ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 2015/09/30 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Zoning Board of Appeals
Proceedings of the September 30, 2015 Meeting
A regular meeting of the Lake Forest Zoning Board of Appeals was held on
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall,
220 E. Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Zoning Board of Appeals members present: Chairman Robert Franksen and Board
members Jay Kennedy, Lloyd Culbertson, Louis Pickus and Mark Pasquesi
Zoning Board of Appeals members absent: Richard Plonsker and Kevin Lewis
Staff present: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development
1. Introduction of Board members and staff, overview of meeting procedures.
Chairman Franksen reviewed the role of the Zoning Board of Appeals and asked
members of the Board and staff to introduce themselves.
2. Consideration of the minutes of the August 24, 2015 meeting of the Zoning Board of
The minutes of the August 24, 2015 meeting were approved as submitted.
3. Consideration of a request for approval of an amendment to the existing Special
Use Permit for Farwell Field at Lake Forest College, 250 Washington Road, to allow
the use of temporary, seasonal lights on the football field, on an annual basis, for
three weeks after daylight savings time ends.
Owner: Lake Forest College
Representative: Jackie Slaats, Director of Athletics
Chairman Franksen noted that he was contacted by a neighboring property owner
about the petition but stated that he encouraged the neighbor to contact staff for
information. He asked the members of the Board to declare any conflicts of interest or
Ex Parte contacts, hearing none; he invited a presentation from the petitioner and
swore in all those intending to speak on this petition.
Ms. Slaats provided background on the request noting that prior to 2013, in the weeks
immediately after the end of daylight saving time; the College teams were able to use
the Peyton Center, at the Chicago Bears headquarters, for indoor practices. She
explained that in October, 2013, the College was notified that as a result of new
policies put in place by the NFL, the College would no longer be able to use the Bear’s
indoor practice field. She stated that in 2013, the College scrambled to find
alternative practice fields for the three weeks after the end of daylight savings time.
She stated that the teams’ seasons extend a short time after the end of daylight
savings time and added that if the teams get into post season play, the season can
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be extended for up to three weeks after the end of daylight savings time. She stated
that in 2013, teams were sent to any fields that were available, in some cases the fiel ds
were outside of Lake Forest. She explained that getting a commitment from other
organizations to use their fields is difficult until other teams know if they are involved in
post season play. She added that transporting Lake Forest College students to other
fields for practice is difficult to coordinate. She explained that in 2014, the City agreed
to allow a one-time trial use of temporary lights on Farwell Field. She noted that the
City’s approval was challenged in Court by one neighbor and the Cour t agreed to
allow the one-time use, but required that any future use be considered through the
Special Use Permit and public hearing process. She stated that the College desires to
use temporary lights again in 2015 and that is the reason for this petition. She
explained that regular season soccer practices will continue one week after the end
of daylight savings time and football practices will continue for two weeks. She added
that if the teams are involved in post season play, the lights will be needed for up to
three weeks after the end of daylight savings time. She stated that the College sent
letters to neighboring property owners informing them about the petition and held an
information session for the neighbors. She stated that four neighbors attended and a
light was brought on to the field to show the neighbors what is proposed. She stated
that the only concerns heard from the neighbors were about the noise level of the
generators. She stated that the College is investigating ways to baffle the sound from
the generators.
David Siebert, Director of Facilities, Lake Forest College, offered some additional
background explaining that Farwell Field was donated to the College by Senator
Charles Farwell in 1902 for use as a football field and has been used for athletic
activities ever since. He noted that for several years, the Chicago Bears practiced on
the field and later, the Chicago Fire used the field. He stated that several years ago,
new stands and a press box were installed after approval through the Special Use
Permit process. He described the portable lights proposed for use. He stated that
based on experience last year, six lights are now proposed for use rather than four
lights. He stated that the proposed six-light configuration should better focus light on
to the field and limit spillover light off the field. He stated that the light poles w ill be
extended only during periods of use and retracted between practices. He stated that
each light is powered by a diesel generator which has a sound level similar to a
garbage disposal at 100 feet away. He stated that the lights will be slightly taller than
the grandstand and slightly shorter than the press box. He presented some images of
the existing landscape that surrounds the field.
Ms. Czerniak confirmed that like other institutions in residential areas, Lake Forest
College is authorized through a Special Use Permit. She pointed out that the College
pre-dated the City itself and was later recognized by the City through the issuance of
a Special Use Permit. She noted that over the years the Special Use Permit was
amended as the Campus was updated and modified. She stated that in 2003, at the
City’s urging, the College came forward with an updated Master Plan for the Campus
and that plan was recognized by the City through an updated, comprehensive
Special Use Permit. She stated that the request before the Board is for an amendment
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to that Special Use Permit as it pertains to Farwell Field. She noted that the 2003
Special Use Permit is included in the Board’s packet. She stated that the present
request is to allow the temporary use of portable lights on Farwell Field on an annual
basis. She noted that approval is recommended subject to several conditions of
approval as detailed in the staff report. She added that the staff is also
recommending that outdated conditions in the Special Use Permit pertaining to
Farwell Field be removed since they are no longer applicable. She clarified that in
response to a question raised in correspondence submitted to the Board, the College
is approved by a Special Use Permit and is a conforming use. She noted that
correspondence received on this petition was provided to the Board. She added that
the resident at 494 Illinois Road called the City and stated that in general, the College
is a good neighbor but expressed concern about permanent lights being installed in
the future and about loud music being played if practices are extended with the
lights. She concluded noting that the question before the Board is whether to
recommend approval or denial of the request from the College to allow the use of
temporary lights on Farwell Field on an annual basis.
In response to questions from Chairman Franksen, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that in 2003
an updated Master Plan for the College and an updated Special Use Permit were
approved. She explained that some of the conditions put in place at that time
pertained to how the improvements then planned at Farwell Field shoul d proceed.
She stated that since that time, the improvements were completed. She stated that
the staff report suggests that the conditions that have been achieved, and are no
longer relevant, be removed as part of this update. She stated that the text in the staff
report reflected in strikeout text indicates the conditions that are no longer relevant.
In response to questions from Chairman Franksen, Ms. Slaats confirmed that the
College hopes to receive approval to use the lights this season, beginning after
November 2nd, the end of daylight savings time. She stated that the College has spent
considerable time looking at options including opportunities to use other fields and
options for lights.
In response to questions form Board member Pasquesi, Ms. Slaats confirmed that the
College contacted all of the area high schools, the City and the Waukegan and
Libertyville Park Districts. She noted that with three teams, players and support staff,
and the need to work around classes and meals, the logistics are difficult. She
reiterated that the availability of fields at other locations at the end of the season is
dependent on whether other teams are in post season play.
In response to questions from Board member Pickus, Ms. Slaats stated that teams will
have condensed practices on the field, under the lights. She stated that the lights will
not be used on the weekends, only Monday through Friday.
In response to a question from Board member Culbertson, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that
allowing the use of temporary lights on the field reverses the prior prohibition of the use
of lights on the field. She pointed out that this request is not for the installation of
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permanent lights.
In response to questions from Board member Culbertson, Ms. Slaats stated that the
intent is to have players leave the field at 7:30 p.m. to allow time for the lights to be
turned off by 8 p.m. She confirmed that the lights will remain on the field for the three
week period, but will be lowered except during practices. She explained that by using
six lights, instead of four, the light can be focused more directly on the field, reducing
spillover light into the neighborhood. She acknowledged that by adding two lights,
there will be two additional generators as well. She stated that various light
configurations were explored in an effort to find the layout that minimizes spillover light
while also eliminating dead spots on the field for player safety reasons. She stated that
the portable lights are about 440 lumens per light as opposed to 1.2 million lumens
which is more standard for a permanently installed field light. She stated that
measures will be taken to baffle the sound.
In response to questions from the Board, Brian Bruha, Director of Athletic Facilities at
the College, explained that matting will be placed around the generators and will be
modified as needed to maximize the sound mitigation. He acknowledged that the
baffling is untested at this point.
