FINANCE COMMITTEE 2012/03/19 Minutes
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Alderman Novit called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Present: Aldermen Novit, Waldeck, Moore,
Schoenheider, Palmer and Adelman. Absent: Mayor Cowhey, Chairman Pandaleon and Alderman
Morsch. Quorum present. There were approximately 26 present in the audience of which twenty
four were city staff.
Staff present: Robert Kiely, Jr., City Manager; Kathleen Reinertsen, Finance Director; Diane Hall,
Assistant Finance Director; Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Mary Van Arsdale, Director of
Parks and Recreation; Jeff Howell, Fire Chief; Joe Buerger, Police Chief; Ramesh Kanapareddy, City
Surveyor and Engineer; and Carina Walters, Assistant City Manager
II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on January 17, 2012
Alderman Schoenheider made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee
meeting held on January 17, 2012. The motion was seconded by Alderman Waldeck. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote
III. Overview of FY2013 Budget
Opening Comments by City Manager – Mr. Robert Kiely, City Manager stated that the City is in
a very good position at this time and programs and services will continue to be evaluated. He
stated that he is seeking direction from the Committee so that staff can finalized the FY2013
Budget documents to be approved at the May 7, 2012 City Council meeting.
FY12 Monthly Flash Report – Ms. Kathleen Reinertsen, Finance Director reviewed the February
2012 Flash Report with the committee. There were no areas of concern.
Review of FY13 vs. FY12 forecast - Revenue and Expenses – Ms. Reinertsen reviewed several
reports with the committee. She noted that revenues are forecasted to be .4% higher than the
General Fund FY2012 budget. The General Fund FY2013 revenues are projected to increase
2.4% over the General Fund FY2012 budgeted revenues. She stated that the TIF district will be
added to the 2012 tax levy. This increase in the levy will require a public hearing. Ms.
Reinertsen reviewed the Five Year Payroll Forecast with the committee.
Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast (General Fund) – Ms. Reinertsen reviewed the forecast with
the committee. She stated that the next four years of operating revenues will be covering the
operating expenses. She stated that the capital transfer in FY2017 will come from the General
Fund or the .5% Sales Tax fund. Mr. Kiely stated that the City’s Fiscal Policy will be brought
forward to the committee for review.
IV. Operating Revenues & Expenditures – General Fund
Potential Legislation
SB 2862 -Property Tax Extension Law Limit (PTELL) – Ms. Reinertsen stated this bill applies to
Non-Home Rule local governments. She stated that if the EAV goes down the City cannot
regain the lost property tax revenue. She stated that Lake Forest is a Home Rule
community, but follows the tax levy rules of a Non-Home Rule government. She stated
that if this bill passes the committee will need to decide if the City will follow the bill.
Alderman Morsch entered the meeting at 4:40 p.m.
The City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the March 19, 2012 Budget Meeting
4:00 p.m. – City Hall Council Chambers
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes - March 19, 2012
Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax Diversion (CPPRT) – Ms. Reinertsen stated
that the State has diverted a portion of the Personal Property Replacement Tax revenue
that was to be received in FY2012. She reviewed the FY2012 estimates as well as the
FY2013 budget.
Home Generator Program – Mr. Kiely stated that funds to assist residents with generator
installation have not been included in the FY2013 budget. The committee discussed the permit
fees for installing generators, and discussed that these fees should not be waived.
Mayor Cowhey entered the meeting at 4:50 p.m.
V. Capital Expenditures
FY2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Road Resurfacing and Enhancement – Mr. Ramesh Kanapareddy, City Surveyor and Engineer,
stated that overall our City streets are in good condition. He stated that each year a review is
completed to evaluate what can be completed in-house and what needs to be outsourced.
He stated that fixing the small pot holes and cracks each year improves the life of the streets,
allowing a better overall rating.
