CITY COUNCIL 2021/02/01 MinutesThe City of Lake Forest
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
City Council Meeting - City Council Chambers
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Honorable Mayor Pandaleon called the meeting to order at 6:39pm, and
the City Clerk Margaret Boyer called the roll of Council members.
Present: Honorable Mayor Pandaleon, Alderman Morris, Alderman Karras, Alderman Rummel, Alderman
Notz, Alderman Preschlack, Alderman Goshgarian, Alderman Buschmann and Alderman Weber.
Absent: none
Mayor Pandaleon made the following statement as required by the Open Meetings Act. In accordance with
state statute, Mayor Pandaleon has made a determination that it was not practical or prudent to schedule
an in-person City Council meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why this February 1, 2021
City Council meeting is being held remotely.
Mayor Pandaleon commented on the successful snow removal from the previous weekend.
A. Announcement of New Website/Mobile App
City Manager Jason Wicha gave a brief update on the new City website, which was launched last week. He
gave a brief demonstration of the website, highlighting an improved layout for mobile use, and overall
usability. He added this is still a beta website, and if any issues are identified, to reach out to staff to offer
feedback, or for help navigating the website. Additionally, he gave a brief presentation and demonstration
of the new City application stating that it will launch in the Apple and Android app stores at the end of the
Members of the public can provide public comment by calling into the following number during the
meeting: 847-810-3643
1. Elawa Lease Agreement
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
Regular City Council Meeting
- Property and Public Lands Chair, Ara Goshgarian
Alderman Goshgarian gave a brief update to the City Council explaining the proposed Lease Agreement
between the City and Elawa Farm Foundation. He explained how this agreement will support the long term
relationship between the two parties over the years.
The City Council thanked all members involved in the negotiations and process for updating the agreement.
Additionally, there was discussion regarding the lease rate, and how it was determined.
Elawa Farm Foundation Board President, Marina Puryear offered her comments thanking the City Council,
and City Staff for their support and collaboration throughout the lease agreement process.
1. Request to Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the City of Lake Forest’s Plan of
Operation and Governance for its Electricity Aggregation Program
Alderman Rummel provided brief background to the City Council regarding electricity aggregation. She
explained the potential opportunities for residents to engage in and utilize renewable energy sources with
the assistance of the City.
COUNCIL ACTION: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the City of Lake Forest’s Plan of
Operation and Governance for its Electricity Aggregation Program and open the Public Hearing.
Alderman Karras made a motion to conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the City of Lake
Forest’s Plan of Operation and Governance for its Electricity Aggregation Program and open the Public
Hearing, seconded by Alderman Morris. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Karras, Rummel,
Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, Buschmann and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: None. 8-Ayes, 0 Nays,
motion carried.
The Public Hearing opened at 7:14pm
Assistant City Manager, Mike Strong presented background regarding municipal aggregation, and explained
that the City had previously engaged in an aggregation program. Recently, the City has engaged in a new
municipal aggregation program, which would provide cost savings to the City to purchase renewable energy
credits. This offers the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint, without an increased cost in energy
The City Council had lengthy discussion regarding the difference between community solar credits, and the
electricity aggregation program, and which residents qualify for the different programs. It was further
clarified that community solar credit program savings are accrued by the resident, whereas the electricity
aggregation program savings are accrued by the City.
Rommy Lopat offered comments to the City Council.
Teresa Caringello offered comments to the City Council.
There was additional discussion to work on a stronger communication campaign with residents regarding
eligibility for the different programs.
Plan of Operations and Governance for Municipal Aggregation Program
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
Regular City Council Meeting
COUNCIL ACTION: Close the Public Hearing
Alderman Rummel made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Alderman Notz. The following
voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Karras, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, Buschmann and Weber. The
following voted “Nay”: None. 8-Ayes, 0 Nays, motion carried.
The public Hearing closed at 8:22 pm
1. Approval of an Audit Committee Recommendation to Award a Contract with Baker Tilly US LLP to
Provide Audit Services for Fiscal Years 2021 through 2023, With an Option to Renew the
Agreement for Two Additional Years.
Alderman Morris thanked Finance Director, Elizabeth Holleb, Assistant Director, Diane Hall and the Finance
Department for their work, conducting an RFP process, and eventually the Audit Committee for
recommending the contract with Baker Tilly. Ms. Holleb explained in further depth the process of
interviewing each company that submitted a proposal with the assistance of the Audit Committee. Mayor
Pandaleon stated that the fact that Lake Forest has an Audit committee is rather unusual in most
city governments.
COUNCIL ACTION: Approve of an Audit Committee recommendation to award a contract with Baker Tilly
US LLP to provide audit services for fiscal years 2021 through 2023, with an option to renew the
agreement for two additional years
Alderman Rummel made a motion to approve the Audit Committee recommendation to award a contract
with Baker Tilly US LLP to provide audit services for fiscal years 2021 through 2023, with an option to renew
the agreement for two additional years, seconded by Alderman Morris. The following voted “Aye”:
Alderman Morris, Karras, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, Buschmann and Weber. The following
voted “Nay”: None. 8-Ayes, 0 Nays, motion carried.
1. Approve the Extension of the Mayor’s Declaration of a Local State of Emergency until the
next City Council Meeting
2. Approval of the January 19, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes
3. Approval of the Check Register for the Period of January 1 to January 22, 2021
4. Consideration of an Ordinance Adopting the Fifth Supplement (S-5) to the Code of
Ordinances for the City of Lake Forest Incorporating Recent Code Amendments into the
Official City Code. (Waive first reading and grant final approval)
5. Approval of a Recommendation from the Property and Public Lands Committee to Approve a
New Lease Agreement between The City of Lake Forest and Elawa Farm Foundation
6. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending the City of Lake Forest Liquor Code, to increase the
number of Licenses available in Classes A-1, C- 2 and C-3. (First reading and if appropriate
final approval)
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
Regular City Council Meeting
7. Approval to Purchase One Replacement Marked Police Vehicle Included in the FY2022
Capital Equipment Budget to the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative’s Low Bidder, Currie
Motors, in the Amount of $36,487
8. Award of Bid for the Replacement of a Fire Department Administrative Vehicle Included in
the FY2022 Capital Equipment Budget to the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative’s Low Bidder,
Currie Motors, in the Amount of $43,890
9. Award of a Bid for the Purchase of a Pull-Behind Top Dresser Included in the FY2022 Capital
Equipment Budget, to the National Sourcewell Low Bidder JW Turf in the Amount of $36,893
10. Approval to Purchase a Replacement Fairway Mower for the Golf Course Section to Reinders,
Inc. in the Amount of $46,520, Included in the FY 2022 Capital Equipment Budget
11. Consideration of Ordinance Approving a Recommendation from the Zoning Board of
Appeals. (First Reading, and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval)
COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented
Mayor Pandaleon asked members of the Council if they would like to remove any item or take it separately.
The City Council had additional discussion on item #4, #6 and #8. Mayor Pandaleon again asked members of
the Council if they would like to remove any item or take it separately. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.
Alderman Goshgarian made a motion to approve the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented, seconded by
Alderman Preschlack. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Karras, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack,
Goshgarian, Buschmann and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: None. 8-Ayes, 0 Nays, motion carried.
Information such as Purpose and Action Requested, Background/Discussion, Budget/Fiscal Impact,
Recommended Action and a Staff Contact as it relates to the Omnibus items can be found on the agenda.
1. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Plan Commission Pertaining to a Zone Change
and Plat of Consolidation Related to Phase 3 of the McKinley Road Multi-Family Planned
Development (Motion)
Alderman Morris stated that he has an investment in one of the buildings and is recusing himself from
discussion and voting on the matter. Mayor Pandaleon asked City Attorney Tappendorf to offer legal
perspective on Alderman Morris’s statement. Ms. Tappendorf clarified that there is not a legal or statutory
conflict of interest, however each elected official can make the determination to step out of a matter.
Director of Community Development, Catherine Czerniak reported that this recommendation comes from
the Plan Commission on the McKinley Multi-family Planned Development. Ms. Czerniak stated the she will
explain what is before the City Council and provide background and review options before the City Council
to take action on.
Ms. Czerniak reported that what is before the City Council this evening comes out of the fifth in a series of
Plan Commission meetings on the Phase Three of the McKinley Road Redevelopment. The Plan Commission
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
Regular City Council Meeting
after hearing considerable public testimony and considerable deliberation, had a motion placed on the table
to approve the zone change and the Plat of consolidation. That motion failed with two ayes, and three nays.
Ms. Czerniak noted that the Plan commission did not forward recommendation on the entirety of the
petition to the City Council, only a recommendation on the zone change and the plat. She stated that there
was no vote taken on the Special Use Permit. Ms. Czerniak reported no changes are proposed to the
boundaries of the historic district.
Ms. Czerniak reviewed the process overall to date, noting that in 2016 the Plan Commission deliberated and
ultimately recommended approval of a Master Plan for the area, which the City Council approved in 2017.
The Master Plan envisioned three phases of development. Phase One of the project was the Condominium
building that was approved in 2017. Once it was recognized that there was significant interest in the
condominiums at that location, the City reached out to developers and began negotiations about the
incorporation of all of the City property into the development. The Property and Public Lands Committee
was very involved in these discussions and ultimately the City Council authorized the Mayor and the City
Clerk to enter into a Purchase Sale Agreement, the agreement was executed in 2018. Subsequent to that in
2019, Phase Two, the second building which is now being completed was approved. Then in June 2019 the
Plan Commission began consideration of Phase Three of the project. Ms. Czerniak reviewed the zoning
districts with in the project.
Ms. Czerniak then reviewed the options for City Council action. Accept the Plan Commissions
Recommendation - deny the Zone Change, overturn the Plan Commissions recommendation or Overturn
the Plan Commission’s recommendation and approve the zone change, or Remand the matter for
reconsideration by Plan Commission with direction.
Mayor Pandaleon asked for clarification on the legality regarding rezoning standards. Ms. Czerniak reported
that the City Code has specific criteria which must be considered for a zone change and noted that the code
criteria align closely with the LaSalle/Sinclair standards used by the Courts.
Members of the City Council offered their opinion and asked clarifying questions. The City Council had
lengthy discussion regarding the options presented to be considered by the City Council.
Mayor Pandaleon explained that the action taken by the City Council today was not the final decision on this
matter, explaining the process the Plan Commission would have to go through in the future.
Mayor Pandaleon asked if there was anyone from the public who wanted to address the Council.
Mayor Pandaleon recognized the following persons.
Regina Lind offered comments to the City Council
Jeff Torosian offered comments to the City Council
Lesley Lardino offered comments to the City Council
Anna Block offered comments to the City Council
Courtney McGovern offered comments to the City Council
Todd Curry offered comments to the City Council
Sally Downey offered comments to the City Council
Maggie Coleman offered comments to the City Council
Tom Swarthout offered comments to the City Council
Rommy Lopat offered comments to the City Council
Theresa Caringello offered comments to the City Council
Tim Newman offered comments to the City Council
After public comment, City Council members gave lengthy remarks regarding the three options presented.
Mayor Pandaleon asked Ms. Czerniak to read a portion of the resolution for the City Council. After further
Proceedings of the Monday, February 1, 2021
Regular City Council Meeting
discussion by the City Council and City Attorney, Alderman Preschlack made a motion to add language to the
resolution that would be presented to the Plan Commission on the option to remand.
COUNCIL ACTION: Three options for Council consideration are offered below.
1. Accept the Plan Commission’s recommendation and by motion vote to deny the requested zone
change and approval of the plat of consolidation and direct staff to prepare findings in support of
the denial for Council consideration and final action at the next meeting.
2. Overturn the Plan Commission’s recommendation and by motion vote to approve the requested
zone change and plat of consolidation contingent upon receiving a recommendation from the Plan
Commission on the entirety of the development including the Special Use Permit to allow the
Council to take action as determined to be appropriate on the final phase of the McKinley Road
Planned Development.
3. Remand this matter back to the Plan Commission by a motion approving a Resolution directing the
Commission to complete a review of the third phase of the development in its entirety including
consideration of the zone change, plat of consolidation and a Special Use Permit.
Alderman Preschlack made a motion to remand the matter back to the Plan Commission and pass the
resolution with the addition of language direction to the Plan Commission to put forward the best possible
project that provides the best possible transition and include detailed findings of whether or not the
applicable findings are satisfied, seconded by Alderman Rummel. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman
Morris, Karras, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, Buschmann and Weber. The following voted “Nay”:
None. 7-Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstention, motion carried.
There being no further business Mayor Pandaleon asked for a motion. Alderman Weber made a motion to
adjourn, seconded by Alderman Preschlack. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote at 10:32 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Margaret Boyer, City Clerk
A video of the City Council meeting is available for viewing at the Lake Forest Library and on file in the Clerk’s
office at City Hall. You can also view it on the website by visiting Click on I Want
To, then click on View, then choose Archived Meetings Videos.