FINANCE COMMITTEE 2012/05/21 Minutes I. Call to Order and Roll Call Mayor Cowhey called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Cowhey, Aldermen Novit, Waldeck, Moore, Schoenheider, Tack, Palmer and Adelman. Absent: Chairman Pandaleon. Quorum present. There were approximately 16 present in the audience. Staff present: Robert Kiely, Jr., City Manager; Diane Hall, Assistant Finance Director; Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Ramesh Kanapareddy, City Surveyor and Engineer; Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation; Cathy Czerniak, Director of Community Development; Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on April 16, 2012 Alderman Palmer made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting held on April 16, 2012. The motion was seconded by Alderman Novit. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote III. Approval of Townline Community Park Playground Project Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation stated that the equipment for the playground at Townline Community Park was approved by the City Council at the March 19th meeting. He stated the final approval for the surfacing options was delayed until further evaluations could be completed regarding the 2011 drainage improvements at the Park. He stated City staff is recommending the waiver of bids and to enter into an agreement with NuToys Leisure Products to purchase and install a pour and play surface. He stated this surface is currently used at Forest Park Beach, Waveland Park and Kinderhaven. He stated City staff is requesting $87,481 to complete the project. IV. Approval of Citywide Street Tree Inventory Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation stated City staff is requesting to waive the bidding process and enter into an agreement with Davey Resource Group to complete the first phase of the citywide street tree inventory. He stated the vendor would manage the project, complete the inventory of up to 9,300 trees and train City staff. He stated a number of contractors have been looked at. He stated Forest Park was used as a test project to evaluate the software. He stated $20,000 was budgeted in the CIP and that $20,000 is requested from the City Council Contingency account. Committee members discussed other possible methods of collecting the data as well as tagging the trees. VI. Other: Request to Waive the Bid Process to Purchase 35 & 65 Gallon Recycling Carts Mr. Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works stated City staff is requesting to waive the bidding process for the purchase of the remaining recycling carts from Schaefer Systems. He stated Schaefer Systems is the same vendor that supplied the original recycling bins. He discussed the carts would be received in July and then distributed in September. He discussed that information will be sent out to the residents regarding the old bins and where to place the new bins. He stated the City has received a grant in the amount of $100,000. He discussed revenues are increasing from the additional recycling. Award of Lake Forest Share of the 2012 Joint Annual Sewer Lining Project Mr. Ramesh Kanapareddy, City Engineer stated the City maintains 139 miles of sanitary sewer lines. He stated the method used for lining the sanitary sewers is a non-excavating method. He stated the City combined with three other municipalities to receive competitive pricing. He The City of Lake Forest FINANCE COMMITTEE Proceedings of the May 21, 2012 Meeting 6:30 p.m. – City Hall Council Chambers Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2012 2 stated City staff is requesting awarding the bid to Michaels Corporation for the annual sewer lining project. Approval of Lake Forest Police Department Uniform Bid to Kale Uniform Mr. Glenn Burmeister, Deputy Police Chief stated each year the Police department purchases uniforms totaling over $20,000. He stated four bids were received. He discussed on average it costs $2,500 to fully outfit an officer. He discussed old uniforms are properly disposed of by removing all patches and identifying markings. He stated City staff is requesting awarding the contract to Kale Uniforms for a period of three years. Recommendation to Grant Tentative Plat Approval for Spiel Subdivision Ms. Cathy Czerniak, Director of Community Development stated official action will not be required at this time. She stated the tentative approval allows the property owner to move forward with design to be submitted to the Plan Commission. She stated the 10 acre property will be subdivided into six lots. She stated the largest lot will retain the current single family residence. She stated the subdivision will improve drainage flow from surrounding properties, as well as allowing for preservation of open space. VII. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None VIII. Adjournment There being no further business, Alderman Palmer moved, seconded by Alderman Novit to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Respectfully submitted, Diane Hall Assistant Finance Director