PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2019/01/08 Minutes1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL SERVICES TRAINING ROOM MINUTES I. ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Alderman Melanie Rummel was in attendance. Alderman Moreno was absent. Staff in attendance included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering; Brian Joyce, Engineering Supervisor; Bernard Pondexter, Engineering Assistant; Jim Koblas, Engineering Assistant; Dan Strahan, City Engineer; Matt Moffitt, P.E. Baxter & Woodman; David Warner, City Attorney’s Office and Jim Lockefeer, Management Analyst. Residents in attendance included James McMenamin & Maureen Costello of 452 E. Old Elm Road, Bud Foley of 1155 S. Green Bay Road, Emerson Bodell of 1025 Forest Hill Road, Adem Mackic of 376 E. Old Elm Road, John Muscarello of 1059 Forest Hill Road, Dennis Brown of 981 Forest Hill, Pat Ryan of 1127 Forest Hill, Susanna Bunta of 1115 Forest Hill and Lauren Turelli of 1020 Forest Hill. II. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 11, 2018 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Rummel moved to approve the December 11, 2018 Public Works Committee meeting minutes subject to the recommended changes by Chairman Buschmann and Alderman Rummel. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. III. PRESENTATION / DISCUSSION OF THE OLD ELM & TIMBER STORM SEWER, FOREST HILL WATERMAIN, AND SMOKE TESTING PROJECT FOR SUMMER, 2019 – MICHAEL THOMAS & BOB ELLS Director Thomas welcomed the residents who were in attendance to learn about the topic. Director Thomas introduced Matt Moffitt of Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers. Director Thomas explained that Mr. Moffitt and his team designed the storm sewer portion of the project and that they are also currently designing the watermain portion of the project. He explained that Baxter & Woodman and Mr. Moffitt have completed numerous projects for the City in the past. Mr. Moffitt reviewed a presentation on the project scope. He reviewed the issue area at the sag on Forest Hill Road that floods and the overland flowpath from the sag west towards Green Bay Road. Mr. Moffitt reviewed the design of the storm sewer project. He explained that the project will increase stormwater conveyance and inlet capacity to help relieve the flooding experienced at the issues area. Mr. Moffitt reviewed a Forest Hill flooding rate table that outlined the existing flooding conditions and flows Forest Hill experiences during different rainfall events. The chart also outlined how the project would improve these conditions and flows during those same types of rainfall events. Mr. Moffitt reviewed additional work that would be completed during the project that 2 included the installation of curb and gutter along Old Elm Road from Timber Road to Green Bay Road, resurfacing the extent of the project area, and the watermain installation on Forest Hill Road from Timber Road to Linden Avenue. Director Thomas thanked Mr. Moffitt and asked if anyone in attendance had any questions about the project. He explained that in addition to Mr. Moffitt there was also additional City staff members in attendance to help answer questions. Questions asked and discussions continued on project timing, project scope, construction during heavy rains, project funding, how the additional work is related to the project, smoke testing, road detours during construction, and driveway access during the project. Director Thomas explained that a mailing would be sent to every home within the project scope that would summarize the questions asked and the responses to the questions that were discussed tonight. He explained that a copy of tonight’s presentation would also be enclosed in that mailing. The Committee members thanked the residents in attendance for attending the meeting to learn about the project. IV. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL MODIFICATIONS TO THE CITY’S STORM SEWER POLICY REGARDING RAVINES – JIM LOCKEFEER Management Analyst Jim Lockefeer explained that in the meeting packet tonight there is a red lined version of the City’s current Stormwater Management Policy (SMP) that outlines proposed modifications to the policy. He explained that the purpose of the modifications are to clearly identify and incorporate ravines within the policy. He explained that the processes currently identified within the SMP would now apply to ravines. Mr. Lockefeer explained that initially staff discussed creating an individual ravine management policy. As discussions continued with the City Attorney’s Office, it was recommended that instead of creating a separate policy for ravines, modifications to the existing SMP could easily incorporate and identify ravines as stormwater issues. He explained that the proposed modifications that appear before the Committee tonight were drafted by the City Attorney’s Office. Mr. Lockefeer introduced David Warner from the City Attorney’s Office. He explained that Mr. Warner drafted the modifications and has helped the City with other ravine and stormwater issues. Alderman Rummel explained that she shared and sent edits to the proposed modifications to Mr. Lockefeer. Mr. Lockefeer explained that those comments were shared with Mr. Warner. Mr. Warner explained that he reviewed the edits and thought that they eliminated redundant language and better reorganized provisions. He explained he would incorporate those edits. Chairman Buschmann explained that he had some proposed edits as well. He requested that the edits are reviewed by Mr. Warner and incorporated if Mr. Warner agreed with the suggestions. 