FINANCE COMMITTEE 2020/04/20 AgendaTHE CITY OF LAKE FOREST FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 20, 2020 – 6:30 P.M. REMOTE ACCESS MEETING Please be advised that all of the City Council members will be remotely attending this City Council Finance Committee meeting by electronic means, in compliance with Governor’s Executive Order 2020-07, issued on March 16, 2020, that suspended certain Open Meetings Act provisions relating to in-person attendance by members of a public body. Specifically, the Governor’s Order: (1) suspends the requirement in Section 2.01 that “members of a public body must be physically present;” and (2) suspends the limitations in Section 7 on when remote participation is allowed. This Executive Order is effective the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster proclamation. The City will be providing members of the public with various opportunities to watch or participate in this meeting. For example, members of the public can participate remotely in the meeting by following the public audience link https://zoom.us/j/91601909046. Alternatively, members of the public can watch the meeting on Channel 17. AGENDA I. ROLL CALL George Pandaleon, Mayor Ara Goshgarian James E. Morris, Chairman Michelle Moreno Prudence R. Beidler Raymond Buschmann Melanie Rummel Jason Wicha (Staff) Ted Notz Elizabeth Holleb (Staff) Jim Preschlack II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 12, 2020 III. IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CITY FINANCES (FY2021 BUDGET DISCUSSION) IV. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CITY’S PURCHASING POLICY AND RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Members of the public can provide public comment by calling into the following number during the meeting: 847-810-3643. VII. ADJOURNMENT