FINANCE COMMITTEE 2016/03/14 Minutes
The City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the March 14, 2016 Meeting
5:00 p. m. – Municipal Services, 800 N. Field Dr.
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:08 p.m. Present: Chairman Pandaleon, Aldermen Waldeck,
Beidler, Newman, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. Absent: Mayor Schoenheider and
Alderman Tack. Quorum present. There were approximately 23 present in the audience.
Staff present: Robert Kiely, Jr., City Manager; Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director; Diane Hall,
Assistant Finance Director; Mike Thomas, Director of Public Works; Cathy Czerniak, Director of
Community Development; Jim Held, Police Chief; Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and
Recreation; DeSha Kalmar, Director of Human Resources
Others present: There were fifteen people in the audience.
II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on January 19, 2016
Alderman Newman made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee
meeting held on January 19, 2016. The motion was seconded by Alderman Waldeck. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
III. Overview of FY2017 Budget
A. Opening Comments by City Manager – Budget Message
Mr. Kiely, City Manager stated the FY2017 budget is very similar to the FY2016 budget in part
due to the continued uncertainty of the state finances. The City is in good financial position.
He stated the proposed expense budgets are down from FY2016 mainly due to reductions in
capital expenses. He stated the City is a resident based community thusly the City will look
to promote Lake Forest as a wonderful place to live and visit.
Alderman Tack entered the meeting at 5:17
The Committee discussed other communities in the same situation as Lake Forest.
B. FY16 Monthly Flash Report
Ms. Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director stated no substantial changes occurred based on the
previous month.
The Committee discussed variances in the Motor Fuel Tax, Capital, Water and Sewer, Police
Pension and Fire Pension funds. Sales Tax and Utility tax were also discussed based on
Mettawa revenue reduction as well as weather impact on utility tax.
C. Review of FY17 vs. FY16 Forecast – Revenue and Expenses
i. Primary Revenue Assumptions
Ms. Holleb stated many of the graphs depicted in the budget presentation were developed
using the new program OpenGov that was presented at the January Finance Committee
meeting. She reviewed all City funds by expense category, noting the significant reduction
in capital for FY17. She also reviewed expenses by fund.
The Committee discussed the decrease in capital and requested additional details outlining
the reduction.
Ms. Holleb stated salary and benefits as a whole over all funds is 45.5%, while 71% of the
General Fund is made up of salary and benefits.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 14, 2016
Ms. Holleb reviewed the revenue and payroll assumption utilized in developing the FY2017
budget. She stated the Police and Fire Pension levy increase for FY2017 is lower due to the
change in actuary calculation moving the funding date to 2040.
The Committee requested additional scenarios reducing Real Estate Transfer Tax, sales tax,
income tax and increasing property taxes. The Committee requested the annual property
tax discussion to begin earlier in 2016.
ii. Payroll Projections
Ms. Holleb reviewed the detailed payroll assumptions utilized in the General Fund five-year
forecast. She reviewed the savings from FY2016 to FY2017 is due to vacant positions and
then hiring at lower salaries. The greater dollar increases each year are in part due to
compounding numbers.
D. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast (General Fund)
Ms. Holleb reviewed the General Fund expenses by category. She stated the salary increases
for FY2017 are not included in the salary figures at this time. She stated an amount is included
in the non-department budget until the City Council approves the increase. She explained
the reduction of the non-department is related to the payment to Lake Forest College in
FY2016 for the purchase of the train station parking lot and the elimination of the transfer to
the capital fund.
The Committee discussed the different expenses allocated to the non-department budget.
Ms. Holleb reviewed the budgeted revenues in the General Fund. She highlighted income tax
revenue has been reclassified by the auditors as an intergovernmental revenue.
The Committee discussed adding information to the City’s website based on the detailed
graphs generated through OpenGov and in what format the information should be in.
Ms. Holleb reviewed the five-year forecast for the General Fund. She explained the reserved
amounts included in the fund balance. She reviewed the timeline of expenses exceeding
revenue as well as an alternate scenario outlining the potential reduction in revenue by the
IV. Operating Department Summaries
A. Department Summaries
Ms. Holleb stated included in the packet are materials by department outlining personnel,
financial information and narratives regarding FY16 highlights and FY17 initiatives.
V. Capital Expenditures
A. FY2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
i. Modifications from January 2016 Finance Committee Draft
Mr. Kiely reviewed the changes made to the CIP program. Highlighted were advanced
funding of storm sewer improvements and the additional Golf Fund capital expenses
based on the November budget meeting.
ii. Concrete Street Summary Presentation
Mr. Michael Thomas, Public Works Director reviewed the number of street miles in the
City that are asphalt and those that are concrete.
The Committee discussed the differences between asphalt and concrete and cost of
replacing individual panels of concrete.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 14, 2016
Mr. Thomas stated all concrete and asphalt projects would be completed in early fall.
He stated after completion a full study would be completed of all City roads in order to
provide up to date information in preparation for the FY2018 budget.
iii. North Western Avenue Streetscape Improvements
Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent stated the City has contracted with Craig Bergmann
Landscape architect to develop a plan to develop a streetscape plan on Western
Avenue between Laurel and Alden. He stated the plan proposes two phases of
implementation. The second phase would coincide with development of the Laurel
Ave. property.
The Committee discussed traffic flow, viability of trees surviving in the sidewalk cutouts
and the current businesses located in the area.