3 Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to the City Council the modifications to the Stormwater Management Policy, subject to the review and incorporation of the suggested edits made to the modifications proposed by the Committee. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. V. VERBAL UPDATE ON RECYCLING HAULING & PROCESSING AGREEMENT WITH RESOURCE MANAGEMENT – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas explained that after the topic was reviewed at the December, 2018 Public Works Committee meeting staff found and reviewed an executed version of the agreement. The executed version contained additional information on the contract terms beyond the unexecuted version reviewed prior to the December meeting. Director Thomas explained that it was originally thought the agreement was expired, however, the agreement is in fact still valid. He apologized that this was not something that was discovered prior to the December meeting. He explained that the agreement was executed in 2008 and after the initial five-year term concluded, the agreement would renew annually unless one of the two parties provided a 90-day termination notice. He explained that the agreement terms were originally drafted this way due to the limitations on the amount of the local recycling processors in the market who could meet the City’s needs. Director Thomas and the Committee had discussions on the upcoming recycling educational campaign efforts. The Committee and staff had discussions on contract record keeping practices. VI. REVIEW & RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF BIDS TO CITY COUNCIL FOR VARIOUS F.Y. ’20 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEMS – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas provided a review of the FY20 capital equipment purchases. He explained that at the last Public Works Committee meeting the Committee reviewed and approved a draft list of three capital equipment items. He explained that if the Committee approves recommending the purchases to City Council, the items would appear on the January 22, 2019 City Council meeting agenda for City Council consideration. Director Thomas explained that staff is requesting approval to purchase the two replacement 5-yard dump trucks and the log loader through the National Joint Powers Alliance’s (NJPA) vendors. Director Thomas reviewed the following bids received as well as the replacement value of the City’s current vehicle. 4 Director Thomas and the Committee had discussions on the trade in value of the current equipment that is scheduled to be replaced. Alderman Rummel motioned to recommend approval to the City Council the bids for various FY20 capital equipment items. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VII. VIDEO UPDATE OF THE NORTH BEACH RAVINE REPAIR PROJECT – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas reviewed a video that was taken by a drone to show the project work completed thus far. He explained Keno Construction has completed approximately 95% of the project. 5 Director Thomas and the Committee had discussions on the white stone that was installed as part of the project. Director Thomas provided the Committee with an update in regards to the adjacent private homeowner ravine work that was also going to be completed. Director Thomas provided a brief update on the Forest Park Bluff Project and the new road that will be constructed as part of the process. He reviewed the amount of semi-trucks expected to deliver and take-away constructions materials. The Committee and staff had discussions on the Forest Park Bluff Project and the bid process. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. Chairman Buschmann explained that he received an email from Green Minds Lake Forest and Lake Bluff (Green Minds LFLB) in regards to leaf blower emissions. He recommended that the group is invited to City Council the next time the topic is discussed so that they can share their comments publically with the Council. Alderman Rummel recommended that the Loobys are also invited to the meeting as well. The Committee had discussions on the noise and emissions leaf blowers produce. IX. NEXT MEETING – FEBRUARY 5 OR 12, 2019 – 6:30 P.M. Alderman Rummel explained that she would like to review coal tar sealants at the next Public Works Committee meeting. She explained that she would share materials that she has researched on the topic with the Committee and City staff. Mr. Lockefeer and Superintendent Ells shared past City discussions and efforts on the topic. Director Thomas explained that he would follow up with the Committee in regards to the next meeting date. X. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Rummel moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 8:46 P.M. Chairman Buschmann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst