PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2019/04/04 Minutes 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL SERVICES TRAINING ROOM MINUTES I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Aldermen Melanie Rummel and Michelle Moreno were in attendance. Staff in attendance included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering and Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry. Also in attendance was First Ward Alderman, Prue Beidler. II. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 12, 2019 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Rummel moved to approve the March 12, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting minutes subject to the typo identified by Chairman Buschmann. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. III. DISCUSSION ON THE FY ’20 DEERPATH STREETSCAPE DESIGN PROCESS – CHUCK MYERS Superintendent Myers explained that in FY19, City Landscape Architectural Consultant, Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, completed a conceptual plan for Deerpath Road Streetscape. The plan was completed with Bergmann working closely with City staff and the Civic Beautification Committee. As part of FY20 CIP budgeted funds, $150,000 was allocated for a full design of the Deerpath Streetscape Project. Superintendent Myers and Alderman Beidler provided the Committee with an overview of the project and the past discussions about the need for the project. Superintendent Myers explained that once design is completed the City can proceed in funding the project through its own means and/or the City can apply for a federal grant. Superintendent Myers reviewed the below chart: 2 Superintendent Myers reviewed the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP). He explained that ITEP provides funding for community-based projects that expand travel options and enhance the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historic, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure. He explained that ITEP is on a two-year cycle with the next call for proposals due December 6, 2019. Awards will be announced in May, 2020. Superintendent Myers explained that if the City proceeds in submitting and obtaining an ITEP grant, significant time will be added to the project due to the grant’s IDOT requirements in design development and approval. He explained that if the grant is awarded, significant cost savings estimated at $736,000 would be realized. Superintendent Myers reviewed the below conceptual project schedule if the City was to proceed in submitting and obtaining an ITEP grant. Superintendent Myers explained that City staff is seeking the Committees direction in how the City should proceed in funding the project. The Committee, City staff, and Alderman Beidler discussed the project, project funding, project timing, project engineering, and submitting an ITEP grant project proposal. There was consensus amongst the Committee that staff should proceed in conducting an RFP process to identify a landscaping and engineering firm to complete phase I engineering in preparation to submit a project proposal through ITEP. IV. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE CITY ENGINEER SERVICES AGREEMENT – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells explained that the City’s current agreement with Gewalt Hamilton to provide City engineering services will be ending on April 30, 2019. As part of the process to form a new agreement, City staff conducted and completed a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process. As part of the RFQ process, two engineering firms, Bleck Engineering and Gewalt Hamilton, submitted proposals reviewing their firms. Both of the firms were also interviewed by a selection committee comprised of City staff. Following the interviews, the 3 selection committee recommended selecting Gewalt Hamilton to fulfill the next City Engineering services contract. Superintendent Ells explained that Gewalt Hamilton has provided Engineering services for the City over the past six years. Gewalt has been very successful in providing those services. Superintendent Ells reviewed Gewalt Hamilton’s hourly rates and key personnel exhibit that was included in the Committee packet. He explained that the City budgets an estimated annual amount of $43,000 for City engineering services. The Committee and City staff had discussions on the services provided by the City Engineer, past experiences with Gewalt Hamilton, Gewalt Hamilton’s experience with other municipalities, and the proposed contract length and terms. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the City Engineer Services Agreement. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. V. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE AWARD OF THE 2019 SANITARY SEWER INFLOW/INFILTRATION TESTING PROJECT TO RJN GROUP IN THE TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $70,323 – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed the City’s annual smoke testing program. He explained that the City has had portions of the sanitary sewer system become overwhelmed with storm water and cause backups into residents’ properties. The focus of this project will be to test portions of the City’s sanitary sewer system to look for instances of inflow and/or infiltration. If testing shows inflow from private property into the City’s sanitary sewer, the City will require residents to disconnect the illegal connection. If infiltration is shown, the City will line such sanitary sewers and make any necessary repairs. He explained that program bids were received on April 12, 2018 and that a total of two firms submitted bids for the project. RJN group submitted the low bid. RJN Group has agreed to utilize the 2018 pricing for the 2019 program. Superintendent Ells reviewed the below smoke testing funding chart: 4 Superintendent Ells explained that the following areas will be smoked tested in the late summer / early fall: Within the Old Elm / Forest Hill storm sewer and water main project area, Westminster from Green Bay Road to Oakwood Avenue, and a small area near the Spruce & Sheridan sanitary sewer lift station. The Committee and City staff discussed the smoke testing process that included following up on the necessary public and private repairs. The Committee and City staff discussed the potential grant opportunities to help fund public repairs. Alderman Moreno motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the 2019 sanitary sewer inflow/infiltration testing project to RJN Group in the total not-to-exceed amount of $70,323. Alderman Rummel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VI. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE FY ’20 SEWER LINING AGREEMENT – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed the City’s annual sewer lining program. He explained that the City participates in the Municipal Partnership Initiative’s (MPI) joint bid to obtain sewer lining pricing from firms. As a result of the bid process in 2018 under MPI , with Mundlein and Highland Park, a contract was executed with Hoerr Construction. The contract allows for three years of lining; this is the second of the three years. He explained that the 2019 contract unit prices will increase 1.8% over last year. He explained that Hoerr Construction has worked in Lake Forest on previous lining contracts with satisfactory results. He reviewed the below sewer lining funding chart: The Committee and staff had discussions about the lining process, its effectiveness, and where lining has been completed in the past. Alderman Moreno motioned to recommend approval to City Council the FY ’20 sewer lining agreement. Alderman Rummel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VII. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE DES PLAINES RIVER WATERSHED-BASED PLAN – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells explained that the Des Plaines River Watershed Workgroup (DRWW) is a voluntary, dues paying organization with a mission to bring together 5 a diverse coalition of stakeholders to work together to improve water quality in the Des Plaines River and its tributaries in a cost effective manner to meet Illinois EPA requirements. He explained that the City of Lake Forest does participate in and is a member of the workgroup. He explained that Lake County Stormwater Management Commission took the lead to develop a watershed based plan for the DPR planning area. The purpose of their effort was to develop a plan to reduce the impacts of water pollution and flood damage, restore watershed lakes, streams, and wetlands to a healthy condition, and provide opportunities for watershed stakeholders to have a significant role in the process. Superintendent Ells explained that the workgroup is seeking each participating municipality’s public approval of the plan through a standard resolution shared with the member municipalities. The Committee and City staff had discussions about staff’s involvement in developing the plan, its impact, and the area of Lake Forest that is located within the watershed. The Committee and City staff discussed the City’s required IEPA NPDES documentation. The Committee and City staff discussed deicing programs and stormwater management. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the Des Plaines River Watershed-Based Plan. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VIII. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘20 OLD ELM & TIMBER STORM SEWER AND FOREST HILL WATERMAIN PROJECT – BOB ELLS Director Thomas reviewed FY 20 Old Elm & Timber storm sewer and Forest Hill watermain project. He explained that In November,, 2014, Baxter & Woodman performed a comprehensive storm water drainage study for The City of Lake Forest. The report identified thirteen locations to address needed storm sewer improvements. He explained that the highest priority project was constructed during the summer of 2017. The next project, Old Elm & Timber, identified that the existing storm sewer needs to be enlarged to meet the minimum requirements of the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance in order to handle a 10- year storm event. The modeling for this study area showed the existing sewer having a capacity for a 5-year event. By enlarging the storm sewer along Old Elm, the depth of flooding on Forest Hill Road west of Timber Lane will be reduced. 6 Additionally, Director Thomas explained, Forest Hill had multiple water main breaks over the past five years. Staff planned to replace Forest Hill’s water main and, thus the project has been listed in the annual capital project plan. It has been staff’s intention to combine these two projects to minimize the disruption to surrounding residents and to maximize efficiencies by having one contractor install both pipes at the same time. Director Thomas explained that if approved the project would commence on or about June 10th and be completed by the end of August. If approved by City Council, a letter will be sent to the residents within the project limits notifying them of what the project entails, what they can expect, and who to contact if they have any questions or concerns. The City’s website, under “Construction Updates”, will also provide weekly details on the construction schedule. Director Thomas reviewed the following bids that were received by the City: BIDDER BID AMOUNT Copenhaver Construction $1,497,187 Bolder Contractors $1,548,140 A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. $1,564,376 DiMeo Contractors $1,644,739 Acqua Contractors $1,800,000 Campanella & Sons, Inc. $2,091,376 Joel Kennedy Constructing Corp $2,093,330 Berger Excavating Contractors, Inc. $2,134,100 Director Thomas explained that the storm sewer portion of the project came in over budget at $351,889. According to Director Thomas, the project was over budget due to the construction estimate being formed at a time without having a final design. He explained City reserves has to be used to cover the budget overage. Use of the reserves would need to be approved by City Council. Director Thomas explained that the low bidder, Copenhaver Construction, submitted references per the bid documents. References were checked with unfavorable results, primarily focusing on the contractor beginning the job but not returning to complete it until very late in the contract period and sometimes past the contractual end date. References also noted that staff spent a significant amount of time overseeing the construction to ensure items were being installed per the specifications. 7 Director Thomas explained that staff is recommending the contract be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Bolder Contractors. Bolder Contractors references were found to be favorable by the City’s engineering staff. Bolder Contractors has completed many projects this size and larger with many of the surrounding municipalities. Each of the municipalities found Bolder Contractors to be reliable, completed the projects on time, and without constant oversight by engineering staff. Director Thomas explained that like all other underground or large capital projects, staff is requesting a 10% contingency be approved for any unforeseen circumstance that may arise during construction. If the contingency is not needed, the funds will return to the capital fund. He explained that the project has been appropriately budgeted. The Committee and staff discussed project timing, the project area, and construction road closures and the detour route. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award a bid for the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Old Elm storm sewer and Forest Hill water main project, to Bolder Contractors in the amount of $1,548,140. In addition, a 10% contingency is requested for any unforeseen construction issues that may arise during the project. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IX. REVIEW OF THE UPDATED FY ’20 STREET RESURFACING LIST – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed the below updated list of streets that will be resurfaced as part of the FY20 program. He explained that the list had been updated as a result of the City staff decision to allocate additional funds to the City’s street patching program. He explained this decision was because of the reports from many residents and staff of large potholes Citywide. These potholes formed due to the past snow season’s extreme winter weather The Committee and City staff discussed the appropriate traffic control signage for the project. 8 X. DISCUSSION ON THE POSSIBLE PATH ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 60 – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed the discussions and efforts to date concerning the possible path on the north side of Rte. 60. He explained that the project would provide safe bicycle and pedestrian access along Illinois Route 60, while serving as a direct extension of the Middlefork Savanna Trail and a vital link to the Conway Business Park. He explained that the City submitted a grant application for the 2017 ITEP call for projects but did not receive an award. Superintendent Ells reviewed the below estimated project totals with the project: The Committee and City staff discussed the project scope and funding. XI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. XII. NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, MAY 14 – 6:30 P.M. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Rummel moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 9:33 P.M. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst