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PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 2021/01/28 Minutes 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2021 – 3:30 P.M. REMOTE ACCESS MEETING MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Raymond Buschmann called the virtual meeting to order at 3:30 P.M. Aldermen Ted Notz and Jim Preschlack were present. Chairman Buschmann stated that in accordance with state statute, he made the determination that it was not practical or prudent to schedule an in-person Public Works Committee meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore the meeting was being held remotely. Staff virtually attending the meeting included Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Dan Martin, Superintendent of Public Works; Bob Ells, Superintendent of Engineering; Brian Joyce, Supervisor of Engineering and Jim Lockefeer, Management Analyst. ACTION ITEMS I. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 30, 2020 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alderman Preschlack moved to approve the November 30, 2020 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. II. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL A DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAIN ON DEERPATH FROM AHWAHNEE LANE TO GOLF LANE – MICHAEL THOMAS & BOB ELLS Director Thomas reviewed the below summary presentation slide on the topic. 2 The Committee and City staff discussed the range of cost associated with each proposal and the impacts of the eventual project construction to traffic on Deerpath. Alderman Notz moved to recommend approval to City Council the design proposal for replacement of the water main on Deerpath from Ahwahnee Lane to Golf Lane. Alderman Preschlack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. III. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL A DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR BOTH THE ILLINOIS AND WOODLAND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES – MICHAEL THOMAS & BOB ELLS Director Thomas reviewed the below summary presentation slides on the topic. 3 The Committee and City staff discussed the difference in the budgeted amounts for the bridge designs, the ITEP grant funding opportunity, the estimated useful life of the bridges, practices to extend the estimated useful life of the bridges, and the estimated construction cost of the bridges. Alderman Preschlack moved to recommend approval to City Council a design proposal for both the Illinois and Woodland pedestrian bridges. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL THE PROPOSAL FOR THE WATER PLANT INTAKE CLEANING – DAN MARTIN Superintendent Martin reviewed the below summary presentation slides on the topic. He explained that a copy of the drafted City Council write-up was included in the Committee’s meeting packet. The Committee also reviewed a video of the 2014 cleaning process. 4 The Committee and City staff discussed the frequency of intake cleaning, the City’s Purchasing Policy and sole source purchasing, the location and depth of the intake pipes, and how the intake pipes enter into the Water Plant. Alderman Preschlack moved to recommend approval to City Council waiver of the bid process and award of proposal for the Water Plant Intake Cleaning Project. Alderman Notz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. V. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE 2021 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE – MICHAEL THOMAS Director Thomas reviewed the below summary presentation slide on the topic. The Committee and City staff discussed meeting when necessary. If there is no need to meet based on the agenda items, a meeting will be canceled. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. NEXT MEETING – FEBRURAY 11, 2021 The Committee and City staff briefly discussed the current status of the IDOT Pump Station Project. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Notz moved to adjourn the meeting of the Public Works Committee at 4:26 P.M. Alderman Preschlack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jim Lockefeer Jr. Management Analyst