Ms. Slaats added that last year, the College did not receive any complaints about the
sound of the generators. She stated that the issue of noise was raised by a neighbor at
the recent information session held by the College.
In response to a question from Board member Culbertson, Ms. Slaats stated that the
lights will be 30 feet in height.
In response to questions from Board member Kennedy, Ms. Slaats confirmed that at
the neighbor meeting, where a sample light was presented, no baffling was provided
around the generator. She noted that because of the size of the football field, the
generators will be spread out and the sound will be disbursed. She stated that she was
pleasantly surprised by the level of the sound from the generators last year.
In response to questions from Board member Pasquesi, Ms. Slaats reviewed the
relationships of nearby houses to the field and to the proposed locations of the lights.
Hearing no further questions from the Board, Chairman Franksen invited public
Scott Morcott, 794 E. Illinois Road, stated that he is in full support of the proposal. He
stated that his backyard backs on to fields behind the ice rink and stated that he sees
practices of various types on the field throughout the year. He stated that the
practices do not bother him. He stated that due to his business, he interacts with
athletes from the College on a regular basis. He stated that this time of year, athletes
need to practice noting that it is a safety issue and athletes must stay in shape and
practice on the field. He stated that he appreciates the need to mi tigate impacts on
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the neighbors but noted that he is a neighbor and is in full support of the request.
Robert O’Neill, attorney, stated that he, along with his associate, Kevin Bry, are
representing Locke Walsh, a resident who lives right across the street from the field and
the proposed lights. He stated that the reason they are present is because last year,
his office worked with Mr. Walsh and sued the College over the lights on the field. He
explained that last year, the College tried to get a Special Use Permit without going
through the public hearing process. He stated that his client did not like that. He
stated that as a result of the litigation, the College and City agreed that future
requests for lighting on the football field would be considered through a Special Use
Permit process. He referred to a letter that he hand delivered letter to the City earlier
in the day and noted one correction. He directed the Board’s attention to the first
paragraph and reviewed the language relating to restrictions on non-conforming uses.
He noted that the field is located in the R-4 residential area. He pointed out that the
City, through the Building Review Board, likes to control lighting in residential areas. He
suggested that the Board should take that into account when considering the
paragraph he referred to in his letter regarding non-conforming uses. He stated that
the football field is a non-conforming use that the neighborhood grew up around. He
stated that to start changing and expanding the use of the field will have an impact
on the neighborhood. He questioned where the changes would stop. He noted that
included in the material he submitted were three letters that Mr. Walsh received from
surrounding neighbors who support his position and are concerned about the use of
lights on the field. He noted that one neighbor, Mr. Schiller, referenced photos in his
letter. He distributed the photos to the Board. He instructed the Board that all of the
applicable criteria in the Code must be considered and satisfied before
recommending approval of a Special Use Permit. He stated that the criteria are a test
that must be met. He reviewed the criteria. He stated that the use of the field at night
could create a safety issue for the neighborhood with all of the additional people that
will be present. He stated that the neighbors should be able to enjoy their property
without the proposed additional use. He reiterated that Farwell Field is already a non-
residential use in a residential area. He stated that the residents should be able to
expect that the City will protect the residential neighborhood. He stated that he
believes the College has other options. He stated that the College has the burden of
proving that the proposed expanded use will not have a negative impact on the
surrounding residential properties. He noted that what is proposed this year is more
than what occurred last year noting that more lights are proposed. He stated that to
his knowledge, a meeting was never held with the neighbors after the lights were used
last year. He stated that the Coll ege is now asking for approval to use the lights each
year. He stated objection to approving the use of the lights for more than one year.
Mr. Matheson, 555 E. Illinois Road, noted the location of his house near the football
field. He stated that the landscape images presented by the College were likely
taken prior to recent trimming that occurred in the area and when the trees and
vegetation are in full foliage. He stated that what was presented is not an accurate
depiction of the conditions at the time the lights are proposed to be used. He stated
that he was out of town during the open house held by the College and was not able
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to attend. He stated general frustration in dealing with the College noting the
inconvenience and safety issues related to College activities. He stated that last year
the process for considering lights was broken and did not allow for public comment.
