PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2019/03/12 Minutes 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL SERVICES TRAINING ROOM MINUTES I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. Aldermen Melanie Rummel and Michelle Moreno were in attendance. Staff in attendance included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering and Jim Lockefeer, Management Analyst. II. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 20, 2019 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Rummel moved to approve the February 20, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Alderman Rummel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chairman Buschmann inquired about an update to the Verizon Directional Boring Project. Management Analyst Jim Lockefeer explained that the work was related to cellular service. III. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘20 CONCRETE STREETS, CURB, AND SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed a project bid chart that contained two bids submitted through the public bid process. He explained that both firms that submitted bids have completed prior work for The City of Lake Forest. He explained that in the past the low bidder, Schroeder & Schroeder, has completed this project work for the City on numerous occasions. Superintendent Ells and the Committee had discussions in regards to how the project scope is defined. Superintendent Ells explained that a sidewalk condition survey is completed every five years. The Committee and staff had discussions on sidewalks that have sunken and retain water. Superintendent Ells explained that this is detail that is captured in the survey. The Committee and staff had discussions on some of the areas that appear on the project list. 2 Superintendent Ells explained that the low bid came in under the budgeted amount of $75,000. The Committee and staff had discussions on why a project contingency is not necessary for the project. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the bid to Schroeder & Schroeder in the amount of $74,410.25. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘20 STREET CRACK SEALING PROJECT – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed a project bid chart that contained two bids submitted through the public bid process. He explained that the low bid came in under the budgeted amount of $30,000. He explained that the City’s crack sealing program has been in place for three years. Each year the low bid has been submitted by and awarded to Patriot Pavement Maintenance. Alderman Rummel inquired if the sealant used was coal tar based. Superintendent Ells explained that it is not coal tar based. The Committee and staff had discussions on the pothole filling process and the resident pothole complaint process. The Committee and staff had discussions on sunken roadway manhole covers and the process to get those repaired. The Committee and staff had discussions on the gas light LED conversion project timing. Chairman Buschmann motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the bid to Patriot Pavement Maintenance in the amount of $26,880. Alderman Rummel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3 V. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘20 DEERPATH GOLF COURSE WATERMAIN EXTENSION PROJECT – BOB ELLS Superintendent Ells reviewed a project bid chart that contained five bids submitted through the public bid process. He explained that the low bid came in at $153,711. He explained that because the project is all underground work a 10% contingency is recommended. A 10% contingency to the low bid would make the total requested amount for the project $169,082.10 Superintendent Ells explained that this watermain will support the golf course clubhouse and cart barn fire suppression systems that will be needed to be installed. The Committee and staff had discussions on the golf course’s water usage and how they are billed for the usage. Superintendent Ells explained that Loverde Construction Co., Inc. submitted the low bid. He explained that the firm has not completed work in Lake Forest before, however, their references and other contractors they work with provided positive feedback on their work. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the bid to Loverde Construction Co., Inc., to include a 10% contingency, in the amount of $169,082.10. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VI. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘19 CITY HALL CARPET REPLACEMENT PROJECT – DAN MARTIN Superintendent Martin reviewed a project bid chart that contained two bids submitted through the public bid process. 4 Superintendent Martin explained that the low bid was submitted by Best Buy Carpet in the amount of $83,500. He explained that the proposed project funding will be paid for over two fiscal years that includes utilizing budgeted FY19 funds of $43,500 and budgeted FY20 funds of $40,000. The Committee and staff had discussions about local firms participating in the public bid processes. Superintendent Martin explained that the last time City Hall had the carpet replaced was 1996. Superintendent Martin explained that approval is being recommended in order to secure and rollover the FY19 funds. He explained that after May 1 the remaining FY20 dollars will be available to proceed in paying for the project work this summer. The Committee and staff had discussions about potentially rebidding the project. Superintendent Martin explained that he would be concerned about losing the interest of the two firms that already submitted bids if the project were to be bid again. Superintendent Martin explained that an additional $9,000 appeared in the Best Buy Carpet submitted bid for the removal and disposal of the existing City Hall carpet. He explained that those dollars have since been removed from their bid. The City’s Building Maintenance Section will be proceeding in completing that work. He explained this will also give Building Maintenance the opportunity to repair some of the stairs. Superintendent Martin explained that all of Best Buy Capet’s references came back positive. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the bid to Best Buy Carpet in the amount of $83,500. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VII. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE LOW BIDDER FOR THE FY ‘19 RECREATION CENTER FRONT ENTRANCE REPLACEMENT PROJECT – DAN MARTIN Superintendent Martin reviewed a project bid chart that contained four bids submitted through the public bid process. 5 Superintendent Martin explained the entrance is approximately 40 years old. He explained that the entrance doors and framing are in need of repair. He explained that the repairs will also address existing ADA issues with the front entrance. Superintendent Martin reviewed the project scope. The Committee and staff had discussions about the project scope. Superintendent Martin explained that the low bid came in $19,000 over the original project estimate, however, this is due to some of the additional project work being requested by the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Department will be funding the over budget amount with their own budgeted funds. The Committee and staff had discussions in regards to a project contingency. The Committee recommended a 5% contingency request appears in the City Council write-up. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council the award of the bid to ATP Enterprise Group, Inc. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The Committee had discussions on the City’s policy on project contingencies. VIII. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL PARTICIPATION IN THE RENEWAL YEAR OF LAKE COUNTY’S SALT PURCHASE PROGRAM TO PURCHASE 3,600 TONS OF SALT AT A PRICE NOT-TO-EXCEED THE CONTRACTUAL MAXIMUM INCREASE OF 5% ($61.79 X 1.05 = $64.88 PER TON) - MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas reviewed and explained a salt summary chart. 6 Director Thomas explained that staff is again requesting to purchase salt via the Lake County salt bid to obtain competitive pricing. The Committee and staff had discussions about the City's salting policy and practices. The Committee and staff had discussions on the Beet Heet trial period and its effectiveness. Director Thomas explained that Beet Heet has been working very well. Superintendent Martin explained that the product is made from a sole source vendor and that staff will proceed with purchasing the product for the 2019-2020 winter season. The Committee and staff had discussions about other environmental products similar to Beet Heet. Director Thomas explained that staff will continue to monitor and research the effectiveness of these alternative products. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to City Council participation in the renewal year of Lake County’s Salt Purchase Program to purchase 3,600 tons of salt at a price not-to-exceed the contractual maximum increase of 5%. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Alderman Moreno was excused from the meeting following the conclusion of this agenda topic. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. Chairman Buschmann reviewed the SWALCO recycling chart that appeared in the most recent quarterly Dialogue newsletter. The Committee and staff had discussions on the recycling chart. Superintendent Martin provided the Committee with a brief update on the City’s recycling education campaign that included a review of a recycling mobile app that the City is working on with Green Minds of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff. X. NEXT MEETING – APRIL 9, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. The Committee confirmed that the next meeting would not be to occur on April 9, 2019. The Committee agreed that the next meeting would be held on April 4, 2019. Chairman Buschmann and the Committee had discussions on the landscaping equipment hours of operation changes that were approved by City Council. Chairman Buschmann explained that he would like to review battery powered landscaping equipment in person when crews are utilizing the equipment at 7 Forest Park. Chairman Buschmann requested that education efforts through the landscaper licensing program continue. XI. XI. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Rummel moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 8:22 P.M. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst