FINANCE COMMITTEE 2017/03/13 Minutes
The City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the March 13, 2017 Meeting
5:00 p. m. – Municipal Services, 800 N. Field Dr.
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:11 p.m. Present: Chairman Pandaleon, Mayor
Schoenheider, Aldermen Beidler, Reisenberg, Buschmann and Moreno. Absent: Aldermen
Waldek, Newman and Tack. Quorum present. There were approximately 22 present in the
Staff present: Robert Kiely, Jr., City Manager; Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director; Diane Hall,
Assistant Finance Director; Pete Siebert, Fire Chief; Karl Walldorf, Police Chief; Cathy Czerniak,
Director of Community Development; Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation; Mike
Thomas, Director of Public Works and DeSha Kalmar, Director of Human Resources.
Others present: There were thirteen people in the audience.
II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on January 17, 2017
Alderman Moreno made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting
held on January 17, 2017. The motion was seconded by Alderman Reisenberg. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
III. Overview of FY2018 Budget
A. Opening Comments by City Manager
Mr. Robert Kiely, City Manager explained the night’s meeting would be covering the
operating budgets of the City. He reviewed his most pressing concerns regarding the
budget, which include the state, pensions and seasonal employees.
B. FY17 Monthly Flash Report
Ms. Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director reviewed the February report and noted a
comparison to estimates had been added. She stated we have not received an update
from the Illinois Municipal League (IML) regarding the Income Tax variance.
C. Review of FY18 vs. FY17 Forecast – Revenue and Expenses
i. Fund Balance Summary
Ms. Holleb reviewed budgeted expenses in FY2017 to estimates in FY2017 and the
proposed FY2018 budget. She reviewed larger variances in the Capital and 2008
Bond funds. This was primarily the sale of Laurel avenue proceeds transferring from
the Capital Fund to the 2008 Bond fund and the subsequent early bond redemption.
She stated supplemental appropriation ordinances would be brought to the Council
for approval. She stated the larger budget in the Lake Forest Hospital and Municipal
Redevelopment funds In FY18 include transfers to Capital, Golf and Water funds as
discussed at the November budget meeting. She stated the Laurel/Western TIF fund
is projected to have a negative fund balance in FY2018 primarily due to property tax
increments are not scheduled to start.
ii. Primary Revenue Assumptions
Ms. Holleb reviewed the main revenues assumptions used to develop the FY2018 and
future year projections. She explained the Income Tax projections are based on IML
information. She stated the IML projections do not include a shortfall in FY2017.
The Committee discussed how sales tax, income tax and water revenue estimates
are calculated.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 13, 2017
iii. Payroll Projections
Ms. Holleb reviewed the City’s largest expenses are payroll and benefits. She stated
the projected savings in FY2017 are mainly due to savings from open positions. She
reviewed the projected assumptions used in the 10 year forecast and what has
been done to reduce costs.
The Committee discussed which expenses were under control of the City and what
are dictated by the state and union contracts. They discussed performance
measures and capital investments that may yield salary savings via productivity
D. Ten-Year Fund Balance Forecast (General Fund)
i. Discussion of State Impacts
Ms. Holleb reviewed the Preliminary FY18 budget for the General Fund. She
reviewed the 10 year forecast and stated the departments have been operating
under a 0% growth in non-personnel controllable expenditures. She stated once the
revenues over expenses before CIP go negative, fund balance will start to be
reduced. She reviewed the different classifications of fund balance. She reviewed
the impact of the state imposing a permanent or a two year freeze on the 10 year
The Committee discussed a list of possible revenues that could be affected if the
state eliminates or reduces distributions and a plan of action if that happens. The
Committee requested possible scenarios to be developed and provided to residents
discussing difficult decisions that will need to be made.
The Committee discussed the assumptions used in the development of the FY18
budget. The City will need to work with other taxing bodies if the state moves
forward with reducing revenues. The City is Home Rule and has some options to
generate additional revenue.
ii. “A Thousand Cuts” – Governing Article – No discussion
iii. Revenue and Expense Trends – No discussion
IV. Operating Department Summaries
A. OpenGov Transparency Demonstration
Diane Hall, Assistant Finance Director reviewed a tentative schedule for implementing
OpenGov on the City’s website. She provided a demonstration of reports that have been
developed and are proposed to be included on the website. The Committee requested
an additional water report including debt expenses.