Vehicle Replacement and Downsizing – Mr. Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works discussed
that departments have reviewed the number of pieces of equipment that the City owns and
that 13 pieces of equipment have been disposed of in FY2012 and will be auctioning 22
additional pieces in May 2012. He stated City staff will continue to look at current equipment.
Mr. Thomas stated that an Electric Car will be purchased in FY2013 for Community
Development to help reduce fuel costs.
Emerald Ash Borer – Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, stated that the
City currently has an inventory of trees that is 15 years old and that a new inventory program
would be beneficial in tracking the Emerald Ash Borer. Mr. Myers stated that the City will only
be tagging those trees on City property and in City parkways. Mr. Myers stated that in the next
five years 10,000 trees could be lost. Mr. Myers stated that not all of the trees will be able to be
replaced, but they will work with other organizations to assist with the replacements.
Video Conferencing / Council Chambers – Mr. Kiely stated that the Fire Department has
received a grant to install video conferencing at the Fire Station. Mr. Kiely stated that in the
future the City will be looking at updating the City Council Chambers as well as adding video
conferencing to the Municipal Services Building.
Modifications from Nov. 2011 Draft – Mr. Kiely stated that changes had been made to the
Capital Improvement Plan since the November 2011 meeting. Mr. Kiely stated that these
changes are highlighted in the report included with the budget packet.
Other – Ms. Reinertsen noted that for the Capital Improvement fund there are no anticipated
bond issues until FY2014. Motor Fuel Tax and Park and Public Land Funds have remained the
VI. Other Funds
Golf Fund
Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast – Ms. Reinertsen reviewed the Five Year Fund Balance
forecast with the committee. Ms. Reinertsen discussed that with the warm weather the
estimated revenue for FY2012 should be met. Ms. Reinertsen stated that a transfer from the
Parks and Recreation fund will be necessary for FY2012.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes - March 19, 2012
Advisory Committee Update – Ms. Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation
discussed the current status of the Deerpath Golf Course and the changes that have been
implemented. She stated that current memberships are down compared to last year, but with
the elimination of the early purchase program people are waiting until the end of March to
purchase their memberships. She reviewed the new marketing plans, as well as new events
that will be taking place. She stated that with the aid of the Golf Advisory Committee the Golf
Course is looking to do well, but will take two or three years to implement the different ideas.
TIF Fund
Close-Out Date – Ms. Reinertsen stated that the TIF district would be ending on December 31,
2012. She stated that the 2011 tax levy would not be spent on the TIF district, but would be
returned to the other taxing bodies. She reviewed the current TIF balances with the
Water Fund
Five-Year Fund Balance Forecast – Ms. Reinertsen reviewed the Five Year Fund Balance report
with the committee. She stated that projected revenues will cover transfers to capital and
required debt coverage. She stated that the projected future water rates were following the
projected future increases in CPI. Ms. Reinertsen stated that the surrounding communities were
surveyed for water rates. The proposed water rate, which was increased by 1.5% falls in the
middle of the communities. The committee discussed including those communities that
produce their own water in the rate comparison. The ordinance to approve the proposed
water rate will be presented at the April 2nd City Council meeting.
VII. Studies and Future Considerations
Mr. Kiely stated that the City has applied for a second recycling grant to aid in the purchase of
the remaining recycling carts. Mr. Kiely stated that an RFP will be going out for a possible
consolidation of surrounding communities dispatching services. Mr. Kiely stated that fire
services consolidation is still being reviewed at this time. Mr. Kiely stated that the cell tower
currently located at Public Safety will need to be replaced soon. Mr. Kiely stated that the City
will need to work with the Senior Foundation for a long term plan regarding the senior
advocate position. Mr. Kiely stated that a cable TV consortium will be looked at to consolidate
cable broadcasting services.
VIII. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, Alderman Schoenheider moved, seconded by Alderman Novit
to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
X. Executive Session on Personnel
Alderman Palmer moved, seconded by Alderman Moore to go into executive session to discuss
personnel and land acquisition.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Hall
Assistant Finance Director