed. She pointed out that although the house was not designed by a prominent Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 6 architect, Knute Larsen, was a significant builder in his heyday. She encouraged the petitioner to consider an open fence along Maplewood to show off house and to consider simplifying the railing. She asked that City staff encourage the College to do additional plantings on the west side of Sheridan Road to screen the Athletic Center. Commissioner Alfe complimented the design and encouraged consideration of alternatives to the stockade fence along Maplewood Road. He acknowledged the letters of support received from neighboring property owners. Commissioner Sperry noted that the master suite is at the busiest corner of the property and commented that additional screening should be considered for that area to provide privacy. She stated that an open fence would be ideal along Maplewood Road, but acknowledged that a stockade fence may be needed. She added that opportunities to use pervious paver materials should be considered. Chairman Grieve suggested that consideration be given to balancing the roof lines on the south elevation. He stated that the proposed additions and alterations were thoughtfully designed. He encouraged the petitioner to consider simplification of the railing design. He stated that careful consideration should be given to plantings on the site to assure that the site is not over planted and that trees have room to grow. He acknowledged the challenge of striking the right balance with respect to the Maplewood and Sheridan Road streetscapes between privacy and views into the site. He encouraged the use of permeable surfaces for portions of the driveway or motor court. In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Mr. Streightiff stated that the pillars at the driveway entrance on Sheridan Road will be stone and the gate, wood. Hearing no further comments from the Commission, Chairman Grieve invited a motion. Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for a partial demolition, additions and modifications to the residence at 845 Maplewood Road. He noted that the approval is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The plans shall be revised as detailed below. If any further modifications are proposed in response to Commission direction, or as a result of design development, plans clearly detailing the areas of change must be submitted at the time of submission for permit, along with the plans originally presented to the Commission, and will be subject to review by staff, in consultation with the Chairman as appropriate, to verify that the plans are consistent with the intent of the Commission and the approvals granted. a. The driveway off Sheridan Road shall be shifted north to generally align with the center garage door between the 2 existing parkway trees. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 7 b. Revisions shall be made to the existing driveway off of Maplewood Road to reduce the amount of overall hardscape, minimize the encroachment into the setback and to provide space for additional plantings to screen parked cars from the Maplewood Road streetscape. A perviou s material shall be considered for portions of the driveway and parking area to minimize the expanse of hardscape on the site. c. Consideration shall be given to using an open, rather than a solid, fence on Maplewood Road to provide views into the site. d. Consideration shall be given to simplifying the roof railing design. e. Refinements to the roof shall be considered to balance opposing elements. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a detailed landscape plan must be submitted demonstrating, that through a combination of some fencing and enhanced plantings, significant screening is established along the south and west property lines. The screening shall in particular obscure views of parked cars and garage doors from the Sheridan Road streetscape and provide enhanced screening for the neighbor to the south to the extent possible. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Certified Arborist. 4. A detailed grading and drainage plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit and will be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Attention should be paid to avoiding drainage impacts on neighboring properties as a result of the construction proposed, both in the short term, during construction, and over the long term. 5. Tree Protection Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a plan to protect trees that are designated to remain during construction must be submitted and will be subject to review and approval by the City’s Certified Arborist. 6. Details of exterior lighting, if any is proposed, shall be reflected on the plans submitted for permit. All fixtures shall direct light downward and the source of the light shall be shielded from view. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a materials staging and construction vehicle parking plan must be submitted to the City for review and will be subject to City approval in an effort to minimize and manage impacts on the neighborhood and on neighboring properties during construction and to minimize impacts on trees intended for preservation. No on street parking is permitted on Sheridan Road or Maplewood Road due to traffic volumes and the location of the property at a corner. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 26, 2017 - Page 8 8. Prior to demolition, comprehensive photo documentation of the existing residence must be provided to the City in a digital form determined to be satisfactory by the City. The purpose of the documentation is to preserve an historic record of the property at this point in time, in both the City files and in the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Historical Society archives. 9. Until a permit is obtained for demolition of the house, and until demolition activity is diligently being pursued, the property and yard must be maintained in good condition consistent with the requirements of the Code, 10. Demolition activity must begin within 30 days of installation of construction and site protection fencing and demolition activity must be continuously pursued to completion to minimize disruption to the neighborhood. 11. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athenson and the Commission voted 7 to 0 to approve the petition. 4. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non- agenda items. There was no public testimony presented to the Commission on non-agenda items. 5. Additional information from staff. Ms. Czerniak noted that Commissioner Athenson will be leaving the Commission after completing three, two-year terms. She thanked her for her time on the Commission and for her contributions to the community. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kate McManus Assistant Planner