He stated that last year lights caused him inconvenience noting that his living and
three season rooms were unusable due to the lights shining directly into his home. He
stated that the lights illuminated his front porch and the area smelled like diesel fumes.
He noted that the 2003 conditions of approval required that the appearance of mass
of the bleachers be minimized. He stated that he is not comfortable removing that
condition as part of the present request that is being considered. He noted concern
about the sound from the generators and also concern about the safety of using
combustible materials near the generators to baffle sound. He pointed out that the
College has been aware of the need for practice fields since 2013 and questioned
why the College is only now trying to rush this approval through the process. He stated
that the neighbors will be the victims of the neighbors’ poor planning. He stated that
the letters received from the College are not timely and noted that his concerns are
not taken seriously by the College. He stated that he has not contacted Ms. Slaats
with concerns, but has contacted the College security personnel. He stated that
when he moved to the neighborhood, he never imagined lights on the field. He
stated opposition to an ongoing approval of lights on the field. He suggested that if
the Board determines that a recommendation on this request should be forwarded to
the City Council, consideration should be given to allowing only a one-time approval
and then, afterwards, further evaluation and feedback from the neighbors. He stated
that he will take photos to show the impact or lack thereof on his property.
Fran Pease, 181 Wildwood Road, stated that she has lived in Lake Forest for 15 years
but just purchased a home near the College about a year ago. She stated that she is
in full support of the College. She stated that she chose her home because of its
location near the College. She stated that the athletic field and the energy from the
field is a huge positive in her opinion. She stated that she knows other neighbors in the
area that also support the College. She stated that people who buy homes near
Farwell Field have some responsibility to understand the activity the field brings with it
noting that the field predated the homes in this area. She stated that it is not unusual
for football fields to be lighted noting that there are lights on the high school field at
West Campus. She stated that she received ample notice of the hearing from the
College noting that she received a certified letter from the College on this matter
about a month ago. She disclosed that her husband works at the College and is a
volunteer football coach. She stated that he was on the field last year when the lights
were used and he could comfortably have a conversation while the generators were
Larry Crohn, 237 Washington Circle, stated that he was born and raised next to Farwell
Field and still lives in the area. He provided an overview of the history of the
neighborhood. He stated that the College has done a good job landscaping the
campus through the years noting that landscaping was added to the parkway on
Illinois Road, near Farwell Field. He noted that there used to be parking up against the
fence on Farwell Field and there were many entrances for pedestrians into the field
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from the neighborhood which have been removed. He noted that improvements
have been made throughout the years. He stated that he did not know the lights
were in use last year until he drove by the field. He stated that the lights will not be
permanent and the fixtures will be directed on to the field .
Art Miller stated that he recently retired from Lake Forest College and lives on
Wildwood Road and is a neighbor of the football field. He added that he is the
current President of the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation. He stated that
traditionally, the community has been concerned about lighting that is diffuse and
glaring. He noted that the proposed lighting will be directed down on to the field and
away from the road way. He pointed out that some of the neighbors’ concerns may
be addressed by the way the lights are being handled. He pointed out that the
College is only proposing to use lights on the field 30 to 45 hours per year. He stated
that the lights as proposed will not affect the character of the neighborhood. He
agreed that the College will need to figure out a way to baffle the noise from the
generators. He stated that the request is responsible recognizing that in the past;
women’s sports were not as plentiful as they are today creating a greater demand for
practice time on the fields. He noted that much of the year; Farwell Field is unused
and benefits the surrounding residents as open space all year long. He noted that
many residents are used to having a view of an open field with the exception of the
few afternoons and evenings when it is used. He suggested that blinds could be used
by neighbors to reduce light impacts. He stated that in his opinion, what is proposed is
not a threat to the overall visual character of the neighborhood.
Kevin Bry, attorney for Locke Walsh, stated that the Settlement Agreement from last
year requires the College and City to follow a process for considering lights on Farwell
Field. He added that the criteria in the Lake Forest Zoning Ordinance must be applied
to the request for a Special Use Permit. He stated that a use proposed at a particular
location should be evaluated based on whether it is a general benefit to the welfare
of the neighborhood and community. He stated that a finding must be made that the
proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the character of the surrounding
neighborhood. He stated that the testimony presented established that some adverse
impact will be added to the neighborhood by the proposed use in the form of noise
and light. He noted that testimony was also presented that residents had trouble using
their property during the use of the lights last year. He stated that people who
purchase property have a right to expect that surrounding uses will be in the
community’s interest and not have a detrimental effect on their properties. He asked
that a one-time approval only be issued to allow a trial run for the use of lights on the
field. He stated that what is proposed this year includes more lights than last year. He
asked that any approval be conditioned on providing opportunities for feedback from
the neighbors and further evaluation.
Dean Tinty, 524 Illinois Road, stated that he recently purchased his home to be near
the football field. He stated that he is as close as anyone to the field noting that his
house is in the end zone. He stated that safety is important and having lights is
necessary. He stated that he is aware that getting field time is difficult especial ly on
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an adhoc basis.
Hearing no further requests to speak, Chairman Franksen closed the public testimony
portion of the meeting.
The Board took a brief recess.
Chairman Franksen noted that two requests to cross examine were filed. He invited
Mr. O’Neill and Mr. Bry forward.
Mr. O’Neill deferred to Mr. Bry.
Mr. Bry took the podium and addressed questions to Ms. Slaats.
In response to questions from Mr. Bry, Ms. Slaats confirmed that four lights were used
last year and six are now proposed. She stated that the generators will be the same
type and have the same power as those used last year. She stated that the lights will
be the same height as last year. She stated that practices will end in time to allow the
lights to be turned off at 8 p.m. She stated that last year, the lights were focused to
the extent possible, on the field. She added that two additional lights are proposed
this year to allow lights to be directed downward, to avoid spraying light across the
field. She stated that the College provided notice of the intention to use lights to the
neighbors. She stated that the application submitted states the start and end date for
the use of the lights. She stated that lights will be used Monday through Friday. She
stated that various discussions occurred about the desire to use lights on the field. She
stated that the College invited the neighbors to a meeting with College staff and
provided notice of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. She stated that having
teams practice on contest fields is desirable. She explained that other fields on the
campus are grass and will get torn up depending on the weather. She agreed that
lights could be placed on other fields, but noted that the fields may not be able to be
used. She stated that the College tried to develop the least intrusive plan possible.
She stated that there are more trees around Farwell Field than around the other fields
on the campus. She reiterated that the College looked at various options, including
using other fields, to meet the practice needs for two to three weeks. She stated that
if the teams do not get into post season play, the full three weeks will not be used.
Mr. Bry noted that last year, the request was to use the lights until 7:30 p.m. and this
year, an 8 p.m. end time is requested along with six lights, instead of four lights.
In response to further questions from Mr. Bry, Ms. Slaats stated that the College sends
letters to neighbors with a schedule of events at the College and to keep them
informed of activities. She stated that the College tries to mitigate the impacts from
the field noting that times of practices and playing music are limited. She
acknowledged that the addition of three weeks of practice will generate noise. She
noted that alternatives considered include having practice at 6:30 a.m. and then
again after class in the afternoon, until dusk. She noted that practices need to be
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scheduled around student athletes’ classes. She confirmed that all teams do not
practice at the same tim e. She confirmed that the practices planned will be full team
practices. She confirmed that the lights proposed for use on the field are different in
character from other lights on the campus since they are intended for lighting an
athletic field. She stated that the College does not want or need permanent lighting
on the field. She added that the cost of permanent lighting would be significant. She
stated that a Special Use Permit is requested to allow the use of temporary lights, three
weeks a year, every year. She explained that an overall approval is requested to
eliminate the need to go through the approval process every year.
Hearing no further questions from Mr. Bry, Chairman Franksen invited Mr. O’Neill to
cross examine.
Mr. O’Neill stated that he did not wish to cross examine.
Chairman Franksen returned the matter to the Board for further questions.
In response to questions from Board member Culbertson, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that
special uses are permitted in the R-4 District and that once a special use is approved; it
is considered a conforming use.
Board member Culbertson noted that from time to time, the end of daylight savings
time has changed. He asked that some provision be made to allow for further review
if daylight savings time changes.
In response to questions from Board member Culbertson, Mr. Siebert confirmed that on
an ongoing basis, the landscaping around Farwell Field is maintained. He stated that
it is the College’s intention to maintain the density of landscaping in those areas.
In response to questions from Board member Culbertson, Ms. Czerniak stated that the
College is required to maintain the perimeter landscaping in the parkway along Illinois
Road. She stated that a landscape plan was approved as part of the 2003 approval s
and that plan was used as the basis for the plantings that occurred. She stated that
on an ongoing basis, replacement of trees and vegetation is required to maintain the
same density of plantings as reflected in the approved landscape plan. She stated
that no additional plantings, beyond those already required to be maintained , are
included in the staff recommendation as presented to the Board.
In response to questions from Board member Kennedy, Mr. Siebert confirmed that the
intent is that the two additional lights will allow the light to be more directly focused on
the field limiting the light into the neighborhood.
In response to questions from Board member Pasquesi, Ms. Czerniak confirmed that if
the Board chooses to do so, the Board could recommend to the City Council that
after the use of the lights in 2015, an evaluation be conducted with the opportunity for
public input.
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Chairman Franksen invited rebuttal to public testimony from the petitioner.
Mr. Siebert commented that notice of the neighbor meeting held by the College was
mailed to 64 surrounding homes. He stated that four people showed up at the
meeting, possibly an indication that people believe that the College is a good
neighbor. He stated that the College did not receive any complaints about the lights
last year. He stated that the College works hard to be a good neighbor and to be
responsive to neighbor concerns. He acknowledged the concerns raised by the
neighbors who testified and stated that the College tries to be responsive.
Chairman Franksen invited staff response to public comment.
Ms. Czerniak reviewed the events of last year related to the lights on the field. She
stated that the College notified the City of the change in NFL rules and that the
Peyton Center at the Chicago Bears’ Facility was no longer available to the College.
She stated that the City encouraged the College to explore all options. She stated
that when viable options were not found, and after internal discussion at the City, it
was determined that allowing a one-time use of temporary lights at Farwell Field, on a
trial basis, could provide information that would be helpful in further evaluating the use
of portable lights on the field for a limited time as a potential longer term option. She
stated that the City issued a one-time administrative approval allowing the use of the
lights in 2014. She stated that a neighbor, Mr. Walsh, filed litigation to prevent the use
of the lights. She stated that a Settlement Agreement was reached permitting the use
of the lights last year with the requirement that any future request to light the field be
considered through the special use process. Consistent with the Settlement
Agreement, the matter is now presented to the Board for consideration. She stated
that during the use of the lights in 2014, the City did not receive any calls or
complaints. She confirmed that since last fall, there have been a number of
discussions between the City and the College about how to address this i ssue. She
acknowledged that the Building Review Board looks carefully at exterior lights in
residential areas to limit impact on neighboring properties. She stated that exterior
lights generally, must be turned off no later than 11 p.m. and views of the source of the
light must be shielded. She noted that a comment was made during public testimony
that special uses should be considered in the context of the neighborhood and the
benefit offered to the community. She stated that the City traditionally has taken a
position that the various institutions located in residential neighborhoods as special
uses do benefit the overall community. She added that the vitality and success of the
College in particular has been identified as a benefit to the community. She stated
that the City has acknowledged that special uses need to be allowed to grow and
change but has always placed importance on protection of the surrounding
neighborhood. She noted that based on the Board’s discussion so far, the Board may
wish to add to the conditions recommended in the staff report to prohibit weekend
use of the lights, limit the height to what is now presented to the Board, to require
reconsideration if the dates of daylight savings time change and to require a re -
evaluation after the use of lights this year.
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Chairman Franksen invited Board discussion and comment.
