HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2017/02/28 Minutes The City of Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission Proceedings of the February 28, 2017 Meeting A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission was held on Wednesday, February 28, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., at the City of Lake Forest City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois. Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Grieve and Commissioners Wells Wheeler, Elizabeth Sperry, Susan Athenson, Robert Alfe, and Bill Redfield. Commissioners absent: Carol Gayle City staff present: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development and Kate McManus, Assistant Planner 1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures. Chairman Grieve reviewed the meeting procedures followed by the Commission and asked the members of the Commission and staff to introduce themselves. 2. Consideration of the minutes from the January 25, 2017 meeting and the February 11, 2017 workshop. The minutes of the January 25, 2017 meeting and the February 11, 2017 workshop were approved as submitted. 3. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition to the existing residence located at 1115 E. Illinois Road. A building scale variance is also requested. Property Owner: John G. Schreiber Representative: OKW Architects, Michael Fitzgerald, architect Chairman Grieve asked the Commission for any conflicts of interest or Ex Parte contacts; hearing none, he invited a presentation from the petitioner. Mike Fitzgerald introduced the petition and the property owner and presented a massing model to the Commission. He noted that the owners are long-time residents of the community and desire to continue living in their home of many decades and gracefully age in place. He reviewed the history of the property noting that a prior owner subdivided the original estate property. He noted that the home was designed by Henry Dangler and consists of a central block with side wings. He stated that David Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 2 Adler was a former employee of Dangler’s and was hired to complete an extensive renovation of the home by prior owners. He noted that the swooping parapet roof was added by Adler giving the home a more formal presence. He stated that the Adler additions consist of a ground floor library and a wing to the west of the original house. He explained that the Schreiber’s purchased the home in the 1980s and built an addition extending to the east consisting of a less formal family room and bedrooms upstairs. He stated that a single story wing was also added, extending to the north to provide a mudroom and a 4 car garage. He noted that a single story wall defines the south wing and the raised terraces. He stated that the home has evolved over time and an addition is now proposed at the southeast corner of the home to meet the needs of the owners now that there family is grown. He reviewed the proposed addition and explained that it is a natural evolution of the house and completes the south wing to achieve balance with the west wing, He noted that the proposed addition is well screened from the street and neighbors. He reviewed various alternatives that were considered including consideration of constructing a stand- alone, coach house type structure at the north end of the property and a concept for a single level addition. He stated that expanding the footprint of the existing house would impact trees on the site and as a result, the proposal now presented proposes a compact footprint expansion, with an elevator for second floor access. He noted that the proposed second floor is half the size of the first floor with an outdoor terrace above. He stated that the architecture of the proposed addition is influenced by the existing home with punched windows and stucco capped by a clay tile roof. He stated that the addition will have the same detailing and articulation as the existing home. He provided streetscape views and perspectives noting that the addition is mostly hidden from view from off of the site. He reviewed the massing model illustrating how the addition fits within the context of the existing home. He stated that the 2 story roof is in keeping with the main house noting that the roof pitch and height are comparable to the existing roof elements. He explained that the roof lines are intended to read as a linking element to the original residence and noted that the design intent is to be respectful of the history of house, the property and neighbors. Ms. McManus stated that a building scale variance is requested and provided some examples of other fairly large variances granted for historically significant homes. She stated that the proposed addition is relatively small in relation to the house as a whole and is designed sensitively. She stated that the addition will be only minimally visible from the street and from neighboring properties. She stated that staff is recommending approval of the petition based on the findings detailed in the staff report. She stated that letters were received in support of the petition and were provided to the Commission. Ms. Czerniak added that the large variances granted for past projects cited by Ms. McManus were granted based on the specific criteria in the Code that allow variances for projects that preserve historic homes and make them livable and desirable for owners now and long into the future. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 3 In response to questions from Commissioner Alfe, Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the height of the overrun structure for the elevator is intended to be perceived as consistent with the vertical elements on the rest of the home, such as the chimneys. In response to questions from Commissioner Athenson, Mr. Fitzgerald explained that the hip roof over the proposed addition is intentionally narrower to allow for a lower ridge and to avoid a continuous ridge line over whole house. He stated that there are varying ridge heights on the home noting that each reflects the width of the associated wings. He stated that the highest ridge is the main roof of the original home. He noted that the lower ridge height over the addition was a purposeful design decision and is directly related to the narrow width of the connecting wing. He confirmed that the ridge lines are broken and the fascia all line up. In response to a question from Commissioner Athenson, Ms. McManus stated that the proposed addition is 2,287 square feet resulting in a 21 percent overage from the allowable square footage for the property. She confirmed that the existing home is already over the allowable square footage. In response to questions and comments from the Commission, John Schreiber, owner, introduced himself and stated that the interior of the house is extraordinary and is enjoyed by the extended family. He noted however that due to his and his wife’s current lifestyle and health issues, an addition is necessary to create daily living space that meets their needs. He stated that an elevator is a necessity and explained that that the intent is to make the addition functional, but not oversized. He confirmed that various alternatives, including moving out of the house were all considered carefully. Jennifer Schreiber stated that she is Mr. Schreiber’s daughter and grew up in the house with her seven siblings. She acknowledged that the home is already large, but noted that with the large family of 8 children, and now grandchildren, the home is well used by the entire family. Commissioner Wheeler questioned the treatment of the elevator and noted that the chimney appears incomplete and suggested adding chimney pots. Commissioner Redfield stated that he understands and respects the owners’ desire for an elevator. In response to questions from Chairman Grieve, Mr. Fitzgerald confirmed that no significant trees or landscaping will be impacted by the addition. He added that the existing vegetation within the footprint of the addition is ornamental. He stated that the Adler library is 20 feet wide by 50 feet long and occupies a fair amount of space in the house. He explained that the addition and terrace are purposefully not identical to the west wing to avoid the appearance of a forced symmetry. He added that Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 4 additional square footage that would result from matching the west wing was not needed. He noted that the house is balanced, but not symmetrical. Chairman Grieve suggested consideration of repurposing the existing trellis to provide a greater sense of balance. He noted that the library, a unique space, contributes significantly to the square footage and pointed out that the house was originally sited on a larger estate property. Hearing no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Grieve invited public testimony. Tom Rajkovich, architect, stated that he is representing his clients, the Beidlers, who live at 20 N. Stonegate Road, directly to the east of the Schreibers. He stated that the Schreiber’s communicated with the Beidlers early on regarding the project and reported that the Beidlers are supportive of the petition. He noted that both families are stewards of important historic houses and noted that it is clear that Mr. Fitzgerald put much thought into the design of the proposed addition. He stated that the composition of the existing residence is complex and careful balancing is important. He stated that soon after the garage addition and motor court were added in the1980s, several oak trees were lost due to drainage. He explained that as the amount of impervious surface increases, drainage is a continuing concern. He explained that historically, water flowed toward the ravine but was re-routed, impacting oaks trees on the way to the ravine. He requested, on behalf of the Beidlers’ that an engineering solution be found to avoid negative impacts on additional oak trees. He suggested that an underground cistern or a French drain be considered. He added that the northern portion of the Schreiber residence should remain as part of the larger lot and not be subdivided off in the future. Ms. Czerniak clarified that the building scale calculation is based on the entire property which is a single zoning lot. She noted that in response to Chairman Grieve’s point about the library, the square footage of the house, not including the library, but including the proposed addition, is 13 percent over the allowable square footage. She stated that drainage and grading plans will be required when plans are submitted for a building permit and will need to demonstrate how any overland stormwater will be directed to avoid, and to the extent possible mitigate any existing drainage impacts on oak trees between the property and the ravine. She stated that it is her understanding that the Schreibers are agreeable to finding a solution to any drainage issues. Jane Warner, 45 Mayflower Road, stated that she is supportive of the proposed project noting that her only concern is privacy for her home. She noted that the addition will be visible from her property and requested some additional landscaping, with year round coverage, be planted along the south property line. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 5 Hearing no further public testimony, Chairman Grieve invited final comments and questions from the Commission. Commissioner Sperry stated that there is a great demand for first floor bedrooms in the real estate market and stated support for the petition. Commissioner Alfe stated that the addition is successful and observed that given that the home has been added onto over time, the proposed addition will blend as part of the evolution of the house. Commissioner Athenson thanked petitioner for the thorough packet and presentation and thanked the owners for caring for the historic property. She stated that the Commission is sometimes criticized for allowing square footage overages, but noted that the proposed addition is very modest in size. She noted that the Commission will likely see more requests for first floor suites and elevators in the future as homes are adapted to meet the needs of owners or buyers. She asked that the petitioner look at ways to reduce the height of the roof line of the addition to allow it to step down from the existing house. She also requested that the owners take into account the neighbors’ concerns regarding drainage and landscape screening. Commissioner Wheeler complimented the design and acknowledged the need for a first floor bedroom. He noted that given the size of the house, conforming to current energy standards would be beneficial. He stated that there is a nice play of volumes and asymmetry, and stated that he has no concerns with the roof height as proposed. He thanked the petitioner for staking the footprint noting that it was helpful in understanding the proposed project in the context of the existing house. Commissioner Redfield stated that the addition is tastefully done and noted that the house may have originally been built as a summer home. Chairman Grieve stated that he also lives in a historic home and understands the stewardship involved. He noted that it is important to look broadly at opportunities for making historic homes livable and desirable in order to avoid pressure for demolition. He stated that there are challenges in figuring out ways to preserve the homes and encouraged openness to various ideas. He stated that the addition appears to be very considerate of the overall architecture. He noted that if the garage addition as it currently exists was proposed today, that would likely be a much more difficult discussion. He suggested that some consideration be given to whether there are architectural elements that could be added to the garage to improve the overall appearance and to better integrate it with the proposed addition and overall residence. He stated that the building scale variance is appropriate given the uniqueness of the home. Hearing no further comments, he invited a moti on. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 6 Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition to the existing residence and a building scale variance. He noted that the approval is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Plans submitted for permit must reflect the discussion and direction of the Commission as detailed below. Modifications made to the plans after presentation to the Commission as a result of direction from the Commission or as a result of design development, must be clearly called out on the plans submitted for permit. The plans originally presented to the Commission should be submitted as well. The plans submitted for permit will be subject to review by staff, in consultation with the Chairman as appropriate, to verify that the plans are consistent with the intent of the Commission and the approvals granted. a. Consideration shall be given to reducing the height of the ridge line of the 2- story addition to match the existing ridge line. b. Consideration should be given to enhancements to the existing garage addition to better integrate it with the overall residence. 2. Prior to construction of the addition, comprehensive photo documentation of the existing residence must be provided to the City in a digital form determined to be satisfactory by the City. The purpose of the documentation is to preserve an historic record of the property at this point in time, in both the City and in the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Historical Society archives. 3. A detailed grading and drainage plan is required prior to the issuance of a building permit and will be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Attention should be paid to avoiding drainage impacts on neighboring properties as a result of the construction proposed, both in the short term, during construction, and over the long term. In addition, drainage impacts resulting from the earlier garage addition should be reviewed and addressed to the extent possible at this time. Every effort should be made to reduce negative impacts on the Oak trees located to the east, on the neighboring property. 4. Tree Protection Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a plan to protect trees on the site and if appropriate, on the neighboring property, during construction must be submitted and will be subject to review and approval by the City’s Certified Arborist. 5. A landscape plan for the area near the proposed addition shall be submitted prior to issuance of a permit and will be subject to review and approval by the City Arborist. The plan shall reflect any existing trees and landscaping proposed for removal, existing trees and landscaping that will be protected and preserved and all proposed new trees and landscaping. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 7 a. Plantings to screen views of the new addition from the neighboring property to the south, to the extent possible, in all seasons, should be reflected on the landscape plan. 6. Details of exterior lighting, if any is proposed, shall be reflected on the plans submitted for permit. All fixtures shall direct light downward and the source of the light shall be shielded from view. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a materials staging and construction vehicle parking plan must be submitted to the City for review and will be subject to City approval in an effort to minimize and manage impacts on the neighborhood and on neighboring properties during construction and to minimize impacts on trees intended for preservation. No on street parking is permitted due to the narrowness of the street. 8. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athenson and the Commission voted 6 to 0 to approve the petition. 4. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for signage for, My Eye Doctor, a business located at 724 N. Western Avenue. Property Owners: L3 Capital, LLC (Michael Schreiber, Domenic Lanni, Timothy Phair, Greg Schott) Tenant: My Eye Doctor Representative: Karen Dodge, Municipal Resolutions Karen Dodge introduced the petition and provided images of the awning noting that it will fully retract as recommended by the Commission at the previous meeting. She reviewed the changes made to the lettering since the last meeting and explained that the spacing between each letter was increased. She added that white letters are now proposed, instead of bronze. Ms. McManus stated that the petition was before the Commission in November and was continued to allow concerns including a concern about the legibility of the signs, to be addressed. She stated that the changes made are responsive to the Commission’s prior direction. She stated that staff is recommending approval of the petition. In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Ms. Dodge confirmed that the tenant prefers white lettering consistent with the adjacent Einstein’s sign. She added Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 8 that the awning will be fully retracted at times and confirmed that when retracted, the lettering on the awning valance will not be visible. In response to a question from Commissioner Athenson, Ms. Dodge stated that the small logo on the door is vinyl. Ms. McManus stated that there is also a small logo proposed on the wall sign. She stated that staff recommends that the small logo on the wall sign and door sign be eliminated for consistency with other signs in Market Square and for overall simplification. Ms. Dodge agreed to eliminate the logo. In response to a question from Commissioner Sperry, Ms. Dodge clarified that the letters are now thinner and spaced further apart. She stated that the small logo is part of the corporate sign, but that it may be able to be eliminated. In response to a question from Chairman Grieve, Ms. Dodge stated that all 3 signs are proposed with white letters. She confirmed that the corporate office prefers the white letters. Commissioner Alfe stated that in his opinion, the changes made address the concerns of the Commission. Hearing no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Grieve invited public testimony. Hearing none, he asked for final comments from the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner Athenson, Ms. McManus reiterated that staff recommends that the logos be eliminated from both the wall and door sign for consistency with the City’s Design Guidelines and other signs in Market Square. Commissioner Athenson requested that the logos be eliminated from the signs and thanked the petitioner for making the changes in response to the Commission’s comments. In response to questions from Commissioner Wheeler, Ms. Czerniak stated that retractable, rather than fixed awnings, have been supported by the Commission in the past. Commissioner Wheeler stated that the small graphic is part of the corporate logo and is a small detail . He stated that he is not opposed to the use of the small graphic. Chairman Grieve also stated support for allowing the graphic to remain noting that it appears to be a period at the end of “Dr.” He stated however that he does not Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 28, 2017 - Page 9 support the added detail of “OD”. He stated that allowing for more color on door signs in Market Square, is a broader discussion. Hearing no further comments from the Commission, he invited a motion. Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for a wall sign, door sign and awning sign for My Eye Doctor. He noted that the approval is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The awning shall remain extended to avoid a double row of signage or, if retracted, must be fully retracted to eliminate visibility of the lettering on the awning valance. 2. This project must abide by all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and provisions of The City of Lake Forest City Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Redfield and the Commission voted 5 to 1 to approve the petition with Commissioner Athenson voting nay. 5. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on non- agenda items. 6. Additional information from staff. Ms. McManus stated that staff is updating the application for petitions presented to the Historic Preservation Commission and the associated submittal checklist. She distributed the application packet to the Commission for review and invited comments and suggestions from the Commission on the materials. She asked that comments be sent to her via email or phone by March 15th. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kate McManus Assistant Planner