Mr. Myers stated a budget for the project has not been finalized and would be brought
back to the Committee for discussion.
VI. Other Funds
A. Water Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb reviewed the five-year fund balance forecast for the water capital fund. She
reviewed the water capital fund is funded by a transfer from the water operating fund.
She reviewed assumptions for the water plant project showing the incremental debt
service for FY2019 – FY2024 will be above the current debt service. This totals
approximately $1,000,000.
Ms. Holleb reviewed the City anticipates collecting $691,000 in water related fees from
the Lake Forest Hospital and Laurel Redevelopment projects. She explained these
additional funds are a potential option to consider in place of the fixed and variable
rate alternatives to fund the water plant project. She explained the revenue could also
be used to fund other water capital projects. This will be brought back at a later time
for discussion.
The Committee discussed water revenue assumptions used to develop the water
operating revenue projections. The Committee requested an alternate forecast
removing the high usage year of 2012, as the City uses a five year rolling average for
B. Parks and Recreation Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb explained other funds are added to the Parks and Recreation Fund to
calculate the required fund balance. She reviewed the transfer to the Golf Fund now
includes the approved $125,000 special tax levy and an annual operating transfer of
The Committee discussed a concern of the decreasing fund balance.
C. Golf Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb reviewed the five-year fund balance highlighting the net before capital and
debt is positive, while adding the proposed capital and debt expenses the fund is
negative in FY2018. She stated the Recreation transfer is shown last to highlight the
status of the fund. She explained the required debt coverage is positive whereas the
fund is negative due to debt coverage is calculated based on revenues. She explained
a new line item has been added to show the new special purpose transfer for capital.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 14, 2016
ii. Update on Master Plan
Ms. Sally Swarthout, Parks and Recreation Director stated staff was directed to contract
with Lohman Golf Designs to develop a master plan for the golf course. She explained
staff has begun making some changes to the course based on feedback received from
residents. She reviewed a presentation outlining golf industry statistics.
Ms. Swarthout reviewed a map highlighting proposed changes and enhancements to
the course. She stated areas have been looked at to generate additional revenue and
to provide longer play on the course. She reviewed a cost estimate of different aspects
of the project with a total of $7-8 million. She stated staff is looking at alternate ways to
save costs. A meeting will be held on March 16, 2016 with golfers to review the plan and
to receive feedback on the options they would prefer.
The Committee discussed the historical ties to the City and a comparison to the Lake
Forest beach project. They discussed the course would be closed from August to June.
The status of a well was discussed and the payback period was calculated as 30 years.
D. Emergency Telephone Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb reviewed the five-year forecast. She stated prior to the consolidation of the
dispatch services, salaries and benefits were charged to this fund for two dispatchers.
Subsequent to the consolidation, capital expenses incurred for the move to Glenview
were charged to this fund. Going forward a portion of the Glenview contract will be
paid from this fund. This will provide a savings to the General Fund.
ii. Statutory Changes for Fiscal Year 2017
Ms. Holleb reviewed changes made by the state for the administration of E911 funds.
She explained the City has received individual checks from multiple carriers and these
will now go directly to the Illinois State Police. The City will now receive one monthly
check. The Illinois State Police will be managing the AT&T bills previously paid by the
City. This will provide additional savings to the General Fund.
Ms. Holleb stated part of the new regulations requires ETSB’s serving under 25,000 would
be required to consolidate. She stated the City is ahead of this regulation. She stated
staff will be proposing entering into an Intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the
Village of Glenview to manage a joint ETSB board. The Village of Glenview would
receive all funds from the Illinois State Police and then forward to each municipality
included in the new ETSB. The Village of Glenview would file all required reports with the
state. Ms. Holleb reviewed a proposed timeline for the implementation of the
consolidated ETSB, with a go live in January 2017.
VII. Other Business:
A. Look Back Audit Reports
i. Consolidate Dispatch
Mr. Kiely stated the City is anticipated to realize the projected 10 year savings as
previously presented.
Mr. Jim Held, Police Chief stated very few complaints have been received and there are
some small technical issues outstanding. He stated calls are being handled
professionally through Glenview.
B. Economic Development and Real Estate Marketing
Ms. Susan Kelsey, Economic Development Coordinator reviewed the competitive resources
allocated to marketing by other municipalities. She reviewed the square footage vacant in
retail spaces through the City, which totaled 3.3%. She stated retail sales are down, and this is
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 14, 2016
partly due to internet sales. She stated there is a trend of moving away from retail and
moving toward service providers.
The Committee discussed the necessity of being more flexible when requests come before
the City Council with new ideas. They discussed adding additional questions to the
community survey regarding what would bring them to downtown to shop.
Ms. Kelsey reviewed a new initiative for a new working network office space. Realtors will be
provided with additional marketing tools to sell Lake Forest.
C. EAB/Tree Planting Policy
Mr. Myers provided an update on EAB removals, tree replacement and treatments. He stated
FY2017 will be the final year of removals. He stated each individual site is looked at to
determine if a replacement is needed and which type of species will be needed.
VIII. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None
IX. Adjourn into Executive Session
The Committee convened into executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss matters of Personnel and
Property Disposition.
X. Executive Session
The Finance Committee reconvened into regular session at 10:08 p.m.
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business, Alderman Beidler moved, seconded by Alderman Reisenberg, to
adjourn the meeting at 10:08 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Hall
Assistant Finance Director