B. Department Summaries
Ms. Holleb stated City staff were present to review any questions based on material
included in the packet. She stated salary increases have not been included in the
individual departments in the General Fund, but will be added for final approval of the
FY18 budget.
C. FY18 Budget Issues
i. Update on Shared Fire Services
Held for executive session
ii. Police Personnel Restructuring and Activity Trends
Mr. Karl Walldorf, Police Chief reviewed staffing changes made at the Police
Department, which include replacing two open Community Service Officers (CSO)
positions with four part time CSO’s. The part time staff will be hired from the Police
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 13, 2017
Explorer Program and is expected to save between $20,000 and $30,000 in FY2018.
He reviewed crime statistics in Lake Forest and neighboring communities.
iii. Seasonal Employees
Mr. Mike Thomas, Public Works Director reviewed the current seasonal program and
the history of seasonal employees. He stated previously the City employed
seasonal’s for eleven months, which was seen as too much like full time employment.
He reviewed changes the City has made to address this problem, which has led to
training employees and then they do not come back. He reviewed possible
solutions, which includes additional hourly wages, contract out or partner with other
municipalities or park districts having the same problem.
Alderman Newman entered the meeting at 7:54
He stated all industries are having the same problem.
iv. Request for Financial Support/Friends of LFPR
Rick Amos of Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation reviewed events the
foundation has held to generate funds to assist the City. He stated the events are a
way to bring the community together and the foundation was requesting funding
and in-kind services totaling approximately $72,000.
The Committee discussed the re-location of the Oktoberfest to Market Square.
Merchants in Market Square need to contribute also to the events to help bring
additional business into their establishments.
V. Other Funds
A. Water Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb reviewed the capital transfer from operating funds. She stated a bond
issued is projected in FY18 to fund the water plant improvement project, which is set
to begin in FY18. She stated water revenues are based on a five year rolling
average, with any unusual year’s removed. She stated a $750,000 transfer from the
Lake Forest Hospital and Laurel Avenue redevelopment funds is budgeted in FY18 to
offset the new debt issue. She stated the projected debt service expenses do not
include the water plant debt issue.
The Committee reviewed the fund balance target, which is higher to account for
fluctuations in weather.
B. Parks and Recreation Fund Balance Forecast
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb stated additional years are included in the packet. She reviewed the
different categories included in the schedule. She stated the fund balance target is
based on 25% of all the Parks and Recreation funds.
The Committee discussed how fees are set. A property tax freeze would significantly
affect the Parks and Recreation fund.
C. Golf Fund
i. Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast
Ms. Holleb reviewed the Golf Fund five-year forecast and stated additional years are
included in the packet. She reviewed the required transfers from the Parks and
Recreation Fund, which include a loan for the proposed capital improvements. She
stated the Parks and Recreation Fund will need to offset any negative fund balance.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – March 13, 2017
The Committee discussed the proposed improvements detailed in November and
the decision to scale back for only needed improvements. They discussed the
closing of Highland Park golf course in 2017 for improvements and possible
additional rounds this will generate. They discussed private funds will be needed to
complete the other necessary improvements.
ii. Deerpath Golf Course Year in Review and FY18 Outlook
Mr. Mike Williams and Vince Jaurez of Kemper Sports reviewed the downward trend
of golf sales and the number of golf courses in the area. They reviewed the FY17
reduced revenues and the causes. They reviewed survey results from 2015 and 2016
to show much improved reviews.
Mr. Jaurez reviewed 2017 projected improvements and the effect the improvements
will have on projected revenue and impact on holes available for play. He
reviewed estimated costs for the locker room and patio and the justifications behind
the improvements.
VI. Other Matters
A. Look Back Audit Reports
i. Leak Detection Program
Cards were handed out showing volume of water used for leaks.
B. FY2018 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Revisions – No discussion
C. Emergency Telephone Fund Five Year Fund Balance Forecast – No discussion
D. Comprehensive Plan Updates
This will be discussed in FY2018. With updates to the strategic plan, this would be a good
time to update.
E. South Beach Access Road Study Update – No discussion
F. Park Master Plan Update – No discussion
VII. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None
VIII. Adjourn into Executive Session
The Committee convened into executive session at 9:45 p.m. to discuss Personnel, Cable TV
Consortium and Fire Shared Services.
IX. Executive Session
The Finance Committee reconvened into regular session at 10:38 p.m.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, Alderman Beidler moved, seconded by Alderman Reisenberg, to
adjourn the meeting at 10:38 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Hall
Assistant Finance Director