PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2019/08/22 Minutes 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL SERVICES TRAINING ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Alderman Michelle Moreno was in attendance. Alderman Melanie Rummel was absent. Staff in attendance included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering and Jason Wicha, City Manager. I. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 23, 2019 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Moreno moved to approve the July 23, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. II. REVIEW DRAFTED INFLOW & INFILTRATION (I&I) POLICY, SEEK FINAL POLICY DIRECTION FROM COMMITTEE – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas explained that this was staff’s first attempt at drafting policies for the Committee’s review. He reviewed the Public Works Committee’s last discussion on the topic that occurred at the July 23, 2019 Committee meeting. He explained that staff is seeking feedback and direction so that a final draft policy can be reviewed and recommended at the next Public Works Committee meeting. Director Thomas explained that two policies had been drafted for the Committee’s review. He explained that the differences between the two policies were in regards to the private procedure section of the policy. He explained that the 2018 smoke testing study report categorized private repairs as quick fix or long-term. Quick fix repairs were repairs that were estimated at $300 or less. Long-term repairs were classified as repairs estimated at $300 or more. He explained that at the Committee’s last meeting, these categories and the types of repairs were reviewed. He explained that the Committee agreed that there were some costly repairs identified in long-term category that could potentially be very burdensome for a homeowner to repair in a short amount of time. Director Thomas explained that staff tried to capture comments from the last Public Work’s Committee meeting in the drafted policies. The Committee discussed supporting a policy that the City does not directly share any cost estimate for any specific private repairs due to the very high-level process that was taken to prepare the estimates. It was explained that the repairs will contain a lot of variability that differ from property to property. The Committee and staff discussed how to support private property owners in making their required repairs. The Committee and staff discussed creating and 2 maintaining a list of licensed contactors who could complete private repairs. It was explained that any list created would not act as any City recommendation of one firm over another. The Committee and staff discussed the repair permitting process and waiving any required City permit fees as part of the private property owner requirement to make their repairs. The Committee and staff discussed the contents of the first letter to private property owners notifying them of the required repair or repairs that need to be made at their property. There was Committee consensus that the letter should detail the specific repair or repairs that need to be made, should not contain estimated costs, outline the importance of eliminating stormwater I&I from the City’s sanitary sewer system, and the letter should highlight the City’s efforts and progress in correcting the public issue areas. The Committee and staff discussed a communication plan that included reviewing the topic in the Dialogue, hosting a focused community session at Gorton Community Center, and reviewing the topic at next year’s ward meetings. The Committee agreed that this communication should occur prior to any private property letters being sent out and that the City’s public repairs should be underway first. The Committee explained that both public and private repairs can be completed concurrently. Director Thomas explained that staff would work on drafting a communication plan. The Committee discussed and agreed that the policy purpose should be expanded to better explain why it is important to correct I&I issues. The Committee and staff discussed flagging these repairs in the City’s building permit system so that when a private property owner is completing permitted work on their property, they can also be notified about their I&I issue and the associated requirements of the repair. The Committee discussed the idea of a more preliminary letter informing property owners of their I&I issue or issues upfront so that they will be more mindful of the other communication efforts going forward. The Committee & staff discussed the challenges associated with a preliminary letter being sent prior to other communication and education being completed. The Committee and staff discussed the current smoke testing schedule and the City’s contracting firm’s process in smoke testing and then producing the report. The Committee and staff discussed the public repairs identified, their associated costs, and the timing for when the information will be shared with the rest of City Council. City Manager Wicha explained that there will be a presentation made on the topic at the November 12, 2019 Finance Committee meeting. The Committee and staff discussed codifying the policy as an ordinance. 3 The Committee and staff discussed the total cost associated with a private property’s repair or repairs dictating when the repairs need to be made. The Committee supported one standard 12-month deadline for all repairs. The Committee and staff discussed making a City staff person available to meet with private property owners to discuss I&I issues in-person at their property. The Committee supported recommending this type of meeting to the affected property owners. The Committee and staff discussed private property owner lateral lining and requirements in replacing private sanitary lateral. The Committee and staff discussed a policy hardship clause. The Committee agreed that a hardship clause should be included in the policy. The Committee discussed the City staff person reviewing and granting hardships. The Committee agreed that the City Manager should review hardship claims. The Committee and staff discussed the idea of sharing information with neighbors so that private property owners can jointly make their repairs to realize potential joint cost savings. The Committee and staff reviewed challenges in proceeding with this approach. The Committee and staff discussed penalties that could be imposed if a repair is not made within the 12-month timeframe. The Committee and staff discussed the City making the repair and then charging the non-compliant property owner. The Committee supported imposing a $750 fine if a property owner fails to respond to the initial certified letter within 60 days. The Committee supported compounding $750 penalties if the repair or repairs are not completed within a year. The Committee supported the idea of tying the repair requirement to the real estate transfer tax. It was agreed that the any repair or repairs to a property not made should hold the issuance of a real estate transfer stamp. Chairman Buschmann requested that the updated draft policy is first shared with himself so that he can assist in wordsmithing some of the sections. Alderman Moreno agreed with the recommendation. III. UPDATE ON RINGWOOD RAVINE PROJECT DESIGN, HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF HEADWALL – DAN MARTIN Superintendent Martin explained that this topic is follow up related to comments made at the June 11, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting. He explained that since that meeting, staff completed a review of the historical significance of the headwall located within the ravine project area. He reviewed a video that also showed the project area and the headwall. He explained that the headwall cannot be seen from the roadway. He explained that staff’s findings resulted in the determination that the headwall is not historically significant. The Committee thanked Superintendent Martin for the update. 4 IV. UPDATE ON OLD ELM / TIMBER STORM SEWER & FOREST HILL WATER MAIN PROJECT – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas explained that the project was completed ahead of schedule. He reviewed pictures of the completed project area. He explained that the project was completed successfully and that the City’s contracting firm and City Engineering Assistant, Bernard Pondexter, did a fantastic job in working on this project. V. UPDATE ON NORTH BEACH ACCESS ROAD PROJECTS– MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas explained that the project is progressing as scheduled. He reviewed pictures of the project area. The Committee and staff had discussions about the accomplished project work. Director Thomas reviewed the remaining work schedule. Director Thomas and the Committee discussed the project budget. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. NEXT MEETING – TBD The Committee and City staff discussed the creation and overall mission of the Public Works Committee. City Manager Wicha explained that he has been working with the Mayor in reviewing the idea and formation of a Sustainability Committee. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Buschmann moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 8:33 P.M. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst