PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2019/02/20 Minutes1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2019 – 7:30 A.M. MUNICIPAL SERVICES TRAINING ROOM MINUTES I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the meeting to order at 7:30 A.M. Aldermen Melanie Rummel and Michelle Moreno were in attendance. Staff in attendance included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering; Elizabeth Holleb, Director of Finance and IT; Bernard Pondexter, Engineering Assistant; Chuck Myers, Superintendent Cemetery, Parks & Forestry and Jim Lockefeer, Management Analyst. Also in attendance was Bill Weaver, Senior Principal Engineer & Vice President of AECOM. II. APPROVAL OF THE January 8, 2019 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Rummel moved to approve the January 8, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. III. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL OF THE NORTH BEACH ACCESS ROAD REALIGNMENT & RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT BIDS – MICHAEL THOMAS & BILL WEAVER, P.E. AECOM Director Thomas reviewed the project bid chart that contained the bids submitted and opened on February 19, 2019. 2 Director Thomas explained that every firm that submitted a bid attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting. He explained that staff was very happy with the bids received and the competitive process. He explained that John Keno and Company, Inc. (“Keno”) submitted the low bid. Director Thomas explained that Keno has already agreed to complete the private work to the private property ravine slope adjacent to the North Beach Access Road ravine. Director Thomas reviewed the project budget. He explained that at the March 11, 2019 Finance Committee Budget Workshop meeting, the Finance Committee will be reviewing a handful of recommendations for additional capital improvement projects. He explained that one of the recommendations is for the North Beach Parking Lot. He explained that the parking lot is the original lot from the late1980s, excluding the numerous patches that are completed annually. He explained that the lot is in need of repair and that the bluff project is an opportune time to complete the parking lot project. Therefore, staff is recommending to add $200,000 project budget to complete the North Beach Parking Lot repair. Director Thomas explained that Keno was also the contractor for the North Beach Access Road Ravine Project and did not submit any change orders or use any contingency funds. He explained that staff is recommending transferring those contingency funds to the bluff project. Director Thomas explained that no dollars for project contingency have been budgeted. He explained that Keno has shown through past project experience that they submit very strong original project cost submittals and rarely use contingency funds. He explained that typically project contingency funds are 10% of the project bid. He explained that if Keno is selected, he would be comfortable with a 5% contingency. The Committee and staff had discussions on the low bid submitted and if there is any expectation that the project cost comes in higher or lower. Bill Weaver, Senior Principal Engineer & Vice President of AECOM, explained that he thought the final cost would be in line or very close to the bid submitted by Keno. Director Thomas reviewed a portion of Lake Road, at Deerpath, that will be closed during the duration of construction. He explained that entire Forest Park Ring Road will also be closed during construction. The Committee had discussions about the contingency budget and rate. Director Thomas explained that if a 10% contingency rate is applied to the Keno low bid total, an additional $208,836 is needed. The Committee and staff had discussions about funding a 10% contingency. Director Thomas explained that funds from recommended projects would need to be removed from the additional CIP project list that will be presented at the March 11, 2019, Finance Committee Budget meeting in order to cover the additional funds needed for the low bid and the project contingency. 3 The Committee had discussions on the project budget, the project funding sources, and the project expenses. The Committee requested that a detailed project budget and expense summary is prepared for and presented to the City Council at the next meeting. Director Holleb explained that the initial $2,000,000 project budget was set to include all costs. Director Thomas explained that there is additional funding of $200,000 to be added to the project budget if the Finance Committee approves of the recommendation at the March 11, 2019 meeting. Director Holleb confirmed that additional funding for the project would mean removing one of the additionally proposed CIP projects that will appear at the March 11, 2019 meeting and directing those project funds towards the bluff project budget. The Committee and staff had discussions on the projects that appear on the additional project list that is going to be recommended at the March 11, 2019 meeting. The Committee and staff had discussions on projects that could be potentially funded with the 10% project contingency fund if the funds go unused. Director Holleb explained that the Forest Avenue Parking Lot Resurfacing Project is an additional project being recommended at $265,000. Director Thomas reviewed the timing of the potential Forest Avenue Parking Lot Resurfacing Project. He explained that if Keno does not use any of the contingency funds that the project could still be potentially completed this summer using those funds. Director Holleb confirmed that the proposed project could be brought to City Council once it is confirmed that the contingency dollars will not be utilized and are no longer needed for the bluff project. The Committee and staff had discussions on the bluff project timing and when staff would have a better understanding of when the Keno contingency dollars could be potentially released if they are not utilized. The Committee and staff had discussions about the construction truck route. Director Thomas reviewed the truck route and explained that the route information would be communicated to residents. The Committee and staff had discussions in regards to the donations received for the bluff project and how they are incorporated into the budget. Mr. Weaver reviewed some additional design features that were incorporated into the project design that were not known back when the project design funding was approved by City Council at the October 15, 2018 meeting. He explained that the additional features added to that October 15, 2018 cost estimate. The Committee recommended that those additional features are highlighted within the City Council write-up and presentation. The Committee and staff had discussions about the widening of the road and the impact it has on larger truck access. 