FINANCE COMMITTEE 2013/09/30 Minutes
The City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the September 30, 2013 Meeting
6:00 p. m. – MS Building – Training Room
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mayor Schoenheider called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. Present: Chairman Pandaleon,
Mayor Schoenheider, Aldermen Novit, Waldeck, Moore, Reisenberg, Tack, Palmer and
Adelman. Absent: None. Quorum present. There were approximately 10 present in the
Staff present: Robert Kiely, Jr., City Manager; Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director; Diane Hall,
Assistant Finance Director; Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; DeSha Kalmar, Human
Resources Director; Jim Held, Police Chief; Jeff Howell, Fire Chief; Mary Van Arsdale, Director of
Parks and Recreation.
The Committee discussed the purpose of the meeting was to identify possible solutions to focus
on for economic uncertainty in future budget years. The City is in a good position now, but will
need to look for possible ways to generate additional funding or cut costs. No decisions would
be made, but staff will be given options to bring back to the Committee at future dates.
II. Consideration of Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting Held on July 15, 2013
Alderman Reisenberg made a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Committee
meeting held on July 15, 2013. The motion was seconded by Alderman Novit. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
III. Budget Calendar
Review proposed budget calendar – Finance Director Elizabeth Holleb reviewed potential
FY2015 budget policy questions that will be discussed with the Committee. Ms. Holleb
reviewed the FY2015 proposed budget calendar, pointing out key dates and noting times
were subject to change.
Distribution of Budget Books – Ms. Holleb stated the distribution of Budget Books has
traditionally been a hard copy and now the City has the ability to distribute as an electronic
document. It was the consensus of the Committee that the FY2015 budget will be distributed
electronically and Committee members will have the option to receive a hard copy as well.
IV. FY2015 Mission Statement
Ms. Holleb stated that as part of the annual budget process, the City Council affirms the City’s
mission statement.
The Committee discussed the Mission Statement and has requested City staff prepare a more
concise statement to be approved at a later date.
V. FY2015 Fiscal Policy
Ms. Holleb stated that recommended changes to the City’s fiscal policy were on page 6. She
stated the only proposed changes were to establish fund balance targets for all funds. She
stated a plan would be put in place for any fund falling below established target.
The Committee discussed the targets would be established based on a percentage of
revenues and different funds would have different requirements based on the funds
classification. Currently all funds are in line with the proposed policy.
The Committee recommended moving forward with the policy and changing Capital Project
funds to NA.
Finance Committee Budget Meeting
Minutes – September 30, 2013
VI. Long Term Financial Planning – General Fund
General Fund Overview – Budgetary Considerations – Ms. Holleb reviewed the Lake Forest
Strategic Plan. Ms. Holleb reviewed the 5 year forecast of the General Fund. She stated
expenditures are growing faster than revenues. The City has reduced staffing, while
maintaining the same high level of service to the residents.
The Committee discussed the City’s high reliance on property taxes, while also discussing the
impact of state revenue on the City’s budget. The FY2015 tax levy will include a 1.7% increase,
but pensions will consume much of this increase.
Ms. Holleb reviewed the Alternate Revenue Survey that was sent to Committee members for
input. The survey included City staff’s ranking as it compares to the Committee. Ms. Holleb
reviewed the effects of generating $1,000,000 in revenue for each survey option and the
impact of each option on residents.
General Fund Expenditures
· Fire Services Study – The study results conclude it would not be in the best interest of the
communities to consolidate four fire departments at this time.
· Central Dispatching Study – City Manager Robert Kiely Jr. stated the study includes five
options for the Committee to consider. The Committee discussed the consolidation
would result in not having personnel assigned to the front desk of the Public Safety
Building. Mr. Kiely stated the study would be discussed at the October 7, 2013
Committee of the Whole.
· Information Technology Shared Services Study – Ms. Holleb stated the City is currently in
the process of working with 12 other communities to explore combining resources to
enable a bulk purchasing approach as it relates to IT services. The municipalities would
be able to select from a menu of services depending on the individual needs of each
· Fleet Service Study – Director of Public Works Michael Thomas stated the City is currently
in the process of working with 4 other communities to review all aspects of the Fleet
department. He stated the initial report should be ready mid-November.
· Sanitation Study – Mr. Thomas reviewed a comparison of the City to Lake Bluff and
Highland Park and the total costs to residents for comparable services. The
Committee discussed the options of increased property taxes as it compares to adding
a small monthly fee to cover services.
General Fund Revenues
Ms. Holleb reviewed the top four revenue sources in the General Fund. Of the top four, property
taxes make up 52.5%. She reviewed a comparison of fourteen communities total tax bill. The City
ranked first for the lowest total tax bill. The City ranks seventh as compared to City Services
alone. She explained the City fell to seventh due to other communities having additional
revenue sources, such as higher sales tax revenue.
VII. Long Term Financial Planning – Capital Improvements Fund
Capital Improvements Fund Overview – Budgetary considerations – Ms. Holleb reviewed the
five year forecast for the Capital Improvements fund. She stated the main revenue source for
this fund is Real Estate Transfer Tax. She reviewed the total projects not included in the five
year forecast. The stormwater study has not been completed, thus these projects have not
been included in the forecast.
Capital Improvements Fund Expenditures
· Stormwater Study – This topic was not discussed due to time constraints.
· Golf Course Deep Well – Mr. Kiely discussed a study was completed by KemperSports as
to the feasibility of installing a well at the Golf Course for irrigation. He stated a number
Finance Committee Budget Meeting
Minutes – September 30, 2013
of financing options have been developed. Costs for the project would be paid by the
Golf Course using current water expenses for irrigation. The total cost of the project
includes the well drilling, pump house and bathrooms. There is a small window to
complete the project, for the summer of 2014, with the necessity of completing the
drilling during the winter.
The Committee discussed the needs of the well. The topic will be on the October 7th
City Council meeting. A proposal from McMahon will be brought to the City Council
for approval to develop a design/build cost for the December 2nd City Council
· Other Major Projects anticipated in FY15 – This topic was not discussed due to time
· Capital Improvement Fund Revenues – Ms. Holleb reviewed the City’s self-imposed debt
cap based on an ordinance passed in 2004, and affirmed in 2008. This ordinance has
kept the maximum debt service to the amount of $2,589,906.
The Committee agreed in concept to utilizing an inflation factor to be applied to the
original debt limit to be applied from 2004 to the present. City staff will prepare an
ordinance to bring forward to the City Council for consideration.
The Committee discussed creating a method to demonstrate actual savings
generated by assumptions and/or options approved by the City Council. This would
heighten accountability.
VIII. Long Term Financial Planning – Water Fund
Water Fund overview – Budgetary Considerations – This topic was not discussed due to time
Water Fund Revenues – Rate Structure Considerations – Mr. Kiely stated this will be brought to a
future Committee meeting and then brought to the City Council for discussion.
IX. Other Business - None
X. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Finance Committee: None
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business, Alderman Reisenberg moved, seconded by Alderman Moore,
to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Hall
Assistant Finance Director