Board member Pasquesi stated that the petition as presented is reasonable even with
the proposed addition of two lights beyond the number used last year. He stated that
if the additional lights will allow the lights to be directed downward, to mitigate impact
on the neighboring homes; that will be a benefit. He noted however that he would
have a difficult time recommending approval of the lights on an ongoing basis noting
that many questions remain. He stated support for providing for re-evaluation after this
year’s use once a better understanding of the impacts are known.
Board member Culbertson suggested that the Board could consider recommending
approval for the use of lights this year, as a pilot program. He pointed out that the
2003 Special Use Permit included specific language intended to minimize the impacts
of lights on the College campus on the neighboring homes. He noted that the
conditions included keeping the height of the light poles to a minimum, limiting lighting
at the perimeter of the campus, paying attention to the overall intensity of light to
avoid off site impacts, reducing light in the evening hours and shielding all light sources
from view. He added that the 2003 Special Use Permit specifically prohibited the
installation of lights or use of equipment with internal combustion engines on the
athletic fields. He stated that he understands the present need of the College and
stated that, with certain conditions, he may be able to support the request in a limited
way. He reviewed limitations he would like to see put in place including limiting the
use of the lights to Monday through Friday, limiting the light intensity as stated by the
College, allowing the opportunity to understand and evaluate the impacts of the
lights noting that six lights are now proposed. He stated that a period of assessment is
needed and an opportunity to evaluate the proposed approach and the off site
impacts. He stated that to date, the process has not been satisfactory noting that
there has been no formal process to allow for evaluation of the request. He stated
that the current plan for baffling the sound of the generators does not seem well
developed at this point. He stated that the College should seek professional advice
on how to mitigate the sound from the generators.
Board member Pickus concurred with the comments of Board member Culbertson.
He stated that there are ways to baffle the generators safely and effectively, but that
those efforts will not be inexpensive. He suggested that a hard look should be taken at
enhancing the landscaping to help mitigate spillover light impacts on to the adjacent
properties. He stated confidence that there is a way to balance the interests and
needs of all parties. He agreed that after the use of the lights this year, there should
be an evaluation with input from neighbors, the College and the City.
Board member Kennedy stated agreement that there should be an opportunity to re-
evaluate the use of the lights after this year and that input from the neighbors should
be invited.
Chairman Franksen stated that he lives in the neighborhood and has attended many
football games on the field. He stated that the field is part of the fabric of the
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neighborhood. He stated however that he is concerned that this request is another
bite of the apple as a follow up to the 2003 Special Use Permit. He noted that in other
petitions, there is more balance, with all parties giving up something, but also
benefitting. He acknowledged that the College teams will benefit, but questioned
how the neighborhood will benefit. He acknowledged that some neighbors may not
be bothered by the lights, but others will feel impacted. He questions whether the
standard providing for continued enjoyment of the neighborhood is not satisfactorily
met. He stated that this request seems to ask for too much.
Board member Culbertson stated that he is inclined to vote against the petition
because the College is asking for more than was previously requested with respect to
Farwell Field. He stated that if the Board moves this request forward, he would like to
see some strong conditions around the use.
Board member Pickus noted that the College has lost the opportunity to use an off site
field due to decisions made by others. He stated that as a result, the College faces a
hardship and acknowledged that the College is trying to find a way to address its
needs. He stated an interest in trying to find a way to satisfy both sides by taking the
necessary steps to protect the neighborhood. He noted that sound abatement and
additional landscaping may help to address the concerns raised.
Chairman Franksen noted that the Board’s back is up against the wall due to the
timing of the request.
Board member Pickus agreed that the timing of the petition is poor planning on the
part of the College.
Chairman Franksen reviewed the options before the Board: forward a
recommendation to the City Council, continue the matter to allow further discussion,
or, take a mid-step of recommending that the use of the lights be permitted in 2015 as
a trial period, one-time use only, with a follow up review and re-evaluation by the
Board. He asked for Board input.
Board member Pasquesi stated that he would like more time to evaluate the request
and stated that he could not recommend approval of the petition on an annual basis
in its current form.
Board member Kennedy stated that he could support the petition on a one-time basis
with a requirement for re-evaluation after the use of the lights this fall.
Board member Pickus stated that the Board should make a decision tonight to allow
the College to know whether or not they can use lights this year.
