FINANCE COMMITTEE 2021/04/19 AgendaTHE CITY OF LAKE FOREST FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 19, 2021 – 6:30 P.M. REMOTE ACCESS MEETING Please be advised that all of the City Council Finance Committee members will be remotely attending this meeting by electronic means, in compliance with the recent amendments to the Open Meetings Act. The Mayor of the City Council has determined that it is not prudent or practical to conduct an in-person meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that it is not feasible to have the City Council members or members of the public physically present at the meeting due to the pandemic disaster. The City will be providing members of the public with various opportunities to watch or attend this meeting, as well as provide public comment at the meeting. For example, members of the public can participate remotely in the meeting by following the public audience link which will provide both video and audio means to attend the meeting. Public Audience Link: Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85630419576?pwd=UW5ZeU1HL0w2cjN6d0RTeW1JWk02dz09 Webinar ID: 856 3041 9576 Passcode: 1861 Public Comment: 847-810-3643 AGENDA I. ROLL CALL II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 8, 2021 III. COMPREHENSIVE FISCAL PLAN FOR FY2022 IV. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR FY2021 V. PURCHASING POLICY REVIEW VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE FINANCE COMMITTEE VIII. ADJOURNMENT