HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2017/07/31 Minutes The City of Lake Forest Joint Work Session: Historic Preservation Commission and Building Review Board Proceedings of the July 31, 2017 Work Session On Monday, July 31, 2017, at 5:30 p.m., the Historic Preservation Commission held a work session in the form of a bus tour. The tour began and ended at City Hall at 220 E. Deerpath Road. Historic Preservation Commissioners present: Chairman Bruce Grieve, Commissioners Carol Gayle, Elizabeth Sperry, Jan Gibson, Robert Alfe, and Wells Wheeler Commissioners absent: Bill Redfield Others in attendance: members of the Building Review Board, representatives of the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation, and members of the public City staff present: Kate McManus, Assistant Planner and Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development The Commission toured the community to view projects previously considered by the Commission as well as by the Building Review Board for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the review processes. The properties visited included the following: 682 Oakwood Avenue 690 Oakwood Avenue 786 Oakwood Avenue 835 Oakwood Avenue 128 Atteridge Road 830 N Green Bay Road 777 N Green Bay Road 833 - 847 N McKinley Road 540 Pine Lane 1167 N Sheridan Road 1290 N Sheridan Road 1120 Elm Tree Road 815 Barberry Lane 810 Barberry Lane 999 Lake Road 676 Lake Road 901 Rosemary Road 980 Walden Lane 1020 Walden Lane 1313 E Westleigh Road 366 Bluffs Edge Drive 347 Bluffs Edge Drive 595 Circle Lane 715 Green Briar Lane 700 Green Briar Lane 20 N Western Avenue 158 N Western Avenue In particular, the Commissioners, along with the Board members, discussed and offered direction on the following:  Paying close attention to window details including type, placement, sill profile and muntins.  Obtaining information on downspouts, their location and treatment.  Visual impacts of rooftop mechanical equipment and assuring that it is properly screened from both short and longer sightlines.  Assuring that modifications during the construction process are thoroughly reviewed by staff in the context of the Commission’s or Board’s approval and when appropriate, brought to the attention of the Chairman for input.  Being sensitive to the compatibility of the height and massing of new homes to the surrounding homes in an established neighborhood.  The appropriateness of landscaping in the context of the existing streetscape noting that at times, dense evergreen plantings although they provide a dense screen, may be inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood. The tour adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kate McManus Assistant Planner