Hearing no further comments from the Board, Chairman Franksen invited a motion
noting that some conditions are recommended in the staff report and others have
been suggested as part of the Board’s discussion.
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At the request of Chairman Franksen, Ms. Czerniak offered language for consideration
by the Board that would require a re-evaluation of the use of lights after the 2015 use
period. She stated that as part of the re-evaluation process, public notification would
be provided and public testimony invited.
Board member Culbertson made a motion to:
Recommend approval of an amendment to the Special Use Permit to allow the
installation of temporary lights on Farwell Field, at Lake Forest College in 2015
limited by the following conditions.
1. The use of temporary lights on Farwell Field is permitted subject to the
following limitations:
a. No permanent lights or electric service to support permanent lights
shall be installed on the field.
b. The lights will be used only for football and soccer practices, no games
are permitted under the lights.
c. Use of the lights is permitted for a maximum of three weeks in 2015,
beginning the day after daylight savings time ends, and extending for
up to three weeks thereafter.
d. Use of the lights and the associated generators is permitted only from 4
p.m. until 8 p.m., on weekdays only.
e. Up to six portable, diesel powered lights are permitted, three on each
side of the field.
f. The light fixtures shall direct lights downward, to the field, and shall be
configured to limit spillover light to neighboring homes.
g. The light poles will be extended to full height, not to exceed 30 feet,
only during the hours of use.
h. Setup of the portable lights and generators on the field is permitted no
more than 10 days prior to the start of the three week period. Removal
of the lights and generators must be removed from the field and the
campus within 10 days after the three week period.
i. Reasonable measures shall be taken to mitigate sound from the
j. If music is played during practices conducted under the lights, the
sound level must be such that it does not impact the surrounding
k. After the 2015 season, an evaluation shall be conducted and a report
prepared and presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals to allow
further review of the impacts, or lack thereof, on the surrounding
residential neighborhood. The evaluation shall include the opportunity
for public comment. The Board shall forward a recommendation to
the City Council on whether the use of temporary lights should be
allowed to continue, be allowed to continue subject to further
limitations and conditions, or be discontinued.
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Recommend that the current conditions that pertain to Halas Hall and Farwell
Field be updated to reflect the current status of the facilities and current uses as
2. As mechanical equipment is replaced on this site, measures shall be taken
to mitigate the noise and visual impacts of the equipment on the
surrounding neighborhood.
3. The landscaping plan shall provide for continuing enhanced landscaping
the full length of the field along Illinois Road and on the south and east
sides of Halas Hall and along the Washington Road streetscape. The
landscaping, on an ongoing basis shall provide for the following:
a. Layering of plant material on both sides of the fence to maximize the
screening of the structures and provide depth to the planting area.
b. Provide opportunities for views into the field in areas where no
structures are located.
c. Evergreens shall be used in key areas opposite houses on Illinois Road
to minimize the visibility of the structures.
d. A variety of plant and tree species shall be incorporated into the plan.
e. The landscaping in this area shall provide for low plant materi al as well
as taller trees, particularly in areas where structures are located.
f. Additional street trees shall be planted along the north side of Illinois
Road as appropriate to retain a high tree canopy over the street into
the future.
g. The College is responsible for maintaining the parkway along Illinois
and Washington Roads, maintaining the landscaping in good
condition and replacing diseased or dead plant materials, and
maintaining the fence.
4. Any future addition to Halas Hall shall provide ADA accessible restrooms to
allow the elimination of the portable toilets from the site. Any future
addition to Halas Hall will require an amendment to the Lake Forest
College Master Plan.
5. No mechanical equipment with internal combustion engines shall be used
for the purposes of heating or watering the field due to minimize noise
impacts on the neighbors.
6. No pedestrian or spectator access to the field from Illinois Road is
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The motion was seconded by Board member Pickus and was approved by a 6 to 0
4. Opportunity for the public to address the Zoning Board of Appeals on matters not on
the agenda.
There was no other public testimony presented to the Board.
5. Additional information from staff.
No additional information was presented by staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Czerniak
Director of Community Development