4 Chairman Buschmann reviewed the following Committee recommendations of approval to City Council: • Award a bid for the project to John Keno & Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,088,363.40 • Approve an engineering and/or construction contingency (10% of the low bid) for the project in the amount of $208,836.34 • Approve utilizing the unused NBAR ravine project contingency in the amount of $83,090 for the project • Contingent upon the Finance Committee’s approval at the March 11, 2019 FY 2020 Budget meeting, approve additional CIP funding for North Beach Parking Lot ($200,000) and bluff repairs ($245,000) totaling $445,000 addition towards the project Alderman Moreno moved to approve the above recommendations of approval to City Council. Alderman Rummel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. REVIEW OF FIVE-YEAR BIDDING HISTORY FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS & PURCHASES – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas reviewed a chart that summarized the competitive and non- competitive five-year bidding history of the Public Works Department. Director Thomas explained that a detailed report of each process identified in the chart was included in the packet. He explained that the detailed report also highlights the justification that was utilized in a non-competitive bid process. He explained that staff believes that there is strong justification for when there is a request to waive the bidding process. The Committee and staff had discussions on the non-competitive bid processes and the justifications made. 5 The Committee and staff had discussions about reviewing the non-competitive processes periodically to see if there are competitive bidding opportunity areas. Director Holleb explained that staff recommended purchasing policy revisions will be brought to the Finance Committee at the April meeting. A city-wide departmental analysis of the bid process is also going to be reviewed at the April meeting. She explained that in reviewing the analysis the Finance Committee may want to consider removing an exemption to the purchasing policy. The Committee had conversations about joint bid opportunities and how the policy currently requires there be a waiving of the bid process to participate on an outside agency’s joint bid process. The Committee had discussions about joint bid processes and how they should be encouraged. V. REVIEW OF DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING ISSUE – JIM LOCKEFEER Management Analyst Jim Lockefeer reviewed a presentation on the topic. He explained that Alderman Rummel provided a lot of research on the topic that was included in the meeting packet. Mr. Lockefeer reviewed background information on sealcoating and how coal tar is commonly used as part of the process. He explained that studies have shown coal tar is hazardous due to the high amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Mr. Lockefeer reviewed surrounding local government bans on coal tar as well as a state bill that was introduced that banned the use of coal tar in sealcoating statewide. He reviewed challenges that the City of Lake Forest would face if a ban where to implemented. He explained that challenges included administering a ban, enforcing a ban, and the effects of a ban on contractors and local businesses. Mr. Lockefeer reviewed how Highland Park and Winnetka administer their local coal tar bans. He explained that they require a sealcoating license that contractors sign off on that states they will not utilize coal tar. He explained that their programs were somewhat similar to the City’s landscape licensing program. The Committee had discussions in regards to the chemicals the City is using in operational practices and how staff needs to be mindful of the products being used. The Committee and staff had discussions on the Lake Forest Collaborative for Environmental Leadership and the Collaborative’s past conversations and discussions on coal tar. The Committee and staff had discussions in regards to what City group, board, commission, or committee should continue to research the topic and bring forward a recommendation on coal tar forward to City Council. 6 The Committee recommended that the Lake Forest Collaborative for Environmental Leadership and any other appropriate group further reviews the issue and if appropriate, make a recommendation on the topic. The Committee explained that the topic could potentially be reviewed by City Council in June. VI. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO PUBLIC WORKS’ CORE & ELECTIVE PROGRAMS – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas reviewed comments and suggestions that were received by Alderman Rummel in regards to the Public Works’ Core & Elective Program Budget document. He explained that her comments were included in the packet. Chairman Buschmann explained that he made some additional comments and suggestions and shared those with Director Thomas. Director Thomas explained that staff would look to incorporate both Alderman Rummel and Chairman Buschmann’s comments into the Public Works’ Core & Elective Program Budget document. He explained that the updated version will then be shared with the Committee to see if there are any further edits or suggestions requested. The Committee and staff had discussions about some of the programs outlined in the Core and Elective document. VII. VERBAL UPDATE OF BEVERLY COM ED ISSUE – MIKE STRONG Director Thomas explained that Mike Strong was not able to make it to the meeting this morning. He explained that Mr. Strong did put together a written update that has been shared with the Committee members. He explained that according to Mr. Strong’s update ComEd is moving forward with two strategies that address the customer owned facility situation throughout their territory. He explained that Mr. Strong is working with ComEd to identify a finer timeline for when the strategies will be implemented. The Committee and staff had discussions about the ComEd strategy to implement a credit/incentive program to incentivize customers who have customer owned facilities to convert their equipment from overhead to underground. VIII. REVIEW OF PROPOSED VERIZON FIBER DIRECTIONAL BORING SITES FOR 2019 – MIKE STRONG & BERNARD PONDEXTER Engineering Assistant Bernard Pondexter reviewed a map with the Committee that outlined Verizon proposed fiber directional boring project sites. He explained that Verizon has submitted numerous permits for the sites. He explained that Verizon submitted similar permit requests and completed work in Highland Park last year. Mr. Pondexter explained that he and Mr. Strong will be meeting with Verizon this upcoming Monday to review their permit requests in detail. He explained that he will also be reviewing the upcoming City CIP projects that will 7 be occurring this upcoming summer that Verizon’s permit requests can not interfere with. Mr. Pondexter explained that the directional boring work Verizon is looking to complete is not very intrusive and should not require major parkway landscape restoration work. He explained that he will be monitoring any permit work that is approved and will be requiring Verizon to complete any necessary landscape restoration work. The Committee and staff had discussions on the locations within the parkway that the directional boring work will occur. The Committee and staff had discussions in regards to why Verizon is looking to complete this work and how it benefits Verizon costumers. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry, provided the Committee with a brief update on the leaf blower topic. He explained that the Public Works Committee recommendation of the proposed change to the weekend hours will be brought to the City Council at the next meeting, March 4, 2019. Superintendent Myers explained that he will be inviting all the residents who he has received correspondence from on the topic to attend the meeting. The Committee and staff had discussions on the decibel levels produced by electric blowers. X. NEXT MEETING – MARCH 12, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. (if needed) The Committee confirmed that the next meeting will be held March 12, 2019. XI. XI. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Rummel moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 10:23 A.M. Alderman Moreno seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst