FINANCE COMMITTEE 2010/12/06 Minutes The City of Lake Forest FINANCE COMMITTEE Proceedings of the December 6, 2010 Meeting 6:30 p.m. – City Hall Council Chambers I. Call to Order and Roll Call Chairman Grumhaus called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Present: Mayor Cowhey, Chairman Grumhaus, Aldermen Novit, Widman, Moore, Morsch, Schoenheider, Looby and Palmer. Absent: none. Quorum present. There were three people present in the audience. Staff present: Robert Kiely, City Manager; Kathleen Reinertsen, Finance Director; Louise Breckan, Assistant Finance Director; Michael Thomas, Superintendent of Public Works; Carina Walters, Assistant City Manager; Ramesh Kanapareddy, Assistant City Engineer; Diane Hall, Senior Accountant and Victor Filippini, City Attorney. II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee and Public Works Committee Meeting Held on November 15, 2010 Alderman Looby made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Alderman Palmer. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. III. Capital Equipment Mr. Michael Thomas, Superintendent of Public Works stated that capital equipment is usually discussed at the November budget meeting. However, the internal review process took longer to complete. Mr. Thomas stated that the review of the fleet began in September. The list of equipment to be replaced was reviewed with the internal Fleet Committee and then presented to the departments. The Public Works Committee reviewed this list and it is now being presented to the Finance Committee at this meeting. Mr. Thomas stated that a capital equipment replacement form was completed and those are in the packet. The data presented at this meeting is for informational purposes only. Staff will return at future dates to review bid tabulations and present recommended vendors for the various vehicle purchases. Mr. Thomas stated that at the January 17, 2011 City Council meeting he will be requesting that the City Council authorize the ordering of three large trucks at the state bid prices because the state bid prices expire in February 2011. The trucks would not arrive until FY2012 and therefore would be paid from the FY2012 Budget. Mr. Thomas reviewed all of the proposed FY2012 capital equipment replacements with the Committee. IV. Community and Organizational Goals Mr. Robert Kiely, City Manager reviewed the list of the 2011 Community Goals with the Committee. These goals are 150th Festivities, Affordable Housing, Enhancement of Business Districts, Rail Service and Safety Improvements, Financial Acumen (Thoughtful Financial Planning) and Enhance Communication within the Community. Mr. Kiely reviewed the list of the 2011 Organizational Goals with the Committee. These goals are Operational Restructuring, Settlers Square Improvements, Gorton Community Center and Promoting Green. Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – December 6, 2010 2 Mayor Cowhey reported that on Thursday December 2, 2010, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission awarded the 2010 Development of the Year to The City of Lake Forest’s Municipal Services Building. The City of Lake Forest’s Municipal Services Building site is being commended because it incorporates sustainable green stormwater practices from naturalized detention areas to wetland restoration with water quality features that go above and beyond the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance. The City is also being commended for receiving a Gold LEED certification for the building. The Committee discussed establishing an Environmental Committee. Mr. Kiely will approach schools and the community as participation in this committee is to be the entire community. V. Other Business: Mr. Ramesh Kanapareddy, Assistant City Engineer briefly reviewed with the Committee the City Council agenda item regarding an ordinance lowering the speed limit on Western Avenue, between Illinois Road and Alden Lane to 25 miles per hour. Mr. Kanapareddy reviewed the results of the speed study with the Committee. VI. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None. VII. Adjournment There being no further business, Alderman Looby moved, seconded by Alderman Morsch to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Respectfully submitted, Louise Breckan Assistant Finance Director