FINANCE COMMITTEE 2012/11/19 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the November 19, 2012 Meeting
5:00 p.m. – City Hall Council Chambers
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chairman Pandaleon called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Present: Mayor Cowhey,
Chairman Pandaleon, Aldermen Novit, Waldeck, Moore and Palmer. Absent: Aldermen
Schoenheider, Tack and Adelman. Quorum present. There were fourteen present in the
Staff present: Robert Kiely, City Manager; Elizabeth Holleb, Director of Finance; Diane Hall,
Assistant Finance Director; Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Cathy Czerniak, Director of
Community Development; Mary Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Howell, Fire
Chief; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks and
Bob Ells, Engineering Supervisor.
II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on October 15, 2012
Alderman Novit made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting
held on October 15, 2012. The motion was seconded by Alderman Moore. The motion carried
unanimously by voice vote.
III. Five Year Capital Financial Forecasts
Ms. Holleb, Finance Director reviewed the Five Year Fund Balance reports for the Capital
Improvement Fund, .5% Sales Tax Funds, Water and Sewer Capital Fund, Motor Fuel Tax Fund
and Park and Public Land Fund. She explained the major revenue sources(s) for each of these
She explained a proposed transfer in Fiscal Year 2014 of $1.4 million from the .5% Sales Tax Funds
to the Capital Improvement Fund. She explained that the .5% sales tax revenue is covering the
bond payments for two storm water bond issues. She explained since the inception of the .5%
sales tax, an excess over the required bond payments has accumulated. Staff is
recommending transferring the excess over the required bond payment to the Capital
Improvement Fund to be used as matching funds for grant eligible projects. She provided a list
of proposed projects.
Alderman Tack entered the meeting at 5:20.
Committee members discussed current storm water potential projects as well as a proposed
storm water management study to identify additional projects to utilize the sales tax revenue.
The Committee discussed maintaining a minimum of the current debt service obligation as a
fund balance.
Ms. Holleb stated that the City has hired Burns and McDonnell to review the current water rates
and expenditures for the Water and Sewer Fund. She explained that the results of the report will
be brought to the Finance Committee for review. She explained that the annual rate
adjustments are projected to be higher than those outlined on the schedule provided.
The Committee discussed the City’s rates need to be in line to cover projected costs.
IV. Five Year Capital Improvement Program
Annual Street Overlay Program – Mr. Ells, Engineering Supervisor, showed a map highlighting
those streets identified for FY2014. He explained the list was generated using the 2010
pavement management study. He explained the patching and concrete repair budgets have
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – November 19, 2012
been increased to assist with patching based on calls received from residents. The projected
budget for FY2014 is $1.5 million.
Alderman Schoenheider entered the meeting at 6:10.
Forest Park Improvements – Mr. Thomas, Director of Public Works explained the project is
currently in design phase with Bleck Engineering. He explained the design will be reviewed with
Community Development and Parks and Recreation to ensure the plans conform to the Historic
Preservation Committee recommendations. He stated the bid process will begin in January,
and will be brought to the City Council in February for approval providing the funding
requirements have been met by the Forest Park Foundation. He discussed the portions of the
project that the City will be responsible for.
The Committee discussed construction notification procedures for the residents. Staff explained
construction updates will be placed on a sign board at Forest Park as well as on the City
website. The Committee discussed the usability of the park if funding is not completed by the
Water mains – Mr. Ells showed a map outlining the water mains scheduled for FY2014. The water
mains selected are based on the number of breaks, as well as the costs of maintenance.
Elawa/Gorton capital maintenance – Mr. Kiely, City Manager, stated included in the FY2014
capital budget will be line items for capital expenses for Elawa and Gorton. He discussed these
are City buildings even though third parties are responsible for the locations. He stated the City
needs to budget for capital items, as the City owns the properties. He discussed the
responsibilities of the third parties will need to be clarified.
ADA Recommendations – Ms. Van Arsdale, Director of Parks and Recreation explained a study
was completed of all City facilities and properties to identify area requiring further
consideration. She stated City staff is in the process of reviewing the report provided by the
consultant. She stated the report will be used to develop a multi-year plan to address the
deficiencies. She reviewed examples of some of the findings. She reviewed the Special
Recreation Tax Levy that is outside of the normal tax cap requirements and a comparison of the
City’s rate to other communities. She reviewed the balance available in the Special Recreation
Fund. Mr. Kiely stated an EEOC complaint has been filed regarding access to the lower level at
the Public Safety building.
Golf Course Well – Ms. Van Arsdale explained with the drought this past summer staff has been
asked to research the cost and feasibility of a well at Deerpath Golf Course. She reviewed the
water usage and water expense of the course over the past five years. She reviewed the
suggested location of the well and equipment. The estimated cost for the project is $1,164,000.
She explained the cost includes adding washrooms and modifications to the pump house.
Noting a concern regarding the cost estimate for the project, the Committee discussed funding
will be brought forward at a later time. The Committee requested from staff projected annual
maintenance of the well as well as a projected time period for pay back of the well.
Route 60 Median – Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks showed slides of the three
proposed median areas along Route 60. The designs include irrigation for the three areas. He
stated that Conway Farms will allow the City to connect into their irrigation system. He stated
that the project cost is estimated at $219,000 and would be completed in FY2013. He stated to
complete the project; $131,000 will need to come from the Capital Improvement Fund.
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – November 19, 2012
The Committee requested examples of projects for similar areas that have survived more than
two winters.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) – Mr. Myers stated that EAB continues to be a problem and the drought
has added additional stress to the trees. He stated the first portion of the tree inventory has
been completed by the consultant and training has been provided to City staff to continue the
inventory. He stated staff continues to work with outside companies to assist residents with
treatments and plantings. He reviewed the projected five year costs for the Capital
Improvement Plan. He stated that $565,000 would be needed each year for the next five years.
He discussed approximately 6,000 street trees would need to be replaced. He stated the
proposed Capital Improvement requests for the next five years are $200,000 in FY2014 and
$250,000 for the next four years.
The Committee discussed contacting local vendors to purchase trees in advance, looking at
consortiums and to partner with residents when contractors are working in their neighborhoods.
V. Tax Levy Ordinance – Deferred to City Council meeting.
VI. Bond Abatement Ordinances – Deferred to City Council meeting.
VII. Fee Schedule – Deferred to City Council meeting.
VIII. Use of General Fund Balance Reserves
· Liability Insurance Fund – Optional Deductible Recommendation for 2013 – due to time
constraints, this item was not called for discussion.
· IMRF Early Retirement Incentive (ERI) Liability Payoff Options – Ms. Holleb explained that the
school district would be interested in paying the liability to IMRF early and would be able to
fund any option selected by the City. She stated any early payments would need to be
made before December 31, 2012 to adjust the rate for 2014. She explained the net present
value has been added to the savings calculation. She stated the cost of the City’s
payment would be divided among the General, Parks and Recreation and Water Funds.
She stated there were two employees from the Library and would need approval from the
Library prior to proceedings. It was recommended that the City proceed by paying the
Library’s share and work out a payment arrangement with the Library in January, since their
Board will not meet in December. The Committee concurred that the full payment option
would provide the maximum savings long-term to the City, School District and Library. She
stated the approval request will be brought to the City Council on December 3, 2012.
IX. Other Business
Mr. Kiely stated the next budget meeting will be held on March 18, 2013. The tentative time will
be 5:00 p.m.
X. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee - None
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business, Alderman Palmer moved, seconded by Alderman Novit to
adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Hall
Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes – November 19, 2012
Assistant Finance Director